Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 159: Mad Warrior VS Archer

Shoko lost Kotaro's "Double Shadow". However, he had already arrived just in front of the building where Far Arrow Sakurai was forming. One more step and so on until you put your royal hand on the 'archer' who sits far away.

And I also understand the distant arrow. Beating Bluff's shield, he finally took seriously to shoot an imminent mad warrior.

From the head of the bud garment, the rain of the arrows pours down. Massive arrows, as if there were dozens of archers, were, however, unleashed by the skill of simultaneous and high-speed firing by the hand of one faraway arrow. Instead of the escape route, Bud set up a shield without fear, before arrows that even filled the gap of evasion.

"- Chip, can't a normal arrow pierce you after all?"

"Dark Tower Shield," a large black shield featured by bud garments, bounces back the falling arrows without being anything. Each shot of it boasts the power to strike out even Gore's thick crust, but it doesn't even hurt the shield of a heavy, stubborn living armor.

"Then this is it - how about it!

Squeezing the black horn bow even harder, it was a single arrow that was released. But it is a single shot in which the power of martial arts resides.

Even faster and sharper than normal firing, the archer's martial arts' penetration 'went ill.

"Come on!"

Geeing! and a tall metal sound, sparks scattered.

The boulder bud also leaked a groan not because of the weight of the impact of the martial arts applied to his hand, but because he saw a protrusion in front of him.

The shield was pierced.

"'Punch' would pull it out, but can't it be completely pierced?"

The martial arts' piercing 'arrow pierced a heavy black shield, but it hasn't even reached Bud's body. Stopped on the way to piercing and doesn't seem to get an arrow to the handle of the shield.

Or so, I can't be very relieved. Next, that again, this time it may be pierced. Or if you keep getting arrows of such power many times, your shield will crack first.

"You can keep it until you get to the roof!

"Before that, I strip the shield out of the way!

A mad warrior who consolidates his readiness for full speed forward and an archer who obstructs it. The distance between the two is already only about the height of the building.

Far arrow martial arts poured down toward the bud garment that led to the main entrance of the building.


Guns, guns and strong shocks echo the shielded arms. At the same time, he glances at the back of his shield and sweats cold again.

The 'piercing' released is two shots. The two rounds of martial arts pierced the shield, but did not reach the bud garment, nor did the shield break.

I prevented it - no. So a third series of martial arts struck me.


Together with the louder sounds of metal and tremor, 'Dark Tower Shield' leaves the hands of budding garments.

"Okay, you couldn't stand the impact of 'Shockwave'"

The third archer's martial arts was not a "penetration" of enhanced penetration, but a "shock wave" that generated a shock wave.

By converting the penetration force held by the arrow into a shock wave, the vibrations and shocks applied to the shield when hit are amplified beyond comparison. Shortly after suffering two 'piercings', if all that shock had been applied, I would have had to play the shield out of its hand with a bud costume.

In the eyes of a faraway arrow, I can see the expression of a rushed budding garment. If we lose the only means of preventing arrows, it would be natural.

But it was for a moment that she dropped off her bounced shield. By the time the Great Shield made a noise with Galangaran and fell to the ground, Bud Ko had already turned his attention to the enemies that were overhead.

The demented warrior's fighting spirit, as much as he lost one shield, can't even disappear.

"If you put me in the building, you think you can win..."

With a few more steps to go, Meiko can finally enter the building where the far-away arrows line up.

But I decided to cage here as an archer, an important stronghold. Keeping hurt loved ones to sleep, precious home.

You can't put a place like that on defense other than yourself.

"There was a lot of time. There are traps all over this building. The land is still good for me."

Far Arrow was not originally a wack familiar with that te, but with awkward knowledge and trial and error, he has installed numerous booby traps inside the building.

Pitfalls utilizing a collapsing passage. Wire trap with poisonous smoke balls. Each part of the stairs can also be slipped with oil mixed with pine oil and ignited with fire arrows.

