Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Lesson 146: Mutual Growth

With her mother, she healed my heart, with her breasts, she killed my reason, and Mae had a hard time spiritually raising and dropping me, but for once, she calmed down. I went to the bathroom and it was refreshing.

The laundry is dried with the brunette rope I put up, and we're getting each other in jersey, which means Mae stays in erotic fashion showing off the valley of breasts at all costs, so for now, I'm having her weave her own blanket. No matter how refreshing I am, if I can keep showing that stuff off, reason will collapse again. Even though, my reason, weaker to the boob opponent, would collapse more brittle than the chopsticks I put up in the sand mountains.

That's wacky, and very unfortunately, Mae's chest was hidden for world peace. Oh, I should have worshipped some more...... can I expect it next time......

"By the way, are you hungry?


May asked me if I was hungry, and I've never heard of no.

Well, it's a dungeon life lacking in food. Even if it is nutritionally bearable with the shame of fairy walnuts, there is no chance of bloating satisfactorily. Everyone is hungry at all times. Never, I'm not a wacko wanting to put up a belly peco character rettel on May.

"I still have some ingredients left, so let's eat."

"What, are you okay?!?

That's a good one. Me and May will get along. It's better than acting like bastards. It's better than cooking.

But in the wake of the Rayna crusade, I've almost freed up the rest of the big pig's meat, so there's really only about one more meal left. Other places besides meat are the mysterious herbs that were popular for the price, the banana imo and a few weeds and mushrooms that can be eaten for now.

In the meantime, let's go with a peony pan that turned into my specialty dish.

"Ahhh, that could be bacon!?

I took it out, look at the last chunk of pork bacon, May eats it up. No, not literally.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Wow, I can't believe it's processing into preserved foods... didn't it take you a while?

"Yeah, if it's my spell, it's one shot."

Speaking of which, 'The Witch Cauldron' is a spell she learned after Mae and I broke up, so she doesn't know this exists. This is my ability to take care of you in all aspects of your life, so let's get to the bottom of this.

"- So, this is" The Witch's Cauldron ""

Next to the fountain, just build a vessel, activate. Perfect for cooking, the pot-sized 'Witch Cauldron' is completed.

"If you add water, it boils pretty soon, so does the firepower."

"Eh, what's this, there's no fire, it's warming up! Is it IH?

I don't think so. Maybe I'm just magically adding heat, on my own. It's a bit arrogant that it's your spell, but you don't know much about the principles, do you?

"Not only can this pan be warmed, it can be frozen as it is, it can be dried. So just throw in the raw meat and it's easy to dry the meat."

"Eh, shush..."

As surprising as Mae is, it's not an ordinary matter.

But she is a cook, a muscled cook. Then, among the dungeons, "The Witch's Cauldron," a versatile cookware that allows for a variety of cooking in this one, may seem like a magical pot to dream of. Compared to me, who knew how to cook, if only I could eat it, I'd be impressed.

"I can make it into a mixer, mix it up, do a lot of other things."

"Awesome! Awesome, Kotaro!

"Uh, do you want to use it next time?

"Yeah! With this, you can cook all kinds of food!

My eyes are sparkling. In one "Witch Cauldron," I didn't know you'd be happy to get this far, but you're exhausted in the spellmaster's plunge. I mean, this ability was, after all, something Mae should have been given more than me...

While tongue drumming at the finished peony pan, we were concerned about each other, discussing how we'd been since we broke up.

When I cried to Mae, I thought I said something rough, but when I explained my experience by following the order as I calmed down... Mae listened to my hard work in tears. If you get emotional and cry too seriously, I'm about to cry again.

But if I pop into May's chest right now, I'm sure lust will be ahead of me. It's a valley of raw tits.

Well, I don't care what I tell you. There wasn't much to be gained, and it's enough to give me a new spell. As it stands, I've lost Rem.

I'm worried about Mae.

As such, I did not hesitate to take my side and pointed the blade at Yudo Aoshi, so apparently I don't have to worry about being bedridden. If May was mellow about his charm, I would have been cut to death like that.

