Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 183 Gathering (1)

Four figures emerge from beyond the brilliance of the dazzling transition.

"Ahhh, I'm tired! Go to sleep, I'll go to sleep soon!

"Damn, that catfish bastard, he's still paralyzed..."

"Speaking of which, I think there was a cure for the paralysis with the medicine Takawa gave me."

"Hey, you guys didn't just say pathetic things. I'm not in the mood, I'm in the mood!

Four boys are talking to Wye in Nori like he's into crap chatter in the classroom.

A threesome secretly called the Ueda, Nakai, Shimogawa, and Uchi and Shimogawa trios. Then Yamada from the baseball club.

The reaction of the classmates who had already gathered here to see their appearance varied greatly.


I thought the two of them were: Aili Himeno and Yasushi Nakashima.

Ellie went half mad and jumped out when all of them rebuffed her about hitting Rayna.

Yangzhen broke herself out of the party, not knowing how she felt, being taken by them who joined her along the way as she continued to cheat on her sloppy relationship with Ellie.

Neither of us have any good memories of seeing their faces. On the contrary, I instantly assume that being with them again can only be cumbersome and troublesome no matter what I think ahead. Each for a different reason, we both hold our heads the same way.


Especially seeing them and not responding is the face of the Heavenly Path Yankee team. Ryuichi, who is not interested in others in the first place, doesn't care about them or anything.

Apricot and Julimari threesomes, too, were somewhat tangled up in the class and not so related as to jump up and rejoice. Oh, he and the others were alive, and all I could think of was some really dry feelings.

"You guys should be flying in here."

And the most dramatic reaction to their appearance was naturally by the related Aoshi Yudo.

"Yay, Yudo Aoshi!?

"Seriously, why are you here?"

"Uh, maybe this isn't working anymore."

To the four people who have metastasized, facing each other head-on is Yudo Aoi, who has already laid his hands on the sword he has laid on his hips and has developed such a tremendous intimidation that he wants to cry out.

Behind him will be cherry blossoms already with bows and that look tomorrow, which will also take the stand of a knife puller.

True, one-touch instant.

And I can also understand that there's just a reason it will.

At a time like this, it's Peach River's role to raise your voice and tease your mouth first. But now there is no little boy who was counting on that wonder.

It was down the river that I was ready to cut my mouth fire.

"Hey, hey, I'm glad everyone feels safe!

The action chosen by Shimogawa is to pretend not to realize the hostility of Aoshin and the others.

At least, with this knoll, the decision was made that no questions asked and no truncation would be forgiven. Besides, it's not only the Aoshi party that's here, but all the other classmates are there as well.

With more other people's eyes, radical behavior is hard to take, especially a guy with a strong sense of justice like Ethereal Truth.

"How dare you say that, downriver"

As you can see, Yudo never suddenly cut through. But still with my hands on the sword.

"Hey, what are you so angry about, Aemon? Did we do something?

"Come on, man! I'm not gonna let you guys forget what you did."

"Wait, calm down! Raina, oh, no, are you mad that Ayase is dead? Don't get me wrong, we don't matter, I mean, because you're more of a hard worker trying to help!

"Now you think such an excuse will work? It's obvious you were hanging out with the Peach River."

"So, that was an accident! It was an unfortunate accident! There was nothing we could do, we really tried to help..."

Shut up! I can't forgive you for killing Rayna.

It's getting a bad flow. I think you can stop Aoshi heating up without anyone listening, but not a single one of them shows up.

For what I see from the side, I don't really think I would slaughter or kill, I also feel like an optimistic verse.

But when I am thus allowed to bathe Yudo Aoshi's genuine anger directly from the front, I don't really feel alive. Peach River often cut a guy like this to the end of the day with misplaced respect.

Something, I need to say a dialogue that changes the flow.

But now whatever you say, Aoi Truly is just an ugly excuse and received, and it could be to oil the fire.

We can only beg for the death of the dungeon, which is also the last resort - that's when the lower river made the decision.

"... not at all"

Breaking the silence of urgency was a third party who never uttered a word before, neither downriver nor Yodo.

"You've got to be kidding me, Aemon Yudo! Whether Raina's dead or Yamajun's dead, it would all be Temei's fault. Ahhhhhhhhh!

It was Yamada who raised the cry of anger.

"Oh, hey, Yamada!?

"What are you talking about? You!

Ueda and Nakai go in to stop Yamada while peeling his eyes off.

"Ugh! You! Because of you. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ueda and Nakai reach out to contain it, but Yamada was rushing out abruptly jumping at it. For once, I can't stop a heavy warrior who's run out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Come on, what the hell?"

