Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 150: Yuanya Sakurai and Hayashi Daisy (1)

Me and Early Arrow are childhood friends. The house was next door to each other, and by the time I got my mind on it, we were already playing together. And by the time I realized... I was liking it.

I confessed when I was in kindergarten youth group. And I promised to marry you when I was in kindergarten for the elderly. I don't think so. Because I meant it. Back then, and still are.

In the end, whether I was in elementary school or junior high, I was to confess again and again. No matter how many times I confess, Early Arrow's answer is set.

"I love you, too."

Oh, I must be the happiest man in the world.

Because I could stay with the woman I love so much, destined to love, from a very young age.

Me and Early Arrow, we've been having each other's thoughts since we were kids... and even though it's not a romantic novel, there was also a disorder.

The first time I felt Sole was in third grade.

Even in kindergarten, there was a slight difference between men and women, but if you become a primary school student, you will also become more aware of boys and girls in circles. Boys get together and play with boys, and girls get together and chat with girls.

In that, whether at school or after school, what if there was a girl named Early Arrow all the time and a boy who wanted to be with you?

"Far arrow - you would have been with daisies again -"

"Me, yesterday, I saw you hand in hand with the daisies!

"Seriously, are you guys dating?"

They said that, and I... At the time, I was an irresistible fucking kid, and I thought it would be or 'embarrassing'. I gave in to the curious gaze of everyone in my class and the sound of being stood up.

And what do you think I said to her?

"Oh, me... because I'm not going home with Early Arrow anymore!

If I go back in time on the time machine, I'll be sure to go punch me in the face at this moment. I still regret it, it's the biggest stain of my life.

I kept Early Arrow away and made her sad because of my own embarrassment.

Early arrow was crying, I found out three days after that.

"Sorry, Early Arrow...... sorry...... oh, I, I like it! I love you so much about Early Arrow..."

I cried to death and apologized. Momentum that squeezed all the moisture out of my body made me cry. With so much crying, it seems that Early Arrow's parents were also at the level of rushing into stopping.

Anyway, I was forgiven. Because Early Arrow is sweet. Sweet for her kindness, I was forgiven.

Since then, I have vowed to my heart to resist whoever prevents me and her from getting along.

No matter how rumored or ridiculed or jealous I am, I will pierce my love for Early Arrow. If that were the case, my heart wouldn't have swayed anymore.

"Ah, what the hell, Far Arrow, are you with Daisy again? Seriously, were you dating that skank?

"I'll kill you."

I will not condone it. Who stands in the way of my love. Those who insult my Early Arrow.

Luckily, I was a better developer. Besides, motor nerves are good there too. It's an elementary school fight, and it's not the first thing to lose. More importantly, I'm not ready.

Love is the strongest power.

But she was worried about me too kind-hearted and too kind.

"Far arrow, not really, don't fight about me. I'm a skank because it's true..."

"What are you talking about, that's not true! Early Arrow is the cutest thing in the world! To me, I don't care about all the women but Early Arrow!

"Besides, Far Ya is cool... you and I are going to look out of proportion."

"Damn it, I'm the one who hasn't matched you!

I'm the cutest, sweetest, nicest Early Arrow boyfriend in the world, enough to make an effort every day. My body's working out, and I'm studying. I wasn't even interested in the fine dust of fashion, but I'm going to do a lot of research to cool it down in front of her.

That effort, for once, should be quite fruitful.

"Thanks. But a lot of kids get jealous of me and Far Arrow being together...... so don't worry too much. I don't care what you say."

"But no... damn, I just wish I could stay with Early Arrow"

"Yeah, because Far Arrow will be with you. So no matter what happens to me, it's okay."

Too much love, my chest was about to rip open.

I can't forgive the guys who get in our way, but if you make the rubbing bigger, that makes Early Arrow sad.

I guess it was when I was in middle school that I understood that romantic relationships involved not only the parties, but also those around me. It's a time of great sentiment. Love between men and women is also about to become particularly sensitive.

Luckily for me, I was ready, and this kind of talk from Early Ya came from around my senior year of elementary school, so I wore the art of avoiding the hassle of relationships more easily than I thought.

