Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 148: Little Princess

That was right around the time I got into kindergarten. Gardens running around in the small grounds where cherry blossoms dance, in which I found her.

Glowing golden hair with clear blue eyes. When I first saw it, I wondered if the doll was moving. I was wondering if that or if you came out of the TV. So much so that I felt like I was making a difference.

"What are you looking at, brother?"

A slightly grumpy cherry blossom shows up from the side so as to block my sight.

"Hey, Cherry Blossom, is that kid a foreigner? I've never seen it before."

I wonder if you're American, or if that's the only name I knew when it came to the blonde blue-eyed race, and I felt totally inexplicably unsolicited about the cherry blossoms that didn't seem interesting to me.

"... Mr. Ardelheid, are you talking about?

"Arde...... what? That's a really long name."

"Raina Ardelheid Ayase," he said.

It was me mysteriously impressed by the long name that the boulder was a foreigner, as I can't remember from just hearing it once.

"Do you care about that kid, brother"

"Because you're amazing, you're a real American!

"Oh, that's half," he said.

"Oh, cherry blossoms, I know you well."

"I just found out, too, during this time."

Because I heard a lot more about Sakura than I did about Raina Ardelheid Ayase in the next class. With that look, there was another reason for her to be a rumor, more than that it couldn't be discreet...

"You shouldn't get too close."

"What, why?

"Look, don't you see?"

If you turn your gaze to Raina again, there are lots of orchards gathering around her to show some awesome excitement.

"That's very popular!

"No, just the boys, they'll be getting together"

If you ask me, sure, there seems to be only men around Raina wearing water-colored smocks. The pink girl looks at it far-flung and doesn't look very funny.


"Come on, why not?"

"Doesn't that just happen?

"Well, that's fine - let's go explore sooner than that, brother."

"Whoa, yeah! All right, let's go, cherry blossoms! Whatever monsters show up, I'll take them down!

"Yes, brother"

With the branches of trees I picked up around there as my sword of love, I strained off for an exploration into the grounds of a kindergarten that was still almost strange.

So, I never cared more about Raina than that. Every day, I'm obsessed with cherry blossoms and hanging out with my friends in the same pigeon group, and I don't even remember anything at all about the next class kid who wasn't involved - it should have been.

"Wow, ahhh!

And it's a friend of the pigeon group who's crying hard in the corner of the ground.

"This is Raina's castle, so you guys can't go in there!

The guy yelling and making his friends cry, no, they should have. Many people stand side by side with the uneven, awesome.

Castle, that means a new plaything just finished in the spring. It's like a big athletic plaything you have in the park, designed to inspire a fantastic castle. The tallest place has a pointed roof and a long slide stretches.

Everyone in the orchard didn't want to try sliding through this slide. But no one has slipped this yet since I installed it.

Why? Because there's always Raina on the heavenly side of the castle.

Strange, she keeps staying there without slipping down the slide. And then pushed her away, and no one slipped down the slide. Always around Raina, the same group of boys will never allow it. As if, a knight who protects the princess.

To their too much temper, the other orchards were barely able to help. Even the elderly didn't let him near, so it would be quite something.

But my friends in the pigeon group finally stormed the castle unbearably, as a result of which they were defeated abruptly by Raina's knights.

A few high up this way. In contrast, the other side is such a number that all the boys in the group are really in place. There was no reason anywhere to win.

"Come on! I won't let you do that on your own!

But while all my friends were crying out, only one person looked like a gardener who shouted resolutely... indicating that it was a cherry blossom. Ever since he was a little girl, he's been very comfortable.

"Uh-oh, what is this place about Rayna!

"Go home, pigeons!

"Go home! Go home!

More than a dozen opponents gave me a malicious caged return call, and the boulder cherry blossoms were about to cry out.

That's when I finally rushed to the castle.

All my friends are going to cry and so is the cherry blossom. And the guys who did it, they don't apologize to everyone, they laugh like they've won. To childhood, that was enough to burn justice.

"Stop it! Don't bully the cherry blossoms!


He breaks into pieces and stands to shelter the cherry blossoms.

"Oh, my God, you"

He's a pigeon, too.

"Go away, I won't let you use the slide."

In their unsolicited words, my anger grows.

"Don't be ridiculous! This place is everybody's thing, it's a bad thing to be alone on your own!

"Uh-oh, this is Raina's castle!

"That's right, that's right, we're protecting you!

"I'll never let the rest of them use it!

Childish ramblings, but their feelings are stubborn, and our patience and grief are real.

I can't forgive you for yelling and spreading hostility at them. But the most unforgivable thing is just one, Raina, who keeps standing on the castle.

For her sake, the boys in the group began to be impotent. And everyone else is in trouble. I'm just one wagamama, swinging all kindergarten orphans - but Rayna was just blurry and looking far away from the height of the castle, as if she hadn't noticed the big fight going on at her feet or something.

