Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Lesson 317 The Last of the Kingdom (2)
"---- Minami contacted me."Everyone, let's go. "
That's what the chairman said with a serious expression as he tackled his smartphone.
Ryoko, what the hell is going on?
"It's quicker to look than I can explain."
"But... niisan, is this really all right?"
"I've already made up my mind. Let's trust the chairman.Everyone, that's fine. "
Everyone nodded, but the expression was puzzling.
That's true, too. I have no idea what is happening to me, so I feel very uneasy.Still, we decided to believe in the Chairman's plan.
I promised to work with you that day, as the chairman told me, without asking for details of the operation.After that, I convinced everyone to let the chairman take care of everything for the time being.
In the end, I didn't know what she meant, but today was the day.The chairman just told us that today was the day when we were ready to attack the kingdom.
Only Natsukawa-san went alone to see the state of the kingdom and checked whether things were going according to plan.We waited at the nearest entrance to the kingdom through the underpass from the hidden fort.
Apparently, the operation went smoothly, and it was time to invade the Kingdom.
Even here, I heard a lot of roar from the kingdom, so I'm pretty sure something happened.However, the chairman still did not try to tell us what it was.No, I can see what's going on in the Kingdom simply by going out and seeing what's going on.
Let's get ready and go.
I'm getting ready.After breaking through the kingdom and entering the Central Tower, I also brought out the equipment and supplies for the battle in order to reach the final destination, the Heavenly Gate.So, let's see for ourselves from here on out.
"Guys, this way!"
Natsukawa waved and called out to us as we ran quietly and quickly through the woods to the nearby kingdom.
Minami, are you okay?
"Yes, everything is as planned."Hey, it's unbelievable... "
Once again, the chairman has confirmed to Natsukawa that he has seen the situation in the Kingdom.
A tall stone wall stands in front of you.From the other side, there were a number of sprays of smoke standing up, and it was already possible to ask that it was not unusual.
However, it's quiet. It's too quiet.
If there was any major destruction in the kingdom, the 10,000 units of Goma that live there would not be noisy.Not to mention they're keeping an eye on us, and they're tightly guarded.Even if it's a little bit of a fuss, the Goma soldiers are supposed to poke the bee's nest... but I can hardly feel any sign of them.The kingdom is creepingly quiet.
"Well then, let's go." Yudo-kun, can you destroy that gate first? "
"Is it okay to go majestically from such a front?"Certainly, there is no sign of the enemy at all..... "
"It's all right, Aoi-kun."There is no Goma left in the north gate. "
Apparently, there weren't any Goma guards at all.If Natsukawa-san can guarantee that much, don't say anything more worrying.
I pulled out the [Holy Knight's Divine Iron Sword] and stood in front of the quiet North Gate.
"---- 'Holy Sword of Light (Cross Caliber)'!"
I swung down the blade of light with all my strength in order to cut both giant gates that were tightly sealed.
The opponent was hard and gigantic, but it was nothing more than a movementless thing.Without getting in the way of the enemy, I was able to launch a full-body spirits blow without difficulty.A dazzling white glow bursts into a huge pillar of light, unleashing its destructive power.
Zzzz, Dodoon!
A stroke of delay resounds as the torn gate falls to the ground.
And so, finally, the gate of the kingdom that was opened, on the other side of it, was ─
What the hell am I supposed to do!?
There was nothing beyond the gate.
Neither the countless Goma tent settlements, nor the cluttered wooden buildings, exist on the ground itself.Inside the enormous walls that surrounded the kingdom, the entire bottom of the earth was transformed into an enormous hole.
I've never infiltrated inside, but I've seen the inside from the outside.Undoubtedly, this was a huge citadel city where countless Goma lived... but this sight made it all illusory.
"Ryoko, what the hell is this..."
Underneath Goma's kingdom was originally a big hollow.
I see, that's the structure around the tower.
But that's what you've done.
The destruction of a powerful enemy force, the Kingdom of Goma, was a delight, but it was unimaginable.Tomorrow's stony face was peeking into the bottomless falloff with a piercing expression.
"Wow, that's amazing, Chairman!" Hey, how did you do that!? "
"There was an example of a tablet in the royal palace."As Minami taught me, Minami operated it. "
"Wow, that's right!" I'm glad the birds helped. "
It may be possible to do this with the functionality of the ancient ruins.If the ceiling part of the cavity where Goma built the kingdom can operate like a Fukuoka dome, it is a natural conclusion that if you move it, you can drop the whole ground.
In the middle of this bottom layer, it is the best location to dominate the whole area, but it was actually the most unstable place right above the huge vertical hole.Even if it wasn't Goma, she wouldn't have noticed.
