Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 231: Yamatano Orochi Crusade - Phase II

"- Hey, I've been waiting, both of you."

I, Double Shadow, welcome a pair of brave men and kings who have rushed through the trenches with great speed.

Yamatano Orochi crusade operations are roughly deployed at three points.

The first is the Rock Mountain Peak for body core destruction.

The second is the eastern side, the sealing point of the first three necks planted.

And the third is here, on the west side opposite the sealing point.

Keep the remaining five free necks together in this place. From now on, this will soon be a fierce battlefield for the flying of braces.

With that kind of wax, this is going to be the biggest battlefield, so we're combining command and liaison, and we're putting in a "double shadow" split. If I'm here, I can keep track of how the SWAT team headed for Rock Mountain and the progress of the operation in real time.

In the worst case scenario, when we are forced to withdraw from Iwayama, we are supposed to ask Aoshi for backup from here.

"Peach River, what happened to those who sealed it"

"Where the spear just stabbed me"

The third neck is a success, too.

"Yeah, so hurry up, please."

Nodding, Aoshi ran out immediately. Behind you, Heavenly Door continues a bit. [M]

Subtly, the timing for the two of us to set up here from the west is also the point. Shortly after the sealing of the third head, these two can be set up from this side to induce the next head to appear on this side.

If the timing is delayed and an additional head of Phase III appears on the seal side. It's already a failure of the operation at that point.

So let's get these two to let go flashy from the beginning.

"'Erythema Rigidball'"

"'Red Breath'"

"Erythema Rigidball": A move equivalent to the advanced attack magic of the Fire Attribute mastered by Erythema. A flame that shines blue exerts the power that advanced deserves, either because of its really high temperature or because of the effects of the brave man's special specifications. "Magic Swordsman" Nakatsuki, who witnessed his destructive power, was in tears, wasn't he?

"Red Breath": The magical identity of the flames and explosions you're familiar with, Heavenly Way. He seems to have mastered his moves by defeating the Fire Dragon Salamander, with great power and user-friendliness. He used a black sword all the time these days, but when he shoots the red brace at its maximum, he better use the red sword he used when he met me. So now it's a salamander-based red sword.

Unleash the magic of the flames that each of them lights on the tip of their swords, toward Rock Mountain.

Pull a blue, red, two-colored burning tail - landing bullet.

The bright blue and dazzling red lotus in his eyes burst into flames.

"Phew, you idiot, you came out here"

The explosion in Rock Mountain causes two giant necks to appear as both gargoyles make noises with gorgos as they fly away in a gaggling noise. Yamatano Orochi, fourth head and fifth head.

Well, it turns out that if you put in a preemptive attack like this in the exercise, you're bound to come out prioritizing this side. Really, it acts like an AI in the game. Otherwise, I can't do his offense.

"It would be a hassle if they shot me first. We'll crush it fast, Yudo."

"Oh, let's go, Ryuichi"

The boulder is in production today, and Heavenly Door feels like jerking off, too.

But once again, looking at the two of you like this, Aoshi's partner is Heavenly Door, and vice versa, you're right again.

It's different when you fight with your people than when you fight with just the two of us. Aoshi has a strong sense of protecting his people, and Heavenly Taoist is not a wacko that you are allergic to and really abandon.

For both of us, we're nothing but shackles. Because you always have to care and stand around.

But only when you fight with Aoshi and Heavenly Tao in your combination, it won't. You don't have to protect it, you don't have to worry about it. Because I'm strong.

I can do everything I can because I don't need to protect you. I can concentrate all my powers only on my enemies.

Now, we know how each other moves and what we think.

So far, I've seen both your battles and Heavenly Taoist battles quite a bit. It's not alone, it's not a party, it moves best when the two of us put together. You can tell from me. [M]

When I can show you this battle, Sakura and the chairman of the committee, to stand next to the two of you a little... why don't we just hang out now? Then you think the world will be peaceful, don't you?

With all that silliness in mind, I'm just watching my breathtaking best friend combo fight.

Aoshima-kun overwhelms Orochi's fourth head with a series of attacks that are inconspicuous to his eyes, weaving slashing and attacking magic on the sword of light.

Heavenly Taoist is beating the great sword of darkness that has changed from red to black, unleashing a blast of flames, and sealing off Orochi's fifth head with immense destructive power.

The speed is faster for you Aoshi. The manoeuvrability of deciding to jump two or three steps in the air is also terrific.

