Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Episode 305: The Secret Deal
---- The longer you were undercover, the more valuable it was.
"Oh, I think you're starting to see a little hope."
"It's really good that Natsukawa-san is back safely!"
The cherry blossoms honestly raise their voices of joy after receiving the report of Natsugawa-san's undercover investigation into the Goma Kingdom for a long period of a week.As for me, I think it would be a great achievement if I asked again.
But we need to move on from here.
It looks like your brother isn't very happy about it.
”Nh, ahhh... sorry, I heard from the chairman beforehand”
At a time like this, the cherry blossoms are strangely sharp.While making an excuse appropriate for the centipede, I misled it for the time being.
I see.
"Yes. Thanks to Natsukawa-san's research, I know a lot of things."However, there is still no definite way to break through the Goma Kingdom... it's important to know what to do next. "
I trusted the chairman and decided to go along with her proposal.
I'm not going to tell you the details of the operation.But I need your help.
Normally I would think that such a dishonest, mischievous story... nothing else, the chairman says.If you don't believe me, you're lying.
Besides, I can't think of a plan like this right now.You shouldn't try to stop the chairman with a strong readiness, just because you're uneasy, even if it's a counter-proposal.
"I have a suggestion about that."
Oh, Ryoko, you have a plan.
"It's not that big of a plan."If you say so, it's like an extension of the investigation. ”
The chairman responded in the usual manner, without even revealing how he was hiding a secret operation that I couldn't tell him.
I often say that women tell lies, but... the chairperson is no exception.Do all the women in the world know how to lie well, naturally?
"Minami needs you to infiltrate the Royal Palace again and restore the function of the ancient ruins as much as possible."Hopefully, we can use the ruins to secure a safe infiltration route, or if we can just open and close the door, we can seal off the Royal Palace and disrupt Goma's army. ”
"I see... if Goma is just inside the Royal Palace, we'll be able to defeat them all."
But that's too dangerous for Minami----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"No, it's okay, Sakura-chan." I'm a [Bandit], so I'm good at hiding.I mean, you've been in there for a week now. I'm sure you'll be fine. "
Natsukawa-san laughed brightly and said that she was worried about the cherry blossoms.
"But it's not going to be dangerous."Hey, can't I come with you next time? "
"Eh, eh, with Azure-kun?"Alone? "
It was Natsukawa-san who suddenly came up in a hurry.No, I don't have to hate her so much... but she's one of the maidens.Even though I'm a powerful agent who can infiltrate the Goma Kingdom for a week with a smooth face with a fast knife, my classmate's girlfriend hasn't changed.
Spending time alone with a man on a boulder would be different from the mixed-sex party that has been going on so far.
"No, Natsukawa-san may not like spending time with a man like me, but even so, considering your personal safety--"
"No, no, no! I don't want to be with Aozuma-kun at all!?"
I'm sad that I followed you in such a hurry.
I'm the best.I'm sure you understand that this is not an unavoidable or offensive reaction.I was a little shocked.
”Yudo-kun, I know how you feel, but if you just want to infiltrate, I think Minami should be the only one”
I know how to act covertly, too.
It was not due to his skills as a "hero", but due to his training from an early age.Walk without footsteps, read people's signs, and turn to the blind spot.My grandfather wanted me to be a ninja.But Azure Stream was a martial arts that included that, so I had no choice.
"Well, it would be nice if you could come with me... there are many hidden passages in the royal palace, and there are many narrow passages that seem to be difficult for one person to get through."With Azure True-kun's physique, there may be some parts that you can't pass through a bit. "
"Oh, I see. I'm sorry, I didn't think of that at all."
So far, Natsukawa-san has found hidden doors and hidden passageways, and has come through them, but if you think about it carefully, all of them are only used for things that all of my people can pass through, including me.
According to the report, he also used narrow aisles like ducts running through the ceiling to infiltrate the royal palace.
Because she is small and slender, it would have been easy to go through such a place, but it would be normal for me not to be able to use my shoulders if I was blessed with a good physique after training normally.
Sometimes I run into the aisle, so I can't joke about it.
"According to Minami, both the Royal Palace and the fortress were becoming heavily guarded."I think that if you infiltrate, you will basically use the hidden passageway, and it will be tough for Yudo-kun to accompany you after all. "
"Oniisan, it seems that we have to give up and leave it to Minami."