"Mine... went well, it was"

Angrily enough, Mae didn't really talk about her journey with Aoshi Party with a good face.

"We've been together for a while, and I, I get it... oh, nobody's worried about Kotaro."

My spine freaked out at the words I casually said. It was supposed to be her tender care dialogue that led me through, but I felt as though I had an unfathomable grudge.

"I looked for you, didn't I? But I'm sure everyone, I wasn't going to find out about Kotaro. Yeah, I hope they don't find me, that's what I thought."

Well, I guess so. Given their position, I'd rather not be found forever.

Shortly after I was thrust, Mae was angry at that outrage tomorrow, but Aoshi Yudo's forceful deterrence & persuasion of death by the chairman of the committee somehow avoided killing each other.

Mae went on with the dungeon and knew she needed their help to find me. But if you try Aoshi Cherry Blossom, if you can't find me, Mae won't rebel, and you'll feel better dead in the first place.

"Well, that's good. In the first place, my liking was negative at that point."

"Yeah, in the end, you just like it or not, it's just beautiful. Me, I'm desperate to contain my anger... I don't really remember that time, actually."

Shit, May, my eyes are serious. You don't have to be so angry... No, but even from Mae, I almost got killed really irrationally. Now, if the group of killers were hella without showing the color of reflection, well, would they even look pretty?

"Oh, but I remember what everyone's capable of."

"Oh, well, that's good"

"Yeah, because I watched everyone's strength with caution so I could turn it to my enemies whenever I wanted"

You were willing to betray me from the start. It's a nightmare for them, but it's such a delightful stance for me to cry about.

"Since then, every time we go on the dungeon, the demons and the bosses have grown stronger -"

Then I heard more about the attack pattern at Aoshi Party. Apparently, they've been fighting a lot stronger than the bosses I've run into.

Palace area living armor with pyramid castle gogma & four-arm gogma.

I've defeated Gogma and escaped the jungle, too, but I didn't know he even had four bigger four-armed bosses on top of four arrows. Not very much, but I'm not dealing with him. Heavenly Tao will be the only one who can possibly counter it outside of the Aoshi party.

"Well, you've beaten me like that."

"Because only for the stronger the enemy, the better the weapon. Besides, I was able to defeat Gogma's boss because of Kotaro."

What, I, I didn't do anything about it.

"You know, Reagent X... I used it all."

"What!? What, all of it!?

I had Mae have had quite a bit of it, but I didn't know I was going to run out of all that arr. No matter how much antidote you mix and adjust, you're still amateur eye-catching. Absolutely no safe taking is guaranteed.

"Are you okay!?

"Yeah, it's nothing."

Sure, May didn't see anything strange going on. The consciousness is solid, and I don't even look at you, I don't think it's done. My face looks more like it's polished by beauty. I don't see any signs of junkies.

"But you can't do it."

"I'm sorry."

I'm worried, but even May isn't stupid. I guess it was really necessary to defeat the boss of Pyramid Castle. Correct, falls under the contingency I assumed.

If it helped you cut through the pinch properly, you should be honestly pleased. Reagent X is useful for some reason. Let's keep a certain amount in the future.

"Mine, like this. I was better equipped, I learned martial arts, I was a little stronger than before."

When I listen to you, you seem a little stronger than you are.

"Oh, and speaking of which, the smartphone is ready to use."

"... Yes?

"Smartphones are now available."

Even if they smile and repeat it, I don't know what that means.

"Kotaro-kun, why don't you change your address?

I honestly responded to the address exchange when I was shocked by a smile. It's been so long since I turned on my phone. The guy who slept in the back of the bag apparently lived safely.

Nevertheless, Mae, do you think that if you only had a battery, your phone could make calls like a transceiver?

I'm sorry, but a cell phone is not a wacky thing with that thing wirelessly connected to it - Pilrrrrrrrrrr!


I got a call. If I open it, I just finished exchanging addresses, the name of the Twin Leaf Bud Costume.

"The magic of Mr. Little Bird Play's sage made it possible to only connect phone calls and texts."