I guess the mad Yamada thing is incomprehensible. Yudo is surprised, but he swings his fist up and deals calmly with his opponent before coming at him with all his might.

I didn't pull out my sword. But I don't add palms and hearts.

"Aoshi Stream," "Collapse" "

Mastery skills

"Collapse": The Basics of Ethereal True Martial Arts Martial Arts. Grab, collapse, and throw it down.

Originally, the basic throwing technique of Aoshi Stream, which Yudo has learned and trained more than children. But now, as a 'brave' skill, it has become an even more powerful move.

Yudo doesn't know what kind of vocation Yamada is and what his abilities are. But the moment I saw Yamada attacking me, I somehow guessed.

Perhaps Yamada's body is protected by fairly rigid defensive skills.

By fist or kick, the blow on the counter is not effective. With every hard defense, you can't even cut it off with a sword.

Therefore, Yudo chose nature and throwing moves.


It was too easy for Yudo to throw Yamada, who had just let his anger push him forward. Now Yudo can throw even the big pig that pushes in lightly.

There's no such thing as this, and it's not so different from dealing with demons, such as Yamada, who only relies on simple power that would have been gained by nature.

Yamada's body, which boasts a superior weight in the class, gently swept through the universe, shortly afterwards, dozz! and makes a blunt noise and is slapped from the back to the ground.

By the defense of the heavily crafted 'Heavy Warrior', the knockout shock itself is not going to do much damage. But there's nothing I can do about the oxygen that's thrown out of my lungs.

"Gah! Guh, goh!

Yamada in. Then, with the feel of the arm he touched when he threw it, Yodo deepens his confidence in Yamada's abilities.

After all, it is hard enough to disable a semi-productive blow. But because he's coughing up bitterness, breathing is necessary for the crowd.

"I have no more trouble getting raped. I'm sorry, but fall."

Before Yamada regains his position, Yudo quickly turns his arm around its thick neck and decides to tighten it bare. It was a reproduction of Sugino, who previously had the same vocation 'Heavy Warrior' in Fairy Square, when he instantly killed Yamada.

"Gu, but ah..."

After a long time, Yamada disappointed and lost his strength, which led him to pass out.

"Phew, what the hell. Doesn't a sudden attack mean that's all there is to it?"

Yamada's working shame makes Yudo Aoshi's gaze even more daunting. The cherry blossoms in the back and tomorrow's are also releasing signs of just stabbing Todome in the stunned Yamada as it is.

With unsolicited Yamada's behavior, the situation inclined to a disadvantage at once - no, Shimogawa cut out that this was where the flow was changing.

"Hey, Aoshi. Yamada can't help it. You're the one who unilaterally decides to put people on the wrong side, knowing why!

Operation Earthbound is withdrawn. This is the time, on the contrary, to attack Yudo Aoi.

"This way, Yamajun is dead!


Yes, Raina wasn't the only one who made the sacrifice.

Everyone called him Yamajun, and he's losing a boy named Junichiro Yamagawa.

"You know how Yamada feels! Yamajun and I were best friends!

"That's what I'm talking about. If it's true that Yamajun is dead, it's sad, but how could I be responsible?"

Yudo Aoshi also had some relationship with Yamajun. He thinks he was a very good, meticulous guy. It was also a snortable man, both male and female, who had wide interaction with everyone in his class.

But Yudo hasn't seen Yamajun since he came to this dungeon. It has absolutely nothing to do with it, it's the first time I've even heard of its death, but what does it have to do with me? It would be natural to think so.

"Ayase was in a dungeon trap over there. It's like showing illusions."

Now Aoshin Yudo was charged with meaningless suspicion that he could not remember at all. In fact, I know the cleanliness of Yudo's body, and I really don't have any responsibility, but I get somewhat confused. A sense of wanting to know what the reason is and what is going on springs up.

That's why we can finally get Yudo to explain the situation, no, even the cherry blossoms behind it, and let him hear it.

"We got trapped, too, but we could wake up. But Ayase didn't wake up. We tried so hard to wake you up, but... you're the one who came out there, Yudo Aoi."

"Duh, what do you mean?"

"Ayase had an awesome, strong vocation called" The Spiritualist ". Spiritual beast, the ability to summon such a powerful demon. So, the new spirit beast called in by Ayase, who caught the phantom trap, is the guy who's socky about you," Somayuto. "

"... I mean, Yamajun was killed by that spiritual beast, you mean"

"Hey, what a fool. That would be just an argument! Your brother has nothing to do with it!

Unexpectedly, cherry blossoms with bows scream.

