Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 143: Spellman VS Spiritualist (2)

In the bottom of the water called Sairam's belly, I stopped resisting. I just bumped my hands and feet, and I'm not even a wacko to get out. Once imprisoned, it is impossible to escape from the body of Seyram, which feels every stream of water. This flesh itself is a prison of water.

Well, my oxygen gauge is finally close to its limit, and from there on, I'm in a straight line to death with the feeling that my HP will be scraped directly... no need to panic.

The ability of the weak 'spellman', and, moreover, the situation that this time there was no time or environment to be adequately prepared. I know exactly how strong I am right now.

Still, I tried. Knowing that this spiritual beast named Sairam was protecting Raina, he decided the operation without any hesitation.

The other side is a spiritual beast. Strongly decided. Whether you have a luxuriously equipped lem, or we all try, Ceylum may not be defeated. Look, it's a body of water, and physical attacks don't look very effective. For once, I went through.

Anyway, Ceylum is not the kind of guy who's choked enough to get on with "I can handle it if it's as good as he gets, I can afford it".

But let me tell you something - if it's all about him, I can handle it, I can afford it.

"... blah!

Curse, liberate. From both hands spread, twitching and blood seep. It's my blood. Haunt the 'Black Blood Blood', the spellman's blood.

The bloodstained will shake to dissolve immediately into the water, but in sufficient quantity. Usually a drop.

Well, let's get you in the mood - spread out, 'Rotten Swamp'.



With the screaming of my ears, I was thrown out as much as I wanted. With so much momentum, I wasn't even receptive to Locke and hit my face on the grass ground. Ouch, my nose hurts.

With the pain in Gene's nose, I see the sister of the Water Spirit screaming in a woman.

"Heh... ha... haha! Well, out of my body, I don't feel like being poisoned!

Operation success. So much so that you accidentally laugh like a villain.

Ceylum is now in some anguish with a grievous golden voice. The cause is, of course, the Rotten Swamp I burst into his body.

Based on my blood, the appropriately activated "Rotten Marsh" summoned acidic venom there as it was, even if it was in the spirit's body, not on the ground. Originally enough to swamp venom over quite a range, so that amount would actually be quite a thing. At least, it produces enough water to spare even if the tub is ippied.

That's how much venom got smashed in my stomach. The Spirit of Water, too, would have worked.

"Kyaaaaaa! Mr. Sai! I don't know, Mr. Sai!

"Wow, Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Raina on the boulder also raises her voice to the unusual state of Ceylum. The same is true of suffering and anxiety, but above all, as a result of the occurrence of poisonous marshes in the body, the silhouette that spreads throughout the body to mingle with the body of water and is instantly clear is turning into a poisonous red and black color, which has a tremendous impact on the appearance.

Perhaps even if some poison or dirty water were mixed up in her body, it would immediately purify her. That much defense, immunity or cleansing, naturally, should be a feature provided as a spiritual beast of combat premise.

But the more red and black you discolor your whole body, the more massive and mixed you get, the tougher it is to recover instantly. Or, at the earliest possible time, pain that is nowhere to be fought.

Ceylum can't even respond to the call of Rayna, the Lord, without even looking at me, who is supposed to be the enemy, and even suffers from the venom of the curse, which offends the body of clean water.

Still, I can't be more alert than I didn't die instantly. When you can stab me, you have to stab me.

"Wings, feathers spreading misfortune, to the side -" Reverse Dance Walnut ""

It's been a while since I've used 'Reverse Dance Walnut'. This time, the original activating material is the antidote to blue flower material. With this spell, it can exert the true opposite of its efficacy in curing poison.

Right now, it would be a good push for Ceylum, who is suffering from the erosion of his flesh by venom.

A flock of feathery blue butterflies head for a body of red and black sewage rotten in rotting venom. As if it were a beautiful flower, quietly and mercilessly, with the power of poison fortification, a butterfly descends.


It becomes a fantastic blue glow somewhere, where the butterflies can play, while Ceiram raises the severant and its body collapses in drools. Like a dirty dove, like a contaminated hedron, the flesh of the discolored water spirits lost its shape and finally fell to Fairy Square.

I'm a weak 'magician', and he's a strong spiritual beast water spirits. Still, it would have been totally compatible to win.

Whatever you say about spirits, all you can think about is the intelligence of Kemono flair. Ceylum was prepared to discuss it, and he should have shot me with a ball of water. Then, even if I die, Rayna can definitely help.

This is what happens to me because I lay idle trying to drown me in my body so that I don't waste my life eating 'pain back'.

Well, I was sure you'd never judge me until Ceylum sacrificed us. Ultimately, because Raina herself did not want the loss of Ceylum.

