Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Episode 298: How the Kingdom Collapses
"Let's crush that damn Goma kingdom."
My briefing on the Goma Kingdom will continue. [M]From here on out, how do we bring down the Kingdom of Goma, which is transformed into a huge fortress city?It is its specific methodology.
"In the first place, do you think there are ancient ruins that have not collapsed yet?"
A typical unscathed relic is the Fairy Square and the Boss's Room.I don't know how long this place has been a dungeon, but both the roles of the room continue to function fully.
No deterioration can be seen, and the fairy walnut trees and flower fields on the green lawn are as if someone is taking care of them, and no dirty appearance can be seen.All the functional fairy squares are alive.
Likewise, the boss room has a summoning function for boss monsters, and sometimes gimmicks such as summoning junk fish are alive.
"Well, isn't there some sort of magic?It's the kind of thing that makes you look much cleaner. "
"Magical cleaning? If that's the case, I'd like us to do the same."
Hayama-kun and Apricot have answers for the low deviation, but as far as understanding is concerned, everyone, including me, is probably the same.
With the power of nature, we accept the existence of magic early on.So no matter how long it takes, there's magic that keeps it clean.
The fairy square with its magic on it is beautiful, and the magic cut is a dungeon that most of the others are about to collapse.
"Yes, there is no magic left in the ancient ruins.So what do you think happens when you unlock that magic? "
I wonder if that's going to be the ruins of Hutu.
"Ueda-kun, that's correct."
Once the magic runs out, it becomes a normal ruin.This is where it matters.
Normal, that is, a state subject to real physical phenomena such as normal material constraints or deterioration over time.
I mean, you can break it.
"This dungeon is mostly underground, but it's this magic that keeps such a huge underground space.The magical place is super sturdy. "
There are many places that are in a state of collapse that obviously make you feel the passage of time, like ruins, but the underground spaces that they build exist without any problems.Dungeon, an unimaginably huge geo-front, its foundation is still unshaken by its magical effects.
"I found it in the royal palace in Goma, and I accessed it in a server room lined with slates, and I knew it.The dungeon has a structure like a magic tube, and as long as the magic continues to flow through it, it will not deteriorate, and it will be so sturdy that it cannot be broken. "
I feel like I have seen the spirit of magical civilization technology.
Perhaps this magical maintenance enhancement is not special, it is a universal technology used in any architecture in ancient times.Even if I can only decipher the catchy ancient language, if I look at the relevant place, I can understand it, and it's not like it's going to be kept secret.
As far as I can read in that server room, this magic circle for architectural enhancement was basically a setting item that should not be cut off.So you can play with it somehow.
"This is an illustration of the location of the kingdom.I think there's no mistake because both the information we bought in that tower and the information in the server room are matched. "
It is the original topographic map of the dungeon, which you will have seen as well.
It features a central tower that rises high and goes deeper underground, and a flat terrain around it.The Kingdom of Goma, which was later constructed, is not reflected at all.
But what we should note here is what kind of terrain it was originally.Where did the Gomers build their country?I'm sure they don't know that.
At least I would never have built a city in a place like this.
"As you can see, the Kingdom of Goma is built on the roof."
Rather than a roof, it's just a whole space right below the ground in this lowest area.
The underground part of the Central Tower is not buried in the ground.The whole thing is that the area around the tower is about a kilometer hollow.
Therefore, in a true sense, the lowest level is the circular square that extends to the base of the tower.
Perhaps in the ancient days of active life, it was a truly spectacular and fashionable architectural design with a huge tower and an upper level blown through from the bottom.
"There was nothing on the roof where the tower blew through.That's why they built a kingdom here. "
There was no need to cut through the woods, and a flat land suitable for a large number of people was just around the tower.Simply speaking of the appearance of the terrain, there will certainly be no place else.
However, it appears that the Oma of the boulder was not checked even below the ground.
What, maybe Omar knows?No. If he knew, that server room would be permanently sealed with absolute no-go.In case they cut the magic around the tower, it's tough.
"I've cut the magic around the kingdom, but there's nothing going on in Oma, and I really don't think I know about this."
You can't use metamorphotic magic, but you can't use the tablets that you can use if you have some ancient language decryption ability.I wish I hadn't noticed, but when I look at Omar's intelligence, it seems unlikely.
So maybe Oma has a reason or a constraint that it can't use the tablet itself.
For example, tablets only react to humans.
"Hey Momokawa, if you leave me alone... will the Kingdom of Goma fall?"
