Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 129: A group of ruins in dense forests

The boss of the palace area, a large living room armor about three meters tall, boasted incomparable skill and armor with the rest of them... equipped, defeated before us.

"I don't know, numbers are power."

"Oh, I honestly know the first threesome I ran into."

I agree with the dialogue of the President of the Commission, who says it is somewhat clapped out.

Though somewhat bigger, only one boss is opponent. In contrast, we can all focus on the boss. He was an opponent who would have the strongest combat capability ever, but the result was almost complete.

"Sorry, Mr. Twin Leaves. I put the strain on you the most."

"Yeah, I have a shield, so I'm fine. Don't think I could have defeated Aoshi so easily because she has your sword of light."

Mr. Twin Leaves responding with a smile.

I'm pretty sure Todome was "The Flash of a Moment (Nero Lightning)" from my "Holy Sword of Light (Cross Caliber)". But that was only because Mr. Twin Leaves was holding back the boss from directly in front of me that I was able to make him a critical hit.

Somewhat, even though I'm getting used to it, releasing the 'Holy Sword of Light (Cross Caliber)' will wield me by the magic that flies like that torrent, far from completely controlling it. After the battle in the dungeon, I should be stronger myself, but I also feel that the power of The Sacred Sword of Light (Cross Caliber) is increasing further as it grows.

I'm sure you can't perfectly manipulate this sword of light just because you're stronger. Just like swordsmanship, do you want to do some more workouts... or I think you need something completely different.

Anyway, I need the assistance of a buddy to hit such an incomplete but most powerful attack I have. This time, I feel that I have left the role to almost one Mr. Twin Leaves.

Not if you're floating to a bright victory. There will be as much to reflect on.

"Look, reflection is behind us. Now, let's move on."

Slap your hands on the bread and divide the place like the chairman of the committee really does. Put up the core of the boss we already recovered and we took off the palace area.

- Now you're in the jungle.

The next area we were flown into was what could only be described as a dense forest.

"It's nice to be open outdoors...... it's a little hot"

"Hey, hey, doesn't being out mean you're away from the back of the dungeon?

"I don't know about that. If you think there's a completely different area ahead that's not connected to the dungeons we've been in, Tsuji will fit."

"If you believe in this magical compass and this thing, but..."

"Um, I think the little bird has this compass. So don't think the chairman of the committee is right!

For the first time since coming to this other world, speculation flies by as the sun's climbing blue sky expands outside. Natsukawa's suspicion that he might have gone out in the wrong direction is good... As far as I'm concerned, I could confirm the sight of a very normal blue sky and green nature, and that was the only peace of mind.

"In the meantime, the example 'Heavenly Delivery Gate' doesn't work, but it's good to be able to walk straight out of this jungle."

"Right. It could be a snowy mountain or a burning desert outside, or a worse environment."

The President of the Commission also agreed that this kind of jungle would likely allow us to move on as we survived.

In this other world, at least we had been asked about the existence of a human state called the Kingdom of Astoria, but we did not know what was actually going on outside. In fact, only in the dungeons are the air, water and moderate temperatures guaranteed that people can live in this world, and outside is a desolate environment where alien-like demons travel in bounces...... I could also imagine an SF state.

"Oh, I see a little hope -"

At that time, a loud roar echoes. A huge squeal with overwhelming signs, like a tremor from the bottom of a billy and belly.

The next moment I thought, a big shadow flew away over our heads without interruption.

"What's that... no way, Dragon?

What I saw was a real moment, but it just seemed like it. Elongated neck on a sharp horned lizard-like head. And most importantly, huge wings that extend into the sky.

In the sunlight, the sparkling scales were bright red. The Red Dragon and Fire Dragon were just as fantastic and imaginary dragons that deserved such a name.

"If there are so many of them flying in the sky, it might be more dangerous to go outside than to go on a dungeon."

"Right, after all, let's think of escape outside as a last resort"

While I speak to the President of the Commission about such pity,

"... do dragon meats taste good"

Oh, my God, Mr. Twin Leaves looking up at the sky and spilling potpourries, his liver was resting everywhere.

