Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 141: Operation Spiritual Beast

With operational preparation, magical practice and rehearsal, I spent about three days. I intend to do my best in human resources. Later only wait for Heavenly Fate. Please, Master Ruinhilde.

Last supper, ominous as it may be, we all ate with the leftover pork craving meat in the scenic.

"Well, let's go"

Put the "Double Shadow" split on the raptor, the real me on foot, out of the square to the site. On the road, we walk down the aisle where the cloud bastard lurked, rechecking the location of the trap we set.

Ever since I first walked through here, the cloud bastard hasn't shown up at all. Were they slow to lipop or were they demons as long as they were here? Whatever it is, the unexpected encount of demons, the absence of an element of uncertainty, is a huge plus for this operation.

While we know there will be no demons, we proceed quietly down the aisle. I guess nobody's in the mood to chat about anything. As Raina's Fairy Square approaches, I can see the tension intensifying.

"I'll wait here. Good luck to you all later."

"Oh, I got it."

"Instead, I asked for Rayna."

"That's all I'm ready for, make sure you get time."

"Peach River...... seriously, please. Help me, Rayna."

Yeah, I got it.

I take everyone's expectations with a cold heart. Everyone is prepared for the worst, isn't it?

As such, I wear a white cloud gilly suit by myself and lurk myself in a small room close to the square. Sit in the corner of the wall, close your eyes and focus your consciousness on manipulating your body.

"Yeah, good vision"

"Whoa, don't talk all of a sudden, Peach River."

"I knew there were two Peach Rivers. It was disgusting."

"Uh, what's that saying, isn't it terrible?

I was a little freaked out by the sudden movement of me as a statue that wobbled but remained on the back of the raptor.

In fact, it would be terribly uncomfortable to have the exact same person present at the same time. I can't tell completely because my body isn't clear or 2P coloring. At least, from the outside.

I don't know, over the course of this period, it's a six-sensitive thing that's a sign of magic, and if it's fake in one shot, it won't be nursed. And now I'm getting anxious.

But now that the real me is on standby, I can't go back any longer, and I finally arrive at Rayna's Fairy Square, where the showdown is, after thirty seconds.

"Don't be."


From the aisle, on the other side of the open door, confirm Rayna's still flirting with Soma today. It's a familiar sight for me to have been a watchman for the past three days, but it seems so shocking to Yamada that he accidentally leaks his voice.

It's really crappy masculine jealousy, but if that makes you more hostile to Spiritual Beast Soma, I don't have any particular complaints about it.

"Well, then, let's get this operation started."

Name it, Operation Reverse Tianyando! Named Amaterath with a cage of pulls, stuck to "Tianyado," an elementary school level exchange where he caught this thing on his face by making a fun noise outside. It feels like the opposite, because it provokes things that seem noisy and intriguing for fun by simple cursing noises. Well, it's just an act of provocation. Until then.

Anyway, let's throw some cursing noise at Rayna's bastards right in the middle of nowhere.

I stood in front of the entrance to Fairy Square, breathed in thoughtfully, and cried out in lieu of declaring war.

"Khulah! Fuckin 'Trainer, get to work!

Momentarily, like a cat who heard a loud noise, she reacted with a bicun and rushed to the entrance where she was the voice. Regardless, I'm holding her, as is the spiritual beast soma.

"There's a fucking kid with all his sweet guts! I'm going to beat you up right now about how guilty your incompetence is, get ready!

Honest everywhere, shouting straight at my feelings.

Because it's only a body of provocation, people don't really feel much better about what I'm saying.

"Look, everybody scream too"

"Raina! Come back!

"Wake up. Huh!

"Soytz is a fake Ethereal Truth!

"Olah, call me Yudo Aoi, I'm gonna kick your ass right now for real!

Yamada is a genuine dada leaking cry, just like me, but he's good as a provocative dialogue.

Well, how did he react...

"Hey! Why, why are we all interrupting! I don't like it anymore, everyone hates it, go that way!