The more effective it has been demonstrated with a bunch of goves and numerous demons who have been lost all along. Even if one trap isn't enough to kill, it's easy for a shooter, a faraway arrow, to stab a todome if it gets any confusion or stopping.

The position of the rigged trap and the structure in the building are perfectly tapped into the head. If you fight in this, even a Mad Warrior opponent can gain enough advantage in Melee. Still, I can't shake my advantage.

Sprouts will collapse in the next step with a faraway arrow that keeps him calm.

It was not the entrance into the building - it was the wall - that Mei Zi ran.

"No way, can you run the wall!?

That exact sight strikes me as a reality in front of me.

With powerful footprints that crushed the stone on the outer wall with the zun, zun, and the body of the budding garment was starting to run on the vertical wall.

I am lightly shocked by the distant sight of humans running through walls as they are... but I realize and am also convinced that I can imitate similarly with the effects of 'disease'.

"With mobile martial arts, you can do this..."

It is an indisputable fact that she continues to climb the exterior walls of the building at considerable speeds, although I do not know the details of whether Bud Ko is extreme in her 'disease drive', mastering a dedicated martial arts technique such as' wall run ', or just treading down and running the walls with her vegan physical abilities.

There is a rush on the mind of a faraway arrow for unexpected actions. But not enough to throw away the battle yet.

"There is no shield. There's no shield on the wall. Great place to shoot, Mr. Twin Leaves."

This is the last kill zone for archers.

From the budding garments that run through the walls and loom, the faraway arrow pulls the bow without cowering, even as he senses signs of a killer intent to stab his skin in the brisk.

Set a goal for sprouts who jump off the rooftop and ride their bodies out to the side of the wall in such a large way that they walk through walls that they are no more than planar, whether vertical or not.

"Pierce, 'piercing'"

Exercise martial arts in order to ensure that it is retained.

Only a dozen meters away, instantly rushing through a special arrow is prevented, however - by a black flash.

"Played!? Damn, at this distance..."

What Meizuko had in his hands was a wave of sword wrapped around a disastrous red and black aura. A single-edged sword shaped like the one that made the knife bigger and more vicious is the Eight Ripped Bull Demon Knife, a curse weapon that evolved by defeating the four-armed gogma, the boss of Goma Castle.

The Bull Demon Knife, which also houses a different power than the Magic Weapon, has the ability to just bounce back the martial arts of the arrow head-on. But what makes that happen is the incredible speed at which the Mad Warriors react.

"Is that where the magic sword in your wife's hand is? But it's here, too!

Policy shifts. Tactics may be more advantageous than powerful martial arts. Now is the time.

Now there is only one blackening black sword to protect Bud's body. Because of her abilities, she can play even fast and heavy martial arts. But the flesh itself is human. Even if it was fortified by the effects of the vocation, it couldn't be harder than that big black shield.

Normal shooting is enough if you want to stop. You just can't cut it off with one sword, if you shoot a number.

Plus, I follow poison arrows that I didn't dare to use.

"Violent Arrow": A strong poisonous arrow with the addition of "Viola Poison".

Daisy Early Arrow earned it in the battle, the top magic of "Poison (Poison)," the poison arrow that houses "Viola Poison".

With the exception of martial arts, this' fierce poison arrow 'is the most lethal weapon. It has a powerful toxicity that can only cause fatal injuries even from a Kasuri wound. There is no falsehood in the name of' fierce poison '.

"That's it, that's it!

Shake off the hesitation of shooting a classmate girl with a poison arrow, and the faraway arrow relentlessly releases an arrow. It's not just one bottle. Follow the "Toxic Arrow" in the arrow barrel.

Now looming in front of her, she is a mighty enemy worth so much. I will spare no effort.


Meiko's ability to intercept also reached its limits before poisonous arrows that arrived with machine-guns of speed and number.

Unstoppable speed in your eyes, then, cut off an arrow flying precisely to the steeple with a curse blade - but allow a hit on any other part.

First, a poison arrow pierces his left shoulder.

I felt a sharp pain and, at the same time, a burning fever.

Next he blushes his cheeks, then his right thigh, then he pierces his flank again.

