Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Episode 326: The Last Class Meeting (1)
"Now, let's start the last class session--not to mention the agenda, how to get everyone out of this dungeon safely."
At all, if we had gone as originally planned, there would have been no room for this kind of discussion now. But I had no choice. Bird Yu betrayed me, accused me of poisoning, made my classmates a tragedy, and only I and Aozuma-kun were moving to survive.
Little birds Little birds are not even their earliest classmates, they are the minions of goddess Elysion. Only this worst traitor must be eliminated at all costs, or we will have no peace. This is an absolute necessity, even after I have dissociated myself from my grudges.
However, it was Harlem Party members headed by Ao Makoto who would not allow it.
That said, since the chairman and Natsukawa-san turned to me in a rational way, in essence, only Aozuma and Kensaku Tomorrow will protect Kodori. Respecting the principle of majority voting, Birdie deserves to be executed in no time.
But I thought about it.
Aozuma-kun, you're strong. Sakura-chan, your ability as a [Holy Maiden] is excellent. At the same time, Kensaki, you're strong too, so if you're abandoned and run wild, you might get a dead man.
Majority voting is the easiest means of achieving maximum happiness with the greatest number of votes. However, it is also important to solicit the opinions of minorities, as has been said in recent politics. You did that in your nostalgic political economy class, didn't you?
So I decided to respect the views of the minorities. Even those of you who believe in traitorous birdlife and harbor it, and who are more stupid than Jizibaba, who have been tricked by special scams, have come up with a solution that makes sense.
"Aoi Zhen-kun, don't worry." I figured out a way to save the birds from killing them. "
What the hell?
Aoi Makoto standing in front of me looked down at me with steep eyes. He's taller. Standing directly in front of me, this height difference.
But now more than ever, the size of my body, what a physical constraint, can't put pressure on me. If you're going to scare me with your big head, you have to be a giant like Zagan.
That's why you don't have to be cowardly and speak confidently. This is a wonderful solution that I have come up with that is pathetic and deceitful for you.
Kodori Yu and Kensaki will escape at the Tenmon Gate.
”... hah?”
"We think of Bird Play as a traitor." And you think of Game of the Birds as a companion. The two sides' opinions are now arranged in parallel with the situation evidence. That's why I can agree with both of you. ”
"What do you mean? What are you planning to do, give up your precious escape space with Yu-san tomorrow?"
"No, Aozuma-kun, that's a discrepancy in perception." Certainly, we were in a battle royale state of killing each other in an escape frame called the Heavenly Sending Gate. It's a reward worth risking your life for. But after defeating Yamatano Orochi, I told you. Even if you don't use the Heavenly Gate, if everyone joins forces, you can get out of here on foot. "
Yes, the outside world that doesn't know how far it's spread. Dangerous, alien lands where salamanders fly free.
Everyone thought it was impossible to go through such a place without using a reliable escape method such as the Heavenly Gate.
But we are not helpless students anymore. A battle-scarred survivor who has survived this damn Alien Dungeon Survival. All of them are no less powerful than they are in the power of their vocation.
The premise that we can't get out of this without a transfer has collapsed. We have the power to jump right into the outside world. You've got the strength to believe it, and you've got allies.
"For Yao Zhenkun, escape at the Heavenly Sending Gate is a means to get him out safely." However, for me, it will be a means to expel me from this party of two years and seven groups. "
I just changed my mind.
It's important to me that I don't have a traitor named Yo-Yo.
The important thing for Aoi Zhenkun is not to endanger the fragile girl named Yuuki.
Look, if you fly this thing to the Heavenly Sending Gate, both of these wishes will come true.
Well then, let's get out of here tomorrow.
"He followed me and kicked Hime-no-san, too." I can't let a guy like this do his back. It's an exile. "
Ouch! Let me tell you something!
"Don't do that, Tomorrow! Just shut up for now." We are the ones who are at a disadvantage in formation. "
You see, I don't want to be one of those people who forgets their sins and freaks out.