Start exploring dangerous jungle areas, flying even giant dragons.


And, with an odd voice, the demon who came first was a monkey with sharp claws. Quite a few, flying over the trees with Pyong-Pyong, striking from overhead at the same time... Now, with that degree of attack, it's not us.

Me, that and Natsukawa tomorrow, if we cut it down in order to jump at us, that's fine. What a shield Mr. Twin Leaves was playing and flying monkeys jumping in. The monkey who ate her shield bash looks as bad as the big truck crashed into her.

To those who prudently gaze at the gaps on the trees, if the cherry blossoms release arrows of light and burst a dazzling flash, that's all they get blinded and flutter.

You instantly realized that the herd was about half devastated and no matter how much it was, it was no match for anything. The monkey withdrew.

"You monkey, you're a monster of the same level as Goma, so you can't take the core at all"

"Now, save me the trouble of dismantling it, it sounds like we should move on."

It seems that Mr. Little Bird Play's "Magic Analysis" has grown because he has seen quite a bit of demons and magic, and now he also says he can tell at a glance whether or not he has a core. The strength of the demon is great, as is the strength of the stubborn flesh, but also the influence of magic. So, the highly magical guy, he's definitely strong first.

Most of all, if we were so demonic as to be magical, we'd just have our instincts, and we'd be judged to suck.

"Hey, it's a tree over there, I guess it's a banana"

"Maybe so, but you shouldn't eat it, Mr. Twin Leaves. It could be poisonous."

"If Kotaro-kun were here, I'd know if I could eat it."

Mr. Twin Leaves can't seem to help but notice the fruit like a large banana on a tree, blinded to the corpse of a monkey. Although they are slightly larger in size, they do look like bananas and I feel like they can be eaten, but, as the President of the Commission said, they should not be eaten.

"I can't risk eating weird things. Because breaking your stomach doesn't know if you can cure it with healing magic."

"Mmm, bananas......"

It's bad for Mr. Twin Leaves staring at the banana with great regret, but let's move on without a hand here.

From then on, I only encountered such demons as to be about the same extent as monkeys, a little strong, etc. Beast shapes, including green wild dogs, like a subspecies of red dogs. Dinosaur shapes like raptors and gores. Occasionally, even insect-shaped demons like large acida cagmos were encountered. Basically, no individual acted in a herd and made special attacks such as magic, so they were all able to return without any problems. In Little Bird Play's "Magic Analysis," we go further into the jungle as only the guy with the core is about to dismantle - then a change came to the depressed and lush view of the deep green.

"Well, it sure looks like this jungle is part of the ruins of the dungeon,"

When you go out to an inadvertently open place, there are several ruins there. The almost collapsing stone building is almost eroded by the greenery of trees and plants, giving the feeling that time has passed.

"Sounds like a Cambodian ruin to me."

"What, is this what an encore watt is?

"There are plenty of Cambodian ruins besides encore watts. In this way, the scenery of the jungle-covered ruins is unique and famous."


And, to the speech of the chairman of the committee, looking at Natsugawa responding to swallowing reminds me of school life just a little bit. I wonder why, with the shame of being stronger, I can regain some room in my mind?

"Around here, the ruins seem to be spreading all the time. Birdie, is there anything I can do for you?

"Hmm, I feel signs of thin and magical, so, like in a dungeon, there's still a magic trick going on, maybe."

Tomorrow, to that inquiry, Little Bird Play is responding somewhat vaguely, roaring as if he was also emitting "hmm" on telepathy.

Even as I walked out of the first place I discovered it, I could see the architecture of the ruins there. Especially remarkable, about three stories large, for once, I also looked into the exploration, but there was nothing particularly disturbing about this. Without a crate or a trap, I don't see any traces of people visiting. Neither the Peach River nor any other classmates have passed through this area of dense forest ruins, I guess.

"It doesn't even look like Fairy Square."

"Maybe the ruins here are just ruins."

"Mmm, that doesn't even seem to happen, Ryoko! My bandit hunt is suing me for something on my cock!

Before Natsukawa confidently pointed his finger, I see that there are cylindrical tower-like ruins that are different from other box-shaped buildings.

