Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

269 words lowermost level (1)

Nearly a month has already passed since the day Momokawa betrayed us and escaped.

We still remained in the school tower.

''Haha ...... it looks like we're finally going to get the amount we need,''

Yeah, it's taken me a long time.

It's all because Momokawa got away with the Yamata-no-Orochi core.

At the entrance, me, the chairman, and Sakura were talking about that as we looked at the many large swinging cores packed into the treasure chest.

We had successfully defeated Yamatano Orochi and released the transition magic circle to advance to the next area. However, with Momokawa taking away the core, it was no longer possible to activate the transition magic circle.

Although the activation of the transition could be done without the core of Yamatano Orochi, which was designated as the boss, but even so, the amount of magic power needed in this place was too much, or it required a significant number and quality of cores to be substituted with other cores.

Still, they would be lucky enough to be able to substitute it. If they couldn't, they would just keep waiting for the boss monster to appear at any moment, or worse, a new boss might not appear forever.

The day after Momokawa's core-taking escape was discovered, he immediately went to Yamatano Orochi's nest to investigate.

Kotoriyu did his best to analyze the transfer magic circle and found out that the transfer of the boss room could be substituted with other cores, and he calculated the rough amount of cores needed.

The only thing left to do was to steadily collect cores, and there was no way for us to move on.

'It would have been a lot easier if Ryuichi was here.

Absolutely, that idiot was gone at a critical time.

It's all part of Momokawa's ----

I thought the process of gathering the core would be a piece of cake, but it took more time and effort than I imagined.

Right now, all eighteen of us are no longer together like we were before the Yamatano Orochi attack battle.

First of all, there was a big hole that Ryuichi, an ace-grade force, was missing. This alone made it difficult to defeat powerful monsters like Death Stalker, which definitely had a boss-class core, consistently and quickly.

Defeating a boss-class monster at this level could be hunted stably with just one ace-class and a few more members.

However, with Ryuichi out of the picture, and another ace-class, Futaba-san, who was also another ace-class, they were not in a situation where they could very well fight at the moment.

As a result, the party I'm in is the only one that can reliably defeat the boss class. The task of collecting boss-class cores is only a third of the efficiency of the original task. It's only natural that it takes time.

Furthermore, although we are inferior to the ace-class in terms of simple combat ability, the influence of Momokawa and Rando-san's omission has also had a significant impact.

Momokawa, as a commander, must admit that he's better than anyone else. With that guy leading, any configuration is first and foremost safe, and he can command the entire class. Including me and the chairman of the committee, I can't run people the same way Momokawa does, though it's frustrating.

Momokawa, a sorcerer, is inferior in terms of strength, but that's also why I can focus on commanding. Now, Shimokawa and his other classmates have the opportunity to be in the position of commanding the party, but by nature, they are combatants and tend to focus on the battle at hand. It's difficult to give precise instructions to your friends while in battle. On the other hand, if you take a step back in order to command them, you will leave a hole in their strength. If you stand around and don't fight, even though you can, you'll cause frustration among your party members.

In that respect, Momokawa, who fit into the rear guard as a sorcerer, was in the right position to take command. Right now, the only person who can fit into a position similar to that guy is Himeno-san from The Healer, but ...... Quite simply, it was too much to ask her to have a commanding ability on par with Momokawa.

Then again, it's not just the decline in commanding ability that's the problem. The fact that the messenger that Aitzu called 'Rem' was left out of each party led to a significant drop in both strength and safety.

With the core and demon materials, Rem, which could be revived as much as possible, was able to attack and defend against abandonment. In a time of need, he wouldn't hesitate to become someone's shield, and he could also leave the Lord in charge when retreating. Even in normal combat, he can also play the role of a so-called tank, standing in the face of an arrow and attracting the enemy's attacks.

Most of the things that risked losing their lives could be left to Rem. However, if all of that is gone, then we, the living people, will have to fulfill that dangerous role.

I and everyone else no longer take on demons as recklessly as before. When the time comes, there is no one left who can be relied upon to stop the enemy.

And the hole left by Rando-san, who left the class to follow Momokawa, was also a big one.

Her participation in hunting demons was low, as she was often sent out to work on trenches and torchicas for the Yamatano Orochi attack battle, but as an ...... earth magician, she was a very capable rear-guard force.

The attack magic of the earth attribute was as immediate and powerful as a gunshot, and the defensive magic that quickly created a wide range of walls was highly effective, from protecting allies to dividing enemies.