Kensaki, do you realize that the moment you screamed, everyone pointed their weapons at you at once?
Now Apricot will pull out your back faster than you can pull out your sword.
I really hate it. To bargain with the bloodthirsty barbarians, you have to hold on to life and death.
"Don't be so stubborn, Aoi Zhenkun." We're not trying to kill Kensaki. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made such a suggestion. "
"... I know"
"Yes, if you understand, that's fine." For us, Kensaki is fine, and we can be sure that we can expel the bitch who kicks our people. But from Aoi Shin-kun, even if you buy this much from us, you can guarantee your personal safety by letting you escape first. At the same time, if you go with Kodori Yu-san, who is a good friend and a skilled swordsman, you can take care of it, right? "
Well, after flying to the kingdom, I might be rudely beaten by the royal nobles after pulling out my sword with a reverse cut. From that point on, it is my own responsibility.
”Sure enough, getting Kodori-san and the two of you out tomorrow... I hope so too”
Azure! Can you imitate me to escape first!
”Hah, don't you know who had to crush the precious escape frame and let you escape first?”
"Stop it, Momokawa." There's no such thing as provocation. "
"Well then, I'll ask you, Azure True Lord." Do you think Kensaki will be able to get along with us again? "
"Well, that's... tomorrow, as a [Double Swordsman], if you risk your life and fight to protect everyone ----"
"That's right, you'll fight, because you're the only brain muscle swordsman I can do." But if it gets dangerous, you're gonna cut someone off again, right? Aozuma-kun, you won't be cut off, but we will always be chosen as sacrifices. "
To put it in a nutshell, Kanazaki is a companion, isn't he? I'm sure that if it was for Aoi Makoto and the little birds, Kensaku would be able to fight through without hesitation at the expense of his body.
It is undoubtedly the strength of a girl named Kensaki Tomina, a strength and a noble intention.
However, Kensaki's companions were the only ones who felt that way. Only my recognized family member.
I hate people like me, look down on people like the Upper Middle and Lower Trio, and I don't care about people like Hime-no. Mercy and compassion for them is fatal to this woman. The weaker the stronger, the worse the weaker. It's only natural that the weak die first, and it's instinctively stained that we should sacrifice ourselves from the weak. Which is better, differentiating by skin color or differentiating by strength?
If you weren't a power racist, you wouldn't be able to kick Hime-no under those circumstances, would you? You kicked me in the face, didn't you?
The "Idea Code" of Kodori Game should have been used only to suppress Mei-chan. I didn't have the strength to instigate you.
With no excuse, Kensaki kicked Himego and banished him on his own initiative and at his own discretion.
"You guys don't know, but when the five of you were locked out and wandering through the forest, you were attacked by a horde of goma and turned into a pinch." Yamada sacrificed himself by standing in front of two gummies and being cornered already ———— At that time, I left it to you to go first. "
"Hey, Momokawa, that's not it--"
Don't worry, Yamada-kun. Even if it wasn't done out of a pure spirit of self-sacrifice, it only looks that way objectively, so that's fine.
Yamada and Yoshizaki-san were silencing Yamada. This is what it means to work with fellows who have deepened their ties.
"Yamada-kun is a [Heavy Warrior], and you know how important it is to support the front line in that five-man party." Still, Yamada didn't hesitate to give up his life, but decided to let his people escape at that moment of desperation. Do you think you can do the same thing with Kensaki, Aozuma-kun? No matter what you think, you will sacrifice Hime-no-san again under those circumstances. "
"No, stop, that's not the way to say it..."
"You should admit it to yourself, Aoi-jin-kun." This is not my one-sided allegation, but a pure fact. [M] Kensaki cut off his allies and Yamada-kun sacrificed himself to help all his allies. "
Yes, this is not an excuse or a fabrication, it just describes what has already happened. Still, Aoi Makoto didn't want to admit Kensaki because it was simply inconvenient for him.
