Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 266 Wizard vs Cannibal Ghost (1)

"S, I'm sorry, Momokawa... I'm at my limit..."

Hayama-kun fell.

I understand that there's nothing I can do about it. I've fallen out of magic, too. It's not really something that can be managed by temper or guts.

With one last word, Hayama is working hard. [M]



The body of Kinako and Benigno shrinks rapidly, emitting the same brilliance as when they were ghosted.

Soon he returned to his original appearance, and fell down on the spot, just like his husband.

Perhaps the Spirit Beast itself is under a commensurate load. A double-edged sword that falls down without asking questions after the effective time has passed?

"Fufu... fufu... bufufufu, you fell down, you guts!"

Under the thunderbolt of the Spirit Beast, the side roads were all wet with blood, but they still shook the living giant body and laughed.

One eye was crushed, his teeth were broken, and a huge pork face with half his big nose was torn open. The sidewalk at the tip of his tongue looked down at me.

"Now, finally, there's no one in the way... just the two of you, Kotaro Kyun"

Oh no, I couldn't knock it out. I thought I could definitely go.

I don't have enough attack power to defeat Perfect Pervert Sideways, no matter how exhausted I am. Grenade won't fall in a single shot.

Well, what do we do... with the last resort, the Pain Repair counter? If I get back to good health, the sidewalk will collapse and I can heal and come back to life.

No, I can't. I am confident that I will be eaten and killed with one bite.

All right, let's run.

"No, finally... finally, I'm going to eat... ahhhhhhhhhh!

It was then that I took a step forward.

The hoof of the stepped pig's foot broke, and the tear ran even bigger, and blood sprayed out.

From there, your posture collapses and your torso tilts.

Then, the applause tore my stomach. With the sound of burrs and skin tearing, the flesh and blood spilled out of the fingernail marks deeply engraved by the mushrooms.

"Nghiiiiiiiihh!? Bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

I'm sure the body of the sidewalk was well beyond its limits.

From there, blood splashes rose one after another from inside the body, screaming in pain, and the monster's giant body finally lay down on the ground.

He bleeds out a lot of teammate blood, and his guts are dripping out of the scars he avoided a lot.

While the ugly pig's face sprayed with blood tears and nosebleeds, the waterfall-like bleeding came out from the wide open mouth.

Sideways with red and black tongues wrapped around flesh fall into the sea of blood that they themselves created, becoming the original human body.

"Nguu, uuu... it hurts... my strongest body..."

The sidewalk stood up with a groan. The figure, painted with red and black flesh, also looked like a taboo that had just been dropped from the belly of a monster.

"Heh, heh, but I'm alive... I'm alive... even if I'm alive, I can still eat, I can still eat!

The sidewalk barks.

The flesh of the Perfect Pervert (Li Monster) has completely collapsed, but it still seems that the body still has enough power to take on the prey.

But now that I've sharpened so much and lost most of my power, I can beat the rest of you!

"Go! Roylops!"


Roaring Roylops rushed into the sidewalk at full speed. Now that it has returned to its normal human size, its body is under attack with a strong destructive force.

"Hmm! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

However, even if we return to the human form, the extraneous power of the sidewalk is not exhausted.

I picked up a rush from the front. I'm being pushed, but I'm still stunned by the collision.

The secret of power still leaves some prey in the belly. The sidewalk stopped Roylops from his shoulders and flanks, turning him into six arms that gave birth to a thick human arm.


Instead of answering, the sound of a sharp wind is heard.

The arrow released from the black corner bow rushed straight to the sidewalk -- now it's time to poke an arrow at its body.

"Ugaaa!? Don't lick it, now you think arrow-like works!

Two and three shots, followed by an arrow thrown from a rigid bow, the crossroads were cut off. Six arms were stretched like shields, and no arrow pierced his flesh, and he fell down.

Shit, can't you just knock down a bow and arrow?

Then I'll knock you down.

