Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 157: Operation Crossing the River (2)

"-" Wind Blade (Yale Sagitta) ""

The blade of released wind bursts into dry ground and winds up sand and dust...... but that's it.

"No. It's not a very smokescreen substitute for this."

The easiest means of preventing sniping would be to provide a shield and to hide.

Sakurai comes shooting bows and arrows. Flying in is neither a guided missile nor an unmanned drone with automatic tracking capability in thermography or sonar. In short, I was wondering if I could escape his precision sniping if I could block my sight with a smokescreen or something.

Normally, if you can't see the target, you can't even let a bow master hit you, but there is a vocational 'archer' who gives you superhuman abilities. You should assume that even if you block your sight, you'll be aiming at it to some extent.

"Um, the 'water fog (aquamist)' in the lower river was amazing magic."

I don't know, I've been cutting through a pinch with an array, excellent magic. Easy with one shot, the versatility of 'Water Mist (Aquamist)' prevents a wide range of visibility. Besides, the surgeon has the function of not being blocked from sight.

Even if you put up one smokescreen, it's difficult without magic or skills. Though I tried shooting 'Wind Blade (Ale Sagitta)' to the ground, the dust doesn't wind up enough to cover up and hide a person's appearance, and even if it does, it fits right in without staying.

If we put up a smokescreen by realistic means, we still need a mechanism to generate smoke on an ongoing basis.

"In the middle of the dungeon, you want me to make smoked grenades"

If it's a craft game, it seems like a development, but it's hard to do that kind of work in real life. Without tools and materials, I have no idea how to make them.

"It seems like we can extract about the oil of the pine lights, but it doesn't really mean it just burns..."

Yeah, twisting my head, once I get back to the square.

The current Fairy Square has Mae's kitchen and bathroom around the fountain, and a hammock hanging bedroom around the tree-lined area, transformed into a warehouse lined with miscellaneous materials near the entrance.

For the sniper Sakurai strategy, I put aside for now the material I've been collecting around here to think about if there's anything I can use, or if I can't combine to do something new. The ruin city you are in today is almost identical to the jungle in the vegetation itself, so various plant-derived materials can be collected. Monsters and animals, other than high zombies, are pretty good if you look for them.

After exploring the surroundings and looking for crates, there are still quite a few species of flora and fauna material at the moment, but none of them have the kind of dramatic potency. At best, more ingredients seemed to be available for cooking, enough to enrich my diet. May today is passionate about creating original spices, combining multiple herbs and spices. I look forward to dinner today.

"Ha... now I could have made a newer weapon or an item if I could just use 'Simple Smelting Formation'"

I can't help it if I'm naughty. Anyway, because we just have to do something with the stuff we have and the stuff we can collect in this place.

Or, speaking of my possessions right now and the things that seem special...... hmm, is it about the "summoning magician" you sorted for me?

"I managed to incorporate him into the lem so that I could use the summons..."

You can't, that's what I'm talking about.

Well, when I first got this, I tried it. I couldn't. I tried it during this time, but it still didn't work. I couldn't take it in well, and it felt pitiful that Rem seemed so sorry, so I'm confused to try it for nothing anymore.

"Out-of-the-expectations everywhere. Shall I destroy him?"

You can use this magic wand to replace "Breeze Blade (Yale Sagitta)".

And so on, where I put my wand on the mood to hit half eight, I can think of a fu.

"Something's going on with this wand."

When I compared the ball of wind attribute on the wand to the jade, I thought so.

As for size, the human skull, the "Summoner's Skull," is bigger, but if it's a cane-tipped palm gimmick that's like a bird's foot, it's going to grip in well.

"No way, such cheap"

I think this is an unexpected pattern anyway, but once I've purged the ball of wind, I'll try to set it up.

Gatili, and a sharp clawed hand did grip the white skull. Shake it gently, but it won't come off. It seems to be securely secured.

"Come out, Salamander!

Ba, shake the wand all the way, pose and scream.

But nothing happened.

"Right - Huh!?

"The Fool's Wand": The Fool waves his wand. I don't know it as a miracle of God, I don't solve it as a blasphemy of a saint, I just wave.

Running through your head, feeling like an electric shock. It happened before. But this time I saw it.

"Ko, is this... a new spell, is that okay?"