I didn't think she'd forgive me more than anything. It would be as if that appearance, which does not omit others, was due, nevertheless, to a feeling of ruthlessness, like that of the leader of an evil organization, appearing in the feature-shooting hero he was doing at the time. Thus, he is very similar to a large number of his men.

So I figured, trying to take her down, which makes her irrational.

"You jerk! Just go home, Cora! I'm not dying!

A leading boy finally got his hands on me barking without pulling a step.

Grab the right fist and shake it wide. No matter how many kindergartners it is, it is a clear exercise of violence of beating people.

But for me, which had already begun training by my grandfather, that was too naive a force to fear at all.


The action I took against the boy on my way is a tackle. The other guy was bigger than I was back then, but what he was doing was kindergarten. Still big head, short hands and feet in toddler shape, unbalanced in standing position. It is one of the reasons why children are prone to fall.

When I deal with a gardener like that, I fall back firmly and hit him from the shoulder. Tackle's power wasn't so much, but it was too much power to turn kindergartners around.

"Uh-oh! Hey, hey!

The boy, who was bounced off by my tackle, cried out loud as he fell. My hands and feet have also been rubbed off and injured by the shock of the fall. There won't be any gutty kindergartners or anything like that who can keep fighting in this state.

"Hey, what are you doing!

"What are you crying about!

It's not as sharp as saying it kills Russia, but the knights' orchards make a scene about their people being hit. It's a delicate situation, not knowing if it will turn into an attack with a mundane kick, although there are no moves that will soon strike us all because there are victims who cry out loud and painful, painful.

There's nothing I can do if more than ten opponents attack me at the same time. So hit the lead.

"Out of the way! The slide is for everyone to give it back!

Make up your mind that you won't leave later, and I'll poke the boy who was nearby. I don't use fists, if I punch with immature hands, I risk hurting my hands instead.

The opponent is a kindergartner, if you let him fall a little, he can cry and be powerless as soon as possible. Not long ago, I rolled him to the ground about three people.

"Wow, he's strong!

"Yabe, strong"

With one fellow defeated after another, the other boys are obviously on two feet. At the earliest, fear prevails over anger against an enemy named me. If this happens, I'm not afraid of the number of opponents.

"Hey, Temei, how dare you?"

"Kufu, he's gonna kill you."

So, two boys came down from the castle.

One is a big guy who thinks he's in elementary school already. The other was a guy with a disgusting face who looked cheeky, and there was a rope jump in Soytz's hand that made a noise with Hyung Hyun.

To one of kindergarten's best giants, a despicable man who brings up weapons in fights. But its power would be the greatest as a orchard. Normally, you can't win first. I almost cried, too.

"Good luck, brother! Your brother can't lose, for all of us, he will win!

But the cherry blossom cheer pushed my pitiful back. Yes, I can't lose here for my sister, for everyone! How dare you burn a sense of purpose on your children?

"I'll be your opponent, come on, call me!

"Ugh, I'm not dying!

First of all, it was the big guy who attacked me. One head is bigger than me, and he's coming forward with tremendous force. Physical difference in boulders, weight difference is too great, and tackling directly from the front is likely to push you down.

So attract to the critical. Three, two, one more step until the collision...


Fly to the right, make it look like, take a feint-mixed step that moves to the left, and dodge the ramp. Keep going, turn around behind him.


Faster than turning around, I slap a kick in the back of his knee. A blow like a rambling knee cock made me try to break my big fat ass knee brilliantly.


In that gap of disfigurement, plus a tackle all over his big back. The guy stayed put, couldn't even take the reception, and was knocked down from the face to the ground.

With my ears hanging, listening to a loud cry, I turn to the bastard in my nawatoshi gear.

"Hehe, what's up, come on. Are you scared? Uh?"

The big buddy was hit, but the Nawatobi bastard had an extra look. So much, do you have faith or confidence in weapons?

On his head, spinning a thoughtfully bumpy wattle, he felt used to using it as a weapon like this, just saying it. Oh, did I do it, and have I made many people cry?

It's a trick, isn't it? Like a clam, no sharp blade, no heavy copper, the only thing stuck is the plastic handles. However, it is powerful enough to inflict just enough pain to make you cry uncomfortably if you hit your body with thoughtful swings.

Perhaps a one-shot battle. The reach is overwhelmingly longer over there. What you need is courage to jump in between opponents, not power or speed.

"Let's go!

With a sharp hanging voice, I proceeded with caution. But from the other person's point of view, it would have looked really easy to aim at, just freaking out and lying down.

"Well, eat it!

Don't come flying at great speed, Watto. I draw an arc so that I can scratch it off, and I do catch a grip of plastic flying towards me with my eyes. To a predictable orbit, a degree of attack speed that you can still follow with your eyes.

I lifted my hand gently as I stood back, convinced that I was here.