"Oh, yeah, Raina. I'll get rid of them right now. No, we'll get rid of them."

Advice, mentally unstable Raina cries like a child. And in response to her emotions, Soma rises and, at the same time, a magic formation unfolds on its left and right.

Depicted in the hollow are burning flaming circles and squares of violet electricity. Of course, it's the Flaming Lion Engald and Thunder Eagle Ramdain, Rayna's main forces that pop out of there.

After all, didn't the water seiram come out?

"Please, Yu-kun, En, Ram-kun... protect me"

"I'll take care of it. I will never forgive anyone who makes Raina cry. Kill him right away and he'll be back."

Only the exterior is real sockly, refreshingly grinning soma, angry growling Engald and Ramdain.

Apparently, we don't need any more provocations. I'm sorry I couldn't pull Ceylum out, but I can't help it.

"Bring it on, will Kemono style be the human counterpart? I'll pay you back, and I'll peel your fur off!

Signal my scream, first Lem pulls the bow and shoots. Although I haven't told everyone, Rem has been instructed to go after Rayna beforehand.

If the lucky shot were decided here, my purpose would be accomplished - but it shouldn't be that easy.

"Anyone who hurts Rayna, it's all..."

By the shield of the wind activated by Soma with no chant, the arrow of the Rem is quickly deflected from ballistics in the direction of the day after tomorrow. I can't afford to keep an eye on the next arrow.

"- Eliminate"

"Get out of here!

Shortly before the spiritual beasts rush in, I give the decree of retreat.

Everyone, too, just said they were waiting, turning their heels back and dashing furiously. Now, this is the beginning of a life-threatening mess.

"'Water Shield (Aqua Shield)' - duh!?

They're simply better up there at running speed. To buy time early, the Lower River will quickly deploy the 'Water Shield (Aqua Shield)', but it will explode in an instant by a fireball attack unleashed by Engard.

Shit, it looks more breakthrough than I imagined. This could be about one person falling off on the run if you are bad.


The only thing that keeps me safe is screaming on the raptor. We all run in desperate shapes, so nothing in particular seems to reply. Well, that's right.

"Shimogawa, I'm coming -" Rotten Swamp "!

Split, but the spell can be exercised without any problems. However, because I feel a little bit different on my own, the activation speed is inferior, and I can only use the spell with the amount of magic I have given to my split. If you stay on track and use all the spells, your body will naturally disappear due to lack of magic, even if it is not destroyed.

In the meantime, I'm giving you all the magic you need to play the role, so I'm going to carry out the spell as planned.

"Come on, eat it, you acid shield." Ooh!

The first trick point, that is, the point where I drained my blood beforehand, finally activates the 'Acid Shield'.


With the perfect timing and position for them to penetrate, and thanks to the Down River putting out 'Acid Shield', Engardo, who runs the lead, has no respite enough to blow up with a fireball. Then the lion's giant body went into it without hesitation, as if the mood was too much to say that I wouldn't mind breaking through.

Moment of collision, Boshuuuuuu! and the toxic red liquid blows up like it could be bounced along with the melting sound characteristic of a rotting swamp. Again, 'Acid Shield' itself has no physical defense, just to take Engard's rampage.

But the acid venom must have been morose.

"What do you say..."

Engardo pops out with majestic ambition from beyond a splash of blown acid and gushing white smoke. Doesn't look like much damage was done... but the speed of running was slightly dull.

But it's also temporary, and soon it accelerates again and runs out at its original speed.

"It's not working better than I thought. Will this be pretty critical until we get there?"

It's a tough situation, but still only slightly helps to blunt your legs, I think it's better. Shortly after Engard broke through the 'Acid Shield', Rem released his bow somewhat, frightened. No damage, but if you shoot an arrow in at these nasty times, you can slow down his acceleration slightly.

But I just wish I could chase him, but the spiritual beasts have all the means to attack ranged.

"'Water Shield (Aqua - Wow!?

"Whoa, it's dangerous!