"I won't give up... I'll never give up... my last strength and guts, I'll eat Kotaro's cum!

The screaming body begins to change further.

Oh, come on, there's still enough force left to deform.

The fur and crust form on the six arms that are grown. They can grow long nails or change like spider feet.

In addition, the razor and the worm tentacle grew out of my head, making me feel like a Medusa head.

And most importantly, a huge purple snake crawled out of a brief that doesn't know why it's still there. Hey, where did that snake deform?

I made a decision once again before I left the sidewalk to show a tremendous change. [M]

"I can't take it down. We're retreating."

I did not hesitate to throw the smoke screen out into the last transformed sidewalk. [M]

"--Chi, it's smoke again"

In front of the smoking smoke screen, the sidewalk looks around with glaring eyes.

"I'll never let you escape....."

The sensation that was so widespread is now terribly dull. It's like you're back in your old self.

A sharp sense of smell chasing prey to eagle-like sight. A tactile feeling that feels sensitive to hearing small footsteps and even the flow of air. In addition, the five senses of humans, such as heat source detection and ultrasonic detection, had their own sidewalks.

However, now that the entire half-body form has been severed and the "Perfect Pervert (Li Monster)" has collapsed, many of the "predatory skills" that support the sidewalk have been lost. The contents of "bottomless stomach", which had been eaten so much and stored up its prey, are running out.

I have to eat it. We need to eat it right away.

Too many things have been lost, so the hunger I feel is bigger than the 'Cannibal Ghost'.

Not enough. Not enough meat. There's not enough blood. Magic, vitality, power, everything is missing.

While feeling hungry enough to go mad, the sidewalk also feels like joy because there is a superb prey that has finally been hunted down right there.

Kotaro Momokawa.

The moment I tasted that blood, the world changed.

Shocking enough to destroy all previous values. With all the happiness that happens in life, it's as pleasure as if it wasn't enough.

Yes, that's right, there's nothing more to it than to call destiny.

That's why I searched. I've been looking all over for you.

Other prey, after all, is just feeding to live. Compared to Kotaro's taste, any flesh and blood is just tasteless and dry.

"Let me eat... let me eat..."

Even with your lost abilities and dull senses, the sidewalk follows a faint sign of magic.

Kotaro didn't run away.

I know that this church-like building went to the fairy square inside it.

Then there's no escape. Surely chased him down.


As he walked with conviction, a red raptor approached from the smoke with a roar.

He's familiar. The guy I saw earlier.

The red raptor on which Kotaro was riding. Probably a Summoner or something like that.

"Waste of resistance, that's what I mean."

It receives a high-speed, saw-tailed tail and prevents all subsequent nails and fangs.

No matter how much power you lose, you're not weak enough to take a step backwards with this kind of opponent.

"Back off, I'm starving!

I hit an octopus with six arms. Crush the scales, grab the tail, and throw.

I can't afford to go stabbing a thorn. I have the power to kill, but I can't focus on anything other than eating Kotaro.

Yes, if we put him forward, we'll put everything behind us.

"Fuu... bufuu... finally, I've hunted you down..."

Through the smoke screen, it was just inside the church.

In a hall like the entrance hall, you can see the fairy square in the back, but not on the sidewalk.

Only one boy can be seen in greedy eyes.

Come on, sidewalk.

In the middle of the hall. I can't miss it. Kotaro Momokawa stood there holding a single sword as if he wished to fight fairly and decisively.

"Naaahh, I'm so glad that Kotaro is inviting me!

Your hungry body is full of vitality.

Oh, I can't stand it. Everything you see in your eyes is lovely.

Glossy black hair that flows smoothly. Neutral beauty with cat-like eyes has beauty beyond the concept of gender.

A small, thin body seems to have permanently shaped the miracle moments that are neither adults nor children.

However, just looking at the white and thin neck peeking from the collar of the Xuelan, you can't help but swallow the raw saliva.