"It's all right, Aoi-kun."I want you to trust me here and leave it to me. "
"I know... I'm worried, but I'm going to trust my people here."
I can't do anything.It had the power to fight, and it was well equipped.
However, it was unsuitable for me.It's best to leave it to the right person, and it's better not to help them badly.
Natsukawa left the most dangerous long-term undercover investigation to Natsukawa-san because I understood the situation.I said I'd come with you here, but that's even more important now.
Um, so I'm going to go again by myself, but I want everyone to cooperate somewhere else.
“Of course, if there's anything we can do, just say it.”
"In this infiltration, it's important to know how far you can use the functions of the ancient ruins."So, let's get the cores we need to get started. ”
Yeah, there was some stone slabs there that seemed to be out of function, so I'm sure there would be some that you could use if you had a core.
I see, I think we can restore the function of the ruins.
It was already known that the core magic power was the power source of the ruins, including the transfer magic circle, which was now completely familiar.I have barely bothered to use the core to recover on the road so far, but it is not zero.Conversely, there were times when it was dangerous for the core to restore itself and cause the trap to reboot.Thanks to Natsukawa's trap-sensing skills, I was able to avoid it.
"However, the core has been upgraded with our gear... should we go out and hunt down monsters?"
"Yeah, maybe that's better."Goma's hardening of the kingdom's security has cut us off from our search.Now, you'll be able to safely hunt monsters outside. ”
"Still, isn't it dangerous?It could be a trap to lure us out. "
"If you have to, you can escape to this fort."Things were different when I couldn't find a safe place. ”
The cherry blossoms are a legitimate concern, but I am also relieved of what tomorrow will say.
Since Natsukawa-san is entrusted with the most dangerous role, we should also act with some risk.
"Sakura, I think I should move."There's a chance they'll resume their search with some whim.Then you should collect as much as you can at this time when you need the core. "
”That's right... there's no safe way to go.”
I was a little troubled, but the cherry blossoms convinced me.
"Well then, it's settled." Oh, or is there one thing I'd like to ask Yuki-san? ”
What, a little birdie? Huh?
"I want you to teach Minami how to use that slate as much as you can."
"Ehh, but if I don't have the skills to [decipher ancient words]......"
"Even if you don't have the skills, Momokawa-kun can prove that you can play with it to a certain extent."You can actually control the functions of the ruins directly if you take Yu-san with you, but you can't do that with the flowing rocks, can you? "
"Uuu, I-I 'm sorry..."
No, I was refused permission to accompany you undercover.Even though you're the only one who can manipulate ancient ruins, you can't take a complete non-combatant named Yu-san with you.
Hmm, I can remember that.
"I'll take the lecture with you."
"Well then, Ryoko-chan, little bird-chan, say hi!" I'll do my best! "
Yeah, I'll do my best.
I think I'd better take this opportunity to remember it for later.Well, it's something that everyone can remember if they can.
In fact, Momokawa's skills in "deciphering the ancient language" also tampered with the function of the ruins.In the end, I even manipulated the transfer magic circle to escape from the school tower.
Perhaps he possessed some kind of skill that would allow him to manipulate the ancient ruins, but he could have simply managed to do so with a cunning mind.
"Now you've decided what you want to do."As soon as you're ready, let Natsukawa-san re-enter. "
”Hmm, the Goma guys freaked out and pulled back.”
A few days after defeating Bon and Buzz's two Gila Goggles.There was a blatant change in the movement of the Goma Kingdom.
Until now, those who were searching for us in a concentric circle around the kingdom were searching near the entire kingdom, rather than patrolling.In other words, it's hardening its defenses.
I thought they were either furious, launching all their forces, or carefully fortifying their defenses, but apparently they chose the latter.
Until now, they would have felt like a hunting after us, which was only an overwhelming minority, but when two Gira Goggles were defeated, they quickly became vigilant.Omar decided that if he did not succeed, he would be in danger of being struck with a devastating blow that would shake the Kingdom.I knew it was so cool and rational that I didn't think it was Goma.You mean you didn't do it to Date?
But that made it easier for us to move through the lower level.I could shake up a major player and hunt down monsters to gather materials.
However, by thoroughly consolidating the Kingdom's defenses, there was no room to penetrate.Like Bonn, Gila Goggles will never leave the kingdom alone again.