When I go to middle school, I really notice the color, especially the girl. So, you're not even very involved with each other, and I immediately say that I like you.

Thanks to you, I've been confessed many times by a woman. No, I don't even know your name, but there were a few kids like you.

Oh, my God, I'm a little taller than the other boys, I'm a little athletic, I'm a little studied, to that extent. I don't think his face is normal, and if he looked cooler than the others, that's just that he's got his hair on. And if you're wearing clothes that match your shape, the style looks pretty good.

Such a woman who confesses for some reason that she's just a little better than the others is too mild to even have feelings of contempt. I don't even know what true love is, just light-headed women - but the women who have suppressed my crappy emotions and so on and confessed, I must politely refuse.

A woman is a creature of immediate jealousy. I like Early Arrow, so if you're stupid and honest, they have a 100% chance of resenting Early Arrow. Hey, I don't know how stupid and ugly it is to put your lack of attraction on the shelf and be jealous of the best girl in the world, but that's what a woman is. I mean, Early Arrow is not a woman, she's a goddess.

If you get used to it, it's not that hard. If you experience more than ten people on a boulder, you'll get a good way to say no to confessions. At least, as soon as I said no, I was no longer heavily elevated or made to cry.

That's how I got through middle school.

When I was in high school, did it settle down somewhat or did I make less fuss about it than when I was in middle school? He said, "We're dating! Couples who publicly proclaim that there were also one or two pairs in the class.

I can tell you it's been an easy environment for me...

"Wow, Aoshi, that's amazing. Like idols."

For the first time in my life, I learned to be jealous as a man.

I've been doing everything I can since I was in that third grade to be the man that Early Ya deserves. Thanks to that, I am proud to say that I am enough to have a slightly better attraction than my classmate boys.

However, Yudo Aoshi was different in character. The beauty that was born, above all, the aura that emanates from it. He's an overwhelming beauty, like a figure in the world of fiction, jumping out of a beautiful TV drama.

Well, jealousy, too. I'm in a hurry.

Maybe, Hayashi, I can't believe you're talking about me anymore...

"But I think Far Arrow is the coolest. Because he's my boyfriend."

Hayashi-chan! That's okay, that word, me, you can believe it.

Then I believe you. So I'm not even jealous of Aoshi Yudo.

He's the coolest guy I've ever seen... but if Early Arrow says he's the best about me, that's enough.

I'm not the best man in the world. However, if you can be the best of Early Arrow, it's just fine.

"Early Arrow...... who else cares about boys?

But forgive my weak heart for asking such a pitiful thing.

"What else, like you, Heavenly Door? Heavenly Tao is very popular with women."

Tendo Ryuichi. Sure, he's cool too. At least, far more than me, like I slipped into a handsome frame after an effort. He's the only man comparable to Yudo Aoi.

"But the scary one is a little..."

Yeah, yeah, right, early arrows don't even look good on bad students, do they?

It's okay, if I have to, I'll protect you, whether it's Heaven or the Black High Four Heavenly Kings.

"Anything else?

Perseverance, he's going to get mad, but I asked.

"Um, except for those two, I really think Far Arrow is the coolest, huh? I don't know, it's rumored that I care about girls."

Hmm, I don't care about the other girls. If Aoshi Yudo and Ryuichi Tendo can attract meeher girls students at best, that's fine. In the meantime, I can flirt with Early Arrow without worrying.

"Ah, if you're curious, uh... Takagawa, I guess"


Peach River is the youngest woman-faced guy in that class, right? also, maybe early arrow, oh I liked that then......

"Peach River, you look cute like a girl... honestly, you're even cuter than me at all... I never thought I'd lose to a boy in the face..."

Early arrows are enveloped in darker auras than ever.

Oh, hey, Peach River...... Early Ya's pride as a little girl, with that cute face, suddenly snapped. Yeah, on a night not the moon, can you snipe me?

"Hey, Far Arrow, isn't there a girl or something that... cares?

"I'm not here."