The power is Heavenly Way. The power of a single blow is big. Now, there is also a black armor defense that covers to the shoulder. You just took Orochi's tackle normally, didn't you? What's the difference in weight?

Making full use of each of their flavors, they contain two heads without ever letting Orochi shoot a brace.

Orochi signals that his braces are charging when his throat is glowing red or blue or something. Thanks for implementing such an easy-to-understand preliminary motion.

Both the fourth and fifth heads glow their throats at the red and blue, respectively, Aoshi, who is ready to fire at any time, but skillfully does not let him stand around and set his aim, and Heavenly Taoist, who beats a blow on the verge of firing and keeps stopping him forcefully.

In some cases, it's a really awesome combination because each of them switches opponents with each other and punches an attack that stops the braces. I suppose that's exactly what the breathing of an abalone means.

"It's time to take them down"

That seems the same to both of us.

Aoshi, you lay down your sword dressed like you're not living together, and Heavenly Dow, you wave up your great sword.

When a major move is released, it is easy to make a gap as big as that. Earlier in the first phase, the two roles ended with just one shot of the big moves, so I couldn't help but open them.

But now they're each alone with Orochi-headed opponents. I can't use the big moves without thinking about it later.

So if you're going to use him, the time and the market are set for Todome.

"-" The Flash of a Moment (Nero Lightning) ""

"-" Nethervortex ""

A blade of shining light slashes Orochi's huge neck in pieces.

A roaring swirl of darkness crushes Orochi's head from the brain to dust.

Destroying the head of a giant monster by the time it was completely skinless, the brave men and kings each assembled their swords.

"Huh, a little break."

"Don't take it too easy, you'll be out in a minute"

Zuzun! and the two armed men breathe a sigh of relief against the backdrop of Orochi's neck falling to the ground, who lost his head after making a roar.

If you drop your head completely, it'll take at least five minutes to regenerate. It doesn't make sense to tap it while it's playing, but it doesn't strike when it's cross sectional and playback starts clearly.

Corpses are the same in their current state, so it's a waste of effort just to attack them.

"Want a potion?

"I'm not here."

'Cause you're not even hurt. Water's enough.'

Heavenly Tao, you just finished smoking one cigarette and Aoshi started to move just as well as Yamatano Orochi when you took a sip of water and punished him.

Go, go, go, go!

The last neck finally appears with more roar than ever.

"Well, you're finally here"

"Oh, I've never been ahead of you before from here... let's try to be in the mood"

"Seriously, you had eight necks, Koz."

It was the three necks that appeared with a grunting roar that shook heaven.

The sixth, seventh, and eighth heads of Yamatano Orochi.

This is the first time his eight necks have been fully opened. It was withdrawn in the middle of the second phase because of the dangers involved in the exercise.

So from here on out, no one has challenged it yet, Yamatano Orochi Phase III.

"But I'm perfectly prepared"

The three-neck seal is maintained. Even if all eight necks are out, you will never deal with eight at the same time, or you won't let them.

"Three seals, two in play. Only three newbies are your strength now."


Is it true that as many as five necks have been destroyed to keep standing, and Orochi is also fairly clean? Barking voices are always bigger and bigger.

And naturally, all three brace charges for the opening are complete.

Each of the three throats opens its mouth wide to unleash a tremendous stream of magic, glowing red, blue, and purple.

"I'll stop the right one"

"Then I'll go left."

Aoshin and Heavenly Door move to stop the firing by adding an attack ahead of the brace, just like they did earlier, without hurry.

But how can even these two be stopped one at a time?

Right now, there are three heads on the verge of brace firing.

One more thing, the eighth head, located in the middle, tries to let go of his braces with dignity without anyone interrupting him.

The open mouth leaks a shitty purple glow, and the next moment -

"Kenzaki Liu -" Bailey Scattered "Huh!

Kenzaki, flying from nowhere, slashed and skipped the side of the eighth head as he spun fast with awesome momentum, something glowing and flaming.

What is this? I don't know how many hundreds of revolutions there are. There's no way the moves of serial slashing can be in the moves of swordsmanship handled by real life humans. Absolutely. That's your original move.

Though there is such a thing as penetration, the genuine martial arts unleashed by a skilled 'double-swordsman' boasts considerable power over boulders.