We're not going to be able to wipe out any more of their forces.If you mess with them, they'll rush in this time, raise the power of the Kingdom, and chase you everywhere.
Currently, the advantage for us is that we can hide our location from the Berserkers by hiding underground in their territory.That's why you can ambush Bonn and terrorize the kingdom.This is the situation where we can get ahead.
However, now they are waiting for us to reveal ourselves in this way with full preparation.I have to say, it's hard to give the kingdom a direct hand.
With that, you'll be ready to hunt and craft gear for a while.
Well, that's what happens.
Ueda nodded with a face full of words that he knew.The same goes for everyone else.
After all, if you spend any time at the school tower, you'll have that level of understanding.
"Hime-no-san, don't stop, concentrate on your work."
Hime-no returns to scalping salamanders with an open tongue.Good luck, you're almost done.
When we're done, the next step will be the primary processing work of simple smelting.
"So, I'm ready, but what should I do?"Is there a monster or something? "
Yoshizaki-san, fully armed, asks me.I was very motivated.
Well, that's only natural.
"Corner, I've mastered a new technique."We need to try it out in real battles and make things quick. "
Yamada, who was also fully armed and wearing a well-armored helmet, said.
Yes, thanks to the defeat of Buzz, Ueda, Yoshizaki, Yamada, Nakaji, and Ueda, who had hunted him down at the end, were each given new moves.It was my first level-up in a long time.
That's why I'm going hunting, too.
"Hime-no, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Apricot, who was working seriously, grabbed Hime-no's hair and dragged it to the workplace.Is it because of the same sex? There is no mercy in the way it is handled.I'm screaming, "Higiii!", but are you okay?
For today, I have a previous appointment, so I'll ask you to hang out with me first.
"Hey, Momokawa, what about me?"
Hayama-kun hasn't started crafting gear yet with the help of spirits, so be sure to practice with the [Simple Training Team] as well.
"I'd like to go hunting more and improve my skills..."
"I know how you feel, but from Hayama's ability, it's important that you train properly."
"Hey, Momokawa-kun, isn't Hayama-kun too kind?"
That's right, it's also a personal affection that attitudes differ somewhat depending on the degree of contribution, especially if you haven't mastered a new technique, Himejino-san
"I-I mean, I'm a [horny devil]...?"
"Hey, Hime-no."
"I'm going back! I'm going back to work now!"
Damn, if you're so impatient at being stung by apricots, you just have to focus on your work seriously.How much do you want to skip the conversation?
Anyway, I can't keep talking all the time.I have time to make an appointment with him, so let's get out of here.
I walked through a dimly lit underground tunnel that was completely familiar to me, with four pairs of avant-garde warriors.
This basement is definitely free of goma and wild monsters.The Berserker of the True Lord is now stunningly walking around in the opposite position to our base.Left alone, you won't be able to come back here for a few more days.
Lem's Berserker chase was completely familiar, and he was killed in an instant when he was too close in the first place, but now he hasn't made such a mistake.However, it seems that the Berserker keeps walking at a constant pace, so if there is no topographical change, the speed will not change.
For Lem, who is good at keeping things running as precisely as a robot, it can be said to be an easy target to track.Or perhaps a mad warrior who keeps walking and just kills the people he meets is like a demonic user who just executes certain orders like Lem.Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a real cyborg.
You arrive at your destination as you think about things like that and chat with the four of you.
It's like a temporary base in the basement, like a station platform.These locations are located everywhere, with some easy-to-understand passages that lead directly to the ground, and others where buildings collapse and are buried.
This home is so inconspicuous, with only one passageway left of the ruins above ground.
"Ah, Momokawa-kun, finally here!"
"I'm sorry, I seem to have kept you waiting."
Natsugawa-san, of course, is the waiter.
I've already confirmed that she's here alone.From the time I set up the meeting place here, I had Lem hide and watch.
At least, Natsukawa-san entered here by herself from the ground entrance, and in the meantime, she could be seen waiting by herself.
That's why you don't have to worry about being ambushed by Azure True Harlem all of a sudden.
So, how was it?
"It's working." Momokawa-kun told me everything. "
Chairman, I know what you're talking about.
It was just a coincidence that I met Natsugawa-san in the infiltrated Goma Kingdom, but it was unusual and unexpected luck for me.