"Anyway, now Goma's legions per kingdom have fallen to the bottom of the hole and been destroyed."Only those in the central fortress will remain. "
That Zagan and all the other Gira Goggles have fallen, so all that's left is the King's Goma and only the Giggles left.
Really, I can't believe you're defeating Zagan.
However, no matter how many giants you can become, you can't help but be dropped in such a big hole all of a sudden.The scale of the collapse is too large.If it starts to collapse, there will be nowhere to run.
"With this, we've finally reduced the number to something we can do."The enemy must still be quite confused by this collapse.Let's use this opportunity to defeat the Royal Palace at once. ”
"Oh, I see. This is a chance to meet a thousand people. There's no escape."
We all feel the same way, don't we?If you are so brilliantly laid out by the Rock, you will have no choice but to decide to be prepared and challenge yourself.
Everyone, grab your weapons and head to the center where Goma's remnants are.
Is it really okay to walk here?
"Structurally, it seems that there is a thick pillar that runs from north to south.In fact, it's probably the ruggedest skeleton that's left. ”
”In fact, my guess is fine, so even if I fight a little, I won't fall”
Like a bridge over a broken hole, only the road stretches straight from the north gate to the central fortress.Even if it's not a cherry blossom, you'll be worried if you walk in a place like this.
Perhaps Natsukawa-san is the only one who walks because he thinks it's okay from the bottom of his heart.The chairman may reasonably understand that it is safe, but he looks a little pale.
"Mmm, Yodu"
"Oh, I know, tomorrow.Looks like they'll be there to greet you. "
From the other side of the road, I felt a strong hostility without hiding.
Natsukawa-san and I in the front, and Natsukawa-san in the sharpest sense, are ready to pull out two knives.
The enemy went out of their way because the walls on our side were barely working.The fortress built in the center does not remain cleanly whole. The wall, about five meters high, was the borderline between whether or not the area would collapse, and about half of it was left as far as it could be seen.
I probably still thought it better to intercept them on this main road than to be freely attacked by a wall full of holes.As far as I'm concerned, I'd appreciate it if it was easier to protect the back.
"I'll take care of the cherry blossoms."
"Yes, brother."
Kodori-san, Futaba-san, and the last of the two non-combatants would be cherry blossoms.Originally, the chairman should have been the backguard, but now that there's only so many people left, I want you to be the center guard and focus on the battle.
Only me and Tomorrow and Natsukawa-san were in the front.Honestly, it would be tough if we could just get out of the enemy, but we still had to do our best.
I got the best gear I could.The situation was more favourable than ever.Then we'll fight our way through.
"Come on, let's go. We're going to get out of this dungeon together!"
"Ah, ahhh!?"
I took a step towards cutting into the impending Goma army, the tip of the arrow.Yu-san Kodori's scream rose.
“What's going on?!”
"Whoa, whoa, what do we do?... it's a big deal!"
Turning around, you can see Yu-san, a small bird who is half-weeping.Suddenly, the enemy appears from behind, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
"Brother, this is bad."
The cherry blossom that seemed to have perceived the same situation said with a frightened expression.
"Hey, what's going on--nh, wait a minute"
As far as I can see, there is no abnormality.There were no enemies. Yes, I don't have any enemies... but I don't have enough.
Where did Futaba-san go?
"That's... I don't see it at all."
"What do you mean!?"
That tall Futaba-san figure is nowhere to be seen.
Calm down, I was definitely with you when I destroyed the gate.When I left the concealed fort, she had to carry weapons and supplies.Futaba-san, who had a large Halvard and shield, and even carried a large baggage, was not lost somewhat at a distance.
She had been half out of her mind since the attempted poisoning of Momokawa, but she never disappeared on her own.I was here with everyone, and I should have been able to act without any problems.
Is that why? I always assumed that Futaba-san was always following the cherry blossoms, as well as the small birds that were with him as a non-combatant.
"Well, if I noticed... I don't know where it got lost, little bird!"
"Oh, my God, we have to find him."
Yudu! Enemies are coming!
I will turn to the sharp cry of tomorrow.
With multiple goblins, Goebbels are already visibly walking down the road.It's not very easy, but I can't afford to look for people.
"I can't help it. First, let's deal with the enemy in front of us."Futaba-san... it's safer to look for it after you've conquered the royal palace. "
"... damn, that's the only way."
Under the circumstances, it was impossible for Futaba-san to be ahead of us and storm the fortress.The rest of Goma is safe outside, given that everyone has a cage standing here.If you could just go back to the Hidden Fort... yes, let's focus on the fight now.
"Please, please stay safe, Futaba-san ----"
Come on, let's go then.