Even though there were only a few sorcerer classes, the lack of rearguard became more acute when the earth magician Rando-san left.

Besides, when we discovered the nest of a boss-class monster, we wanted to follow the example of the Yamatano Orochi attack and build a frontline base, changing the terrain to create an advantageous situation to challenge it, but with Rando-san gone, such a large-scale construction was impossible.

Those guys who couldn't be touched due to being holed up in their nests are also quite a few. With the current lineup of members, they couldn't very well risk taking on the boss's nest.

Of course, it couldn't be said that everyone in the class was so weak that they couldn't be relied upon.

Everyone has grown up a lot compared to when they came here after the battle with Yamata no Orochi. Even against boss-class monsters, if you put together a party, you can still compete with them adequately.

However, just in case, we can't let them overstep their bounds. That's why I've made it a rule to always include me in my party whenever I'm fighting a boss-class monster. I can't afford to lose even one more person.

For efficiency, it would be quicker if each party hunted for boss-class demons as soon as they were discovered, but for maximum safety, they would have to wait for me to come out for them. Sometimes, it wasn't uncommon for me to let the bosses I'd discovered escape.

Teething inefficiency. But there was no substitute for everyone's safety. Nevertheless, the frustration and stress was steadily building.

What would Momokawa have done in such cases? Would he accept some risk and have his entire party fight the boss class? Or would he devise an easy way to gather cores that I hadn't even thought of?

It's not only the worst revenge for killing Reina, but also an even worse traitor to Momokawa Kotaro, ...... I can't help but compare myself to him. I'm not going to be able to say that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it.

That is why he is a horrible man. I'm sure that deep down, there is a small part of you that wishes that it was a mistake.

'But it was for the best. It took a long time, but we were able to gather up here without anyone dying or being seriously injured. I don't think Yuto-kun's decision to take everyone's safety was wrong.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

'Yes, your brother is right. After all, it's the way it should be for your brother to lead the class.

'The leader of the class is the chairperson, Sakura. Sure, I'm in charge of the battle ...... but I'm not sure how well I'm doing with that either.

In terms of class strength, the lack of two ace-level Ryuichi and Futaba-san was a major influence.

However, in terms of command and leadership, I couldn't help but feel the impact of Momokawa's lack, even if I didn't like it.

It's true that everyone has become stronger. But the current atmosphere when everyone is fighting is, to put it simply, low morale. Everyone understands the situation where they have to hunt boss-class demons and gather cores.

However, the atmosphere is clearly not as good as those days when they were preparing for the defeat of Yamatano Orochi. The shock of Momokawa's betrayal may still be lingering in the air.

However, Yamatano Orochi was a big boss with such overwhelming strength that even if Ryuichi and I teamed up, we would almost give up on attacking him in a straightforward manner.

Even in preparation for a battle to take on such a desperate opponent, I feel like everyone was somewhat hopeful back then. Of course, I was, too. If we all work together, we can get through this. I think we had that kind of positive hope.

But now, I can't see that kind of hope.

It's not the same situation. ...... It may be that Momokawa was the one who gave everyone that hope. And now I'm not able to do that.

I want to do something about it. We should give them hope and aim for unity. I know that, but I don't know how to do that.

I've been leading the class from the day Momokawa left until today, and I can't help but feel such inadequacies.

It's a good thing that you're not going to be able to get a good idea of what you're doing. The same is true for simple battles, and it seemed strange to me that we could manage the big operation of defeating Yamatano Orochi if we followed his advice.

...... I knew you'd agree with me, Chairman.

''That's not true. Momokawa was only participating in the defeat of Yamatano Orochi to take advantage of us. Relying on the power of a man like that was something that should never have been done.

It sounds as if it's not a good idea to rely on alcohol or drugs.

But it's a strange thing to say.

Even if Momokawa Kotaro was a poison, we depended on him. We had no choice but to rely on him. If we were going to challenge Yamata-no-Orochi, we couldn't do it without getting drunk from drinking.

Come to think of it, I think Momokawa said something like that some time ago. People don't just do what's right, he said.

It's not just the right thing to do. ...... It's not just the right thing to do, it's not just the right thing to do, it's not just the right thing to do, it's not just the right thing to do. The current low morale of everyone is proof of that.

Still, it's true that the class isn't in a very good mood right now.

Well, I wish I could do something more: ......

It's not just the command in combat, but also the overall gloomy atmosphere of the class.