Until now, the unforgettable spell given to me by Master Ruinhilde on the mundane applause has passed in the back of my brain. Such is the case with "Black Blood Blood Blood" and "Forceful Poison Vessel". I feel that there are many patterns of my own flesh that are perverted exclusively for spells.

But this time, rather than my body, I had a weapon called a cane, but it was a late reaction.

Sure, if you're a magician, you have the image of a wand being the main equipment, like a magician, and it's the first time he's gotten that wand.

"Maybe if I had used the wand because of anything, I would have activated the 'Fool's Wand'..."

Even though you lack the means, seriously give me a break about your hidden skills, Master Ruinhilde. I'm more of a tactician than I'd expect to be in a pinch awakening.

"Well no. As always, it's a flavor text that doesn't even help shit, but I'll give it a shot at what it's capable of."

And then I put up my wand again, and I pose and I scream.

"Come out, Salamander!

But nothing happened.

Shit, no salamander after all. Nothing, I'd prefer a black Tirano with lightning attributes. Yeah, well, there doesn't seem to be any sweet talk about summoning strong mons for no cost.

"Yeah, whatever, get out! You must be a summoning magician.

And if you wave your wand clutteringly...

"Wow, what is this... they are sucking away magic..."

A sudden sense of magic consumption strikes me, like when I'm in the mood to recreate a lem. It feels like it's getting out of my whole body when I exercise my spell, but this time I obviously felt magic pouring out of my palms, towards my wand.

And it seems that my magic, which spilled out like hot water, was used as the magically activated energy of The Fool's Wand as it were.

Specifically, a magic formation was drawn.

It's a circular magic formation I've never seen. [M] The diameter is about a meter, the drawings and letters are not so complicated, and the pattern is simple as a percentage. The magic formation was not a line of light, it was spell-like and was portrayed by a drooling red liquid like blood.

Such a creepy magic formation, one, two, three... will be painted on the lawn of Fairy Square one after another, eventually thirteen.

And where all the magic formations have come out, at last, the shadows appear more than in them.

"Ko, this is..."

The interior of the magic formation swirls with drooling chaos, just like the creation of the 'dirty mud doll'. From there, the shadow that appeared to stand still was... skeleton.

Poor skeletons with just black colors, the same as early type lems. He's about the same height as me, and a low spec body that's clearly underpowered.

But that's what emerged from all of the thirteen magic formations. Altogether, thirteen Black Skeleton troops lined up before me.

"Oh, I've never had so many boulders. I wonder if this is the power of summoning."

"Simple Summoning Formation": A simple abbreviated summoning formation that invokes the user demon. The effect of the spell, or drawn in blood.

"Skeleton": A kind of basic use demon. The effect of the spell or the color is black.

"Tonal fluctuation (echo)": communicating your will and subordination by synchronizing your magic power with your opponent. Basic spiritual magic.

It occurred to me in my head that while it seems like the usual explanation of the spell, it is different. These three skills are, perhaps, the object of the vocation 'Summoner'.

"Maybe I can use the initial skills of a summoner"

For example, isn't it a great ability?

To sum it all up, "Fool's Wand" is activated by using a skull of a vocation as a wand, so that you can exercise the initial skills of that vocation, etc.

If you continue to use it, you will gain proficiency, and you will acquire new skills. For God's sake, I am a magician, but I can also acquire the abilities of other vocations at the same time. It will mean a growth cheat-dyed effect… but I can be strongly convinced that, according to my inquiry as a magician, I do not possess such an excellent and convenient all-purpose power.

It is likely that only initial skills can be used, and even if a proficiency system is implemented, I just think it is a level adjustment that demands huge experience points. In the first place, even the incumbent level up with a new skill liberation at the end of the corresponding experience and hardship, so there's no way you can hope for easy growth with just one spell.

But even if it's only initial skills, it's too effective for me now.

Okay, let's try the power of summoning.

"... Yeah, I knew you were weak, Koitsu et al."

If you take thirteen black skeleton troops with you in spite of your desire and come to war with you, you lost sparingly to your six-high zombie opponent, who is less than half the number.

"Guru, Gagaga"


In the end, Heizombi was knocked out by Rem and Arakune Combination.

This result, although somewhat predictable, is not relied upon as a force of war when it is so weak.