I felt a bloodstream so intense that it poured into the prized serpent that came from my crotch.

"I can't stand it anymore....."

When I saw it in class, I thought it was just a little bit, but now it looks so attractive.

If a divinely beautiful boy knew that his flesh and blood would give him superb pleasure over any gourmet food, he couldn't have endured it. You don't have to endure it.

Ever since I learned the taste of that blood, I've only lived to eat Kotaro Momocawa.


Numerous teeth and teeth, as well as the mouth of a large horned sidewalk, strip Kotaro's body of teeth as a "oyagito" that devours his prey.

That's not all. The last wormhead that came out of my head also burst out without sipping a drop of blood, and the snake in my crotch is furious enough to burst.

I won't let you escape. I won't give it to anyone. Emotions similar to monopolistic desire hug the sumptuous body with six arms.

Just because I hugged Kotaro with a straight sword, the tip slipped through my torso, but I don't care anymore.

I ate Kotaro.

Compared to that fact, everything else is trivial --


The first thing I felt was the taste.

What the hell is this? It tastes as if you've eaten an object that doesn't taste good or is not food in the first place. When I was a child, I suddenly remembered when I tried to eat plastic toy dishes in my mouth.

It must have been real...

I had seen the fakes in advance. The appearance and smell are authentic, but it's not authentic because the magical signs are weak. I understand that it is like a double that has been shaped with some of the magic of the person.

That's why I decided from the strength of Kotaro's magic sign standing here that it was authentic. It made me feel a certain amount of magic that was not found in the counterpart of the bamboo shooter.

"Chi, no... this isn't Kotaro cummiiiiiiiiiiiiii!?

This is also a fake. It is like a food sample that has meticulously reproduced the superb cuisine of Kotaro.

No matter how socky it is, the contents are different. Foreign body that is not even food.

The foreign substance dissolved with drizzle, and the tarnished skin peeled off.

"Who is it? Temeaaaaaaaaaa!

As the face of the black-haired, black-eyed boy melts down, silver hair with dolls and red-eyed children appear from behind.

Doll. Yes, he's a doll. It's very similar to a human being, but it's never a human being, it's just a creation. Miscellaneous.

"Rem, well done -----"

Now it's time to be authentic. Authentic Kotaro Momokawa.

He emerged from a large chest - a chest - that was rolling around the hall.

He was hiding. If you line up a fake with a real one, you'll always be able to tell the difference.

So the real thing hid in the chest. Excellent containers that preserve ancient artifacts as they are to the present day inhibit any external detection. What's in the treasure chest never leaks, no smell, no magic.


The moment the real Kotaro sings, Jalajara and several chains move together like snakes, tie up the sidewalk eaten by the fake doll.

I saw the technique of "black hair tie" the first time I met him in the dungeon. A spell that freely moves a bundle of black hair to tie up the opponent.

Because it is a fiber like real hair, it burns easily and can be pulled off thousands of times. Unstoppable restraint moves.

But it is the sturdy iron chains that tie up the sidewalk right now. Not only that, everything from thick leather belts and sturdy braided ropes tie up the lateral body.

Naturally, the secret to its movement is "black hair tie".

They also move together by entangling freely manipulable black hair in chains and belts. If the black-haired tentacles themselves are less durable, they can be supplemented with real substances.

To take a closer look, this hall is so unnatural that things are too messy. Even if he ran into it in a hurry, there was no need to deliberately punch the contents of the luggage into the floor.

Now that I'm tied up, I realize that chains, belts, ropes and the like were all rolling around here.

However, even if there is a little unnatural, it is impossible to find out by hunting down the superb prey called Kotaro and starving himself again.

As a result, the sidewalk was caught. Like a beast, just like a pig rushing.

"That's it, Sideways -- Transfer Magic Team activated."

Surrounded by white shining light, the sidewalk finally realized that the place where it stood was above the transition magic formation.

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