Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 126: Aili Himeno, Yasushi Nakashima and

Sunny and graduating from virginity, Yangzhen Nakashima struggled with the dungeon offense as if she were ready to be a man.

Until now, we have also avoided fighting demons as far as possible, but now we go resolutely, as if seeking new powers. Occasionally, many of them fled passively and hastily, but Yangzhen's battle abilities grew slightly but surely polished.

This will be my first boss fight today. A big frog demon was the boss, boasting a giant body that drew a line with the demons he had dealt with so far.

It was troublesome to wield a long tongue with paralysis poison, but he continued to shoot even 'Fire Arrow (Ignis Sagitta)' at a distance, stabbing Todome with his sword where his movement was dull, to win safely.

"Yangzhen-kun, good luck today!

And it was also natural to overlap her body with Aili Himeno in Fairy Square where she arrived.

To be honest, I still think Ellie is a skank, it's hard to say I love her from the bottom of my heart, and there's some untrained against Ariko Yangtze River.

But I won't stop asking for a woman whose instincts as a man are in front of me. And I can't even put up with it anymore than I once got my hands on it.

a distorted relationship, while feeling unable to stop it, Yangzhen had nothing better to offer than to continue with the dungeon offense.

But that also quickly comes to a limit.

"Yangzhen-kun, it's dangerous!

"-Come on!?

Yangzhen dodges a huge iron mass coming down from overhead with a single hair.

Seeing as the cobblestone floor is crushed into dust and submerged, he is wary of its destructive power. Eat one of those shots and you will die instantly. I took advantage of the speed of 'Disease (High Walk)' to get away from the intermission for one second.

"One, strong..."

Now standing in front of Yangzhen is the second boss to follow the big frog. The figure is no different from the skeleton I'm used to seeing, but its size is more than double. And the weapon in your hand is also a giant thing, such a big hammer that you can't even lift it in a normal person. If they wield such a huge weapon, it's not that easy to get close.

Or, hitting 'Fire Arrow (Ignis Sagitta)' from a distance didn't do much good. The closed environment of a boss room the size of a gymnasium also makes it difficult to unilaterally continue a long-range attack.

To break the bones of a thick, stubborn giant skeleton, you have to hit 'Flash (Slash)' with crit. But it's hard to find a gap that just lets that blow go.

To defeat this boss, you will have to risk your life and step in and go to a special time. But that's all I was ready for, I couldn't hold on to Yangzhen yet.

"Enough, enough, Yangzhen-kun! Run away!"

"... okay, I will"

Fortunately, the boss room here does not have the structure to close the entrance once in, and it is possible to withdraw at any time. Boss Skeleton, too, can't come after you if you get out of the room, and in the first place, it's not the size you can go through.

Already, it will be the third time we have given up and retreated from the destruction of Boss Skeleton.

"- I don't know if Yang Zhen-kun is the only limit anymore."

Ellie looked down with cold eyes at Yangzhen, who slept well after such intense acts as bumping the remorse she had escaped from the boss.

Thanks to her relationship with Ellie, Yangzhen's yall temper and upliftment did rise, but it is only a matter of feelings. Psychiatry is important, but not absolute, in battle. Feelings alone, strong power can't be gained, and forcing the boss to struggle against him can be a natural consequence.

But what matters to Ellie is the result of defeating the boss, not the process of trying hard to keep fighting. In pulling, it is in itself a matter of proceeding with a dungeon attack.

While Yangzhen's rating drops, who has left the boss against him three times and still can't find a breakthrough like this.

"Oh, I don't know how many skeletons such a big one would be, if it were you or Heavenly Taoist, it would be an easy win."

At the end of the day, I just have to ask Ellie herself to continue to work hard for Yang, to the status quo that is not supposed to come conveniently, such as help, whilst crushing the reckless things that are only crappy delusions.

In the worst case scenario, if Yangzhen is really unable to destroy Boss Skeleton by himself, he will have to shoot the 'Light Arrow (Lux Sagitta)' to cover himself too.

