I started walking along the coastline, and it was only two days.

"... I knew you were being tailed"

Apparently, that red raptor is stubbornly after us.

He's obsessive. The bear says he'll have a strong obsession chasing him all the time once he decides to be his prey, but does the raptor have the same habit? Or did you take revenge on us for killing so many of our men?

Whatever the reason, there's no doubt they're tracking us.

Raptors have never attacked me since the night raid. I'm not there, but they're chasing me all the time, keeping their distance.

You see a bunch of raptors from time to time. I hope it's another herd, but if you see us, they won't attack us because the surveillance orders are thorough.

Just in case, I did some reconnaissance here.

As I used in my battle with you, Sakurai, using Rem as a wild bird's 'corpse doll' means you have no fighting power, but you can gain the ability to visually defeat them by flying. Instead of Rem III, which was unbroken by the Red Raptor, make more than one of these Rem birds and release them in all directions.

That's how Lembird told me that he witnessed the appearance of a red raptor in our rear. I'm not swallowed enough to hear this result and think they happen to be moving in the same direction, either.

Fighting him made me reflect a lot. That battle, although it had fallen on me... the cunning of the boss, the Red Raptor, was also to be feared.

First of all, the three big crabs that showed up waiting for us out on the coast, I'm guessing the red raptor was pulling that far, no, now I can be sure.

Over the past two days, the progression along the coastline has also revealed to some extent the habits of the Great Crab Demon. The basic pattern is whether you're looking for bait to url at the waves, diving into the sand and resting. Passing near you while you're diving, you sense a sound or tremor and it strikes.

But if you run into the woods, they won't follow you any further.

It is ecological information that we can see in just a few days. There's no way a red raptor who's been working in this area for years doesn't know what a big crab is capable of. It would be possible enough to wake up the diving crab and activate it, or to take advantage of the raptor's handsome feet to direct it to a specific point. If you have to, you can easily escape if you jump into the woods, our own territory.

So, rarely seen in this area, against our first-sighted prey of humans, the Red Raptor prepared a giant crab in case we were moved to the coast as well as fighting in our favorable forests…

If such a MPK (Monster Player Killer) stained trap were merely my paranoia, I don't mind. At least if it's relative to that red raptor, we should assume he's this intelligent. He is also highly capable of combat, but most importantly, I believe his high intelligence should be feared. He boards skeleton wreckage and crosses poisonous marshes, and has excellent judgment and application skills.

Honestly, he's more of a pain in the ass than a lousy boss monster. Occasionally, even RPGs are stronger than bosses for some reason, like the mighty Miscellaneous Fish Mons that I just think have misadjusted.

"Kotaro-kun, shall I go and defeat you?

"No, they're too bad to strike out of this one"

"It's okay, because I could take that red raptor down too!

"May is stronger if you fight. So he definitely avoids fighting May. Instead, when such a powerful enemy leaves my side, it will be his greatest chance."

Perhaps a bunch of red raptors are not wacky enough to hide in the woods altogether, but are moving so that our presence can be found out because they want us to realize it.

First of all, in the last battle, we also know the power over here. That there is a hell of a guy named May who is no match for a bunch of crabs and raptors. Then comes the Black Knight Rem, who can continue to fight without pain or fear. Maximum strength is these two. Conversely, other than these two, they're chocolate.

Then the Red Raptor is waiting for a good opportunity for its maximum power to leave me. If you rely on Mae's power to make her go on a crusade alone, maybe you'll stop half the herd and attack me in the other half.

"So definitely not if Mae or the Black Knight show you a gap that leaves me"

"Oh, shit... Kotaro, I knew it would be amazing to think that far"

No, it doesn't have to be me, it's the level anyone can come up with if they go through that fight. No, maybe when you're as strong as May, you don't really think about palliative tactics.

Ha, I'd love to try something unrivaled with mad warrior power too... reality is brutal, isn't it? "Poison" was also activated and I felt I could avoid it. I don't like all the strong enemies.

"Anyway, if we don't show a clear gap, they won't attack us. This area is homeground for raptors, so I'm sure I can keep track of it forever. I'm confident I'll win a long battle."