There are so many beautiful girls in the same grade as us. There were quite a few children, headed by Aoshi Yudo's sister, Aoshi Cherry Blossom, who seemed to work in idols right now.

But that's just an objective appearance story.

"Early Arrow is my best,"

"Phew, me too, Far Arrow is the best."

Overlapping nature, lips.

My first kiss was done in kindergarten. Even when I was in elementary school, I did it several times, no, many times for the sake of it.

But was it the first time you kissed each other in middle school when you were conscious that you were lovers?

Then, I kiss Early Arrow consciously as a woman. Every time, I can't help but thrill my heart like it's about to burst.

I like it, I like it, I love it... oh really, I love you.

I was born to meet you. I'm alive to walk with you.

Always beside. I'll be with you for the rest of my life.


"Ha... ha... early arrow!

Threw out by this abominable otherworldly dungeon, I jumped out looking for Early Arrow first.

Reason, which remained painfully, appealed to me because I needed the strength to fight here, and hurried to give me only my vocation.

My vocation was to be an archer.

Naturally. The bow has been going on since elementary school. Nothing, it's just that somehow, because Early Arrow started at the club activity, I just started with him.

But if you're gonna do the same thing as her, I can't show you the cool part. I took it seriously. My skill, I'm going to. Not enough to win a national tournament, though.

But how much power does an archer have without a bow?

Bow and arrow in the bow section? That's what I keep in my room. The Aemon cherry blossoms I was bringing into the classroom are just irregular.

If this were to happen, should I have been forced to rob you in the classroom?

No, but that was the best time in a collapsing classroom, because I was hugging Early Arrow so she wouldn't leave me... damn, I sure should have held it in this arm, but I fell from a collapsing classroom into a dark space and lost consciousness. Perhaps you let go of your hand in the meantime.

At least I want to believe that early arrows are dropped right around the corner too...


"Early Arrow!

Scream. You can't have misheard that voice. I'm the only one with her voice.

My girlfriend, the most important woman in the world, just one beloved woman, goes under Daisy Early Arrow. I was on my way with all my strength.

Me and Far Arrow are childhood friendly. By the time the houses were next door to each other, and I felt like it, we were already playing together. And by the time I realized... I was liking it.

I was confessed when I was in kindergarten youth.

"I love you, Early Arrow!

"I love you, too."

I answered with a smile. I was happy.

When I was in kindergarten, I already knew the joy of thinking together. What a luxury.

So I guess... I was such a skank that making love to a boy was embarrassing.

"Ah, what the hell, Far Arrow, are you with Daisy again? Seriously, were you dating that skank?

When I was in elementary school, a boy in my class said that out loud enough to sound all over the classroom.

Terrible dialogue. But it's true.

That boy wasn't just being particularly mean. Instead, he just wanted to play with Far Arrow, the good boy.

Everyone thinks so.

Far Ya, since then, has been cool already.

Elementary school boys are hot when they have fast legs. Far Ya was the best in school. The athletic relay was always an anchor, and a hero who always scored first place goals. Especially at the end of the sixth grade, the previous guy got the bottom line of not falling, but Far Arrow pulled out and came first at once... oh, Far Arrow back then, that was really cool.

Ha, no, no, not his cool memorabilia, but anyway, Far Arrow is hot.

Rin eyes, the terminal face through the nasal muscles becomes more and more attractive as men grow. He's tall and sluggish, and then he's got muscles and strength. Not only is my leg fast, but my motor nerves are excellent.

Of course, Far Arrow was a hero at the ball tournament. If you had Far Arrow, you would have definitely won.

If a cool, stylish, and such a boy has a sweaty but most refreshing smile after a great role in the sport, there's no longer a girl who doesn't like Far Arrow.

But that smile was always, only directed at me.

I was happy. I was so happy - but I'm not just happy. It's a skank woman like me who has such a nice monopoly on Far Arrow.

On the thin eyes of the single eyelid, the downward swelling of the round face. My nose is low, and my hair looks like a wacko with a weird heavenly pa...... the only part I can praise in my face is about teeth lined up.