It was a short lunch break, but everyone ate the cutlet sandwich, and the resupply was complete.
We'll get out of the tunnel and head for the kingdom again.
This time, it enters majestically directly from Namdaemun, the gateway to the kingdom.The enormous gate was burned to the ground by a fiery fire.The giant pillar itself that had the gate burned down.
A large iron gate fell to the ground in a black haze.Yes, such a large piece of metal is falling.Let's make the most of it.
"Hime-no-san, let's finish in 30 seconds."
"Eh, there's a time limit!?"
Of course, I can't relax.I quickly headed to the right gate and spread the loose leaf scroll.Hime-no took a step back and, in a hurry, reached the door on the left, just like I did.
Of course, it was the [Simple Training Team] that was depicted on the scroll.
If he tries a little bit at the gate, we'll have a huge metal shield.
"Thirty-two seconds."
"That's a mistake."
I think it takes more than 30 seconds just to put a handle on it.
A little toy, a little part is just to grow a handle to hold it as a shield.It is a simple process to twist the metal of the gate as it is.
Hmm, I let you practice for now.After all, even if you practice after overtime, you won't learn much.
You can practice harder next time.
"Are you still going to let me do it!?"
Well, we're still fighting, aren't we?But for now, I focused on the battle before me.
All right, protect us, Tank.
"Ugh, ugh..."
It was very doubtful that I understood the words, but the summoning beast "Tank" still faithfully obeyed the orders, and each one had a large shield at the gate.
Resupply is more than just replenishing depleted supplies.The summoning beasts that were scattered flashily as a diversion squad were also re-summoned and revived.I couldn't get enough Skeleton and High Zombie gear for the Rock.
The summoning beast would be quite tough on my magic, but if I summoned the ceremony with the core and summoning team properly, my magic consumption would be kept to a minimum.It takes a bit of preparation, effort, and time, so it can't be used when you're stuck in a fight.Still, it's very convenient to be able to harness the magic of the core if you can afford to prepare in advance.
That's why I summoned three full tanks.
It was a new summoning beast tank that specialized in power, boasting giant bears, but it was difficult to lift a giant gate that was meters into a boulder.Even so, she lifted it brilliantly while making her blood vessels float on her arms, which were as thick as logs.
Yeah, well done. Now we can defend ourselves.
With the tank with the big shield at the head, we finally stepped into the kingdom.
Just then, a pillar of white light appeared to rise in the sky from the north.
Hey, Momokawa.
Yeah, it looks like Aoi San-kun and the others are starting to move as well.
From the stage of capturing the royal palace, I asked them to cooperate.
Of course, without naming me, I asked the chairman to convince me that Natsukawa-san, who had infiltrated, had done a good job, and that he would deceive Aozuma-san.After all, I don't know what kind of word of mouth the chairman steered, but it seems to have succeeded because he started the attack at the right time to suit our movements.
It's pathetic to be used in my operation without knowing the circumstances, but we risked our lives to take over the kingdom first.Your precious classmates are risking their lives, so you guys need to fight for your lives.
"Somehow, I felt the sign of the Spirit of Light."Is that the true power of Azure? "
That's right. You're so brave, aren't you?
"You know there's a tremendous amount of light coming out.However, it feels strange, unlike normal light spirits..... "
Is it because Hayama-kun is a [spirit magician] that you can see the difference?The power of a hero wasn't just a powerful light magic.
But I don't care now about his power.The important thing is that they act as a single force.
"With this, half of the enemy will be pursued by Azure True Lord's side."The number of enemies against us is halved.I'll make it a little easier for you. "
The walls of the northern fortress were worn out.If we're going to defend it, we're going to have to devote more power to it than we can handle.Even the slightest gesture that I can't understand, you start crying when you think of Oma's mood that you have to split even further.
Well then, let's get out of here. Let's move on!
The remaining pillars take the place of the bridge and follow the path straight from the Namdaemun to the front of the fortress.
Originally, it was a main street, so there was plenty of road space.Speaking of forcing obstacles, there is a scatter of super lucky goma that happened to be here and survived the collapse.
"I'm out of the way! I'm out of the way!"
The big shield tank and the subsequent Yamada rolled on the street, or they were crushed and eliminated.The Goma here were just like ordinary Goma and Goma soldiers, so they didn't have the strength to fight.But because it's intrusive and disturbing, it's not too much to clean.
Omar doesn't bother to come to the rescue of the survivors of such a pathetic end.
After all, the entire walls on this side of the city are still there.
I saw quite a bit of collapse on the other side of the north side, but the south side we're attacking is intact.There is only one bridge on this main street, so you can't make a detour to the nearest collapsed area.