"I mean, whatever it is, it's too weak... after all, the contents aren't lems"

Exactly, and Rem. No. 1 comes out with a hand sign of affirmation.

The black skeleton, summoned in summoning by the 'wand of the fool', was somewhat slow in its movements, as was the weakness of its body. Rem, who continued his dungeon offense with me and gained quite a bit of combat experience, can move there even if he is now a body of black skeletons. The power and speed are up there, but even with a monotonous moving high zombie, it should stick pretty good.

But in earlier fights, thirteen black skeletons were almost always just punched as they were, and the move was on par with wild skeletons.

"No, I wonder what's really just like wild skeletons"

The demonic presence I serve was all rem in it. "Dirty Mud Dolls" and "Grievance Corpse Dolls". The corpse, because it is a derivation of a mud doll, although the contents were united in rem... perhaps the contents are separate because it was born with another category of magic: summoning, not spells.

Where, therefore, does the ego that moves them come from? I don't know, but anyway, the skeletons you exercise by subpoena will mean that not only is it a low-spec body, but the contents are also moving with a fucking gay AI.

Will they grow like lems if they also gain combat experience? Somehow, I don't think so.

"Even with all this number, I can't use it if I have this much combat power..."

Currently, when it comes to the benefits of skeleton summoning, the cost and time of being able to summon thirteen bodies at the same time with the amount of magic there. It is really easy to use as a pawn or throwaway in times of need.

However, to that extent, the lem created with the appropriate material is sufficient. If the contents are Rem, they have the ability to respond according to the circumstances of the war.

"It's convenient to be able to summon you or pull you in."

So-called spatial magic, is that what it is? Skeletons called in by summons can be erased.

If you make a skeleton first, then you can use the summons team to appear immediately, and if you finish the role, you can return to the summons team again. Once you call the guy who made it, naturally, you only use the Magic Consumption and the Activation Minutes of the Summoning Team.

However, one fatal problem in exercising Skeleton as a combatant was revealed by this actual battle.

"At least take the weapon back."

Yes, only the skeleton body can get in and out of the subpoena. This time there is both a spare weapon and a luggage handler named Arakune, so I was able to supply Skeleton with swords and spears, but when I return Koitzla, the weapons I had will remain on the spot and disappear only to me.

Guess what, going in and out in the summons is going by converting it into magic. Skeletons are created by the magic of summoning, so they can be reconverted into the energy of magic. However, equipment such as weapons and protective equipment, which are substances from the beginning, cannot be converted into magic. It's impossible to get in and out of summons.

"Damn, Heaven Do, is your item inventory cheat performance after all"

Those golden magic formations could throw whatever they wanted in. Both the main wappon he called "King's Sword" and the monster material he gave me seemed to deal with it all together. Isn't it wonderful that there are no particular restrictions?

Maybe if the 'Simple Summoning Team' leveled up to become the next Summoning Skill, it would also be possible to get in and out of matter.

"Yeah, I can't help it otherwise. I need to think of something to use..."

For one thing, this one battle alone roughly grasped the effects of the 'Simple Summoners' and 'Skeletons'. And then there's the third skill, "Harmonic Wave (Echo)."

"In short, if your magic is strong, you can make Mons follow you."

It's called the One Tame.

This is also a really gamelike ability. I'm sure the vocation "Summoner" is a style of play where you use this "Tonal Wave (Echo)" at first to increase your men slightly from weak demons to increase your power.

"Maybe it seems impossible to follow a strong mons... let's try it around the high zombies first"

Let's say it's been a little while since the poison drug was developed with a wax called It's really convenient to have Arakune at a time like this.


And after less than thirty minutes, he succeeded in capturing a high zombie who cheerfully raises his death voice.

It is much more powerful than Goma, so it is strictly glue-wrapped with spider yarn and hung upside down from the tree.

"Well, then let me experiment, Mr. Hangdman."

I headed for the hanging high zombie and poked at the Fool's Wand.

And an hour later. There's a high-zombie figure with an upside down hanging, turned into an unspeakable body.

"... I didn't know you'd fail"

Tame the High Zombie ended up failing. It didn't work at all.

The very magic of 'tuned fluctuations (echoes)' could be activated without any problems. But the effect was too damned.

"Goddamn it, I can't subordinate him unless he's the one who's pretty weak with this feeling."

