Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Chapter 292 Undercover Operations
"Boulders are kingdoms. It's so busy...."
Unexpectedly, you murmur in your heart.As Lem's scouting had shown, I could still feel it with my own eyes.
After a good infiltration, he hid under the effect of the "secret wand", avoiding the eyes of the goma, and went through the tent city, which was probably just a residential area.
The residential tent streets were also spread over the densely forested Fort Goma, but this is not the ratio.There are several huge tents with full-fledged, tall pillars.That big tent is like a big condominium instead of an apartment.
Even if such an apartment tent is lined up, you can tell by the size of the population, but it reminds me of their number by looking at places like a market where a large number of goma are visible.
"I wonder if this number will help the economy grow."
Watch the market for a while.
Looks like they're bartering, not buying with gold.It would be cheerful if the monetary economy were infiltrated by a goma.
The market is more like a free-market where each person brings in something they can exchange, rather than a line of stores.
He is negotiating a bargain with Gaga, echoing the annoying screams there.Goma's intellect is still low, and they don't seem to listen to emotional restraint, so there was a fight there.
Then, after a while, Gove soldiers intervened, killing them with both successes and failures, seizing both items.It is quite a barbaric flimsy pattern that is commensurate with the Goma culture.
"With this size, it's hard to go around in a day.We need to find a place to hide. "
It is impossible to investigate a vast fortress city in just one day.I would like to keep my body inside for a certain number of days, if possible.
For today, it will be enough to get a rough picture of the city and select a place to hide.The Central Tower is, of course, not an easy place for general gomers to enter.Just get close to the perimeter, but be careful.
I think I'll get a good grasp of the city, repair the hideouts, and then I'll go into the hub.
With such a woke, I went around the city hiding with the "secret wand", and I wrote a map in detail.
When I was walking in the alley, or behind the tent, I was aware of the signs, but obviously I didn't notice it, so I noticed my presence when I hit the goma I left behind.
Looks like he was running around innocently with a stick shard in one hand in a kid's goma.
Running without looking at Lok before, he didn't notice me disappearing like a shadow and collided with me.
I see, even if you hide behind a sign shut-off, you'll find out if you hit it.
I was about to scream for nothing, so I threw a poison needle at Goma's kid.
Goma corpses are common in this city, but in case something goes wrong, it's troublesome.
"Dear God, disposing of bodies and destroying evidence has been a stealth game ever since."
Capacity only packs the kid in a backpack and then leads inevitably to the river of pig frogs.Just drop them off the bridge, and they'll eat and wipe out the bodies right away.
And he slew a little disturbing goma, and hid it in the river of the pig frogs, and the day was over.
Good morning, Mazu
The kingdom infiltrated the second day.
I have a refreshing morning in a stinking place where the garbage dump still feels cleaner. [M]Hmm, I don't want to go into such a filthy place without a double sensation cut.
I found a place in the kingdom where trespassers and unsleeping sleepers could spend the night.
The population of Goma in the Kingdom is over 10,000.If that number is gathered, the gap between the rich and the poor will naturally arise.No, it's not just poor.More than alive, a certain number of occurrences are bound to occur.
In other words, it is an injured or sick person.
This is some sort of quarantine zone.Ends and ends of the city surrounded by walls.It is a large circular wall with the tower as its center point, but some of it is like an uneven corner.This is the concave part of the castle wall.Almost surrounded by tall walls in three directions, it's always in a dark spot.
Apparently, the Goma have left the wounded and sick who cannot be fed here.There's a guy rolling there without arms and legs, and he's alive, but he's going to die like this without being eaten by Roku.
Those who are thin and hungry, those whose bodies are turned purple, those who moan in pain all the time.
There is no one to feed them, not even one to watch them die.This is just a morgue that's still alive.
The only time a ghost comes here is when it comes to dumping someone.
Then they gather the dead bugs and birds to eat rotten meat and clean it up.
Even if we find a trespasser here, there's not a goma here that can make noise and let our people know.When you scream something, the voice doesn't reach anyone.They are abandoned here because they are already considered dead.
Hey, I can't believe there's such a good place to hide in the kingdom.I thought a place like this would usually be built outside the walls, but it would be troublesome to throw it away, because I'm going to build it inside.
Now we have a safe place to stay.If we don't have a good place to hide, we'll never find a body here for now.
Well then, let's go.
And I left it beside for camouflage, calling Goma, who kept leaking the voice of suffering to the mysterious disease, and then I left with exhilaration.
After that, it took about two more days to complete an approximate survey outside the heart of the Kingdom of Goma.
The geography of the city of Goma surrounding the Central Tower was approximate and detailed maps were drawn.Not only did I remember the city, but I somehow saw their culture and how they kept it that way.
The city is still packed with facilities that are important enough to get to the center.
The tower is the castle of King Goma Omar.It has been confirmed that Ohma is in and out here.Even if you go out, you will definitely come back here, so I'm sure you live here.
