Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 182: The identity of the knife

A great shadow and three shadows chasing it, walking through the depressed and lush green forest.

"Wait, Cora!

"Let them get away with it, Olah!

It is' Swordsman 'Ueda who slashes off the branch leaves as he wields his sword and runs through the woods. Right behind it,' Warrior 'Nakai with an axe continues.

The two chase their escaping prey with a temperamental rage.

"Boogie, that's good!"

Running around the woods with a sound similar to that of a pig is a hog-like demon. It is a precious being that is subtly different in appearance from the big pigs hunted before and smaller than a turn in size, but perhaps considered edible.

Chasing pigs like that around in a decisive phase, they were even like primitives.

"Whoa, whoa, delivery!" Water Whip (Aqua Bind) "!

"Hydraulist" Shimogawa, which follows Ueda and Nakai one step back, manages to complete the magic while running, releasing his full body of "Water Whip (Aqua Bind)".

From the blue, shining magic formation at hand, the tentacles of the thin stream of water pop up, approaching the escaping pig - finally tangling his legs behind him.


Suddenly, sudden sudden braking took place, and the pig fell with running momentum. Three people chasing after him catch up to the pig.

"Come on, that's it, you pig!

"Give me the meat, let me eat the pot. Whoa!

Ueda and Nakai shook up their weapons with giddy eyes and attacked the pigs.

"Hey, wait a minute! Soitz, we're gonna use some magic!

The next moment, when the lower river, who had gained the magician's vocation or felt the signs of magical activation, raised its voice of stopping aggressively,


With the roar of a pig, dust sprays up from the ground in one piece.



As suddenly his feet exploded, Ueda and Nakai step on each other as they became soiled. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have instant death power and no damage.


But the pigs could have gotten back on their feet and bought enough time to try to escape again.

"Don't let me get away with it," torrent whip (aqua hevibind) "!

The restraint magic of the water attribute, which has become an even thicker and more intense whip of water flow with two larger magic formations in both hands than before, ties up the pig's body.

"Now be!

"Whoa, whoa!

"Meat uuuuuuu!

Due to the obsession of the bastard threesome, he finally succeeded in getting his first pork in a long time.

Looking at the patchy, bouncing flames of fire, the filled men slept naggingly.

"Ah, I knew you'd feel differently satisfied eating meat"

"I feel alive."

The taste is also exceptional because we hunted the pig, commonly known as' Groundhog ', who uses earth magic to keep fighting for as long as his life. I can sympathize with the feeling that humans from far primitive times were risking their lives on hunting. Living is hunting and finding.

"But there's only salt. I'm a little short."

Shh, and spitting, the full but late luxury of the Lower River.

"Don't say that."

"No more Peach River Yes, so you can't help it"

Since I broke up with Kotaro Takawa, early, more than a week is about to pass.

The presence of a loved one can be felt by losing it and starting. As soon as possible, I can't help but miss that busty gyt-eyed boy's face.

Aoshi Yudo and his people, and then the noise since Shuba Meiko broke into Raina's murder scene, was due to Kotaro's animal manipulation of Raina's body and his departure as a hostage, but strangely and convincingly impactful behavior of "Takagawa-like," the Upper, Middle and Lower Trio + Yamada quartet had succeeded in secretly escaping that scene.

Sprinkled with 'water mist (aqua mist)' for escape at Kotaro's request, Shimogawa spoke to his companions as they stood and followed Fairy Square at about the same time as Kotaro.

The passage ahead of Fairy Square, where Raina was drawn with the spiritual beast 'Sommayut', thanks to several branches, was never caught up by the Aoshi party, which would start moving later. Nor was it possible to rendezvous with Kotaro, who had moved on.

Having previously been accused of conspiracy to murder Raina by an attempted kidnapping of a little birdplay bird, Shimogawa decided it was impossible to get into them on that occasion and chose to leave on their own. No one can denounce that choice... No, only Yamada was in a position where it was also possible to join their people as they were, as there was nothing behind Yudo Aoi, but because of the flushing of the situation, I have not been particularly complaining about the current state of affairs.

Even the most from Yamada, I don't want to jump into that circle after seeing Yudo Aoi lead my sister's cherry blossom and take her with a bunch of seven beautiful girls for two years.

Anyway, from Aoshi Yudo, the threesome, who wanted to keep their distance, and the four, including Yamada, who stayed together in the stream, were set to proceed with the dungeon offense again.

From then on, through the stone dungeon, I went outdoors, like the jungle where there was now another fort of Goma.