Yes, if Rayna was seriously exercising Seiram as an operator, she also made the choice of alerting me to my 'Rotten Swamp' and ordering her to kill herself ready to suicide as incompatible in Germany. When the spiritual beast dies, it is not known whether it can be resurrected or will remain completely lost.

But I can't turn it into my own life. Even if we lost Sairam, if we level up as' spiritualists', even more powerful spiritual beasts and guys like the great spirits of fully superior compatible water would have earned it.

In other words, Raina is still defeated by her own incompetence to 'do nothing'.

"... Raina"


The spiritual beast of the Pledge of Request falls, and Rayna's face is drawn to fear. Do I look like a reaper or a demon in his eyes? In fact, you're right.

"If there's anything left to say, I'll ask you."

I pull out my special magic weapon, the Red Knife, and approach Raina.

"Yes, do it, no, no..."

Rayna goes into a state of great crying, polluting large tears as soon as possible. Oh, come on, corner, temporarily he was one of us. You ruined my care when I told you I'd listen to your will. Really, you can't help but be selfish.

But that's better like Rayna. Guilty and hesitant feelings do not gush even in this situation that has hunted you down.

"Well, no. Anyway, I can't talk to you. There's nothing more to talk about... because I'm not as bad a hobby as hearing you beg for your life."

Rayna and I take about three meters, and I stop. Rayna herself is helpless, so even I can afford to stab her with a knife, but I don't know what's going to happen. Even if Raina didn't have a back hand, if she went directly for a stab, like a boring suspense drama, it would be more like an accident if we hit each other and die.

So, the red knife involves a brunette tie, and now it's time to kill it for sure with a flying blade attack. At this distance, you can aim as you please, whether it's your neck or your heart.

"Die, Rayna!


Don't go for it, my red knife rips Rayna's thin neck off - it was supposed to.

The red blade of flame will not arrive. Crying Rayna, right in front of her, stopping perfectly.

"Become, what!? How can it not move! Damn it, move!


No matter how much power, magic and willingness you cage, the brunette bondage doesn't move. It's completely rigid and freezing.

What the hell is this, some psychic kinesis awakened to Raina's pinch! Impossible, damn it, can something stupid happen to me like that - no, wait.

It could be possible. I already know similar skills, not mindfulness.

"No way......" Holy Language "Word of Rejection" "hey!?

It was owned by the 'Sage' little bird game bird, special magic. It is an effortless magic of self-defense that can stop a physically imminent threat simply by his emotions and shouts.

Thanks to the fact that I've actually seen that, I'm pinned.

Even if the vocation is different, it can give you skills with the same name and effect. So it is possible that the "sacred language" Word of Rejection "is not the exclusive skill of the wise man, but also the general rare skill of the magician class. If that's the case, then it's still likely that Rayna will awaken her skills for self-defense in this earthquake where she lost all the protection of the spiritual beast.

Or maybe this was the initial skill.

"Damn... till the end of the day, you're letting me trick you!

Pinch, awaken, big reversal! What a development, what a forgiveness.

I grabbed the red knife back in my hand and went directly to stab Rayna.

Fortunately, the sacred language "Word of Rejection" itself has no offensive power. Even if you go in there, you won't be damaged.

If an ant arrived and an even more powerful Kamakiri loomed, its strange stopping power was also limited. If you endure it with temper and guts, you shouldn't even be able to poke it out.

So I figured this was the last place to try and storm Rayna. [M]

"Yaaaa! Don't come! I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!

"- There is!?

Inhibited by Rayna's willingness to refuse, my body stopped perfectly, as it had been in gold bondage, dressed with a red knife in place and penetrating.

Ugh, Ko, this is... seriously, I can't move at all! I mean, it feels a little hard to breathe, and what, my whole body lifts a giggle... Yikes, it hurts!?

"Gu, but ah..."

"I hate you, Peach River!

Ugh, don't scream in a kinky voice. My head is gushing...... damn, what, it was so burdensome to be stopped with "rejection words".

No, no, maybe this is a higher skill, not a "rejection word," but also mysterious damage to the person you stopped.

"Stay away from me no more!


Pain like muscle pain runs all over your body, plus it hurts like a cracked head. I don't know what the principle is, but surely, it's taking some damage to my body. Even though it's not a wack that's physically cut, poked, or slapped, is this pain like a telepathic psychic attack, or an effect of pure magic? Oh, shit, I can't think of any such mysterious attacks, any means to prevent them.