"Ha, ya, definitely fight or something Murie"

Will the boss's strategy yield Yangzhen's efforts or will Ellie be ready? Only by one of these things, it seemed to me - to be broken through.

"Oh, seriously, there's someone here!

"Was it Nakatsuki and, uh, Himeno?

"I haven't seen a guy in my class in a while."

It was when the fourth challenge failed and turned back to the nearest Fairy Square. Some of them were predecessors, no, since the two of them had reached this area first, should we call it a follow-on group?

Anyway, three boys were there.

"What, why..."

"Ahhh! Ueda, Nakai and Shimogawa!? Good, you're safe!

To be honest, Yangzhen had bewildered emotions ahead of joy in the appearance of a trio of boys who were not even close, called the Upper Middle and Lower Trio, but Ellie ran with joy and courage to honestly celebrate their safety.

It's as if they were close friends to each other from the beginning. Ally's reactions, but to the best of Yangzhen's knowledge, none of the three of us should have had any interaction in the class with Ally. And that's also true. Aili Himeno was undoubtedly less than acquainted with anyone in the Upper Middle and Lower Trio, who had never even spoken before.

"Oh, I'm so glad Himeno's okay."

"Is Himegano such a character?

"Well, that's okay, you can honestly be happy to rendezvous."

If you come to a classmate girl who has never spoken to you, and is not a wacko with a good appearance, then you will also be confused. But if even a skank can be honest with a woman, it is also a creature called a man who doesn't feel bad.

As Ellie's Nori dragged them, the three immediately smiled and allowed her to approach.

"I've been worried about everyone in my class, me. I'm so glad you found out just the three of us are safe!

"Well, I had a hard time there,"

"We have the power to do what we do."

"If there's three of us, we'll figure it out."

"What, could all three of you be so strong!? Wow, wow, I can't do that at all."

If I noticed, the story between the three of us and Ellie was starting to get a lot excited. And Yangzhen is completely placed outside the mosquito net.

On that day, Yangzhen, for the first time in a really long time, fell into a painful sleep while suppressing his high libido. Ellie is blossoming in full conversation with the three of them, not where Yangzhen's opponent is.

I kind of have a bad feeling about it.

Along with the screaming man's instinct, Yangzhen could only curb his anxiety and dissatisfaction and close his lid hard to fall asleep anyway.

"Well, today's the day to break through the boss, good luck -!

and the purposefully strained voice of Ellie echoes into Fairy Square.

When Yangzhen woke up, we had already talked.

"Good for you, Yangzhen-kun. He said the three of them are working together to bring down the boss! You've got a comforting side, you've done it!

Do you keep these three company? Yangzhen thought reflexively that he "didn't like" acting with them, but that he's actually stuck with the boss, the power of three men with a vocation, and rationally, there's no other option than to work with them.

But it is also natural to be dissatisfied with the fact that, in accepting a new companion, there was no proper place for discussion, at least while Yangzhen was asleep, Ellie and the three of them decided to take the liberty of proceeding with the conversation. How can Ellie not ask herself anything...

Though there is dissatisfaction and distrust for her, in the end, I just feel sorry for my passivity for not being able to get into the circle of stories between Ellie and the three of us.

"Oh, yeah, yeah... maybe if there were three of us, we could take down the boss"

Now, I wish I could not defeat the boss, what a Yang Zheng I thought.

And even if the three of them are weaker than themselves, they can't be in a convenient power relationship.

"Olah!" Flash (Slash) "Huh!

"Ullah!" A Dozen (Smash) "Ooh!

Ueda, a heavenly "swordsman", and Nakai, a "warrior," the two are resolutely attacking the boss of a giant skeleton without any fright. The momentum has no hesitation as if it were itself a player character in an action game.

But that way of fighting was not just getting on well with gaining the power of vocation.

"Hey, you're in danger!" Water Flow Whip (Aqua Bind) "!