You call this a crime of displaying facts?
After all, information that's convenient for you is more important to people than truth.
But under the circumstances, I can't tolerate all of that ugly humanity.
"Kensaki, you've lost too much trust in your classmates." The stage of returning the stigma, recovering the honor, and allowing such a thing to happen is almost over. I'm not kidding. I can't let this guy be my friend anymore. "
"Damn, what trust is it!" Momokawa, you're poisoning us, how can you say that!! "
Kensaki, do you know these words--that's it, this is it?
Turning to Kensaki, I smiled. [M] And this, each with a gesture to put away.
"My poisoning conviction and the suspicion of masterminds of Yuuki Kodori is a completely different matter." Even if I was the real culprit behind the poisoning, it has nothing to do with Kensaki kicking Hime-no-san. Just because there are worse people doesn't mean you didn't do anything wrong. "
If that makes sense, there's only one person in the world who's guilty of the worst crimes. Go through, or not.
"So, Azure True Lord." If you can persuade us to stay with Kensaki as a friend, I'll listen to you. "
I can't think of any way to recover Kensaki's trust from my mouth alone. But even if you were the [Brave One], would you be able to persuade me somehow? I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of Tong Demo theory tongue will pop up.
"... I'm sorry about that tomorrow. Please take care of Yu-san."
"Oh, no!? You're kidding, Aozuma!"
Exile decision! You won, Hime-no-san!
"Heeeeeeeee!" Well done, Momokawa!! "
When I wave my fist and declare victory, it is Himejino who returns the guts pose.
"Hah, Momokawa-kun, that's how it is."
"No, Mr. Chairman." There is no need to shy away from the pleasure of the victim's victory to the defeated perpetrator, is there? "
That's why it's our legitimate right to rejoice in the expulsion of Kensaki. Justice prevails! It is better to win!
"Hey, Kensaki, how do you feel now?" At last, Azure, you can't even shelter yourself anymore. How do you feel? "
"Enough, Momokawa!" How far can you fool people? "
"Eh, what are you hearing? Can you talk to Sakura-chan after she's kicked by Kensaki?"
"Stop it, Momokawa. Let go of the cherry blossoms."
"It can't be helped, Kensaki bashing is infinite, so I'm going to give up around here today." We need to move on. "
In the meantime, let's settle the issue for now.
Too much incitement, and accidentally killing each other will ruin the arrangement of the corners. Takeovers are important. I'm familiar with takeovers.
Well then, Kodori Yu and Kensaki will promise to let you escape at the Heavenly Sending Gate, right, Aoi Sha-kun?
"Oh, that's fine. It won't be possible to clear up your suspicions or get your forgiveness tomorrow while you're in this dungeon."
"Why... why are you saying that?!" Hee, it's terrible, little birdie, even though I didn't do anything wrong... fuuuuuuuuuuuu...... "
Here, the usual cry of bird play comes in. Really, at the perfect time, you're going to start crying. If you're not aiming, it's a really bad time.
I have a little respect for your acting skills. That level of crying is unlikely to be imitated.
"I'm sorry, Yutaka-san... this is the only way to keep you safe."
"Ughhhh! Nooo, this is not happening!"
"Is this permissible... riding in Momokawa's mouth is crazy!"
"Tomorrow, I'll admit I'm sorry." We can't help it, we've lost everyone's trust in our class... we can't take it back anymore... "
But! This is the kind of thing that's allowed to happen!
"Tomorrow, Yutaka-san, that's enough." Don't worry about it. If we can get the two of us out of this dangerous dungeon first, that's fine. We'll take care of the rest. "
”Fuuuuuhn, Azure True!”
"Ku, Azure..."
And then, tomorrow, when they finally succumbed with tears, both of them gently hugged Aoi Sha-kun. Hmm, only true handsome men are allowed to act.
"Hey, you can't wait till this stops crying?"
"Please, Momokawa-kun." Just give him a little more time. "
I can't help it.