Orochi's head lifts a fierce blood splash, unintentionally, and so forth. And he locked the aim into heaven as it was, releasing a polar brace scattered with purple sparks.

"The boulder is tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, Aoshi. You're a little late."

Kenzaki, who looked brilliantly off the ray of the eighth brace, said to Aoshi with a Doya face as he decided to make a gorgeous landing. You're really fine without Mae.

"Heavenly Dao Kun!

"Atashi and the others are here to join us!

And a little late for Kenzaki, the Julimari Combination,

"Wow, it's finally here."

"Damn, you have a plain distance"

Even later, Ueda and Nakai

"Why, ha, ha..."

At the end of the day, Mr. Himeno, whose breath was constant, joined him.

"All right, now you're all set"

"All you have to do is slash your time"

I've collected as many of them as I can on my five-necked opponent.

Five necks is the only thing that shoots the braces around, but honestly, it's still tight.

But if it's just three bottles, it's possible enough to contain them.

You and Heavenly Tao worked hard on purpose to bring the two bottles down completely. If you keep keeping two of the five bottles in play at all times, you'll be able to stick around for quite a while.

Until we destroy the main core and stop Yamatano Orochi from breathing.

"This is where it comes from."

"- This is the real deal from here. From now on, it's not going to be easy anymore."

Until the first stage of sealing alone, even if it fails, it can be withdrawn immediately.

Even the second phase of eight-neck liberation can escape because everyone is still in the outer periphery.

But after boarding Rock Mountain, the retreat is hopeless. There is nothing more than completely defeating Yamatano Orochi.

I've decided to be ready. Me and everybody. If it's not enough, even Goma's kusri. Kim him.

Everybody, you're all set.

After the successful sealing of the third head, our SWAT team will assemble immediately to the trench.

Me, May, Lando, Shimogawa, Yamada, and Sakura.

In addition to this, the main fuselages of Lem No.1 "Black Knight", No.2 "Arakune", No.3 "Alpha", No.4 "Minotaur", are all put into operation.



And the only thing that makes me snort comfortably is May. The other faces are obviously nervous and tense. Yeah, I'm a little cheeky right now, too.

Although I have attacked him many times in the exercise by turning him into a "double shadow", he still shivers when it comes to challenging him in his own body.

But go. I'm not alone. If you have company you can count on, you will definitely get through it. Let them get over it.

So please adjust the difficulty you can take down with this!


"Oh, wow - 'Water Mist (Eyes Mist)'!

The eyes of a more temperamental mist than usual are unleashed by the 'Water Magician' Lower River.

The curtain of a totally familiar fog immediately stands in the surrounding area, closing his sight to white darkness.

During the proximity to Rock Mountain, both Gargoyles come to notice and attack. Wake up to keep the smokescreen burning from the start to keep it out of the way at all.

Besides, in case Orochi head comes this way, I want to avoid it.

In the exercises, if I could spare my head, they sometimes attacked me in Rock Mountain. Nor is everyone's foothold absolute.

In fact, this' Water Mist (Eyes Mist) 'has only been slightly improved in this operation. I can see that when I touch it, but it's warm.

The fog stays at room temperature, but I dare to raise the temperature now. The lower river practiced so that the temperature could be adjusted. With that benefit, you can even get hot water out in one shot.

Why did you go out of your way to increase the temperature of the fog to mislead the heat source sensing?

Yamatano Orochi is a snake. A giant monster with as many as eight necks on a train size giant body, but totally a snake for the purpose it sees.

So maybe there's a pit organ in his head.

A pit organ is an organ that senses the temperature a snake has. Should it be called a sixth sense, not colour, sound or odor, able to perceive changes in temperature as in thermography?

The snake seems to be nocturnal, and if there is temperature sensing of the pit organ, even if it is dark and has zero vision, it can be captured by even a small rat dispersed in the dark.

Speaking of Yamatano Orochi, we humans and other rat-sized small animals. If it had a pit organ, it would be easy to find it even if you lurked in hiding.

We tried some validation, but it turned out that it was quite possible that he was also temperature-sensitive. Then, there is the possibility that you are also sensing magic.

Perhaps both temperatures and magic can be sensed.

With that kind of wax, I tried to at least delude the temperature alone, and this thermoprotective specification of 'Water Mist (Eyes Mist)' was knitted.

"All right, then let's get ready to go"

In the warm fog of thin smoke, our SWAT team quietly began to advance through the trenches.

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