"Oh, yeah..."

Little birds, little birds, even cell phone calls. After all, is the magic of the wise cheat? Or 'smelting' is cheesy. It's a magic stone. I didn't know you were using commonly magical crystalline material items to make magic items.

As it is, the difference in the quality of the equipment grows wider and wider. Earlier, although it had been enough confrontational power for even one Mae...... if there were any weapon/magic item for capture, like rope, net or paralysis, I would have used it on Mae without hesitation from its non-lethality to render it inactive. So, if you use that teh restraint weapon against me, there is no way to make it without activating "pain return".

Hmm, it might be time to seriously think about collecting good weapons and items. That gogma even had a magic wand in addition to a good weapon, so it looks like he's surprisingly hiding the treasure.

"Yes, Kotaro-kun has a present."

"What do you care?"

Just a surprise, it floats honestly. Actually, you were getting a curse-only, disastrous wand from a crate or something? Or, hey, pants like Mr. Langdon. Um, they're both practical and instant.

When I'm excited to think about being sexually harassed, etc., I was handed two sparkling acexualities.

"The necklace is" Shizukuishi of Life "and the ring is" Guard Ring ". I've always wanted Kotaro-kun to have them because they're magical items that can help protect you."

"Guard Ring": A ring that activates the same effect as the martial arts "Hard Body (Guard)".

"Shizuku of Life": A necklace with small gems that crystallizes just one drop of "Water of Life" that heals any wound.

It was effortlessly presented as if it were a traffic safety amulet, but when I heard an explanation of the actual effect, I accidentally cease to believe it.

"This even has this stuff... it works great!

I didn't expect you to come here and get magic items to protect yourself! Safe and secure defense was no less than an offensive force for me, a poor spellman.

You did it, May, more safety measures!

"Thanks, now I still feel like I can move on with the dungeon!

"Good, happy for you. Oh, necklace, shall I put it on you?

I'd really appreciate it. It's definitely better for a girl to wear it than to wear it herself.

And, I answered cheaply, was the beginning of hell.

"Well, be a little jittery -"

As she hugged me, a blanket fell from Mae's body, which approached her suddenly with her hands around her neck. It was a holy blanket to seal the vicious twin demons in order to maintain world peace.

Now you're free again, boob nob jersey. Forward, fast approaching!

In front of me, these huge raw tits that I can hang on my shine. Stick out your face for another ten centimeters or so and my face will be buried in the valley of those white gods. Size wise, I really think I'm going to bury all my faces.

I want to bury you, I want to drown you... No, no, no, calm down... it may smell so good... Oh, God, Lord Ruinhilde, help me... I can't stand this kind of treatment anymore...

- Yes, I got it.


For a moment, my consciousness was flying. Must have even been flying near the door of heaven. It was close, I was wondering if I could ever come back.

"Oh, thanks!

"Shall I wear a ring, too?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I already put it on myself. Yikes!

If I hadn't screamed like an idiot, I couldn't have done it. My reason is already a mess. Again, if you're pressed that way, seriously, I'm not sure I can stand it anymore. Jesus tits no touch.

"I'm outfitted, and it's time to leave"

"Shouldn't you be resting a little longer?

"Because there's still a chance of pursuit, and I want to play Rem soon"

"Oh, you're right."

That's right, if I don't do it on a dungeon offense anymore, my mood will suck.

May is the best person I can trust from the bottom of my heart. But she is also the most horny woman for me... I finally remembered that being alone with her is such a painful streak of patience.

No matter how painful it is, I can only lose her trust - yes, I firmly swear to God, I set off with May on a dungeon offense that hasn't happened in a long time.

"Hey, Kotaro. There's only one thing I really need to ask you."

I can hear Mae waiting for me on the arrow tip I'm ready for.

Look, it's a very serious look, like I thought it would be.

"Yeah, what, what's up?

What serious questions will pop up? I wait for her to ask me, feeling slightly better. [M]

"Um, I just found it when I washed it - Whose pants are these?

Pants with a leopard pattern, offered in a straight face.

Oh, I packed this...

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