And from the back of that tower, a gentle, big demon appeared.

"... sure, something happened"

"Wow, that demon looks pretty strong."

A monster like a rhinoceros, with a big horn on its head. The slender giant body is covered in thick fur. Indeed, a kebukasai, a large rhinoceros with fur should have been an extinct animal. Alongside mammoths, he seems to be the leading animal of the Ice Age… however he sees it, he is a completely different, frenetic demon from the extinct species of the Earth.


The big rhinoceros demon with a rough nose and a glance at this one is a sign that he's going to start making advances now. Either you have a rough temper from the beginning, or you're in the breeding season or you're protecting your nest, even if you pull back so hard as this, you're not going to stop coming in.

"Tomorrow, when he comes in, we'll avoid him left or right and cut off his leg and stop him."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Keep the birds back."

"Then I'll stop the advance."


Me and Tomorrow when that side by side walked forward, Mr. Twin Leaves with his shield moved further forward.

"Mr. Twin Leaves, it's dangerous to stop him from advancing from the front -"


Before my words of persuasion arrived, the great rhino began to advance. Big enough to look up, but incredible speed. It's as powerful as a dump car coming in with a full open accelerator.

No matter how powerful Mr. Twin Leaves is in "Mad Warrior," the size of the two is too different.


But it stopped.

At the same time as Mr. Twin Leaves' temperamental voice, cancer! It sounds like a hell of a collision. The "Dark Tower Shield" she set up made her take a stunning giant demonic rush directly from the front.


Against a large rhinoceros with a complete leg stop, Mr. Twin Leaves swayed a large, pitch-black halberd in his right hand. Slowly slow motion. But I feel a tremendous concentration of power in its arms.

That's a totally familiar feeling now. Apart from magic, a move that exerts extraordinary power. Yes, it's martial arts.

"-" Shock "eh!

Black-iron axe blade, wielded by explosive momentum. With a roar, Mr. Twin Leaves' Halvard turned into a flash of pitch-black and was slapped on the side head of a great rhino.

As the dull noise sounded, Bakiri, and the unpleasant noise in his ear was heard slightly louder.

"Bluhh, luohhhh......"

Grow up as soon as possible, big rhino. Naturally, too. Because in his head, by a super tremor blow, he would have crushed every skull and brain.

"Shock": Shoot trembling blades, crumble enemies.

It's one of the martial arts Mr. Twin Leaves has mastered after the Boss of the Living Dead battle.

It was an explanatory statement that clearly did not understand the effect, but it turns out that if we actually tried it out and analyzed it with the eyes of a little bird, we were apparently super trembling the blade to produce powerful shock waves along with increasing the power.

In the trial run, I let the rock the size there be a little bit of wood dust. If that's a direct hit to the head, you can't be safe.

"That, maybe, I knocked you down?

Upon falling flat and sideways, Mr. Twin Leaves said as he clapped out against the great rhino, who was no longer even moving with Pickle.

"Phew, good for you. This demon wasn't very strong just because it was big."

After all, was it really just a seeming-down demon? Or the power of 'Mad Warrior' is more than I think...

"Right, I'm glad you took it down right away. Thank you, Mr. Twin Leaves."

I decided to agree with Mr. Twin Leaves with a girly smile for now.

Oh, my God. Me, I need to work harder and be strong...

With the instant murder of the Great Rhinoceros demon by Mr. Twin Leaves, Natsukawa's exploration of the tower began in a connected manner.

The interior is built like a lighthouse, and a few rooms are just a galangal hall. Again, nothing. Strongly put, the top floor room had a stone pedestal engraved with circular magic formations, like the one that reduced the transition magic formations.

Touch it, tap it, or ride it, it showed no reaction.

"Mr. Little Bird Play, do you know what this is?

"Hmm, this isn't..."

In the meantime, the only person who seems to know anything about it is Sage's little bird game. If she doesn't see it, this pedestal is just an object...

"Oh, I can see this around here somehow!

That said, we didn't know anything.

Apparently, only those who can react in any way to the magic formation can see the information hidden there when they touch it.