The "Viola Poison" in the arrow works, causing severe pain and attacking the body of the budding garment -

"Why don't you stop?" You're not poisoning me!

Mei Zi kept running. No matter how many steeples are off, there are several poisonous arrows on them that won't stop.

"Break, break, break, break!

With trembling ambition from the bottom of his belly, a mad warrior finally tries to step into time.

No, I can't stop it.

At the earliest, the faraway arrow, aware of the total loss of distance advantage, returns its heel to temporarily retreat into the building at first sight.

The speed of bud garments is considerable, but this one can also run quickly on 'Disease Drive'. In the sprint, yes. That's right. I won't take the back.

If you can retreat into the building yourself, this time you will gain the local advantage of a trap in the base. I'm anxious to see how the bud costumes are now, with that degree of advantage, but still, there's a far better chance of winning than confronting him head-to-head on the roof like this.

That's how Far Arrow took his first step, it was at that moment.


One crow popped out in front of me with a tall squeal.

Its black bird, which had plummeted like a hayabusa from above, was clearly aimed at a faraway arrow.

"Damn, he's from the Peach River."

I knew that Mei Zi was on the verge of stuffing the distance and that a faraway arrow would strike a hand in the run to get the distance.

That's why Kotaro kept another crowslem ready.

If Mei Zi approaches the building, no matter how far the arrow is, he's full of his response, and now it's time to get to the birds crossing the river.

And Karaslem, who stops far-away arrows from escaping, was also a critical line in the limits of the operational capabilities Kotaro can exercise today.

"- Finally caught up, Sakurai-san."

To the voice of the budding garment that arrives, I feel frightened.

Already, the demon of the crow, coming from overhead, has shot him down with a blow of an arrow drawn almost reflexively.

But my legs stopped to make an attack. Just for a moment, slight gaps. However, it was too much time for budding garments to reach the roof. She's right behind the long arrow now.

"but ahhh!

Shortly after turning around, a blow from the blade hits him in the back.

With every arrow on his back, he is cut short and falls in as he raises a dot of blood splash.

"Gu, ugh..."

Can't stand. Fatal wound with just one blow. But especially for archers who aren't even superior in defense, the natural result.

"Ku, uhh, shit..."

Still, squeeze your temper, wake your body up, and set up a black horn bow that you didn't let go - so a black slash on your left wrist without a sound.


Every wrist I held my bow was slashed off.

The back, which is supposed to be deeply wounded, and the wrist, which bursts with momentum and blood from the cross section, have no wonder and no pain, just feel the heat of ginseng. But instead of pain, only despair erodes the hearts of far-away arrows so much that they don't like it.

I can't win. I couldn't stop beating the poison arrow, I can't think of any means I can reverse against a monster named Double Leaf Bud Costume.

Finally, my heart breaks.

"Phew, Mr. Twin Leaves... please..."

"I don't want to hear too much about life begging."

So all I could do for a faraway arrow was this already.

"About me, okay... but Early Arrow, she's the only one, please help me"


I can't. That was easy to say. And that is also an indisputable fact.

Yuanya Sakurai loves Yuanya Daisy. And Daisy Early Arrow also loves Sakurai Far Arrow.

If you were the one who killed Far Arrow, you would never forgive Early Arrow again.

Kotaro will not tolerate the killer. I will not tolerate Kotaro's enemies, Meiko.

There is no way to reconcile from the beginning.

"- Yeah, I'm fine. Kotaro-kun's medicine will definitely cure Daisy."

"Well, good..."

The expression of a faraway arrow with such a pure smile, like relief from the bottom of his heart, was still on the brink of death, divine.

Oh, how beautiful of love.

How sad of you to trample on that love.

However, killing the blocked enemy, 'Sakurai Toyaki', is also love for 'Mad Warrior' Shui Ip Shouko.

Therefore, there was no stray.

"I'm sorry, Sakurai-san. Goodbye -"

The blade of the curse had severed the neck of Sakurai Far Arrow and indeed cut his life.

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