Even the body is poor and lacks attraction as a woman. My chest is so big that it doesn't make sense to wear a bra. My legs are short. I'm just not fat, I want to think it's better.

That's me. What would happen if such an irresistible, stone-colored woman received the favor of Far Arrow, who sparkles like a diamond, all by herself?

A storm of jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. Cursing noise and slanderous rain showers.

Hey, Far Ya, you were always with me when I was in middle school, my pretty girl friend. They're not my friends or anything. If you were with me, you could be with Far Ya, so I was just pretending to be your friend.

"Hey, break up with the faraway arrows quick."

"I'm dating a fucking skank, Temei. Don't you think Far Arrow is pathetic?

"You have a smartphone, don't you? Hey, call me right now. Break up."

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for my weakness rather than resentment towards them.

Because Far Ya is my boyfriend. That's what I insist, I can't even resist.

'Cause I think in a corner of my mind. The truth is, I've been thinking about it.

I wonder if Far Arrow has a girl who deserves more as her.

I'm not cute, and I'm not beautiful. Now, I don't have enough talent or genius brains to complement my appearance. And you're inferior in appearance and talent, above all, weak and inferior in heart.

If only my heart were a little stronger. And if only with a little courage and confidence...... I must have embraced his love with dignity and been happy.

But in the end, I didn't even have that, just a little bit of strength.

No matter how bad they say it, without saying a word back, they just zip endure it. Yeah, endure, what a fine thing. Just be told, be done, be done, that's all.

I don't say anything, I don't do anything, I'm just weak to cry with mesomeso.

Doing so makes them impatient, too, and confess to Far Arrow. I'm sure you found it very easy to take a man away from the ugly lowlife with no choice like this, his face and his heart.

Sure, I'm weak. But because Far Arrow is strong.

In the end, no matter how cute the girl confessed to me, Far Ya was fu in an instant answer.

Every time I... Oh, good. I can still be Far Arrow's girlfriend. Yes, I take it personally.

You can't do anything about yourself, but to the strength of Far Arrow, sweetness, reliance... really, there's nothing you can do about it, a woman named me sucks.

"Hey, Far Arrow, isn't there a girl or something that... cares?

"I'm not here. Early Arrow is my best."

"Phew, me too, Far Arrow is the best."

After enrolling in White Ridge School, the shady storm of drool jealousy finally subsided.

I'm sure it's cooler than Far Ya, because Aoshi has a boy named Heavenly Taoist. Most girls, they're crazy about them. Some of them seem to give up on the two like school idols and target the third faraway arrow for cool.

Still, it was much more peaceful than when I was in middle school.

Friends, too, made real friends. In particular, Ariko Yangtze River is special.

Plain and dear in the class, but much cuter looking than I am, Yangtze River, but she honestly congratulated me and Farya-kun on getting along. That's the first person I've ever met in a girl my age.

Even if you don't care about Far Arrow, if a skank like me has a handsome boyfriend, you can't be jealous.

But strangely, Mr. Yangtze didn't feel that way at all.

Yeah, it's no wonder or anything. Because she has someone she loves wholeheartedly. But according to that, I didn't think it was that scary mouth of yours... but it's okay, even now, I haven't told anyone about this, so don't worry, Mr. Yangtze!

Anyway, such a friendship with Mr. Yangtze has made a huge difference in my feelings. I still remember, her shocking word.

"Daisy, if you don't respond to Sakurai's love properly, you can't"

At the end of the day, I was struck down that I was only thinking about myself. The words determined my heart more deeply than any terrible dialogue, showered in middle school.

But realizing that, admitting it, being accepted, I was finally able to change a little bit.

Though Far Arrow grows a lot more body and mind than I do, becoming a cooler and nicer man - skank and no good, I can make him want to try to catch up with me one by one like that.

I'm not desperate for what I can't do.

Far Arrow has always loved me, unchanged, ever since I was a child.

Then I must reward his love.

Really, not whether you deserve it or not. If he wants me at this moment right now, I'll, I'll dedicate all of mine.

