Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 252: Change of course.

I have heard that Mae used the altar to acquire map information around the area among the ruins where there is little bird pleasure when she was acting with Aoshi Party.

Apparently, the altar I discovered this time was exactly the same thing.

"Awesome, in and out of the dungeon, you know so widely..."

The altar shines like a blue and white magic formation, displaying a three-dimensionally drawn topographical map, like an SF tick hologram in front of me.

It's a different phenomenon than when you play with little birds, but that's probably what he was intentionally doing to stop displaying hologram maps so he could see map information just for himself. At that point, it would be more disadvantageous to share information with your peers.

"Seriously, with all the information you can get, you can afford to be a bystander."

I decided to look at the map, check the altar function, and then call you Apricot and Ip Mountain.

"This is the map of the neighborhood."

"Ooh, wow, seriously, this feels like a magical ancient ruin!

"Something like this, I've seen it in movies."

Before the large three-dimensional map projected from the altar, Ip Shan, you were tense, the apricot not so much, but the two of us held hands to the light of the hologram.

Naturally, there's nothing where I've touched it, because I think it's projecting holograms with light magic or something.

"Our current location is here. At this red light spot."

Although there are several other red light points, that probably indicates other altars.

"So, this blue square is the entrance to the dungeon."

"You know that, Peach River."

"Write it down somewhere?

"There's no explanation for anything, but you can almost tell by the place you've been through."

"Ye Shan, do you remember the road or something?

"I'm a man who doesn't look back. What about you, Langdo?"

"We're the kind of people who can't read maps and stuff."

It is an apricot that laughs at herahela because it is not bad at all and if Kotaro leaves this to him, he will be fine.

I don't feel bad about being relied upon, but I think you can both pay attention to a few more things. It makes me a little nervous to see the two of us with some sort of potent weather.

"Anyway, with that kind of wax, I also found the map from here on ahead to a considerable extent. By the way, this purple square is the boss's room."

"Oh, so the boss room in this area is no longer there?"

Can you read the map better than the apricot, I refer to the boss room mark nearest to your current location.

Indeed, through this forest dome, it is a route that you will always hit if you go a little further.

The demons coming out around here were skeleton-centric, so the boss is presumably a big skeleton. Large Skeleton heard that Heavenly Door and Nakatsuki each defeated him as the first boss.

"And then what happened next?

"I don't even know where the shifting destinations from the boss room lead to the boulder, but what I care about is this part."

Boss, deviate greatly from the room mark and point to the outside of the map.

"It's outside the dungeon, isn't it?

"Maybe you should go around this outdoor---break in through the entrance here, you could make a short cut"

"What, seriously? How do you know that?

Before answering the simple question of the apricot, I touched the altar and manipulated it with chocolate.

Sensibly, be clearly aware of what you want to close up. The operation of this altar seems to be a method of magic and then automatically loading this consciousness.

Are you reading EEG or something in an advanced surgical manner, or in a telepathic way? Whatever the case, it's a very convenient manipulation as long as you grasp the guidelines.

"At this blue entrance mark, it says something, right?

"Yeah, I can't read it at all"

"This is an ancient story, isn't it? I don't know because we're not in a study group."

That's right, committee chairman and Shimogawa, you and Himeno, and then Sakura joined us at Omake, because Lando was blatantly avoiding me when I talked about ancient languages. I'm sure he got away with perceiving signs of study.

Well, there's something about being unsuitable for people. I won't force you.

"It says here, as far as I can read, 'Magic', 'Concentration', 'Environment', '4'."

Thanks to the Yamajun Notes, I know only some of the characters and words that can be read in the Ancient Language Decryption and Sequence, plus some translations that I deduced from the observation of little bird games, etc.

So I just know what the word means and I can't read it as a sentence.

However, with all of this, you can also guess the approximate contents.

"The magic concentration environment, as it is, can be considered the difficulty of the dungeon."