The forest of vegetation, similar to that jungle, is spreading, while the white sandy beach and the blue blue sea are also spreading. Apparently this was like an island to the south, out on its coastline.

Until now, I had just followed the compass of the magic formations I drew on my notebook… but spending time with Kotaro prevented me from imitating that at the earliest possible time, I would go ahead with only the walnuts in Fairy Square, overhungering. There are four men of my age. Meat, meat is decided to eat.

Simple carnivorous cravings also make up the majority of the reasons, but I also remember that Shimogawa made pork for what Kotaro couldn't eat, dried meat and bacon, and made it a preserved meal. And I haven't forgotten the taste of a pot of pork bacon, which I ate on the eve of Operation Raina Rescue.

Shimogawa thought that if we were going to proceed with the dungeon, we would need some preserved food. Of course, Ueda and Nakai and Yamada agree.

The quadruple, who went out to the seaside area in a wacky way, began their action by securing food for the moment.

And it begins, the survival lives of the men.

Can I eat the meat of this snake? Is that delicious fruit really delicious? Isn't it poisonous? If you hit the poison, you can take the antidote that Kotaro was giving you, but if it's still so fierce that it can't be cured...

There are things in there that are likely to be eaten. But I don't know which poison, or parasite virus, is dangerous.

Once again, they will realize how great the spell 'Intuitive Pharmacy' was.

Still, I was prepared for some beating and tried what I was likely to eat. A typical one is fish.

In the sea, it was evident that various fish were swimming to see. Naturally, the idea of catching this soon comes up.

It was fortunate that Yamada had a taste for fishing. I have been everywhere with Yamajun for the price, and it is unlucky that I can't stop crying when I tell memorabilia.

Even more unlucky is that there are no fishing rods or threads.

I'm sure if there was also a clever Kotaro, he would have taken advantage of the spider thread curse and other things and was ready right away with Choi Choi, but not one member with any skills that seemed to be able to do something about it now.

In the end, over the course of about two days, he made a needle by scraping out a rod made of wood branches, and a thread thinly knitted the plants' twigs, and a demonic bone, and somehow completed a set of fishing gear.

Fishing, well. Fish that just fills the bellies of four men is not always possible.

Still, it would be a shame to just find out that some fish and its caught fish are eaten properly and safely.

The procurement of fish by fishing was left to Yamada, and the Upper Middle and Lower Trio became a hunter, searching for the only known edible demon, the Great Pig, and dividing it into the jungle.

A disgusting insect-shaped monster on a raptor attacking from across the bush. At the end of the sentence is the beginning and end of the appearance of a monster of plants that move freely and spit out digestive fluid.

Continuing the battle against demons unfit for consumption to see, today, we finally discovered and continue to do a good similar groundhog, though not a big one.

"Ha... I knew Peach River was awesome"

"Now I don't have a bath or a hammock."

"Hey, I just want to thank you for the shower."

You can bathe water from your head in the shade of a water magician's downriver. From the bottom of the river, what a shrivel the task of watering the nudity of the bastards.

At least if it was that skank, but it was all-you-can-fuck Ally, though I would have felt a lot different.

However, even though the lower river still wondered if even a survival life full of missing things like this was going to be quite funny and strange because there was not one woman, only four men.

"Hey, Peach River... I knew you were going to kill Raina from the start"

A questionable word, somehow, zeroed by the lower river, staring blurredly at the fireworks.

No reply. But Ueda and Nakai, the two sinister expressions, were the same as they were answering.

"Hey, that story..."

"Shouldn't you stop?"

"No, Yamada's already asleep, and I wanted to talk to you guys properly. So listen to me."

Since Kotaro joined the party, Goma's fort offense has been partitioned by the illusion of the White Cloud bastard, a series of rescue operations from Rayna's distractions and tensions that she has no time to rest.

But with Kotaro gone, who led the party, and Raina's death, which was the center of some commotion, the lower river was once again able to save the status quo and the situation back then.

He said, "I've been thinking about Rayna from the start, and she's so cute, she's like a fucking kid."

"Uh, I see. I know. I thought I'd stop being so cold with Rayna."

"Well, Peach River is just like dating that pig. You don't like it."

Both Ueda and Nakai recall Kotaro's attitude of not treating Raina special at all, and nodding yeah yeah. but its snort stops perfectly.

"Hey, wait a minute. Weren't you skinny when you were there?

"I mean, was that titty bitch who went with Peach River a real twin leaf after all?"

Raina was stabbed, Aoshi Yudo intruded, and I couldn't keep up with the situation in the middle of a series of too dramatic developments, but if I had to look back, at that time, Kotaro's female student, whom he called "May," was too far from what we know of a twin leaf bud costume.