The soft plastic rope caught on my right hand. Moment after moment, the orbit of Wattori will change. With my hand as the starting point, the speed tip goes back so that it folds in half. Yeah, towards him at Nawatoshi.


I screamed sadly for you, and you threw it yourself. Wattori was hitting me in the face. Wow, that sounds painful, a little sympathetic, but I guess it means you deserve it because you've launched such a merciless attack. He must have learned about the danger of using weapons.

"I win! If you still have someone else to deal with, call me!

Behind the big tits crying for the big cry and the nawatoshi scream softly. There was no one else to respond to it.

Eliminate all enemies and finally I climb to the castle.

Due to their occupation, this castle, instead of the slide, could not even get close. So just climbing a diagonally stretched net of rope was a bit of fun.

That way, I immediately climb down to the top floor of the slide. When it comes to castles, it's just a plaything, just a short climb away.

"... right?

So for the first time, Rayna turned to me.

Blue eyes pointing straight at me are so beautiful that they seem to suck, and for a moment, I don't tell cherry blossoms that I fell in love with them. Keep it to yourself.

"Get off there. Everybody wants to use the slide."

No matter how cute he is, he is the best of evil. I am so relieved and resolute.


"Yeah, we're all waiting because you're not just slipping."

If Rayna finishes slipping through here, the order finally begins to turn. No matter how bad he was, I didn't think of anything as barbaric as trying to kick him off this height.

"... no"

"Hey, why!

"Frightened. Slippery, frightened"

I was puzzled by her closing her eyes and giving me a look that really scared me.

"Then why are you here?"

"I like it here. Sakura, beautiful."

That's when I first realized. He said Raina wasn't occupying the slide, she was just looking at the cherry trees growing on the ground from here on out.

Stunning view, not so much. However, this was probably a landscape that I find attractive because I'm a kindergartner, with a much higher view than a little kid looking from the bottom.

"Well... you didn't mean to stop the slide, did you?"

"Yeah, I didn't put it together. I don't know."

Does that mean that Rayna was just looking at the tree-lined cherry blossoms here, and the rest of them took it personally and kept occupying the castle?

Why, nobody noticed. How did this happen?

Rayna was nothing wrong. Yet the others took the liberty of saying "for her" and making things big, annoying everyone, at the end of the sentence, this is such a big fight.

"Ha... you're not stupid..."

Rayna's castle, and all that noise about their feelings, I didn't even understand the shards. At least, it could have been a harsh story telling me to guess what I was still in kindergarten.

But when I saw Raina standing on the castle and certified her as a bad boss on her own, I would never be able to fool around about them either.

"But good. You're not the bad guy."

Yes, it was really good. I finally understood that Rayna was the same child.

I'm sure everyone doesn't realize how she feels because of her so heterogeneous, so beautiful, blonde-eyed appearance. The truth is, I'm nothing like my sister's cherry blossom, I'm just a girl.

"Then I'll slip the slide."


If Raina is just admiring cherry trees, you can do whatever you want. If I slip, we can all slip later. Whether Raina stands here or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

Trouble, triumph. As the first user of the castle slide, I embarked on a bit of pride.

"... it slips"

But for some reason, Rayna was staring at me and I didn't feel comfortable slipping out.

"I'll slip."

"Aren't you frightened?

"Totally, it's so much fun."

At least, it is quite a splendid castle slide, boasting heights and lengths not found in neighborhood parks. Nature and expectations also increase.

"What, I knew you wanted to slip too"

"But... frightened"

"But you want to slip, don't you?

"... yeah"

Apparently, Rayna got intrigued when she saw someone else try the slide. Nothing, if you want to slide, you can slide. But climbing up to this point and being afraid to slip is a tricky story.

As far as I'm concerned, I could have just slipped away by letting her step on the slide... somehow, I was hesitant to leave her alone. She's not a bad girl, just a little different looking, normal kid. Then we could normally even be friends.

"So, do we slip together?


Rayna's smile, the first time I saw it, was so dazzling.

I sat her in front of me so I could hold her in from behind and finally jumped out of the castle. The high, long, castle slide, though, was only a short time away if you tried to slide.

"Hey, what's your name?

After the slip, Rayna looked straight at me and asked.

Speaking of which, I wasn't even named after him, and I'm still being noticed. I also thought to my child that it was not fair to know their names unilaterally and not beyond.

So answer quickly.

"I'm Yudo, Yudo Aoshi!

"Yuuuuuuuuuuuuu then!

Rayna screamed "Yu-kun" with delight and hugged me as much as she wanted. So unexpectedly, I couldn't even hug her, out of balance and fall backwards - cancer!

"Ugh, oh..."

Needless to say, I cried out with the momentum that surpassed them that I had just made them cry when I hit the back of my head on the slide painfully. No way, I didn't think Raina would do it at the end.

Though I had a cock that didn't tighten anything... this was the meeting between me and Rayna.

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