Of course, there are quite a few SS guards who protect Oma, as well as big, hungry Mezgomas who will take care of everything.The boulder builds a fine harem, King.
When you see Oma with her gray hair and her white beard, who clearly thinks she's a jijijii, making it really easy to understand that she's a young slut... there's a sense of justice that you're ravaging the mess.Shall I put you on the poison test bench again after the slut is hungry?
However, the interior of the royal tower has not yet been approached, and we have only been able to confirm the entry and exit of the Omars.The details of what is going on inside are still unknown.
Then, the tower area is surrounded by walls and well fortified.
A selection of elites are constantly stationed within this fortress.The SS of the Royal Palace Guard also achieves security on a 24-hour basis by turning this place into a residence.
Is it Oma's idea that the shift is a solid form of work?Either way, half of the SS are sure to be in perfect shape at all times.
But we should be more vigilant than the SS guarding Omar.Gila Gogma's Zagan, a powerful individual that crosses the Gogma, is no wonder he is in the best position in the kingdom, or in the position of a chief general.Perhaps he lives in this fortress, too.
Zagan came directly into the dense forest tower where his classmates were, so it's no surprise that he was caught in the King's guard as a SS.
In the event of an incident, he is in a position to lead his own troops.If we attack inside the kingdom, it is likely that Zagan will be the lead force ahead.
"Well, I don't want to bump into that kind of thing directly..."
Fight, avoid, and know as much as you can about the opponent's power.It's not just simple combat intelligence.This is the corner.How they operate, the number of commanders, the management of armaments and supplies, etc.I would like to gather as much information as possible from local sources.
There's still work to be done around here, but we've already found out at this stage of our investigation what they're doing with their troop numbers and the food supplies that support this population.
The most important infrastructure supporting the kingdom is the Transformation Magic Team.
There is a large square in front of the fortress, where it becomes an active transfer magic formation.Now I know it's a transit facility, but yesterday King Omar himself demonstrated it.
The magic squad in Transformation Square was quite large.enough to transfer more than a hundred goats at once.
What I witnessed was probably a group going somewhere in the dungeon to build a new pioneering village.A group of armed goats, loaded with materials and supplies, and lots of goats.The fact that everyone is unarmed and contains a large number of scalpels makes it possible to conclude that they are not hunting but settled groups.Indeed, the village of Goma, which we destroyed, was as numerous and structured as that.
It was discovered from the observation of the village of Goma, but Goma is very productive.It is a breeding rate that exceeds that of humans and increases quickly if left unattended.There are more cockroaches, more inferior creatures.
Even such a small pioneering village could tell.This kingdom of over 10,000 will truly be overflowing with walls soon.
Suppressing the population explosion is the dispatch of pioneering teams to the dungeon.
The kingdom always houses only a stable Goma population, beyond which it sends it out as a pioneer group.Success as a population control measure for mouthlessness, even if it is completely eliminated.If the exploitation is successful, the habitat of Goma will expand, the Kingdom will receive a contribution, and Oma will make a profit.
Because it is a light goma with enormous power and military power, it is also reasonably possible to control the Goma population.If he's in trouble, he could have ordered a soldier to slip away.
Apart from the departure of these pioneering groups, we can also confirm the presence of those who fly to the kingdom in transit.
This confirmed two patterns: a hunting unit that went hunting in a different area of the dungeon, and a highly successful pioneering team that came together with a contribution.
But only Oma can trigger the metastasis itself.At both times, Oma always raised her wand in the Transformation Square, cast spells, and triggered the Transformation.
Do you monopolize the magic of manipulating transfers as the king's power, or is Omar the only one with enough intelligence to learn how to activate it?Either way, you can see that nobody uses metastases except Omar.If there's anyone else I can do, I'll leave it up to him to pick up the pioneers and the hunting team.
"But if you can learn how to transfer Omar, you'll be able to get out of this area normally."
Have you uncovered another little bird trip lie?
A little reconnaissance should tell us that Goma is using his metastases to send them all over the dungeon.He said that he was quite confident that he couldn't get out of the lowest level of the area... well, even if he was stuck here, he would escape to feel good.
Prior to that, the faces that remained beneath him were almost pale Harlem members, so there was no more doubt to be pursued.If we get here, the chairman of the Boulder will not be able to move either.
Anyway, let's put aside the bird play measures.
"Hmm, after all, the reign of kingdom is the bedrock...."
We did not find a decisive weakness in the fact that the kingdom would collapse if we sealed it up.Strongly speaking, Oma herself and the Transformation Magic Team are irreplaceable.
However, the assassination of King Omar was too difficult, and even if the Transformation Magic Faction could be stopped, it would not be enough damage to destroy the kingdom immediately.
If we don't cut off the only food source like this, we won't be able to damage the kingdom itself.
Besides, the Kingdom of Goma operates without delay.
In addition to hunting from the woods, the food supply also produces weed-like crops in places where pig frogs are left alone and it is unclear whether it is a dirty field or a dob.
