Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Chapter 190.2 - Class Meeting 6

「Ryuuichi, you should be able to finish the fight without killing him right, why didn’t you do that? Murder isn’t something that you can undo…」

「Oioi, stop spouting such nonsense. That guy wants to bake me alive.」

Tendou-kun replied to Souma-kun’s outburst looking fed up.

「So then, are you not feeling anything at all? Not even a regret!?」

「Yuuto, you should’ve long since realized it. We gained unimaginable power after we came to this place. and literally, nothing to stop us from using those powers to our heart’s content. We can literally abuse our powers as much as we want. In that kind of situation, it’s a literal―― Kill or killed situation.」


「Hah, that’s rich coming from someone who tried to kill Momokawa without any explanation.」

「That’s… Yeah, you’re right but still…」

「In short, the strong survive. That’s the end of the story.」


「――But since strength isn’t everything, here we are.」

Survival of the fittest wasn’t just for a monster or wild animal, we humans also experienced the baptism of the wild.

「Enough of this, no need to continue this useless topic. Let’s discuss our cooperation after this.」

「Well, let’s do our best. At least, make sure that you do not become a hindrance.」

But then, Tendou-kun seemed to be unwilling to cooperate with the rest of us. However, this was actually his own way of saying that he was willing to cooperate with us.

Maybe, the male class rep, Azuma-kun ended up fighting against Tendou-kun-and got his ass kicked- after he forced Tendou-kun to cooperate with him.

「Momokawa, do you think you’ve the qualification to say that?」

「Naturally! I’ve killed most people so far. That’s why spare me from the trouble, please.」

「I can’t forgive nor trust you. But… I’ve no intention to let anyone die. And Momokawa, you’re one of them.」

「Thanks Souma-kun, we can work in peace as long as you feel that way.」

Well then, I guess that’s all we had to say about this dangerous, untouchable incident.

Except for Himeno-san’s case, everything else was only for the sake of venting without any kind of punishment, at least till we managed to get out of this god-forsaken dungeon.

In short, now we could all finally face each other without any kind of resentment from the past. Even if it was a mere pretense.

「Since there’s no more case, that’s all for this session I guess. All the crimes mentioned in this session shall not be brought up again until we’ve escaped from this dungeon. Some of you might still have a grudge over it, but I hope you can put that grudge aside since we’ve got to work together from now on.」

Class Rep said to everyone. However, no one objected.

「Well then, uhm, we have a lot of topics to talk about, the first one being — summarise which classmates survived and which ones did not.」

「You’re right, we’ve to start from there for now.」

Thus, Class Rep made a list of the names of the students in Classes 2-7 as followed below:

1. Azuma Shinichi 『Summoner』 Dead

2. Itou Seiji 『Thief』・Dead

3. Ueda Youhei 『Swordsman』

4. Ooyama Daisuke 『Pyromancer』 MIA

5. Kousaka Hiroshi 『Knight』 Dead

6. Saito Masaru 『Warrior』 Dead

7. Sakurai Touya 『Archer』 Dead

8. Satou Yuuya Unknown

9. Shimokawa Junnosuke 『Aquamancer』

10. Sugino Takashi 『Heavy Warrior』 Dead

11. Souma Yuuto 『Hero』

12. Takashima Yuuda Dead

13. Tendou Ryuuichi 『King』

14. Nakai Shouta 『Warrior』

15. Nakajima Haruma 『Magic Swordsman』

16. Hayama Relight Unknown

17. Higuchi Kyouya 『Thief』 Dead

18. Hirano Kouhei 『Swordsman』 Dead

19. Momokawa Kotaro 『Shaman』

20. Yamakawa Junichiro 『Healer』 Dead

21. Yamada Genki 『Heavy Warrior』

22. Yokomichi Hajime 『Cannibalizer』 Fugitive *

[*TN: There’s no mistake in the number, and the author has confirmed this was the way his high school used it for the girl’s roll call.]

31. Reina Adelheid Ayase 『Spiritualist』 Dead

32. Iijima Mayumi Unknown

33. Kitaooji Rurika Unknown

34. Kizaki Akane Unknown

35. Kisaragi Ryouko 『Cyromancer』

36. Kenzaki Asuna 『Twin-Swordsman』

37. Satou Aya 『Archer』 Dead

38. Shinohara Emi Unknown



39. Souma Sakura 『Saint』

40. Takanashi Kotori 『Sage』

41. Nagae Yukiko 『Cyromancer』 Dead

42. Natsukawa Minami 『Thief』

43. Nishiyama Minori 『Aeromancer』 Dead

44. Nonomiya Julia 『Knight』

45. Hinagiku Saya 『Shaman』 Dead

46. Himeno Airi 『Healer』

47. Futaba Meiko 『Berserker』

48. Yoshizaki Maria 『Warrior』

49. Randou Kyouko 『Geomancer』

Amongst the 41 students listed above, 15 were confirmed dead, 6 were missing— they were either dead or had yet to reach this gathering area, 1 was alive but not with us right now, and another was the monster that I really wanted to kill from the bottom of my heart, and lastly were the 18 of us who were gathered here.



[TN: There’s no mistake in the number, and the author has confirmed this was the way his high school used it for the girl’s roll call.]

「Upon a closer look, a lot of our classmates died.」

「If we include the missing ones, there are more than half of them.」

Maybe, the missing people had already died.

The fact that so many people had gathered at once in this place was by no means a coincidence. Thus, it could be concluded that the rest had died or couldn’t make it to this place for some reason.

「Does that mean no one new is going to come after this?」

「Probably not. Ah, but, if Yokomichi really did come, we’ve to kill him for sure.」

Randou-san and Co had told me about Yokomichi’s 『Cannibalizer』.

I mean, I would have never expected him to appear right after I got kidnapped by Arachne. Tendou-kun didn’t kill him for some reason back then.

That guy was no longer a human. Maybe because of his lack of hesitation to commit murder from the point when he saw humans as food, I had already labeled him as a dangerous monster.

Even Souma-kun showed no objection to subjugating Yokomichi since the latter had already attacked Sakura and Co. Now that all of our opinions had united like this, there wouldn’t be a problem even if Yokomichi suddenly appeared.

But then, our biggest trouble was, of course, the Yamata no Orochi.

「Well then, shall we go to see that Yamata no Orochi?」

「Eh, now? There are still a lot of things to decide in the class meeting.」

「Right now, our top priority is the subjugation of Yamata no Orochi. So, our next move completely depends on the subjugation method.」

I couldn’t see Yamata no Orochi as a simple giant monster that we could beat by charging recklessly. We might’ve to raise our level to some extent. It was a long and tedious preparation in order to be able to subjugate Yamata no Orochi with enough safety margin―― Or at least find out the minimum amount of strength we needed to subjugate Yamata no Orochi.

In order to achieve that, we needed to live an organized communal life for some time while assigning everyone their roles and jobs to complete the preparation for Yamato no Orochi’s subjugation.

I had yet to see this so-called strongest boss, Yamato no Orochi. I wanted to assess it with my own eyes for now.

「Yeah, you’re right. Okay, let’s go.」

With Class Rep’s permission, all of us went to see Yamata no Orochi.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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