Or how come this pain doesn't return to Rayna. Invalid my spell too... No, no, Rayna is just 'stopping' and 'pain payback' doesn't activate because I'm just poking around from myself against the magic of a mystery that takes damage.

So to speak, Rayna just set a trap. So, I'm just putting myself in that trap. Unless it's a direct attack from your opponent, you're not eligible for 'Pain Return'.

"Be gone!

"Fuck, oh, thank God..."

My nosebleed erupted. Finally, I got so rattled that the bleeding started. Shit, if I stay like this, I'm gonna die for sure. A mysterious attack must expose you to death by spraying blood from a hole called a hole in your body.

What are we gonna do, leave? Back off, I feel like I can move so I can distance myself from Raina. The exit route is still there.

But no. If I leave here, I will never be able to approach Rayna again. I have no proof, but I can be sure it's strange. If you are exposed to the pressure of this rejection and you lose even once, it is impossible to break through. I don't feel that way.

So the only chance I have of killing Rayna is at this moment, I'm sure.

"I can't be gone. Eh!

"Oh, oh..."

But no matter how hard I try, my body won't move. More than that, it breaks my heart.

No, it won't arrive. Just a little more, just 30 centimeters. The distance there doesn't shrink forever. In my tiny mood and guts, a very indestructible, thick wall of invisibility stands.

Pain erodes your body and head. The pain is accelerating and getting worse, the nosebleeds are gaining momentum and the tears floating at the edge of my eyes are like blood tears.

"Ugh, guh, guh!

Besides, I threw up. Corner, the peony pan I've had as my last supper is ruined.

Oh, shit, this is already, I'm gonna die in earnest. I can't do it anymore, seriously, after all, to a guy like me, can't I get revenge?

Pain, before the absolute obstacle, the killing intent that I should have burned, keeps fading. Enough, I've worked hard enough. There are things that people can and cannot do. I am no match for the Cheetah Skilled Spiritualist. Just accept the natural consequences.

Even Yamajun doesn't want revenge. I'm sure if you saw me now, you'd look worried and say, "Peach River, you don't have to be so pushy".

So maybe that's enough. Just say you've cornered Rayna so far.

Look, if only I'd been pulling into this dungeon for the rest of my life with a woman like this, fake Aoshi.

Oh, I don't think it's enough.

"… su"

Yes, I'm not willing to tell you to kill Rayna anymore.

"... kill"

Then you can borrow it.

"Rayna... you know, I..."

Please, mumble. Lend me your intentions.


Discard the red knife.

Instead, the butterfly knife in the mouth pulled out of my pocket.

It's unusually sharp, and when I grip it, I get a faint desire to kill. It's as if he's caged in resentment.


Maybe it's my fault. But when I grabbed this knife, I moved. I can move.

Thirty centimeters, which was so far away, finally shrinks to zero.

"Hey, ahhh! I hate it, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

I hit Raina like a zombie, sprinkling my nosebleeds, weeping my blood, and spitting out my ghero. [M] My whole body hurts so much that it's about to cut a thousand pieces, and most importantly, it's heavy.

I can't help putting up a knife, and my foot snaps on a stuffed clap.

"- Ahhh!

If I'd known, I'd have pushed Rayna down.

For a moment, my consciousness was flying. But the knife remains stiff and gripping.

"Caaaaah! Waaaaaaaa!"

My underling Rayna finally bursts into a flutter, crying like crazy. But because of so much impotence, even a little boy's body like mine wasn't strong enough to push him away.

The power of Reyna's rejection is still in effect. Even if he just barks at me like a child, I'm in a lot of pain. [M]

Quick, we have to put Keri on. I die like this. [M]

"Ha, ha... Le, ina..."

Grasp the knife with your trembling right hand and, as it were, swing your cut down to Rayna's little chest. I don't even have enough power left to stick out the knife anymore. So I try to push it through my chest, dressed like I'm going to put on my weight - is this the last resistance? Rayna's little hands hold the blade back.

"No, no, no, no! I'm dying, help me!

"And death, hey yeah..."

Rayna squeezes all she can to keep my hands down and prevent the knife from invading.

Damn, my consciousness is going to fly now. The knife tip has already arrived to the fabric of the sailor's clothes.

And a little more, a little more...

"Help me! Help me, Yu-kun!

- Die, Raina.

Slowly, the blade of the knife pierces.

The fabric of the sailor clothes is torn and the skin of the balls is finally cleaved. That way, it would have been quick once it arrived. As if sucked, on Rayna's chest, the butterfly knife blade sank away.

"Ah... Yu, ku..."

In Rayna's blue eyes, which were opened, I'm sure, I didn't see.

Because she was just a maiden in love with a man named Yudo Aoi, who just kept staring at one person.