The blade of wind unleashed by Soma and the thunderbolt of Ramdain fly in. The magic activation of the Lower River is interrupted, but Yamada is proud of his defense and succeeds in guarding it. Hardly, the damage is spared.

"Damn, you shot me with a bang, you jeopardy -" Water Shield (Aqua Shield) "

Above the attack, now defensive magic is activated. A shield of water is formed to block the passage, but it is also quickly broken.

This time it was torn apart by a large 'Wind Blade (Ale Sagitta)', which Soma let go of. That power, maybe intermediate, not inferior.

"Hey, that's not good, Peach River, aren't you going to get caught up like this!?

"We can't do anything either."

The pressure of pursuing spiritual beasts is tremendous. Ueda and Nakai, who have yet to appear, raise their voices in a hurry, but the fact is, I think you're right, too.

It is time to go back to the hall where the example peach gas trap was located, the widest space in the escape path.

Having come so far down the aisle, the attack was modest so that the spiritual beasts would not involve their allies in each other's attacks either. Engald and Ramdain in particular have blasts and thunderstorms going wild all over the aisle if the big moves burst. If you're going to tail us, you're most certain to shoot that much brace of power, but you don't want to bear the disadvantage of your allies hurting such a miscellaneous fish opponent.

It's a lick, but thanks to it, we can keep on running.

But if you go into that hall, which boasts quite an area, shooting a stronger offense will no longer be a danger of friendly fire. Besides, we can also make use of the breadth and move so that the three bodies pinch in.

The biggest Engards pretty much occupy the width of the aisle, so Soma and Ramdain are almost in a row about behind it. Nor is the ceiling as high as it is, so Ramdain never flies over your head.

But if this is also done in a large space called the hall, the disadvantages of narrowness disappear. As soon as they get in here, they'll use their full offense and manoeuvre to attack.

Honestly, I knew this hall was the best gateway to escape. But there are too few hands that can hit us.

"Peach River, if you go into the square like this, don't do it!

Goddamn it, they can't stop him anymore.

Both Shimogawa and Yamada have a screaming and hurried voice. If we just keep going, we'll be caught for sure.

I don't have a choice, it's time to make a decision.

"Rem, stop them"


Finally, we entered the hall. So Rem dumps his bow and pulls out his sword. From Lem with the long sword of victory, the determination of immortality springs forth.

Getting stoned out here is not only the whole lem thing, but so is the raptor. I just dealt with three spiritual beasts in one lem, and it's decided to kill them instantly. If you want to buy some time longer, there's nothing better than beating two lems and a raptor.

"I asked for it. Better body next time, 'cause I'll bring you back to life!

Screaming at least words of atonement, I get off the raptor and run out on my own feet.

Don't look back, I'll start walking straight. Because I am divorced, I don't have the concept of physical strength, so I can keep running at my own rate of full disease all the time. Simply looking at walking power, magic alone would be a higher spec than the real me, the human being.

With shame, even I have only poor health, I can run through at a somewhat better pace.

"All at once through the hall!

Everyone assumes this is where the battle is on the run. Everyone ran through the hall with a selfless obsession.



From behind, the fierce ambition of Rem and Raptor echoes. At the same time, blast sounds of flames or bursts of thunder. I'm facing my spiritual beast opponent head-on, the tone of battle.

Again, the battle power difference is historical. Even the best combination of Rem and Arakune ever made from the material you gave me, Heavenly Tao was instantly killed by two Engald and Ramdain spiritual beasts. With a lem that's just a raptor and just a raptor material, it's like not being opponent.

But the battle time was longer than I thought that humiliating battle made it more or less an experience for Lem.

Something like about ten seconds? It was too much time for us to rush through the hall.

"Well done, Lemoo!

Run safely through the hall and enter the aisle again, and the goal is now.

"Okay, that's the last of it - 'Acid Shield'!

Leaving Engardo's fierce roar behind, we entered Fairy Square to jump in.

Well, this is the real battle from here.