That said, the situation is the situation. There was no such thing as a dramatic improvement plan ...... and even now that the core needed for the transition was finally about to be assembled, there wasn't much of a sense of accomplishment.

"---- Ryoko-chan, it's time for dinner!

Just when I was about to get dark enough to think about it, Natsukawa-san's cheerful call came.

'Oh, it's that time already. Let's go.

We made our way through the entrance to the dining room in the upstairs fairy square. But what should be a peaceful place to eat, becomes even more gloomy for the class.

The large table in Fairy Square, which has been reduced to three seats. Everyone had already taken their seats and we were the last to be called by Natsukawa-san.

''I'll take ----.''

Today's menu was a one-pot dish like motsu stew. It must have tasted better than the motsu nabe in Japan because it was made with freshly-harvested meat.

If I had to say, I would have liked to have had some rice with it, but we should have felt happy that we could eat soft bread in general.

Yes, we are happy. The reason why we have good food today is because, of all things, Futaba-san is making it for us.

"Oh, what the hell, only Himeno has sausage in it.

As expected, Futaba-chan, you remembered that I'm not good at offal.

'Yeah, because people often don't like motes. I'll switch them out if there are others who don't.

I think I want to change my mind.

I eat pork, but I also want sausages.

Yamada, you said it best.

I'm with Yamada on this one.

'Don't worry, I've still got plenty more. Just let me know if you want one.

With a motherly smile as she watches her child in the midst of eating, Futaba-san serves Yamada and the upper, middle and lower trio another bowl of sausage.

Looking at her, she seems to be the same as before.

But everyone understands. I'm not going to be able to say that Ms. Futaba has come to her senses.

---- Futaba-chan, I'll help you clean up.

Thank you, Princess.

When dinner was over, Himeno-san and Futaba-san began to clean up afterwards. Since Natsukawa-san is on lunch duty today, the three of us are working on it together, including her.

Everyone else has already finished eating and stood up from their seats. No one will eat here any more.

But there was still enough food left on the table for one person.

...... Hey, Futaba, what are we going to do about Momokawa-kun's portion?

Leave it alone. I might be back in a few minutes.

'Yeah, I see: ...... Yeah, that's right: ......

And Himeno-san gave a rather stiff fake smile.

Since that day, without fail, Futaba-san has been preparing food for Momokawa at every meal and putting it on the table.

And when the food is completely cold and she starts making the next portion, she finally gets rid of it.

Don't waste food, even a kindergartner can be taught that. Many Japanese people have an aversion to throwing away food. It's a wasteful spirit.

Ms. Futaba, who is a member of the cooking club and is more particular about her food than anyone else in her class, is even more thorough about this. She grasps the amount of food for all of her classmates and distributes the amount of food that is left for each of them.

However, Ms. Futaba would throw away her cold dishes. Every day, at every meal, she carefully prepares a plate of food and throws away the dishes that she never takes a bite of.

The expression on Ms. Futaba's face at that time was frighteningly cold, with no emotion in her eyes.

No one, no one can speak to her. Even Himeno-san, who is my best friend in class, doesn't say anything to stop me, saying that it's useless to prepare Momokawa's portion.

Of course, I don't have any words to say to her right now, either.

What would happen if I made an unintentional statement? Honestly, I can't stand it, I'm terrified. Futaba-san can't yet accept the reality that she was betrayed by Momokawa. Time may solve it, or it may not be solved forever.

That's why no one can say anything, or say anything at all. I will never talk about Momokawa in front of her. That is an unspoken rule at the earliest.

However, in front of Futaba-san, who only continued her work as a lunch attendant in silence, everyone naturally chose to do what they normally did in front of her.

Like the earlier exchange, I'm having a normal conversation with Futaba-san, but I guess I feel like I'm walking a tightrope inside.

With her friend Himeno-san at the head of the trio, Kamichu and Yamada, Julimarikombi, and then the chairman and Natsukawa-san, there's still room for her to have a conversation with her.

I'm no good ...... Since that day, I have yet to be approached by Futaba-san, not once.

It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you're going to be able to get your hands on a new one.

It's already nighttime, but I still don't feel like sleeping. But it's not a good idea to move right after you've eaten.

In the end, I decided to go back to the first floor entrance.

''Ah, Soma-kun!

Hi, Kotoriyama-san. Can I ask you again today?

Yes, of course!

We are greeted with a bursting, innocent smile. Here, Kotoriyu-san was sitting alone.