Thanks to you, I was always worried about how to cross the road, so it was resolved lightly.If I hadn't met Natsukawa-san, I would have had to find my own secret fortress that wasn't even on the area map, a hidden gem of Azure Harlem.
"Well, it's been a long time since Yamada-kun and Nakajima-kun..."
I heard about Natsukawa-san.
Yamada, who was only responding blurrtly, and Nakajima, who seemed somewhat awkward but showed no further emotions.
Last time I left the Goma Kingdom, I only met Hayama-kun, Ueda and Yoshizaki-san.Yamada and Nakajima also showed their faces this time, so if you pair them with Hime-no, you can prove the survival of all five of them to Natsukawa-san.
That said, I don't bother showing Hime-no just to prove it.Do a better job than that.
So, what exactly is going on now?
I'm supposed to re-enter the Goma Kingdom to revive the function of the ruins.
"Oh, that means..."
Yeah, I brought it to you.
Look, Natsukawa-san offers me a beautiful leather bag.
Receive it and peek inside... a stunning high-purity core that shimmers red.
Thank you. Now we can start crafting gear.
With a full smile, I offer my heartfelt thanks.
Apparently, the chairman really believes in me.Well, if we finally get to the status quo where only True Azure Harlem remains, we'll be in danger together with the Chairman.If they stay like this, they'll really be wiped out by the little bird games.
And then, Ryoko-chan.
We did it, we've got the ice crystal of our dreams!
The ice crystal was carefully crafted by the chairman with the collar of Koyuki at the end and the stock at the bottom.This time, I managed to get the materials I needed to create the gear for the Goma Kingdom.
By working with the Chairman in secret, we can finally supply the ice crystals in a stable manner.
Well then, say hello to the chairman.
”Ugh... I'm worried about Ryoko's stomach, imitating a traitor like this”
Natsukawa-san receives the stomach medicine I gave her while thinking about her best friend.
Rather than this secret trade, we take great care not to let the sideways flow of almost one-sided materials get caught up in the birdlife.Of course, if Aoi Makoto and Kensaki noticed, it would be a secret.
However, since it's about Aoi Shin-kun, I wouldn't dream that the chairman and Natsukawa-san, who think they are completely inside, would join forces with me.
Worst of all, even if you make a fuss that the two of you are traitors when you find out that you're playing birds... Aoi Shin-kun can't be cut off so easily by the Chairman and Natsukawa-san.At least there's no danger to your life when you find out.If they find out about the wrongdoing, I'll try to execute them quickly.
Anyway, the only thing I can give as a gift to the chairman is something as small as a stomach medicine.Natsukawa-san was merely infiltrating the Goma Kingdom, so it would be troublesome if he brought back some loot.
However, in the name of restoring the functionality of the ruins, it is allowed to take out and consume the core.Naturally, there is no need to use the core to restore functionality, so it is only convenient to completely sidetrack the core to me.Of course, I thought about it myself and put my wits into Natsukawa-san.
Believe it or not, the chairman will do it.It is truly the work of Rock that brilliantly wrote down Aoi Shin-kun.
"Hey, how's Momokawa-kun?"How long is it going to take? "
"Hmm, at least a week to craft the equipment."Then, including the practice, maybe another week or so. "
I see. If it's about two weeks, I'll try to mislead you like I'm struggling with the investigation.
"No matter how long it takes, we'll definitely have a plan within a month."Well, if you need anything, I'll leave the rem here, so just let me know. "
It's okay, the spiders there are also Rem, right?
"I knew the [Bandit] was no match for me."
Lem's guards were found out.But you have to forgive me for being so vigilant.Including not showing Natsukawa-san to our main base.
"In the meantime, the deal is done."What will Natsukawa-san do now? "
"What should I do... it's a bit too lonely to be alone for a week, and I'm too busy"
But since I was supposed to be infiltrating, I couldn't go back to the fort.We can't just go into our main base and watch out for pursuits.
I think it's pathetic to leave her by herself, even when I'm a stone's thrower.Best of all, Natsukawa-san is a great player this time.I have to reward my work.
Well then, just a simple setup to make you feel comfortable here... if you'd like, could you join us in our hunt?
Yeah, okay, fine!
Everything is bright and pleasant with a smile.Hmm, this midsummer sun-like smile is really attractive.It's not a dirty smile like playing birds, but it's a natural thing with 100% purity.
Aoi Makoto-san, if you want to choose, you have to choose Natsugawa-san.
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