In addition to the rivers I care for, there are three ponds in the kingdom, as well as several ponds and marshes outside.
As for crops, they grow potatoes and beans in muddy land.It was a species that had not been seen at least in the jungle, whether or not Goma had improved its own varieties.
However, even an incompetent goat seems to be able to harvest quite a bit, and it seems to be a fairly fertile and durable crop.Both the beans and the potatoes were grown in the rice paddies, and a good amount was caught.They are called peas, potatoes, and so on.
In this way, we have stable food production to a certain level, above and beyond agriculture and livestock production.Even if it turns out to be a little crooked, only the end of the general goma will starve to death, and the Omani soldiers will not starve and their combat power will be maintained.It's the same way as any northern country.
In addition, there is a forgery in the Kingdom that produces armor.
The Forge is built inside the walls and inside the fortress.
Apparently Gove could be a blacksmith, and I could observe them pouring molten iron into the mold and making swords and spear tips.I was unable to confirm the use of Smelting Magic, but it is possible that it uses equipment such as the fountain in the "Smelter Square" or Fairy Square.
In addition to the craftsmen here, just a few goats are being driven out to help, and it seems that they are often twisted to death, buying the wrath of their parent gove.It is a goma that can only be used for simple tasks such as transporting goods, so I think it is okay to dispose of it a little.
Soldiers defending the kingdom are unified because this forgery is operational.In addition, high-quality Dungeon weapons, magic gear, magic items, and more are gathered to Oma on a daily basis.
"I might have honestly tried to sweeten it a little because it's a Goma country."
I thought there must be some sort of deadly weakness in that bunch of retards.
However, with Omar at the top of his brilliant brain, he has a very rational cure for a large group of goats who can be treated well because of their incompetence.Even if we use the functions of the dungeon, including the transition, the system of control here has stabilized as a strong centralized state.
At this stage, no gap can be found.
After all, if there's anything, it's a fortress or a royal tower.
I'm getting tired of walking around the city.Finally, it is time to infiltrate the fortress with your main waist.
"--Okay, we're undercover."
Over the past few days, I've been wandering the city and searching for ways to break into the fortress.
After all, we couldn't find a way out of this or a security gap, so we decided to enter the fortress by mistake.
The eyes were on peas and potatoes that could be caught in the dove fields.These are carried almost daily in big bags, loaded in trucks and into fortifications.If you borrow one of the bags and put it properly in the wagon, it will be delivered to the fortress's pantry on its own.
Whether the food transport goma is trusted, the gates of the fortress, or the food warehouse, the contents are not particularly visible, and the number and weight are not measured.Rather than a monkey management system, I wonder if you can't control such quantities at the level of a goma.Based on their intellect, it's OK if they're in a warehouse this far, and their perception is as sophisticated.
With that, I arrived at the fortress pantry with a berry ease of infiltration.
The food warehouse is built like a so-called high floor warehouse that has only been seen in the beginning of Japanese history textbooks.Goma quality is around the pillars without rats.
There's only one Gove soldier standing at the entrance.You can easily get in and out without paying attention.There is also no advanced craftsmanship such as keys.We don't even have the concept of security anymore.
Well, I guess we'll just have to go on ahead.
I want to get to the tower, which is the goal and the most important section, immediately, but there are soldiers on the boulder inside the fortress.I'm walking around without feeling like I'm guarding anything.
These goma clothes are not conspicuous among ordinary gomers, but they do not work among soldiers with near-uniform equipment.Even so, since the goma does not have a type of armor that covers the whole body, it seems a little impossible to disguise.I might be able to go with the effect of "False Copy"... but I'm a little unconvinced as to how far it will go with the face of the object peeled off.
It's better to be thought of as a mere trespassing goma than to be found disguised as a human being.In the meantime, let's just go in this costume where we can hide our faces.
This is a one-shot situation, so we need to avoid their eyes more than ever.We haven't been able to determine the routine of the patrol route yet, so let's take a look at the structure of the inside of the fortress with the guidance of the lemmingbird, anyway, and find out where there are no Goma soldiers.
Their infiltration into the tower, the royal palace, took place after a closer look at this fortress.We'll be out if they find us, but let's not rush.
"Well, let's throw some stones first, so you don't miss the sentinel--!?"
And in a game with stealth elements, it's the moment when you're about to walk out toward the door, trying to distract the enemy's eyes in a classic way.
In a dark warehouse without sunlight.However, I did see the blade pointing to my throat as glistening. [M]
The blade is stopped in front of my neck, which is completely clear of my throat and buddha.In other words, it looks like it was grabbed from behind and pressed against the murder weapon.
In times like these, the question of who, rather than why, comes first.
Reflectively, the question immediately came back.
"... Momocawa-kun, right?"
A gentle whispering question in your ear.I suppose you're whispering up there knowing there's a guard out there.
But for me, just one word was enough to identify someone.
"Hello, Natsukawa-san, long time no see. It's strange to see you here."
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