Kotaro-kun, would you like some honey and lemon?
While drinking a drink with the characteristics of Mei-chan, I often chat with her. Mmm, these honey lemons are so cold! After all, the ice attribute of the chairman is excellent.
While relaxing like that, I decided to wait for their farce to end. [M]
After all, even if Bird Games were to leave out the mastermind, I was discussing the specific plan of how the class would act from now on, but suddenly I cried out, "I am sad! You're hurting!" Even if your feelings are expressed, it has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion.
We don't need feelings, we need ideas to solve problems. If you think a woman's tears will work for me, you're wrong. Double the bust size and come back later.
So, is it time to continue the conversation, Aoi-jin-kun?
"... oh, let's hear it"
Aoi Sha-kun comes back to me again, besides Kensaki, who is still doing his best to play mesometho, and the little birds that stick together.
That's why you don't have to stare so much. I decided to let the mastermind woman and the violent woman live even if they were merciful.
"The escape frame is now filled with two people." By the way, who is the third person? "
"It's you. I'm sure the cherry blossoms will be eliminated on this occasion."
"Sakura-chan, I'm in trouble!" Oniichan is naming you and banishing Sakura-chan!! "
Ahahah, Sakura-chan's reactions still live up to expectations.
"Don't play with me, move on."
It's okay, you made me play with the cherry blossoms a little bit.
"There is a limit, right?" If she pulls the bow, the class will be closed. "
"Yes, yes, but I'm really curious about who Aozuma will choose as the third person in this situation."
"If I had the right to choose, I wouldn't choose a third person."
Seriously? That's a waste.
"Then who do you choose?"
I don't know if I can answer right away. I'm pretty worried too. Should I or should I not choose the third person? Aoi Zhenkun's decision not to select the third person was not so bad either.
But after much reflection, I chose the third person.
"It's Hime-no-san. She's the third one to escape."
No surprises, no objections, nothing. Everyone's reaction is quiet.
Of course, right? I'm explaining everything to everyone for this final class meeting. [M] I don't know. There were only three siblings, Aoi Makoto and Kensaki.
Because now there are only three of my rival factions.
"Can I ask you why?"
"Do you need it? Because Hime-no-san is the weakest." As a girl who is weaker than Toranaga, I have to protect her first... perhaps she didn't care at all? "
You're a picture star!?
I think it's a good place to give a little more excuse.
Hime-no, I'm not familiar with anything... I don't know, treating a skunk like this... no, not even Hime-no is a skunk, but there's a normal face deviation value. Just because something else is too high level.
In other words, Hime-no is definitely not a scum, but a relative scum.
Momokawa-kun, I'm going to shoot [Koharu (Luxe Sagita)].
"Well, I didn't say anything."
Instead, you should resent Aoi Jin-kun who didn't say anything. It's wrong to resent me. [M]
"Indeed, Hime-no-san is not strong." However, you've done your best to do what you can, and you've done a lot of hard work in your training. "
That's right, I've been tortured!
"My entrance workshop is an excellent white company with perfect benefits, but it's a terrible argument. Why, why do you say such a terrible thing, huh!"
Damn, I'm just not able to perform well enough. Aojin-kun's gaze was all over her.
Azure-kun was so hard on laughing, that he would not tolerate monsters that were not alike.
"I think she's done her best for the class. There is a suspicion that she is a dependent [Succubus]...... but I don't think she should be banished just because of that suspicion, so I tried to do so."
Well, I wouldn't blame you there. In the end, the bad thing was Kensaki Dashi, who kicked it short-circuited.
I've heard your testimony that Aoi Makoto didn't tell me to kick you out right away, even in the case of a lewd demon barreling from Himejino.
But you decided it was safer to get her out of here before you took her with you.
"Well, that's right." I don't want to lose my precious manpower, but I can't replace it with life after all. "
This is to convince Aozuma-kun.
The reason why I chose Hime-no as the third person. [M] That's because she's a [hooker].