So I'm not scared, I'm not ashamed. The truth is, I was a little scared, and I was so embarrassed... I hear a lot about the first experience hurting, but hey, how is Far Arrow crying more than me? But I'm glad, you're really sweet, Far Arrow.

My name is Daisy Early Arrow. Sakurai Toyaki's lover.

If it's for him I love, I want to do anything for you... and I'm sure I can do anything.

So... so... God, to me, have courage!

"Hayashi, it's okay... I'll protect Hayashi..."

Sudden interracial summons.

I didn't even know the wax, and in a dungeon that was suddenly thrown out, I was attacked by demons.

The black, cockroach-formed, too ugly and nasty demon held a rusty knife, axe and other murder weapon in its hands and surrounded us.

If I encountered a demon and cried out for too much fear, Far Arrow came to me right away.

But the truth is... even faraway arrows scare me.

"And Far Arrow, so..."

"It's okay, so"

There are too many demons.

Black demons don't look very powerful, with their small backs, thin hands and feet. But a group of more than ten people, all with weapons.

By contrast, Far Arrow has bare hands. Looks like you're dressed to stay thrown out of that collapsing classroom.

No matter how far you go, you can't win.


"Guba! Gabra!

The demons seem to know we are helpless prey, surrounded by laughter. It's like, I don't know how I'm going to kill you, like, a lot, I'm not going to attack you.

But already, at the next moment, won't a rusty murder weapon be wielded from all sides?

I die. I die.

I'm scared...... but Far Arrow is more scared to death.

Oh, my God, you can die. I don't care what happens. Because Far Arrow has always loved me!

If he's going to survive, I...

"Oh, please, it works - 'Poison (Poison)'!

Believing in the power of the vocation I had been given, I shouted with my hands together as I prayed.

"Buh, geh...... obaaah!?

Then the demon, who still stood to stab the knife at Far Arrow, threw up blood and fell.

"'Poison'!" Poison "!" Poison "!

I screamed, anyway. Sounds like the magic of poison, unleashing its power even.


One after the other, the demon falls with suffering too. One, another. My magic, it's working!

"Buggg, Bulgaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

But I was selflessly obsessed with screaming magic, only for the one before me. There were more than ten demons surrounding us, so naturally, there were many behind us.

The magic of poison, Poison, can only defeat one person at a time. In turn, as far as you can see.

So I can't deal with the demons behind me.

In response to a tender oddity, when he turned around in a hurry, there was already a demon right in front of him who shook up his axe and attacked him.

"- Don't give my early-arrow a hand, cockroach bastard!

The furious cry of Far Arrow was backwards, ston, and quietly, an arrow pierced the demon's forehead.

"Gu, gee......"

As he lost the momentum of the pierced arrow, his claws and demons fell back as he shook his axe high.

"Ha ha, as long as the bow is in your hand, you can afford it"

Far Arrow was laughing with a worn-out bow that the demon I knocked down in "Poison" had, which was still going to cut a thousand strings.

Wow, Far Arrow, that's cool...... I can't believe I was in love with it out of place, but the fight was already over.

"Phew, I'm glad we have enough arrows. But the power of nature is amazing."

"Far arrow... good, good..."

"I'm sorry, Early Arrow, I can't help you right away. On the contrary, I was better helped."

Freed from fear and tension, I embraced Far Arrow and cried.

The truth is, I know it was dangerous to be crying on the spot, but he kept hugging me gently, like he always did, without one disgusting face.

That way, after my heart settled down, I could finally hear.

"Hey, is Far Ya's vocation 'archer' after all?

"Oh, yes, I am."

In a way, it may be natural. I keep bowing with you, too, but you stay a lousy piece of shit that doesn't improve a lot. But Far Arrow had talent. In the bow section of White Ridge School, the only person you can hang out with is Aoyagi-kun.

"But Early Arrow seems like a different kind of job."

"Ah, yeah... well, my vocation is..."

"Hayashi, if you don't want to tell me, you don't have to force me to."

"Yeah, fine, I want Far Arrow to hear it"

I'm already worried too much about Far Arrow.

But it's also true that I've said it all. Because it seemed a little hard to say.

"My vocation... is to be a magician."

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