Again, if you go back to the nearest boss room mark and let it zoom in, it still continues with the same line of words, and only the last number is written with a number that manifests' 1 'in ancient language.

"In order from 1, when the numbers rise, so does the difficulty. So if four, at least three minutes is expected to be the area ahead."

"Oh, I see!


I admire you Ip Shan and the windy apricots who have already given up understanding. Try harder.

"This is a guess, but I think the wasteland where the Yamatano Orochi was is, like, four or five. The deepest part of our destination, the Heavenly Gate, is naturally the area with the highest magic concentration."

In other words, if you put it in from a high-difficulty area like 4 or 5, that's how close it is to the deepest... it should be.

"Honestly, we don't feel like we can catch up to everyone in our class if we keep on attacking right now."

"That's well, isn't it? Because there's still Ethereal Truth over there, and I don't have any trouble moving on."

"When you reach the Heavenly Delivery Gate with your little bird game in your arms, it will probably be too late"

In his plan, if it's the last phase of escape, only you and Aoshi will remain. By then, my classmates, including Cherry Blossom, should be disposed of.

Prepare even the mighty boss again, or if you have to, poison him again, but he will kill you.

"There's no other way to do this until now, so I thought I'd keep going, but I'd bet on this if there's any chance I could make a shortcut"

"Then, Yi, don't like Kotaro. 'Cause we're gonna follow."

"That's right, Peach River, we're all fucked if we're not in a hurry, right? Then there's no reason to hesitate."

"Thanks, for agreeing with me"

"I mean fine...... so I asked you that on purpose, the sincerity of being Kotaro?

"Well, I guess that's the place"

I was attracted, and I heard that. Apricots understand my personality after all.

They can't read the map or the ancient language anyway. Even if I silently adopt the shortcut proposal and proceed, I will have to follow without knowing anything. [M]

Based on that, I gave a good explanation and voted for the majority, which is an indication of my unwillingness to imitate deception towards my two companions.

"If you decide so, let's get ready"

"Do you still have something to prepare for?

Look at this place.

And I'm going to point to the route around the outside of the dungeon.

There is, as always, a vast forest area that stretches and

"It's a pretty elevated mountain here."

Wake up and get ready to cross the mountain.

It's a corner, so I decided to play boss.

"Whoa, it's a deke skeleton!

The boss monster that emerged was Large Skeleton. Nearly twice the height of a normal skeleton, and naturally the bone thickness is out of step.

Besides, he is armed with a great sword of martial bones.

Honestly, isn't he suddenly loaded on someone who has just defeated Skeleton on the road so far?

"A boulder is a boss monster, it's powerful... Kinako, Beni, I'm going to love it!

"Suddenly it's 'Lava Long Spear (Terra Fortis Sagitta)', Olah!

The Large Skeleton was smashed apart by the advanced attack magic unleashed by Apricots, echoing the sound of DON!

Now, let's just retrieve the core and try to leave the dungeon.

"Ah, Ip Yama-san."

"... what the hell"

"That sword is going to be precious metal material, so let's take it. Help me carry it."

"You have nothing more to say! We've come to challenge the boss!

"I don't like it, but in the meantime, we're going to fight for our lives. You should have fun while you can."

Like that, we had a compass note that said, "Move on, move on! Ignoring all the glowing, he headed outside the dungeon.

Based on the map information, we went out the closest entrance to Large Skeleton's boss room and we started going through the woods again.

Then for three days, I kept walking in the woods. Along the way, I was worried that you really had that map info... but it proved correct.

When the forest accidentally opened, a large mountain was visible in front of me.

"Dude, that mountain, isn't it pretty high?

"Come on, it's lower than Mount Fuji, isn't it?

"Really? It's snowing up there."

"Kotaro, are you serious about climbing this mountain?

I'm sorry, I'm a little sorry to be honest.

I was prepared that it would be a fairly high mountain, but in this way, when I see the magnificent mountain range stretching out in front of me, I get quite distracted.