Well, then yes. You were murdered by a socky guy, so it's your fault. That doesn't make sense.

"Ugh! We've been watching, we've been watching! Aoi, look where Yamajun will be killed! So, you, I don't think you're wacky!

But reason can push away with emotional theory.

Yamajun is not the wake that Aoshi Yudo killed. But it wouldn't be something that could be broken up sooner by a guy who looks so socked up that if a dear friend were killed, the real Yodo would be someone else. So to speak, it is an emotion close to trauma.

"Oh, yeah! Down river is right!

"That's right, we had to save Rayna with our lives because of the Spiritual Beast Soma!

"See! We tried our best to help while we lost Yamajun! And yet, you guys, you came late, and you called me a bad guy about people great! Apologize to Yamada first!

Ueda and Nakai also finally started hitchhiking with their voices up, and Shimogawa shouted out loudly about Yudo's side of the stream.

In contrast, Aoshi Yudo is silent with a contemplative look.

"Come on, man, all those ugly excuses for you! Brother, I don't even know if this is true, I don't deserve to believe it."

"Cherry blossoms, wait. I..."

"Besides, even if that story was true, it would also be true that Raina was killed by the Peach River. And you're one of them."

"So, tell me it was an accident that happened as a result of trying to help..."

"In the first place, there was no mention of Rayna, so you have a priori who attacked the little bird. I won't tell you I forgot."

"Oh, come on, that doesn't matter now!?

If you think Yodo has shut up, now cherry blossoms have begun to quarrel like they caught fire.

That also didn't want the lower river getting poked the most, they even pull me out about an attempted little bird rape.

Oh, why do women like to blur past resentments like this... it was a downriver that made me think that was blurry.

"I don't trust you at all. But considering you didn't put your hands on Raina directly, just save your life. Now get out of here."

"Wait, what are you making up your mind!

"If you're not leaving, are you going to fight us here? Then you can't forgive me!

Critical, and cherry blossom-studded Japanese bows pull strings and squeeze, and the glowing magical arrows watched there are still about to be unleashed towards the lower river.

"Wait, wait. Seriously, we're not gonna argue."

It's still a groundhog operation! I decided to be ready for that, it was then.

"Whoa whoa!?

Shot, I thought.

Dazzling flashes cover your sight. Did the cherry blossoms, which at last became impatient, unleash an arrow of light towards his face?

But there's no pain whatsoever. Besides, I recognize this way of glowing.

Or the already familiar white glow that we have experienced earlier.

That is, it is - the activation of a new metastasis.

At that moment when I saw the shadow that emerged from beyond the white glow, everyone gathered spoke its name.

"Peach River, Ka"

Ryuichi Tendo remains a cold gaze that seems uninterested. But when I saw his little figure in those eyes, he was so crushed naturally.

"Ah, Peach River."

What I really mouthed without any interest were Aili Himeno and Yamatsu Nakazaki. It's just the first time I've seen that in this dungeon, but it's just a late word.

"Or, Peach River!

Screaming with a pitiful caged voice of hope, as if a hero had appeared in a pinch, was now about to be shot by Aoshi Cherry Blossoms, down the river.

"Peach River..."

And it is, of course, 'brave' Aoshi Yudo who says his name with the strongest emotions.

My anger feelings for Teng Himself, who killed Raina Ardelheid Ayase, an important childhood tame that I had to protect, have hardly diminished.

Different in dimension from what was directed at the Lower Rivers, Yudo Aoshi finally grasped the pattern of the sword.

"Hey, Aemon."

Says Kotaro Takawa.

Those gathered on this occasion, with all their gaze, the smallest, plain, discreet, literary geek boy in the class responded with a demonic smile, however - truly worthy of naming a 'spellman'.

A 'brave man' who emits the utmost willingness to kill and a 'spellman' who laughs utterly defenseless but invincibly.

"It's been a quicker reunion than I thought. I don't know, a little bit of a cold head - if I did!?

"Peach River Ahhhhhh!

And, it wasn't the 'brave man' Aemon Yudo who shook up the sword of light who attacked Kotaro.

"Peach River! You idiot! I was so worried!

"Oh, uh, sorry, Lantern Hall, Muggu..."

It was Orchido Apricot, who continued to show himself all at once, much more than Arakune had grabbed him, that exploded his emotions even stronger than the anger of Aoshi Yudo.

"I'm glad... I'm alive and well!

"Fu fu fu fu"

There was nothing else for a while than everyone watching in silence about the apricots that hugged Kotaro with tremendous momentum and, when pushed down as they were, began to cry in an inspiring reunion.

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