"Ha... Ha... ha... Ya did it..."

Hey, I don't know what I'm running at myself. It doesn't sound like a very good word to me, but honestly, I was bright white in my head, for a while, I couldn't think of anything.

I don't even have the energy to move a finger anymore. So keep the knife sticking out of Rayna's chest, fall in to cover it, and keep it that way. When viewed from the side, it is an absolute, misunderstood posture.

But I don't care. Anyway, I'm tired, I am. I'm very, very tired of being swayed by this Wagamma woman...

"... I did... I did, I did..."

Fulfilling, ten or twenty seconds, or more than five minutes? After realizing that the pain that was causing so much bodily harm had disappeared beautifully and refreshingly, my head finally began to turn.

If Raina is dead, it is also natural that the 'sacred language' will be lifted. But the damage taken by then remains intact, so it remains wrapped up in a worse sense of fatigue than after the marathon, which I hate all over my body. But not so much that I can't move. Plus, holding onto Rayna's body forever is a bad hobby, and disgusting.

Wake up your torso somehow. So, again, I confronted Rayna's dead face.

"When you died, your mouth was much better."

In response to the mouth prepared for her death, Rayna would not have really figured out, until the last moment, why she had to be killed. It is fair to say that we fought more than we fought each other with intent to kill each other. But the battle with Rayna... fulfill, was this a duel between a spellman and a spiritualist, or was it my revenge play, or was it just murder?

Have I acted legally, ethically, as if a third party were right?

No, that doesn't matter. 'Cause I went to believe I was right. The only way to kill a girl named Raina A. Ayase is to kill her. Nothing else, this I have to kill, and yes, I'm ready to try, and now I've accomplished it.

"Ha... I'm tired"

Yay, I'm not happy or willing to laugh. But I have no remorse.

'Cause seeing Rayna's poor dead face consolidated with a stunned look didn't get me any emotions.

I just finished what I had to do. It was tough. I'm tired. That's all.

If you're done, clean up after. Blurry, without any particular thought, I pull out the butterfly knife that was stung in Rayna's chest. Still, I just stabbed him to death, so if I pulled through, I got a lot of blood sprayed.


Hey, it hit my face. You're dirty.

Well, we'll wash it later. My body, my bloody knife.


After all, are you still tired? Hard, couldn't get up. I was in the mood to fall asleep like this... but it wouldn't even go that wacky.

"Oh, are you here..."

From across the entrance to Fairy Square, I say it's uh dude, I heard my buddies.

With Raina dead, the spiritual beast is also forced out at that moment. Again, it is just as I thought.

The voices you can hear are Ueda, Nakai, Shimogawa and Yamada, for all of them properly. Oh, good, not a single sacrifice.

Because the dungeon offense is still to come, and they are a valued companion. I'm having trouble getting you to come off here.

"Ha... I don't know what excuse to make..."

I should have thought about it quite a bit, but my logic of excuse for killing Rayna is completely out of my mind.

I didn't have time to bother my head about what to do or what to cut, and they rushed to Fairy Square where the crime scene was.

"Hey, Peach River! Rayna..."

At that moment, we lose sight of everything. Maybe it was Ueda who first showed his face at the entrance and called on me. But I can't confirm anymore.

Light. Light.

A bright white light so dazzling surrounded the square.

What the heck is this - you should know the answer soon, but I didn't get it now that I'm at the extreme of fatigue and my head doesn't work at all. Or maybe, unconsciously, he refused to understand.

"- Peach River"

The voice, all this time, was a voice that should not be heard.

I look back. I wish I could, but I turn to that voice reflexively.

"... Raina?

The person who opened his eyes and looked terribly surprised, oh my god, the spirit beast soma uto, was he the only one still alive - and if that's all, how good it would have been.

"Oh, Aoshi, Yudo..."

It was real.

There must have been a real 'brave man', Aoshin Yudo.

By the Transition Magic Formation, he appeared here in Fairy Square. That was just it, if it's a quick indication of the status quo.

"What, Yudo Aoshi!?

"Oh, come on, you're serious!

"Hey, isn't this bad?"

The noise of the upper middle and lower trio was utterly deafening. Probably not even in your eyes. For me and for Aoshi.

"Hey, what... Raina, is it..."

Because he's staring straight at me, no, under my feet, at Rayna sinking in blood.

"Oh no... die..."

A desperate look, as if you had seen the end of the world.

But Aoshi Yudo is a brave man. Brave men do not succumb to despair. Because brave men are resistant to despair.

And the brave fight. Yes, the root of despair, hating evil.

- Peach River, did you do it?

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