"No, I just cut my magic off by the boulder, and it doesn't seem to collapse soon."
Whatever it is, it will not be a fragile structure that depends on magic.If we wait for nature to collapse, it could take hundreds, thousands of years.
Of course, the kingdom needs to fall now.
"So drop it with our hands.Destroy all the goats that spread there. "
"--Hmm, can't you find the niggers yet?"
From the throne, Oma looked down at the five great warriors on their knees, Gila Gogma, and said so.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Oma-sama...."
"Those niggers have been hiding forever!"
Each of the three Gilla Gogmas tasked with the search for Ningen appeared around the realm, but Oma waved her hand to the hawk to stop it.
"Good, good. I'm not mad at your work."
Not that I was satisfied.
Omar continues to deepen the wrinkles on his face.
"With now, the rest of my eyes are still crushed.By the black bird magic of Ningen. "
An eyeball-shaped wizard called the "eye" by Oma plays a major role in the Goma army's ability to search for enemies.As it looks, Oma can see the sight of the eyeballs directly.
They only have eyeballs to monitor and wings to fly in the sky, so they have no combat power.Flying quietly and hiding with minimal signs of magic is excellent, but if targeted, birds as big as crows will be hunted unilaterally.
It is common for wild birds and monsters to attack me in the woods and lose my "eyes"... but this is the first time I've ever been completely crushed.
"I will admit that the task you have been tasked with searching has become more difficult for the remainder of your time."
"Your generosity hurts."
Gizzagins were the only ones who responded unexpectedly.Normally, he does not break his careless attitude, but in front of the king, Omar, he does it with perfect courtesy.
"I'm sorry, Oma-sama...."
"Gu... I'm sorry..."
On the other hand, Bon and Buzz are also suspicious of respectful words.
No one expects courtesy in a low-intelligence power specialization bon, but Buzz looks at the sophisticated Gizzagins' answers with regret.I was just telling you to wear this kind of cool stuff to a nervous bastard.
"I've seen how you guys are doing, even if it's not working.Buzz, Gizzagins, Bon, don't forget to look for the area you were in charge of. "
Omar's "eyes" are more than just looking for the outside world.Rather, it has been instrumental for many years in monitoring decentralization.
When it comes to surveillance, it sounds bad, but there's always an opportunity to show yourself in person and work hard.Oma herself admitted that the three men were carrying out a search mission with no clues.
"On top of that, if the niggers can't see shadows or shapes, there's no doubt that they haven't been in the range we've been looking for.Perhaps the Ningens didn't just hide in those woods and caves, they chose a place out of our sight to escape - what do you think, Buzz? "
"Ha! Well, uh... yeah, I think that's right, too."
"Hmm, I see... Gizzagins"
"Ha, I'm afraid Ningen may be hiding in a 'hidden fortress' or a 'nightmare cave'."
"That's a good answer. The rest is the same idea."
Omar nodded with satisfaction at Gizzagins' answer, which showed the logical thought that not only could no enemies be found, but that if he stepped one step from there, he would expect where the enemies were hiding.
"If you're hiding here, you can't do anything about it."
"Dear Omar, I'll show you the Cave of Nightmares!"
Buzz, who was obviously anxious to do his work, shouted loudly because Gizzagins wanted to be praised.
But while seeing through the hearts of the bloody young man, Omar asked quietly.
"Buzz, you don't have to.Do you know why? "
"That's because... you can never defeat the 'Black Nightmare Incarnate'... unless it finds you."
"The idea is half correct.But the other half that you don't know is important -- even if we don't find it, the Ningens will show themselves. "
"Well, why is that...?"
That's why we're here.
As Zagan once replied, Oma is also convinced that Ningen's goal is to enter the Tower of Trials in the Royal Palace and to reach its lowest level.Then it is not good for Ningen to stay hidden and live forever.
In the near future, we're bound to take action - no, the cunning ningen is already on the move.
It was Bandon, who was responsible for guarding the Royal Palace, who raised his face.A loyal, tough man, but now he can't hide his bitter expression.
"The intruder did a good job the other day, didn't he?"
"Ha, I can't help it!"
Bandon's head hangs deep as he cries out apologies that echo through the hall.
"It was an irresistible failure to allow entry into my castle and burn it to the forgery.How much have you been able to recover from that? "
"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..."
Still further down his forehead, Bandon hit his head hard against the floor.
After all, it is tantamount to confessing that nothing has been achieved.
"I don't think you can capture the shadows or shapes of the invaded ningen."