Indeed, when Mr. Birdwalk touches the magic formation of the pedestal, it glows faintly white and has an atmosphere like it's running. None of the other members, including me, had a reaction from the magic team.

"So, what do you say, little bird?

"Um, uh... straight from here, a big castle? A temple? It's like... there's a metamagic team."

"Wow, you know where the metamagic team is."

"This pedestal seems to perform much better than our notebook compass."

I see, as the chairman of the committee put it, you mean the high-performance stuff that tells us about the compass features of the magic formations you wrote in your notebook, in maps and sets? Perhaps some of the dungeons that have gone on so far have been installed the same as this.

"Bird, what else do you know?

"Hmmm... Wow, this... looks like a lot of Goma lives in the castle."

The information obtained by Little Bird Play from the pedestal with map function was above.

The only thing she can say about using this pedestal is that what you can see now is not a picture or diagram as accurate as a real map, but the image of the place is transmitted directly, directly. In your dreams, you think it's like watching a view you've never seen?

He said the positional relationship of the scenery that was thus seen was somehow intuitive, and as a result the general geography of the neighborhood was known.

Then, demons living within the limits of the map can also be perceived to some extent. I don't know the movement of one thing at a time, but especially powerful individuals, or demons forming large herds, seem to know their existence and their general location.

What little birdplay could sense was a bunch of monkey demons in the direction we walked, with dragons that just happened to be flying around the sky.

And the castle that seems to have a transfer magic formation, which is ahead of us. I'm rooting for it, Goma's army.

Apparently, the size of this army of Goma is huge in the difference between it and the herd of monkeys. I don't know the exact number, but at least, it won't be a hundred or two.

Honestly, I don't want to go near the castle that Goma is forming... but we have nothing better to do than move on. Even if we're looking for another path, we need to see how it goes first.

So when the green-drinked-ruins re-set off the rolling jungle...

"Bugellah! Guba, Gadwoba!

We ran into a group of Goma.

Now, I can deal with Goma in a bowl without surprise, but I wonder if they are part of the army that lives in the castle, and the way they feel about it changes again.

"For just a goma, you're well equipped"

"I'm sure they're fishing for gear from the ruins of this jungle."

After passing the tower, I sometimes discovered chills and crates among the ruins I examined. Most of them were new iron swords, spears, axes, and then sturdy bows and arrows that didn't help us today. But from primitive level goma, a beautiful iron weapon is truly a treasure.

"Duba! Guru, zegaaaa!

And the Goma troops encountered for the third time were all elites, made up of a large muscular warrior-class Goma known as the 'Gov'.

Gove's weapons are of better quality than any Goma we've ever met, and even equipped with magical items.

"Damn, I can't believe 'Ice Arrow (Eyes Sagitta)' is prevented"

It's a defensive accessory, similar to the Guard Ring we have. Apparently all the govs this time are equipped with this, and if it was low-level offensive magic or as powerful as Mr. Natsukawa's knife throw, it would have shown defense just to prevent it altogether.

"Haaaaaa - 'Break' eh!

But it seemed like it wasn't enough to prevent Mr. Twin Leaves from martial arts.

'Fracture': Breaking Blade, slashing enemies.

This is the second piece of martial arts that I've mastered by defeating the boss of Living Armor. Tried out by way of example and Mr. Little Bird Play's analysis found that apparently this' fracture 'is a move that simply improves slashing power, just like the' flash 'that I or that one uses tomorrow.

'Shock' of the blow and 'Break' of the slaughter.

Sooner rather than later, for Mr. Twin Leaves, who begins to use these two types of martial arts, he seemed to be the only opponent of just the right trials, such as the Elite Gove Squad.

If she had 'broken', if she had double-broken three govs together for each Magic Item defense, and waved down 'Shock', the three would have blown away, and at the end of the day, with a normal Halbad blow, she would have slashed and killed three.

"A warrior isn't strong at all because he's a Goma."

Could you possibly drop Goma's castle by yourself like this? I feel sorry for you for seriously thinking that.

Hang on, I'll protect you too, Mr. Twin Leaves!

So far, I haven't done anything to help... but when it comes to boss fights, I think I'll try to keep my temper up.

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