First, Ueda and Nakai quickly scatter left and right and run in to hide in a line of fairy walnuts that still have a few left. Following the two, the lower river and Yamada also scatter.

And I'm the only one who runs dignified through the middle and stops right in front of the fountain.

"Finally, I hunted him down"

Multiple wind blades mess up and the last 'acid shield (Acid Shield)' planted near the entrance blows up. When this is the end of the line, I guess the guy who is Raina's spiritual beast knows. Soma slowly steps into Fairy Square.



And then, plunging into the acid shield many times, Engardo, who saw a little dirt on his fur, roared and broke into the square following Soma as Ramdain burst into a bee and intimidating substitute purple electricity.

"Well, calm down. Talk and you'll see."

Good thing I didn't rush in and hit you. If I could buy you even a second of chatter, I'd throw the money and the right words at Soma.

"Peach River, you are the enemy. Enemy kills."

"I'm not the enemy, I'm one of Raina's people, and if I die, Raina's in trouble."

"It's what Raina wants. You must die."

"I dare you to buy me a hater. You spiritual beasts are strong, but you can't prepare delicious rice or a warm bath. Without me, Raina wouldn't be comfortable living in this dungeon, and she wouldn't survive in the first place. Yeah, maybe even fake Aoshi, because what you say might work, I don't know, come back now and ask Raina to follow me. I'm honestly sorry, but if you can, well, there's nothing I wouldn't forgive you for, is there?

"Rayna just needs me by her side. You stand in the way of it. You are only the enemy. So I'll kill you. Here, I promise."

Hmm. Seems impossible to postpone any more conversations.

Apparently, the spiritual beast Soma sounds superficially capable of a human-like answer, but the intrusion, the contents, is a beast of demons alike. A man named Raina doesn't have the head to just think about the best solution to living in this dungeon. It's just that only by Rayna's own wishes can she move, a slave to less than a dog.

The interaction with me now, perhaps, became human for Soma, so I just instinctively did the talking. He just followed Rayna's orders to kill us, maybe nothing more. Listening to my arrogant words and not being angry and not being able to pretend to make sense would only have a merely robotic thought circuit rather than having a personality who is sincerely caring about Rayna.

Well, originally, it's just a presence that forcefully tailored that white cloud bastard to a spiritual beast with the power of Rayna's "Spiritualist". Do you want to be highly intelligent?

"Superior, call me, fake bastard. Stupid dogs and asshole birds there, too, I'll put them together and deal with them."

In a provocative dialogue, I concentrate the attention of both spiritual beasts entering a state of war.

Even if we don't imitate like this, I'll be their number one target. I'm the one that Raina hates the most. In response to her rejection, the spiritual beast must also hate me the most.


First, it was Engald who jumped first.

Think of it as the first spiritual beast I've ever seen, a fucking dog who attacked me when he took away the sacrificial metamorphosis magic formation that killed and activated his mouth. The next time Rayna and I ran into each other in the jungle, she said she was curbing me and wiping out the luxury rem. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

That grudge, now it's time to clear it up...



Unfortunately, I don't have the means to defeat Engardo directly.

Like a wild lion, Engard jumped at me with his fangs and nails, not relying on magic. There can be no such thing as being attacked by that handsome giant body and being me.

Being a chollover prey than a deer, I am suddenly pushed down by Engard. The sharp nails eat deep into my body, and the large mouth lined with ginger fangs creep into my narrow neck.

It is a definite experience of death, but Koitsu is divided. There is no pain. There can't be any.

It's a tremendous advantage not to hurt, but it also has the disadvantage of not activating 'Pain Return'. Other spells such as "Intuitive Pharmacy", which are adapted only to my body, cannot be used in a single person.

But now that's enough. I gave everyone the final instruction in a cool voice, satisfied that I had successfully completed my role. [M]

"Well, I asked for the rest, guys -"

So I was completely cut off from my throat by Engardo, and my consciousness broke.

With his disfigurement, "Double Shadow" lost its effect. And soon, I wake up with my own body.

"... come on, get ready, Raina"

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