Although I am complacent that I have had a tough dungeon attack before, climbing the mountain will be another difficulty.

On top of that, this is a mountain of the other world. Naturally, there are demons.

And perhaps... the nest of salamanders flying around the woods is somewhere in this mountain.

That, over the mountain, is it tougher to set the difficulty than a dungeon?

"Sorry, I might have been thinking a little sweet..."

Seeing me with a slightly stiff look, both Apricot and Ip Shan looked sorry for me.

Yeah, if the commander puts his anxiety on his face, he won't show it to his men! Nothing. I'm neither a commander nor a leader, but I'm in that position somehow, so I need to take the lead in this arrogant atmosphere.

"Okay, so first, let's set up camp at the foot of this neighborhood as we prepare for a full-scale mountain crossing. There's got to be a riverside nearby, so let's find it."

On the road so far, I kept the necessary luggage to a minimum, since for a moment I valued going for the mountain.

So I'm going to start here getting ready to climb the high mountains that are snowing near that summit. At the very least, there is a risk of freezing to death if cold clothing for everyone is not provided.

The development of embracing and warming apricots naked is both romantic and erotic, but we have to avoid it because it's seriously absolutely deadly under such circumstances.

"Puga, puga!

Oh, the kinaco is ringing. Maybe he discovered the river.

"Peach River over there. Kinaco smells like water."

Ye Yama-san is normally able to chat, but apparently Kinako has a verse that also understands what I and Apricot say. I have the intelligence to understand people's words.

Isn't a kinaco, maybe not a bear demon, a subrace of beasts or something?

Oh, my God, I discovered the river plain brilliantly as I proceeded to be led by a kinaco.

"This neighborhood might look good for camping."

It is a river plain with a beautiful spiral and a nice open feeling, like some kind of college student usually comes to camp.

Again, it is better to set up a base in a place that is somewhat open and visible. It's easy to detect enemy proximity.

Look, like right now, Zuzun, even if he shows up in footsteps and he's obviously a big guy, we can find him right away.

"It's Roylops!

Zunzun Dawn! and the fierce footsteps and the noise that swept down the trees, jumped out to the river plains is Roylops, a monster similar to a big rhino.

I don't use special abilities or magic. But its powerful propulsion is phenomenal. May, who busted that head-on, sucks even worse... but now there's no mad warrior I can count on.

"Avoid the kinaco and the lem breaking in! Lose power!

"Okay, now's my turn!

Oh, no. Ip Yama-kun is turning to the Red Lance as soon as possible towards Roylops.

Roylops jumped out of the sparse woods of the trees to the river plains, but they still didn't strike us clearly. Well, he's Activemons, so I don't know if he's going to attack you any less, but the respite until then is important.

Roylops is a slightly nasty opponent to deal with at this party. There is more danger of injury than being able to push back with kinaco and lem force moves, and of course, there may be death.

Yes, Ip Yama-san, who has only the same physical abilities as the average person, if he can dial him from the front, he won't be very, but he won't be safe.

"Wait, Ip Yama-san, don't get your hands on it yet-------"

"Go! Red Lance!"

The tip of the erected spear sparkled red and, honestly, formed a bigger fireball than I had assumed, releasing it straight into the roylops.

Aim precisely, no, you've got a little bit of a turning track along the way. Induction performance is such an expensive procedure, although I don't remember putting it together...... anyway, the fireballs released hit the face of the roylops brilliantly. Dpavan! and I could play with flames scattered.

"Huh, brurrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

From beyond the scattering of fire powder, the sharp glance of the roylops pierces me with tremendous anger. To Ip Shan. Oh, I pissed you off.

"Oh, uh, it's not working...?

Of course. He's the main attack coming through his head, so the front around his neck from his face is set to be stiff anyway. Or you should imagine that it's thick fur in appearance, and a half-breed attack is unlikely to pass, right?