The entrance is the workshop of Kotoriyu-san, a 'sage' with advanced alchemy skills. Originally, most of this place was used by Momokawa to do various things, and the occupancy of the place was expanded more and more by involving others, but ...... now, the master of the place is Kotakoyu-san.

I have a feeling we're close to triggering it.

Even if you put your hands on the magic circle drawn on the paper, it doesn't shine and have an effect.

But you can certainly feel the sensation of magic power passing through it. However, it has yet to be activated.

You don't need to be in a hurry. Soma-kun will definitely be able to do it.

''I'm not going to be able to do anything about it,'' said Kotoriyu, gently laying her small palms on both my hands.

''The magic power is more than halfway through the magic circle, so we're really almost ---- see, it's like this.

With a slight but subtle and precise control of my magic, my magic power was guided through the magic circle and took effect.

This, it's difficult to get a little more. I'm not sure what the future holds for this 'simple training camp'.

Don't think it'll be long before you get the hang of it.

I decided to learn alchemy magic from Kotoriyuki-san.

I'm not going to be able to get a good idea of what I'm going to do with it. It's easy to forget because it's been quite a while since I started living in this school tower, but ...... the only reason I'm able to live a life without any major inconvenience is because of the equipment that is available.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this in the future. Multiple kettles used by Futaba-san for cooking, a men's bath and a women's bath. And the toilets prepared for individuals.

Even without Momokawa's presence, Ms. Futaba has been able to operate the cooking cauldron by herself.

The cauldron used for the bath was only operated by Momokawa herself, but now Shimokawa has managed to use it.

Only the toilet seems to be on a half-automatic setting, so you don't have to do anything to make it work.

Sakura and the like even went so far as to say that everything left behind by Momokawa was suspicious and should be destroyed, but no one agreed with that. Of course, a good meal and a hot bath that you can take every day is only possible with the 'witch's cauldron'. From the point of view of public hygiene, there is no reason not to use this perfectly functioning toilet as well.

After all, as long as we are in this school tower, everyone has to rely on Momokawa's legacy.

And from now on, as we all plan to escape from the dungeon together, that guy's ability was essential. With Momokawa around, they could maintain a standard of living comparable to this school tower, even on a grueling escape route. The fact that rest is guaranteed was the greatest encouragement of all.

But I can no longer rely on Momokawa's power. Because that guy himself has cut off that path.

Still, the escape plan she showed us is the only realistic plan we have. That's why we'll carry it out without Momokawa.

In order to achieve this, the more people who can use Renkei, the better.

I don't know how far I will be able to use alchemy magic, as I am not a pure magician class. But I'm going to do whatever I can do now.

I'm not going to be able to get a good deal more than just defeating the enemy in front of me, and no one will be able to follow me. Even if Momokawa was planning to betray me from the start, his successes up to the Yamatano Orochi attack were real and I would have to learn from him.

''I should be able to use Renkei soon, too. And I can't just put the burden on Kotori-san forever.

No, I'm totally fine!

But you're up to this time all by yourself, aren't you?

'Yeah, that's ...... a little birdie has to work hard or everyone else will be in trouble. Momokawa-kun is gone. There's no way he'll ever come back. That's why Kotori will be the 'wise man' to support everyone.

Thank you, Kotoriyu-san. But don't take it easy.

It's all right. Besides, maybe the next one is really the bottom of the barrel, so ...... now is the time to do your best.

Momokawa had said then that the next place they flew to from here was the final area of the dungeon with the Heavenly Gate for escape. That's why he didn't need the help of his classmates anymore.

I can't believe that information off the top of my head, but on the other hand, there's no element of declaring it to be a lie.

As a result of Kotoriyuki-san's analysis of the shifting magic circle in Yamatano Orochi's nest, there are some points that are a bit different from the previous ones, and he analyzes that it is most likely connected to the final area, the lowest level of this dungeon that extends deep underground.

If this is true, the goal is in sight.

What will be waiting for me when I fly to the lowest level? I'm sure you've got a good idea of what's in store for you.

I've been beating bosses and conquering dungeons up to this point. Everyone should expect that there will be a boss until the very end.

That's why Kotoriyuki-san has been working hard and doing her best to update her equipment.

''Tomorrow, we'll finally make the transition.

'Yes. But if we all work together, we can definitely get through this.

Yeah, we're gonna survive this, all of us. We're not gonna lose any of them.

I'm going to protect everyone, no matter what obstacle is standing in the way.

Because I believe that this is my mission, that I have been given the vocation of a brave person.

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