A direct hit won't spare you a fatal injury, a blow by Boss Skeleton's giant hammer swings up to smash Ueda and Nakai challenging the melee - but the 'Water Flow Whip (Aqua Bind)' unleashed by the heavenly 'Hydromage' Shimogawa tangles Skeleton's arms and seals his movements.

The whip of water twirling like a serpent is broken in the next moment by Skeleton's power, but only its one-tempo took advantage of the respite that the attack had delayed, and Ueda and Nakai were quickly taking it off outside of the intermission.

"Heh, it's late, it's a hassle!

"It's just a massive attack, Choroy, he's not!

"You can safely avoid it because I'm there for you!

Once again, Ueda and Nakai are slaughtered when Boss Skeleton's blow comes off. And precisely the water magic of the lower river goes into cover for attack motion and when the two stand in a bad position and so on, overcoming the crisis.

The three are as loud and uplifting as you would see in their usual classes, a bit obnoxious. Yes, that's not alarming, but the confidence that comes from a definite experience.

Each strength was not as prominent, but they had a definite weapon called 'teamwork'. The power of friendship that has been cultivated throughout student life has blossomed into great collaboration in this dungeon.


"Boss, destroy it!

"Huh, no big deal, boss."

The Boss Skeleton finally collapses before a coordinated attack by the three. Numerous bursts of swordsman and warrior martial arts on his knees finally smash his joints. If even one knee is crushed beyond being bipedal, you have to fall.

And if you succumb to the ground even once, there's nothing more than a weakness that didn't arrive in a high position, that is, being caught with a focused aim at the head and defeated without even allowing Locke to fight back.

Taking it out of a large, crushed cores, also a testament to the symbolism of the boss, the three raised their red, shining cores as they gave rise to the ambition of victory.

"Career! Awesome! I beat the boss, I did it!

So, with a deliberately yellow cheer, Aili Himeno praises their battle by joining the three circles of joy. I was just watching, but I was tearful and grateful, as if I had accomplished the feat of destroying the boss with them myself. The figure is as if I was just supporting Koshien winning school, a school-wide backed girl student who cries and rejoices with me... but in this touching and delightful scene, not a single person has a kerchief in that attitude.

"Wow, that's awesome. All three of you are too strong to defeat the boss so easily! Me, I thought maybe I couldn't do it here anymore... but thanks to the three of you for coming... ugh!

"Ha, come on, you don't cry"

"Well, you were the only one cornered, Himeno,"

"Don't worry, we'll follow you from now on."

To Ellie, who cries in emotion, the three of them say warm words. Apparently, even if they praise the destruction of the boss, it's not full of them. Well, if it's a girl who praises and cries and rejoices, her self-esteem as a man is also more tickled.

"Thank you, thank you so much!

Yangzhen could only look in silence at Ali as she shouted her thanks in tears and hugged the three of them.

Destroyed the boss skeleton, Ally's five-man party goes along well with the dungeon offense. If you have three upper middle and lower trios, you can break through without difficulty, even if a bunch of demons like you would have avoided had you been alone. Running away or bypassing is reduced, and the speed at which it proceeds is not an earlier ratio.

"Ha ha! My sword was on me today!

"Damn, if Goma and I hadn't escaped, I'd have beaten you better."

"It would be easier if I had more aggressive magic too... Can't we learn new magic soon?"

The three of them kicked through a herd of Goma encountered in the forest dome. For once, Yangzhen also fought, but the effects are still less than those of the three people who can fight in tandem.

Ueda, a swordsman with more than a dozen swords, laughs and boasts of his best work at the party. Simply self-satisfaction is not the only reason I can honestly rejoice so far. He fights demons like, no, they compete because there's a reward there.

"Then you're Ueda for today's MVP!

"Ouch! No, seriously, you were doing well today. You grew up once as a swordsman, didn't you?

Ha ha, and to Ueda, who laughs in good shape, Ellie is gaveling with a brilliant smile.

So, leaving the two of you sitting back in the fountain of Fairy Square and bickering, the other faces are shitty and dispersed.