Unexpectedly, as I said, a sigh of disappointment leaks more than Omar.
It was a bandon that was proud to have implemented the best security system in the past, with the cooperation of Zagan and Jijigogo by direct order of Oma.
However, the cunning Ningen sneaked through the guards and set fire to the forgery, leaving the fort in great chaos.It's exactly what I want to do.
"But I can't blame you.The rest seemed to underestimate Ningen's power. "
"No, that's not true!Everything is beyond my reach! "
"I don't think Ningen will turn into a goma anymore.Bandon, take off your soldier's helmet.And I forbid all men in this country to cover their heads and to hide their faces. "
"Ha, Ningen's in the goma!? What the hell does that mean!"
"Unless it's a complete vanishing trick, there's no other way for Ningen to infiltrate the fort than to turn it into a goma.I admit the thickness of your security.If there were no anomalies on it, you wouldn't have recognized them in the first place... you wouldn't have seen all the faces of the people carrying supplies such as food and materials? "
"Ah, what... that's what happened... the boulder is Oma-sama.This bandon is not very comfortable with your thoughts! "
"Stop, it's too late for me to think of something.But it's not too late.Bandon, I'll keep you on guard.In addition to the strict state of alert as always, check for all those entering the fortress.Plus, let's split most of the rest of the 'eyes' into guards. "
"Haha! Now it's time to protect our kingdom perfectly!"
"Hmm. Gigigogo, apart from the Royal Guard, lead the chosen one to search the city.Ningens turned into goma may still be hiding somewhere. "
"Ha, Lord Omar's life, yes!"
Phew, after a sigh, Oma turned to the Gizzagins again.
"As you've heard, the hands of the Ningen devil are already near the rest.Giza Ginz and Buzz, stay close to the realm.Instead of looking for them to hide, we're going to find out where they came from to do something, and we're going to be on alert. "
"Just as Omar said.Please leave it to the Gizzagins. "
"Leave it to me, Lord Omar!"
"Bon, if you have anything to say, listen to me."
"Ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Hmm, do you care?
"Yeah... but the nest is a little far away."
"Very well. If we find him, let him go to the nest of the fire-blowing dragon and hunt."
"Really!? Are you sure!?"
"Hmm. If a fire-blowing dragon appears, we must crush it as soon as possible.Apart from Ningen, I can't just throw it away. "
For the Kingdom of Goma, which dominates this area, the most alarming is the emergence of powerful monsters.
The red flying dragon, which flies through the sky and spits out flames, is the enemy that has burned the kingdom many times before.It's a common type of giant flying dragon monster, but that's why it appears more frequently.
It is not difficult to deal with just one, with a great warrior, but it is very dangerous if the nest is abandoned and reproduced in increasing numbers.The kingdom's walls are robust, but useless for raids from the sky.
That's why we have to beat him before he gets any more.Not to mention that if the dragon and the Ningen attack overlap, it will be a threat to the survival of the kingdom.
"You all heard the rest of your lives? Encouraging."
"--Fear not, Lord Omar. Is there only one thing you can do?"
It was Gizzagins who sandwiched his mouth while being declared dissolved.
Oma just nodded and encouraged her to go ahead.
"I heard Warlord Zagan ran off in the castle.How was it treated? "
Sin, the room between the throne and the throne is quiet.The other great warriors wondered if they would hear that.
And their gaze concentrates on one move at a time.
Not to Omar. War chief Zagan, who stands right next to him, is with him.
"Hmm, as you can see."
Without suppression, Oma pointed to Zagan next door.
Zagan speaks silently and does not move slightly.
That must be it, his mouth was chewed with thick leather chains and his hands with steel shackles.
"Zagan lost himself and went wild.As the War Warlord, he fainted... but Zagan bears all the blame for the rest.The reason in the first place is that the invading Ningen killed Zagan's wife. "
Gishiri and a heavy shackle roared.
In a moment, your hair is slowly killing.All five of the great warriors, albeit slightly slower.
"Hang in there, Zagan. It is good to burn hate, but it must not be burned down."
Still silent, but with a rough breath, the killing spirit from Zagan vanished.
"Zagan sits beside the rest of us and provides direct instruction.Who's complaining? "
"No, dear Warlord Zagan, I sincerely hope you will forgive me as soon as possible."
Gizzagins at the top of his mouth replied as usual, and this time he lowered his head.
"Great warriors defending the rest of the kingdom.I expect it to work. Come on, let's go.Never let those niggers like it anymore ----- "
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