"Then should I ignore it the whole time until I defeat and transfer the boss here?

"No, I'd like to slap you early if I could. Not now, but if we fight another strong demon and wear them out, they'll set us up."

I mean, just a little bit of a struggling battle broke out, and the Red Raptor Squad raid flagged, and we're dead end neat.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with it if you can go smoothly without anything to the boss... but it's too risky to leave them alone.

"Um, well, I don't know what to do"

"So I'd like to run an operation to lure out the Red Raptor Squad"

They found out about the night raid, but not all of it is open.

"In the meantime, I wonder if we should secure a base where that ruin is located"

At the end of our gaze, we saw many buildings lined up along the coastline with spacious and beautiful beaches. Some buildings are quite expensive, and yet hotels and such? Really, it's like some southern resort in Hawaii.

Most of all, just like the previous area, Ruin City, it's about half eroded by plants, and it's a post-apocalyptic atmospheric ruin.

Forests are the realm of raptors. But I'm going to remind you that where there's a man-made building, it's human space.

Reach a group of resort-style ruins along the coast. With all this large building lined up, there might or might not be a fairy square somewhere, enough to make it a temporary base.

So look for a base first.

"Um, for now, I guess that's the first candidate there"

Among the ruins covered in greenery, there is for some reason only one building that remains somewhat clean. Even though it is beautiful, although being abandoned is an obvious rough condition, no collapse is found and there are no major cracks. Whatever you say, plants don't grow as if they were avoided here alone. We do not allow green erosion in places like gardens, which spread around the area.

Is it also full of toxins that only here wither plants, or is the magical junction that preserves buildings still functioning? We stepped in there hoping it would be the latter, if possible.

When I enter from the front squarely, I see, as I imagined, it is a spacious entrance. From the exterior, I thought it looked like a hotel in all its aspects, but from the remnants of the palace-like elaborate decorations found everywhere in the structure that is blown out all the way to the third floor, there is no doubt that it is at least built with an emphasis on appearance.

"Gyyyyyyyy, yyyyyyyy!

And Zira's employees are welcoming us well, our first customers in hundreds of years.

"I wonder if having Zira in this means it's also a chest"

"I hope you have something nice."

May instantly kills a few zeelas and summons Skeleton to let him carry the body out. If you're going to be based here, you can't leave a demon body behind. It stinks and it's dirty, and other demons come by.

Let's explore the hotel while leaving the troublesome work to the convenient skeletons.

"Looks like no one's coming here but Zira"

Upstairs and on the third floor, I just encounted and finished with a few zeelas, respectively, and I don't see any other demons. Even in the ruins district, some kind of wild demon lived in the ruins or was urchin ', but that doesn't seem to be the way it is here. It's only like Zira is just exploring the treasure chest.

Again, the poison that withers plants and keeps demons away...

"Kotaro-kun, there's a big jazzilla in the hall there, it's... it's like he's dead"

May, who is clearing ahead, reports to me.

If you peek into a hall like a multi-purpose hall where the door is off and left open, there are certainly jazzillas falling on the floor and multiple jazzillas of corpses rolling around.

One day Goma's trap, alert to ambushes like that, we probe around carefully before entering the hall full.

Stepping in, nothing happens. There are no traps, purely, there seems to be just a rolling corpse here with Zilla.

"Hey, did you even break up with this?

"This big Jazeera looks strong, so I don't think the guys who just kicked his ass tailored him"

Then the anticipation that other demons attacked you - if you had easily autopsied Jazeera, you knew right away that it was an error.

"My chest is cut open, it's been decided... I removed my core. I have a classmate."


Looks like Mae's vigilance jumped one step after hearing about my autopsy results. Stay alert to Halvard and face the entrance to the hall.

"It's been at least half a day since my blood is pretty dry. Unless you're based here, I don't think you're close anymore."

I'd like to do a little more autopsy. Let May and Rem be on strict alert, and I'll make sure that includes the other Zeelas.

First of all, Jazeera, the biggest one, has signs of being cut open in the chest and chopped out of the core. However, since the cause of death is about half crushed in the head, it can be concluded that it was bruised by intense beatings.