In Yangzhen's eyes, who looked back just before he left, across the fountain, Ueda held Ellie's shoulder and lay her lips forcefully -

"Hey, what are you doing, Nakatsuki? Let's go."

"Hehe, peeping is a bad hobby"

"Well, that's not true... I'm coming now"

Yangzhen followed closely after Nakai and Shimogawa with nasty niyake faces.

How the hell did this happen - even though I know it was pointless, Yangzhen thinks about it.

Since when, if asked, would you be right to say, After defeating Boss Skeleton, Ellie went to the bets on three of the top, middle, and bottom trios she could count on in battle.

And the next night I reached Fairy Square, I witnessed Ellie dive into Ueda's bunk. The next day we went under Nakai, the next day we went down the river - and since then, the rule was in place that whoever had the most success in a day's battle would sleep with Ellie.

It's not what someone said, but it happened naturally. In other words, Yangzhen couldn't say anything.

"Ellie is my woman!

I was ready to be hostile to the three of you. But I couldn't say that out loud and declare it.

Yangzhen is not going out with Ellie. It's just, somehow, she forgives me, she accepts me, so I cut it off, and I was just sweet.

That must have been, like, comfortable and pleasant. Even in a dungeon life like this, it was so vibrant and healing of the mind that it could go so hard.

But when you're no longer alone in enjoying that pleasure, can people be sane at all...

"Shit, it's definitely my turn tomorrow."

"No, it depends. Then it's my victory."

The two walking forward accept the current 'rules' as a matter of course. In such a messy relationship, where one woman is used around by more than one man, they can be flat out because I'm sure there's no love there - but seriously, there can't have been any love.

"Hey, speaking of Nakatsuki, haven't you fucked Ellie since we got here?


Suddenly Nakai told me the story, and Yangzhen raised his dumb voice.

"Uh, I don't have to hide anything, okay? I know when you guys were just the two of you, you fucked me every day."

Leaking a nasty laugh, Shimogawa bangs Nakatsumi's shoulder cheaply.

"Seriously, I'm glad you guys aren't dating wackos. If I was a cannojo on a boulder, would I be guilty?

"I do! I do, but I can't stand it.

"Yeah, oh yeah..."

Yangzhen can't keep up with the two Nori. I did my best just to pinch the right gavel.

"Well, this is the situation, so it's my choice. When, you know?

"Don't worry, Nakatsuki, I'll turn it around for you."

"No, I'm not, you know..."

"Buha, I've been screwing scattered Ellie, and that's not it!

"Patience is poisonous to the body, Nakatsumi. Until we met Ellie, too, so I know how it feels."

Even as you reject their inferior care words, you can't afford to end them because you're right every word of it.

"From you, I think you might be upset that they took the woman you liked to fuck, but they're going to have to split it it between us."

"Yeah, well, we'll have to deal with Ellie in turn, and we'll get along."

The two of you are right, though regrettable. Let's say, at least, the most sensible choice under the circumstances. Best response, not to cause a dispute between ugly men over one woman, and then also satisfy their sexuality.

"Yeah, right..."

I also see that their opinions are correct.

And I also know that Ellie will rely on a stronger man.

No one is wrong. No one should resent you.

All, I know...... but Yangzhen couldn't stand the current environment anymore.

Do you like or hate Ellie? Does she like or dislike herself? What do you want to do, what do you want to do, do you just want to fuck?

At the earliest, I don't even know how I feel. And if Ellie is made current with the fact that she's having sex with other guys, she can't even break everything up with a gutter in her heart...

The next day, Nakashi Yangzhen's appearance was nowhere in Fairy Square.

Eilee, the three of us, who left him alone to disappear, had nothing to look for or go after, just, as planned, the four of us going ahead in the dungeon.

"Oh, Yangzhen-kun, did you escape? It's a shame... but if the array is small, the vessel is also small, an unintentionally feminine guy. But if you get strong and come back, I'll deal with you again."

There was nothing untrained about the weak man, and 'Succubus' just mocked the escaped Yang-jin.

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