Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 175: First Surprise Operation

As we proceeded through the dim cave, we quickly reached the boss room. The table was a temple-style entrance, but it's totally just a cave to this neighborhood. Boss, the room is just a big space too, not an indoor surrounded by doors and walls.

Right now, we're lurking around the corner right in front of the boss room. The lead was Mae, who only equipped Halvard for speed-oriented ambushes. The timing of the break-in is at her disposal.

Mae is following my advice, mirroring the tip of the corner with a hand held mirror and checking the inside of the boss room.

From where I stand, I don't know if those two are visible in my little hand mirror. But the sound comes faintly from the thought of removing the core from the defeated boss and the two chatter echoing on the cave walls.

How long has it been since I began to gauge the timing of my entry in that way? Finally, May moves out.

Shh. - Colorful!

The noise is that May threw an affordable stone toward the boss room.

In the boss room after the battle, if things accidentally sound, I always turn to you. It is the psychology of a simple person. Even games with systems that often infiltrate enemy strongholds can throw stones and direct enemies.

In reality, though it was unknown if you would react like the game's manky enemy AI, at least, this time it seemed to succeed in guiding your gaze.


Leaving only a sharp breath behind, Mae popped up at such a speed that she would illusion that she had disappeared.

"Let's go -!

Using her disappearing as a signal, me and Rem step into the boss's room.

A spacious boss room, almost in the center of it, with giant crabs rolling with purple crusts. Is he the boss? It's big and four-armed, and since it produces crystal-like crystals everywhere, it seems like a magic attack could be used... but he's already broken.

It's not worth it to a dead boss, more accurately, after he's stripped of his core. What you should care about is the two men who crusaded this.

One is Daisuke Oyama. He has a surprised look on his face at the sudden intruder.

Another, the priority target, Guizhi Sugino, sees his beloved mace, who defeated the boss and carried him once, as an ambush on his hands - but it's too late.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!

A mad warrior who shook up a pitch-black halvard was attacking Sugino faster than pulling out a mace.

"Ugh, whoa, whoa, whoa!?

Yay! The black axe blade cleaves Sugino's body deep.

The boulder is May. Even though how many guards were direct hits he couldn't make, he showed off the heavy warrior's hard defense with a brilliant slash. To the upper body naked Sugino, the axe blade cleaves deep.

d Blood splash spraying up all the time. Clearly fatal. Tough heavy warriors won't die instantly, but still, combat is an impossible great damage anymore.

"Taka ah ah ah!

"Grr...... wow, don't worry about me, big guy! Do it!"

Sugino was dyeing his naked upper body bright red, yet stomping and screaming. And Sugino pulled out and was definitely holding Mace with both hands, who shouldn't have made it to prevent a blow to Macy's special.

You haven't given up yet, have you? No, before that, what did you instruct Oyama to do? I have a bad feeling.



Better than the former, Mae followed by Oyama was going to cut him down instantly. Already the Black Knight Rem has swung up his sword and slashed it towards the Great Mountain -

"How dare you taka...... you won't forgive me, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, 'Flame Wall (Ignis Woldefan)' whoa!

In the moment, standing in front of the Black Knight Lem is a huge wall of flames.


To its great size and momentum, the servant black knight Rem also steps on two feet to jump in. That's fine, if you'd just jumped in like that, you'd have had some pretty serious damage.

But, no, this is...


"Heh heh heh heh heh... Peach River, you should worry about yourself before you worry about her"

The words returned are undoubtedly those of Sugino. I can't see the guy on the other side, blocked by the blazing wall of flames.

But I don't think this spare mouthpiece is very dying seriously injured.

"Sugino! Shit, what do you mean, it didn't work"

"It worked, I thought I was gonna die."

"Kotaro, I'll take care of this one! I'll kill you next time!

"Oh, scary scary scary. Hard to believe, but are you Mr. Twin Leaves? Something like success on a dramatic diet, I didn't know you were so beautiful. I'm sorry, but I wasn't interested in women, so I didn't even notice."

In the meantime, May seems willing to continue the fight. However, based on the state of Sugino speaking in rap, it is still likely that he has fully recovered the injuries caused by the ambush.

Now, just a diagram of a head-on battle. It's the state I most wanted to avoid, but I can't help but extend this period.