The comfort of using this magic is nothing more than a sense of right. Spiritual magic, because it is an unprecedented and unique lineage? I can't see a clear damage determination, etc., magic acting on the mental side is difficult to confirm the effect.

If you insist on explaining the extent of the effect, paint the color, etc.

Fill the other person's spirit, the color in his heart, with his own color. If I could paint more of my colors, I would have enough influence to subordinate my opponent.

I mean, stain me! is.

"If you can't have high zombies, you can't have goves, and even a goma or a red dog opponent would be suspicious if it felt like this"

Wait, so the demon I can make you obey doesn't exist?

"Well, you don't..."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, who

For once, I am a natural who uses magic as his main purpose, so I believe that the status of magic power is crowded as a magic job. Especially not that my magic ste is low.

Even so, the performance is whether even Goma, the weakest miscellaneous fish mons in this dungeon, can be subjected to 'harmonic fluctuations (echoes)'. Even wrapped in oblate, it's only a fucking effect. You did it, Red Fever. You got company!

"Now it doesn't make too much sense to go back the way it was and use Goma as a demon."

Then it would be better to use Skeleton heavily, time, cost and effort, in all respects.

"Ha... what's wrong with this"

Against the background of the hanging high zombie, the summoning magician's wand embedded in "The Fool's Wand" stares in dismay.

I don't know who the owner of this skull is, but, hey, isn't it because he was a damned performance summoner? Because I feel sorry for you. But a real summoner wouldn't be particularly sympathetic if he was super-performing. Stay on track, Heavenly Door. Even if you fight and sell me back, do as you please.

A little bird chirping named Tunchun reached my ear behind me as I escaped reality thinking there was nothing I could do about it.

He is a tiny little bird who lives in the jungle, always rings in the tune morning tune, and tells the beginning of the day. Unlike the little birds you play with, I honestly thought they were adorable, but they were actually carnivorous, or if I wanted to be a dead high zombie, I had that body on them with a little couch.

"... 'Tune Wave (Echo)'"

The moment I called, one little bird stopped moving perfectly.


It was some kind of whim. It's just that I was nearby, it caught my eye, that's all.

However, the moment I activated 'Tune Wave (Echo)', its usefulness was outstanding.

When I tried the high zombie, it was the tinned opponent who had the labor of smearing the vast canvas with a 0,3 mm sharpen, smashing the paint can, but with the momentum, the spiritual tone progressed.

Come here and gently remember, the patter and the wings stopped on my shoulder.

"Oh, wow, seriously, I'm gonna listen to you."

Hilariously, demons possess some magic from the beginning, so it is difficult to rule with magic, resistant. But if you're just an animal that doesn't have as much magic as a demon, you're also less resistant to it?

Well, whatever the cause. It is good news that we have been able to subordinate ourselves so easily.

Now, can the animals subordinated in "Tune Wave (Echo)" come and go in and out in the Summoning Squad?

"Oh, I can do it!

If I waved the wand, the shoulder ride Suzume disappeared like a black one as she stepped down to the summoning formation of little blood drawn on the ground.

And another wave, overflowing again, was forming a tiny figure.

"Okay, okay, that's good!

If you are as small as a tiny animal, 'harmonic ripple (echo)' can easily be successful. Subordinated animals can also be exercised in the subpoena.

If you are a skeleton, there are thirteen bodies that can be exercised in the Summoning Formation. But if you're just going to use this carnivorous tin, it looks like you could use a hundred.

No, if I could use a little bigger bird instead of a stinger in the first place...

"Yay, I can go! I can deal with you, Sakurai!

Finally, we have all the bills to break through the bridge that Superman Sniper Sakurai seals off.

First of all, the first card is to equip May with me as a shield separated by "Double Shadow", making Sakurai hesitate to shoot you.

And the second card is an impromptu air force by birds that lets you in with a gap that's lost in shooting May at me.

"No, you can fly in the sky, that's just a little cheat capability already,"

I grip the "wand of the fool" that the summoning magician has embedded, and I look up at the sky, at the base, at the far high ceiling of the geofront with a Niyanya satisfied grin.

There, the birds, large and small, fly amicably with the glue.

"All right, go back."

Saying, as he waved his wand, the birds began descending straight this way and stood flabby to the ground.