Of course it is not because it is suspicious or because it is banished. On the contrary, I had the best chance of harnessing the power of the Succubus before I escaped.
The original plan was for a three-man rescue team consisting of Tendo-kun, Sakura-chan, Shimokawa, and the others. But bird games ruined it by betraying it. Tendo-kun and Shimokawa were both sent off to somewhere and are missing.
Sending Sakura-chan to the kingdom is only possible because there is a strongest stopper called Tendo-kun, and I won't entrust him with the big role of rescue.
So, this is a big change of policy. Two of the escape frames were to be spent on the exile frames of Kodori and Kensaki, but in the last frame, I would like to send the most anticipated rescue personnel against us.
That said, I can't send the main ranks like Mei-chan and Aozuma-kun, nor can I let go of the precious role of Brain like the Chairman. I didn't want to send someone with a vocation suitable for fighting because I was banished from Kensaki and even my class's total strength had dropped.
It was true that only Himejino would be left with the elimination method...... but it was also true that her [horny devil] had the highest expectations.
Vassal, there is some kind of evil scent that is different from the vocation. In view of the fact that he was a [cannibal], there is no doubt that his family is comparable to or more powerful than his vocation.
However, it is obviously strange that Himejino has so much light magic and the basis of the alchemy I managed to use. However, my ability as a [Succubus] did not blossom.
Well then, to strengthen the ability of the [Succubus], how can I raise my skill level?
It's settled, it's the only sex I have.
I didn't call Date a [Succubus]. That's right, I think it belongs to Nanbo, who directly absorbs the vitality across the man.
In fact, the three initial abilities of the [Homo sapiens] that Himino grew up with were all abilities to solicit men. And she used this to first incorporate Nakajima, then the upper, middle, and lower trio, and then Yamada and one man after another -- what a pitiful conclusion that she lost her position to Reina, a real natural beauty. I'm sorry, I laughed a little.
However, thanks to that, it has not been possible to acquire horny demonic abilities that would confuse the man without any questions.
If it had come to that, the class would have been more rough, and worst of all, it might have had to deal with Hime-no before playing Kodori. As a member of the same family, you lose your reason as a person like a sidewalk, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't run rampant.
Anyway, it's an absolute taboo to get rough with heterosexual relationships in a small community called the Seven Years Community, where the number of people has fallen by less than half. The danger is as explained when the romantic forbidden rule was launched.
As long as you are with us, there is no possibility that Hime-no can act as a [horny demon]. For the sake of class peace, it is absolutely unacceptable.
But why don't you go outside?
The kingdom is a feudal state ruled by a king. I hated the temple medieval fantasy world where the nobility of the royal prince was frozen back. If not, there is no doubt that the population is large enough to call itself the Kingdom. Don't you think? It would be a human shame if it wasn't developed from the Goma Kingdom, the Otherworldly.
Anyway, there are countless men in the kingdom to choose from. Pick and choose.
Yes, there are all the men in the kingdom who can get rid of [Succubus] Himejino, which is necessary for him to grow up.
In other words, what is required of Hime-no is to grow to the point of manipulating a man as a lewd devil, incorporate him into a person with power and financial power such as an aristocrat or a merchant, and form a full-fledged rescue team.
It wasn't just rescue. If Hime-no does a good job, we can already have a safe place in the kingdom we escaped from. I escaped from the Corner Dungeon, but suddenly I fell into slavery like a slave magic. I'm absolutely sorry.
Even if we end up running rampant on the sidewalks, we wouldn't be in trouble if we were to run rampant in a stranger's kingdom of other worlds?
"With that kind of help, all three escape frames have been filled up again, but let's make a decision." The three who escape at the Tenmon Gate are Yu Kodori, Kensaki, and Hime-no, and those who disagree, raise their hands. "
Oh, of course, my counterpart [two shadows] and Lem will not change.
So don't worry, everyone. Immediately after the transfer, I'll properly stab the bird with the "Deathstalker's Poison Needle".
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