Is this Jazeera better than the guy we've ever seen, wearing a shell as big as a helmet? But every thick shell is crushed.

Using a strike martial arts technique, he supposedly stopped it with a single blow.

Other zillas also saw similar signs of blows. Some of the guys with almost blown heads have dents in their torso, and they seem miserable inside.

"Hmm, he wasn't beaten... did he burn this?"

Half of Zira rolling here has been slaughtered, but the other half has been blackened.

I just think I burned this with flame magic, no matter what you think.

It's not the whole body that's burning, it's pinpointing at the face, chest, belly, etc. Did you avoid the magic of the Big Bang because it is indoors? Or is it an attack style that accurately burns steeple points?

Even deducting that Zira is a gorma-like miscellaneous fish mons, I think the battle here decorated a vibrant victory inside. Well, if you could have made it to this area, then you deserve to have the strength to do it.

"Any other unusual trauma is nasi...... I guess that means a combination of a striking warrior and a flaming magician"

If you don't have a nit bastard like Rayna, it would mean a couple of offenses. And I immediately pinned on the condition of a combination of blow and flame.

"You're a gay couple from Sugino Oyama"

When both Yamajun and Raina were still alive, shortly after they broke through Goma's castle and transferred, when they showed up, they took the core.

When I introduced myself, Oyama did say 'Flame Mage' and Sugino 'Heavy Warrior'.

"What are you going to do, Kotaro? Kill?"

May is staring at me with a firm will to kill, if I say so, I can go kill without hesitation. I also tell her how those two robbed me of my core, so the fact that I'm already close to hostility is understandable.

"... I don't really want to kill you"

"But you took the core, didn't you?

Then they won't be able to complain if they're killed and taken back. Cruel, yet truly simple logic.

"I didn't take my life, so I don't know what to say, it's just hypocrisy"

"Yeah, that's okay. Kotaro-kun doesn't need to get his hands dirty any more. Leave it all to me."

'Cause I'm a mad warrior, and my heart was just a little tightened to her laughing and telling me what a serious joke it was.

"No, I'm sorry, it's not a matter of feelings. Sugino's vocation is quite strong in" Heavy Warrior ". The strength of Oyama is unknown. Fighting them is, honestly, too risky"

Idiot, even if we had a head-on confrontation to be honest, it wouldn't do us much good.

"If we're going to fight, I want to poke at you and put a stop to it all at once. If we can just finish the mountain, we can totally take advantage... No, this is more of a chance."

Perhaps I was the first to notice that Sugino Oyama was in this area. Yes, they don't know we're here yet.

"Okay, then you just have to look for the two of us and wait for the opportunity to attack. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Yes, we are also being chased by the Red Raptor.

Raptor follows us, we follow our classmates. What a strange one-way relationship.

"If you suck, you'll be dealing with the Red Raptor and the two at the same time, but..."

If handled well, you should be able to knock out the red raptor as well and knock out both of them. Maybe if I could direct the red raptor to hit Oyama Sugino - no, wait, don't rush.

And whoever pursues the two rabbits shall say, Besides, I'm not sexually suited to these gambling operations. I'm still a solid person. [M] It is also called the cautious.

"Okay, I've made up my mind. First of all, as initially maneuvered, I base here and slap the Red Raptor's pursuit force to turn down my hindsight worries. Then explore the trends of Osama Sugino and take a peek at the opportunities"

You don't have to rush to Dayama Sugino to set it up. Maybe the two of you will die after losing to the boss in this area.

The other side hasn't noticed our presence yet, so it's safe to leave them alone. Unless he suddenly turns back, he can't even notice us chasing him back.

So first, deal with the red raptor that's after us. Destroying each of them is fundamental to tactics.

"Well, let's just take control of this hotel first."

"Yeah, I got it."

In conclusion, there were no other demons, so early safety was over.

However, there were three chests in the hotel, all of them after the contents were taken away by the Osama Sugino Combination, which had been visited earlier.

It's natural for the early winner to win, but I didn't know finding an empty chest would be such a regret...

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