The birds gathered beneath me have undergone 'harmonic fluctuations (echoes)' gradually to the benefit of the people I've seen around here. From tiny little bird sizes to a slightly larger bird like a flashy shade of parrot, it's cluttered.

But if I order you to go back, you'll be sent back to the subpoena equally and disappear. It functions well as a summoning demon.

However, only one bird has been left behind without the Summoning Squad deploying.

A very ordinary bird, black as a crow, looks very similar, seems to be everywhere. Only he is Lem, the corpse doll.

"After all, it's easier to move with Rem as your leader"

As I found out in the first Skeleton Squad experiment, the demon of use created by summoning or made into a demon by harmonic fluctuation (echo) 'is not very smart. Faithful to orders, but that's all.

It is impossible, at least, to beat swordsmanship and tactical judgment overnight.

That's why in the field of actual battle, the operator himself has to give orders... this is quite a hassle. Especially when it comes to moving multiple user demons together like this one, it can be quite difficult to just move them.

It would be useful if we could manipulate a group easily from a mouse-operated, overlooking perspective, like a strategy-game. Proficiency may improve manipulation around here, but I can't manipulate it well if the target of the order is not in my sight right now. The same applies even if you are too far away.

A bird is not long after flying away, it is beyond the sky. If I wanted to operate directly, the realistic range of operations would be quite limited.

This ruins the aerial motor power at the corner...... so it is Lem's turn.

Even if the number of Rem increases from No. 1 to No. 2, No. 3, they will not diminish their movement or judgment as to whether they are capable of parallel thinking. That's why I can considerably reduce my work as a summoner by lumping a single Rem just to lead the Usage Demon's Bird Squad.

Lem would understand it and act accurately if he gave an overview of the operation. To some extent, even in the event of unforeseen circumstances, we can decide whether to continue the operation or withdraw immediately.

By using a smart lem with high intelligence as their leader unit now, the mindless demons just have to act on their promises to Master Rem.

Even if you're a foolish user demon on a boulder, you can remember that much about keeping up with Lem, or attacking him on Lem's signal. Move, attack, retreat. If only this were possible, it would suffice as a handkerchief.

"May, how's it going over there?

"Yeah, I think it's gonna be okay."

Beside me practicing bird manipulation, Mae replied with a bright smile, in the middle of playing the arrow that was coming from Byungbyung with a big black shield.

Since the opponent is an archer, it is certain that he will shoot a bow and arrow. If you know the enemy's battle style, the weapon used, you should assume and train it.

When it comes to dealing with bows and arrows so far, to the extent that the Gormas release hectic ombolo arrows, Mae also had a guy in the living room armor who rarely uses bows and arrows or bowguns, so much so that he hasn't had much experience.

This time, he forcibly breaks through the bridge while using me as a good shield, so he is practicing to respond to the sniping of arrows at all. Well, corners, there's time.

He is currently relentlessly shooting at Mae, who sets up a shield, in three places: Lem I, Arakune and III. Arakune is a man-shaped upper body, so you can actually shoot a bow normally. Centaur also had a good bow setting or something, right?

Anyway, Lem, who now possesses a lot of skill, shoots arrows from three directions in pieces in a threesome. If I were normal, I would die. You will die in the first shot.

But the boulder is our Berserker May. Even as the arrow flew from behind him, he flipped without bitterness and let it be prevented with a shield.

"I can handle this, but Sakurai, your bow looked even more awesome, so I might be a little nervous."

"To the boulder, the natural 'archer' is the opponent. You'll have martial arts, and you won't be able to practice perfect."

"Yeah, but... about Kotaro, because I'll definitely protect him"

"No, this time, make it a proper shield about me"

"Ah... right, hehe"

Now, if the real me could be your shield, I'd be the coolest. With Mae's skill, I can handle Sakurai's sniping and bring her into a melee after successfully hitting my hands and feet and causing a 'pain back' injury... Sorry, I guess I don't seem to have the spirit of self-sacrifice with me.

In the end, it's going to be a form of pushing the most dangerous role only on May, but instead of even making a nasty face, I really don't know what to say to her for praising me for being a genius for coming up with the operation... No, let's not.

Now, just believe in the success of the operation, believe in Mae's power, and let's challenge 'Sakurai'.

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