"May, don't push me. I'll break through the fire wall and cover you somehow."

"Heh, idiot! I don't know how to make you do that."

With a caged cry of anger, from the wall of flames, the Great Mountain appears before me.

What are you going to do? Though I thought it would take two of us to break us apart on the wall of fire and finish Mae off first.

"How dare you imitate me, Peach River. Teme, you must be ready, eh!

"... masculine, battling with sashi," he said?

"You look like a woman's kid. You said it well. Oh, yeah, you're right. Takagawa, Temei's opponent is me!

With a beautiful movement, Bishi takes on a karate stance.

I didn't know you two would split up and each be brought into a duel. Though it rolled into a completely unexpected development... I have a lem on it. If your opponent is one big mountain, you still have plenty of chances!

"Let's go, Rem! Take him down!

"It's taking... hey!

"... why"

"Come on, why, I don't know"

Bud costumes on the back with a raging and wild flaming wall were relative to Sugino's spare grin, which was blood-coated but not painful at all.

Already Sugino has a big mace and a disappointing defense posture that doesn't give him a gap to punch in. Even if I sprout, I'm emitting a hesitant intimidation to cut without thinking about it.

Often a stare at each other while maintaining a critical time. In the middle of it, Bud Garments observes what Sugino looks like and finally realizes.

First, the wounds inflicted by the ambush in the pre-emptive attack are healing. It is not blocked beautifully and leaves marks of distorted wounds. It doesn't seem to be a wack to say that the scar did kill Sugino's illusion from the blood trail that was left behind. It's also hard to imagine a heavy warrior having a split move like Kotaro's Twin Shadows.

Then it would mean that he did mutilate himself, but recovered in an instant shortly afterwards. It reminds me of the boss of a high zombie who dealt with him in the previous area, such as super recovery from the side where he slashed him. I also wondered if he had similar abilities to Arre, but Bud Ko came to one answer.

"No way," Shizuku of Life ""

"Hmm, maybe you have the same thing? Hey, I thought I got an awesome rare item."

Apparently, clams.

When I was still with a party led by Aoshi Yudo, I got it in the living armor's expansive palace area, an emergency resuscitation item, which is Shizuku of Life. It is a disposable magic item that has the effect of healing only once when fatally injured… I see, it also works great when struck by an ambush like this one.

Chip, it is the budding garment of thoughts that tongues inside.

"Oh, scary, awesome killing. Girls don't look good."

"If you surrender so hard, I'll kill you without suffering."

"I don't know what the hell that weak, warm-looking twin leaf said - whoa!

Along with the fast steps of the bud garment, Halvard is brought down.

"Gu, what a power!

A large mace gripped with both hands, Sugino lets you take a stunning shot of budding garments. But the attack can't even be over in just one shot.

"Huh, ha!

"Besides, this speed!

Unstoppable serial slaughter in the eye. Knock, knock, chop, cut, and even poke. Skillfully manipulate Halvard with his unique body, combining the ax blade with the spear tip. But rather than gorgeous, the manifestation of overwhelming violence, as' Nighthallbird of Black Iron 'with its super-weight, massively swung blades wields.

Its ferocious slaughter, yet turned into a black storm, strikes a heavy warrior.

"This is," Hard Counter "!

It was Sugino, pushed by a barely preventable push, but at this time activates the opponent's martial arts' Hard Counter 'of defense against the attack.

Mace, with more stubborn power, bounces off the vicious Halvard blade with force.


Bud's body shakes faintly in an unprecedented, strong way to be played. Halvard, a big long weapon, is disastrous, creating a flash gap to slap him with a knife to return.


Along with a sharp temper voice, Sugino packs the intermission and flesh thins into the bud garment. Strike by Mace, not, it was the right hand with nothing that rolled out.

Originally, Sugino of Judo is stronger at close range than slashing each other by weapon. Aim is the collar of the sailor clothes wrapped in bud garments.

I've never done a move on a girl before, but she's a superman with better power and speed than I am. I don't need any reluctance.

Sugino's hand, protruding straight, wasted, and unceasingly, grabs a void, however.


Deviating from falling all the way back down his upper body, Shoko let him try to dodge Sugino's grasp. Avoidance of staggering, no, even on a large, non-standard chest bouncing with Brun, was avoided without a protruding Sugino hand, because the movement was completely out of sight.