Strong, hard, simple strength roylops. That's why I wanted to get an interception attitude and fight before the other one came in for real, but I can't help it anymore.


"Leave it to me----" Lava Long Spear (Terra Fortis Sagitta)" "

Special Advanced Attack Magic. If the boulder has this level of power, it won't be safe with Roylops.


But on the verge of starting a rampage, Roylops quickly lay down, not commensurate with his gigantic body.

Shit, this is why I'm scared of wild demons.

The stone columns released flew straight to the other side, only slightly blushing the fur on Roylops' back.

"Shh, he did it!?

The bouldering apricots are also amazed at Roylops' divine evasion. I mean, I'm in a hurry.

"Lava Long Spear (Terra Fortis Sagitta)," which I always easily unleash at the opening, but it's not a wack to shoot at unchanted no-time.

Now without a heavenly golden revolver, I can fire with some chanting and a lot of concentration. I mean, the shooting doesn't work.

To stop the Roylops advance in one shot, you need the power of the 'Lava Long Spear (Terra Fortis Sagitta)'. But I can't shoot the next one right away.

In just a few seconds of that, it's enough to spy on Ye Shan, who's totally stunned, including his rampage.

This moment divides his life and death.

"Leaf Mountain, get a wall in front of you!

"Alright, 'The Great Rock Shield (Terra Almacildo)'!

It was almost at the same time that the Roylops, who began to storm towards you with a fierce roar, and the Intermediate Defensive Magic Stone Wall activated by Apricot, emerged. It would be nice to work out the activation speed in civil engineering.

In the next moment, Dogan! and the roylops and stone walls collide head-on, making a roar as if it had been an explosion. Apricot's forged "The Great Rock Shield (Terra Almacildo)" stopped Roylops' leg beautifully, even though it was crushed.

"Rem, go on!


Don't miss the gap where you collided with the stone wall and your braided leg stopped, set up a great sword and Lem stormed.

I take the wound medicine out of my pocket and finish the chant.

"Wings, feathers that sprinkle misfortune, come to him -"

Black Knight Rem flashes to the torso of Roylops. The Great Sword cleaves thick fur, but does not lead to fatal injuries.

Boasting so many giants, even Lem's sword struggles to inflict mortal injuries.

And if it's too stubborn, Roylops will run out again. When that happens, unless you hit the wall again well, there's no way to stop him.

So I decide here.

"----" Reverse Dance Horsebutterfly"!

From the wound medication, a glowing cursed butterfly with a reversing effect flies straight to the wound cut by Lem.


The moment the butterfly plays, the scream of the deafening roylops rises.

It is my wound medicine A, which has a remarkable healing effect. If the reverse effect of that was activated, how much pain would it cause to hit the wound? I don't want to imagine.

"Keep attacking, Rem! Apricot, next round loading!

"Next hit," Lava Spear (Terra Fortis sagitta) ""

As such, Lem attacked Roylops, who was nowhere to be attacked or evaded due to pain, and judged by wild considerations that now was his chance, Kinako and Beni also pursued him together.

If he keeps getting attacked so close to the boulder, Roylops also chooses a way to fight back, such as swinging off the big corners to the left and right, rather than a dash.

But by the time I stopped my leg like this, Roylops was packed.

Now it's time for Apricot's advanced attack magic to strike a violent giant body and inflict a decisive painful blow.

Deep around his neck, a large stone column pierces him. But still, the vitality of Roylops was not exhausted enough for you to still roar.

"It's a todome, Rem!

From the wound, he stabbed the sword deep as it was, and finally Roylops defeated its giant body to the ground.

"Ha, I'm glad I managed. We've got a good prey."

I was lucky enough to meet Roylops here. I didn't even let the wounded out, and I was able to take them down safely.

"But Ip Shan, you're a little reflective later"

"Grr...... sorry"

You don't have to worry so much. I can honestly apologize, because I think you're very good.

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