At first glance, he said, "Who's that girl?" That's the first thing I thought.

Atmospherically, I detected that apparently that titty beauty is a twin leaf bud costume, but if you calm down and look back like this, it doesn't matter what you think.

"That's not a level of dietary success!?

"The twin leaves were such a jerk."

"Damn, you know that, Peach River guy, you got your hands on it."

Dirty, boulder spellman, dirty.

It means that he has been using the bi-leaf budding garment, the original stone of an oversized diamond, as a thing since his school life before he was granted a vocation. I'm sure he was going to make a miracle proposition that after dating, let him diet with those hands and get away barefoot with Gravia Idol as well. What a far-reaching development plan.

"Peach River Yabby Aids"

"No, but if it's Peach River, I'm serious."

"Um, I think Peach River was usually good for fat people. I've heard from Yamajun that he can do anything with big tits."

"Damn, breasts are just not big enough."

"You're creepy if you're too big. After all, beautiful boobs with both shape and firmness are the strongest"

"I'm not that desirable. But I can't have black nipples."

Keep it up, breast rigging lasts for a while. There's no way a man can get together and not get excited about this topic.

"So, what are you talking about?

"Uh, uh, it was like talking about Peach River being willing to kill Raina"

"Yeah, well, why are you out of line? I cut it out pretty seriously."

Bad, bad, I'm finally getting back to business.

"But if I did... about Peach River, do you resent it?

"If Yamada hears about it, it's going to be serious."

"When I realized that Peach River was going to trick us into killing Rayna, I thought it was cool... but when I thought about it, well, I wondered if that would help, too."

I don't know what to say, I don't know what's right. With such a seeping, complex look, Shimogawa said.

Now that we had lost Rayna in the first place, we had no idea why we were so upset and had a problem with Rayna. If I hadn't protected her so much, I would have thought - if I had lost it, I wouldn't have been attacked by wonder and a sense of hopeless loss.

It feels like a treasure that was more important than anything else when I was a kid could seem like just a crap after a few years.

"From Peach River, I knew Raina was in a wax that was your luggage from the beginning. Fuck you, there's a bunch of jerks called Spiritual Beasts, and you can't treat them badly. If Raina was a skank like Ellie, we'd feel the same way about Peach River."


"That's, well, maybe it is."

Kotaro's behavior was more sensible then any of those party members. In front of the mighty obstacle of the fort of Goma, if it had not been for Kotaro, he would have been attacked by the crusaders of Goma, who had come according to his presumption, against the dense forest tower.

But in that case, only Rayna can survive under the power of a spiritual beast.

"But killing is a bit..."

"The Peach River sucked at that time. If you think you're a real murderer, you're so upset with Hutu."

Kotaro, who was killed Rayna, and used Rayna's body as a shield against Yudo Aoshi, an angry mind, and took Bud's clothes and left quietly. That series of figures, even if they were used to killing demons, had never killed humans, too much to make them feel insane somewhere.

"Well. As it turns out, Aomori got away with it... but the Peach River that you can array in that earthen pit is still a jerk."

"Hey, maybe Peach River is killing someone before Raina, too?

"Oh, like I could afford it then, because I've already killed people?

Upon hearing the exchange between Ueda and Nakai, Shimogawa thinks only a little.

I frowned and looked troubled...... but opened my mouth, as I immediately made my decision.

"Hey, you guys, didn't you notice?



"The knife that Peach River stabbed Raina...... that's the butterfly knife she had in her mouth"

I've had a couple of shows, not just one.

Shimogawa once saw his mouth pull out its knife when he was playing in the city with his mouth, tangled up by black high students and out of quarrel.

I never stabbed my opponent in the boulder, but the sight of him kicking the freaked out guy as he flickered and hatched the murder weapon called Butterfly Knife and chased away the black high school student who had more than three on his own mouth still burns away with admiration behind the brain of the lower river.

Honestly, I made a fool of myself at first for having a knife all the time, but when I saw him use the knife to repel the bad guys, the ratings turned a turn.

The mouth is just not cool on and holding a knife. He says he has the skill and the courage to use a knife as a weapon, which is why he holds it in trust.

So, Shimogawa remembers the butterfly knife that Shimoguchi always used. Even if it doesn't have any prominent features like this, it's enough to tell at a glance that it's a mouthful of stuff.

So the moment I saw the bloody knife Kotaro was holding onto, I realized.

"The peach river, you're talking about the mouth... you're killing it, right?"

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