Nor has Sugino the boulder seen anyone escape grasping in such an unscrupulous move. But it's not impossible if you give it a vocation and have superhuman physical abilities. The experience of legitimate judo could have turned out to be the other way around.

Shoko's counterattack was faster than Sugino releasing his next effective hit.

Flip the skirt and the left leg of the budding garment jumps up. It is a kick rolled out at the same time as the circumvention behavior of the superior body deviation.

Slightly fleshy long legs, but there resides an out-of-the-box leg strength as a mad warrior that muscles cannot hold alone.


A hammer-like kick of bud garments accurately shoots through the abdomen protected by the thick abs of Sugino. Clean hit. But I endured.

If I were a man in line, my gut in my belly would almost burst, but it was Sugino who was mastering "Iron Wall Skin" and "Steel Body," which further enhanced his double defense by "Iron Skin" and "Steel Body," which Heavy Warriors held, that I could endure with a painful degree of blunt pain.

Though fatal damage was prevented, it could not be successfully scattered until the impact of the impact. The body of Sugino, which boasts one of the largest giants in its class, is blown away by floating the universe only slightly.

Fortunately, I spared Bud's pursuit. Releasing the kick in an impossible position didn't seem to knock Halvard out instantly.

Meizuko rebuilds Halvard again, and Sugino rebuilds his kicked and skipped posture. The time had opened up again, presenting a look at the rearrangement.

"Can't you just kick it? I knew it was hard."

"Horrible, I can't believe a woman has this power"

"Aoshi, you're stronger."

"Ha, even if he came here, is he special?"

With the man I love, I decided in my heart that I would definitely get out of here. No matter what means you use, no matter how much sacrifice you make, he's the only one, always.

Though firmly determined, the strength of budding garments makes me sick and tired of hearing that they are still up there besides.

"I'm no match for you, Mr. Twin Leaves"

"Are you willing to give up?

"You're no match, but you don't feel like losing."

Saying, Sugino lags back with Jirijiri to escape further from the opening of the meeting.

"Running away?

"Running away, running away, buying time is the best thing for me right now."

"Waste of time"

"Don't you worry about you, Peach River?

In response to that question, Bud Ko answered in silence.

Speaking of which I'm not worried, it's a lie, but there's no rush. Kotaro is not alone. Black Knight Rem's performance is not as good as his own, but it is a considerable thing. At least, I don't even freak out when I hit ten or twenty fireballs.

Plus there's Alpha now, and there's Arakune in front of the boss room who put his stuff down and got ready for battle. Skeletons and high zombies are weak, but they have enough as shields to protect Kotaro.

And most importantly, we have all these handkerchiefs, and Kotaro can't easily lose.

Because Sugino, the most dangerous' Heavy Warrior ', is holding onto himself.

"Ha-ha-ha, apparently you're making one mistake"

"Mistake, what?"

"Seriously, big guy, you're stronger than me, right?

The same smile of Sugino, but a fierceness reminiscent of a beast somewhere. It's not haunting, Bud Costume thought so with intuition.

"Big Daddy will surely defeat you, Peach River. Then it's two-on-one. You and me, we can take you down."

"Come on!"

Spread behind you, see the wall of flames. What should we do, be prepared for the burns, jump in and rendezvous now?

"Oops, it would be convenient if you could show me your back. As long as there's a gap, I won't hesitate to knock this iron bar in."

Sugino's power does not extend to bud garments. But with only a few gaps, it takes a deadly blow. There is no difference in strength between the two.

It was too dangerous to show your back cheaply in front of Sugino with a weapon.


Too much anxiety, it was for a moment that I frowned. Bud's heart is quickly determined.

The face of Bud Zi, who looked up, had the colour of wrath as the devil's brakes, truly deserving of a mad warrior.

"Oh, I know, I know exactly how that feels. Mr. Twin Leaves, you're in good love."

The strength of anger is the strength of thoughts. Sugino knows it well.

"I'm so sorry. If it weren't for this situation, I could honestly support your relationship."

"Me too - then die"

"Ha, I refuse!

Mad Warrior's Rush and Heavy Warriors who defend themselves thoroughly. An invisible time-limited battle has begun.

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