Omar must understand the advantages of the terrain.Even if we appear majestically, we will not open the gate and come out.Do you intend to use the unscathed walls to fight the castle?
Above the city walls, the goblins, who were breathing to take us down, were lining up with bows.Inside, there are also some of the more colorful robe-style costumes with magical wand-like objects.It was like a Goma sorcerer or a guru.I saw that they were really stuck because they were pulling out a small number of them in the Goma army.
Although lower than the Great Wall that surrounds the kingdom, the fortress's walls are also sturdy and made of stone walls, which have enough ranged attack units. Fully intercepted.
Ahahah, you're very welcome.
It started on the other side. The bows pulled by Goebb's strength were released at once, and rain, though not so much, poured down in tandem.Of course, fire and ice mixed in with attack magic, but most of them were prevented by the tank's large shield.
If you're going to destroy a metal gate of this size, you can't use the Sakurai-kun's martial arts skills with a bow. If you're not more advanced in attacking magic, you won't be able to do it.Ranged attacks, such as just firing arrows and a few intermediate levels, only knock on the shield of the gate.No, really, this gate is sturdy.I didn't do the front gate of the kingdom to Date.
That's how we keep pushing forward in defensive positions while we're exposed to their attacks.It served as a sturdy wall for the Leuropus I and II tanks.I won't fight back. We're almost there.
Although I often heard that the castle side's defense was advantageous, and the attacking side of the castle did not have three times as many troops, that was only true when attacking with the offensive method.It's unlikely that the oligarchs will attack us with the law of the jungle.
"We've already overcome the Great Wall."At this height, you still don't know that you can't stop it--Ueda-kun, Yoshizaki-san, please do it again. "
It's easier than before just throwing it.
I have the throwing skills, Oraa!
Ueda and Yoshizaki threw their iron spears while using the Dashield tank as a wall.A spear flying in a beautiful arc pierces the ground as it is.
Of course, the identity of this spear was the [Earth Magic Construction Iron Pile/Penetration Work Type 1].
"----" Daishan Castle Wall (Terra Rampart Devan) ""
With Apricot's Advanced Range Defense Magic, Gogo and the Earth begin to rise as they groan.
The huge rock slopes that climb the castle wall are slowly but steadily being constructed with the [Penetration Construction Type 1] as the pillars that are thrown one after the other.
Ngh!? Zendava!
Goggaa, Dagosegun!
The goblins on the walls are making a fuss, but it's too late.It seemed like they were gradually trying to attack the large rock slopes approaching the city walls, but they couldn't stop the advanced magic.In other words, it's quite difficult to stop the magic that was activated.
If you can't intervene in the active technique itself, you won't be able to cancel the magic effect.If you want to prevent magic, you can avoid flying attacks after completion, or if a wall is built, you can break the sole directly.
In other words, you have to hold your fingers together to watch as the siege ramp of Rando Apricot, a first-class Earth Magic Architect, is completed.
"Yes, it's done, Kotaro, it's done!"
The perfect slope with the craftsman's skill is complete.Look, this rusty mismatched surface.It's so big that it's going to get caught in the foot, but the roughness of the martial arts is proof of its ruggedness.
A huge rocky ramp stretched stunningly over the city walls, opening an easier breakthrough than ever before.
"Oogoo... oogooaaaaaaaaa!"
The two shield tanks were the first to raise their heroes and rush out.Behind it, the third tank and the Rem's Minotaur.Then, the skeleton and high zombie came out.
Dhargaba! Gombuga, dobbaaah!
At once, the Summon Beast's discarded pawn-cutting team climbed onto the castle wall and attacked the archer Goebbels.In an instant, it transforms into a chaotic battle between enemy allies.
The Skeletons and High Zombies were defeated by Rock and Rock, but I didn't care.
I don't have a valuable boss core anymore, but I still have plenty of regular cores.As long as you have the core, you can replenish your recruits to maintain your strength.
Momokawa, let me go too
Yeah, it looks like it's going to be okay, so let's take control of the walls all at once.
In response to Yamada's advice, we climb into the walls.
Later, just like when we captured the eastern gate, we used the walls to build defensive positions at high speed.Once the simple rock fort was completed, the siege was turned around and we were the only ones standing on the wall.
Attack and defend upside down. Goma and the others know they're not good enough to attack our fortress.
Or can we abandon the fortress and step back to the royal palace?There are lots of loopholes out there that you don't know about.This fortress is still better than that if we're going to get in there.
Well, Omar is free to do what he wants.All we have to do is use our fort's defenses to cut down the Goma army.Aoi Zhenkun's attack on the north side seemed to be going smoothly.If we keep fighting like this, the power ratio will be reversed.
Hmm, you won.
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