This piece of spiritual field soaked in the spiritual power of Yunjin's five elements is obviously very suitable for the taste of Xuanyu ginseng seeds. Yunjin can even sense a burst of excitement from this seed.

This first step is done.

In rumors.

Eighty percent of Xuanyu ginseng seeds withered the moment they were planted.

After all, other planters are not as convenient as Yunjin. They have to find five practitioners with different attributes, maintain the absolute balance of their spiritual power, and change the environment of the spiritual field bit by bit. Even if there is a little bit in between Any mistake, a slight imbalance in spiritual power will cause the fragile ginseng seeds to shut down on the spot.

Yunjin doesn't have this trouble.

The spiritual field she created is absolutely completely balanced in terms of the five elements of spiritual power.

However, this is only the first step.

Next step.

It is germination.

The most common method is to use Xiaoyunyu Technique.

However, the seeds of Xuanyu ginseng are extremely delicate and have very strict requirements on the amount and duration of rain. And every seed is different.

Yun Jin tried to use his mental power to further communicate with the ginseng seeds.

With Shen Yanye's help, her mental strength has now greatly increased, and after careful sensing, she can vaguely feel it.

Relying on this sense, Yun Jin tried to use the Xiaoyunyu Technique.

The rainwater containing spiritual power fell, and the seeds greedily absorbed the rainwater.

Yunjin controls the amount and duration of falling rain according to the seeds' ideas.

About two hours later.

The seed of Xuanyu Ginseng slowly sprouted a small bud.

In the second step, germination was also successful.

The next step is to give birth.

This process of giving birth will take a long time. The hardest part is that Xuanyu ginseng emits a different smell, which is particularly attractive to insects.

When the time comes, the overwhelming swarm of insects will probably be even bigger than the scene during the last competition.

That’s all.

The seeds of Xuanyu Ginseng are also very timid. If a killing insect is seen by it, it will be frightened to death.

If you don't let it see it, it will have random thoughts and torture itself to death.

It will also be dependent on the grower. The grower who planted it will only be the same grower in the future. If it discovers that its planter has taken care of other spiritual plants, it will be jealous to death!

This makes it impossible for high-quality planters who have the ability to grow it to spend a lot of time on just one kind of spiritual plant. As for low-quality planters, their abilities are not up to par.

It’s no wonder that such a delicate seed has a hard time surviving.

Even if they survive, they are basically not as old as the others.

After all, having to take care of the seed baby's emotions for such a long time is really not something ordinary people can do.

Yun Jin formed the soul golden elixir, and his mental power also increased greatly, otherwise he might not be able to survive.

Ye Cheng watched Yun Jin's step-by-step operation, his eyes shining.

His master is simply too powerful.

Xuanyu ginseng cannot be grown by ordinary planters.

After watching this time, his own implantation skills have made great progress!

Ye Cheng watched more and more intently.

The Xuanyu ginseng grew slowly for a while, and soon began to emit a peculiar fragrance.

"Ye Cheng!" Yun Jin said: "There will be various insects coming later, please be careful and don't take action!"

The urinary properties of this mysterious jade ginseng require only a single grower to take care of it.

If Ye Cheng takes action, or accidentally makes the scene a little bloody, it will shut down and wither for her to see on the spot.

Ye Cheng quickly agreed.

He stood far away, leaving Yun Jin room to perform.


In the spiritual field, all kinds of insects were swarming over.

The little buds of Xuanyu Ginseng were obviously in a panic. Its leaves were dancing wildly, as if they were about to fall off at any time.

Yun Jin took action immediately.

After her insect-killing finger was upgraded to the third level, her abilities in all aspects were improved.

Killing these bugs is easy.

But when Yun Jin finished his work, he turned around and saw that the leaves of the mysterious jade ginseng had turned yellow.

Yun Jin hurriedly used the Xiao Yun Yu technique to save it. But it's no use.

Xiaoya soon lost her spirituality.

Yun Jin couldn't help but became speechless.

She glanced at the panel, and now that she had accumulated a few more times, she couldn't help but ask the system: "What's the reason for the withering of Xuanyu ginseng?"

The system collected the number of times, and Jinjinyeye gave the answer: "The sound was too loud, it scared it."

What a loud voice!

Yun Jin almost went crazy.

When she uses her insect-killing finger, there must be some sound.

How else can this be done?

Set up a silent barrier for Xuanyu Ginseng alone?

Then will it scare itself to death again because it is too quiet?

It is estimated that she still has to find a balance in the middle.

Yun Jin looked at the remaining two seeds and took a slight breath.

There are two chances left.

It will definitely work!

Once again she planted a seed.

Everything went smoothly and the previous steps were quickly reached.

When the black swarm of insects rushed over, Yun Jin immediately devoted part of his mental power to appease Xuanyu Ginseng, and then tried his best to kill accurately while reducing the sound caused by the spell.

Thanks to the two-pronged approach, this time Xuanyu Ginseng steadily withstood the first wave.

It's just that this kind of seeds is like Tang Monk's meat. There will always be bugs coming over in a steady stream, and some bugs are very good at hiding.

Yun Jin's mental power scanned this spiritual field anytime and anywhere. If there was a problem, he had to immediately appease Xuanyu Ginseng. In the meantime, he really didn't dare to relax for even a moment.

And she will have to continue such high-intensity planting for at least ten days.

If something goes wrong in the middle, all your previous efforts will be in vain!

This time, there can be no mistakes!

Yun Jin was concentrating, her mental power was in a highly concentrated state, and the soul golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness was also spinning, constantly replenishing her depleted mental power.

one day.

Three days.

five days.

seven days.

Xuanyu Ginseng grows step by step.

If nothing else, it will definitely work by the tenth day!

You can’t go wrong with this ginseng.

Otherwise, even if she still has the third seed, she still needs to refine the elixir, and it may not be in time!

The endless sea of ​​emptiness.

Yue Zhao is searching according to a clue.

This legendary green fruit has a huge need for water. It takes root on the island, and other spiritual plants on the island will be sucked dry by it.


The green fruit loves water, but the place where it grows is most likely a relatively deserted-looking island.

Yue Zhao has been here, searching for several days.

The man only drew a general direction. He could only explore slowly and could not find it all at once.

Yue Zhao couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

There is no news from the Second Junior Sister.

Without this green fruit, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

Yue Zhao gritted his teeth, sped up, and continued to search.

Just at this time.

Suddenly he saw an island.

Yue Zhao's eyes suddenly lit up.

This island is located in the middle of the endless sea, but there is not a single green plant on the island!

Green fruit!

It’s green fruit!

Yue Zhao quickly descended on the island.

"Hey, this island is interesting." At this moment, an old man dressed in simple clothes also arrived at the same time.

Yue Zhao suddenly shivered. There was no aura of a strong man about this old man. If it weren't for the wrong location, he would look like an ordinary old man.

But how could an ordinary old man appear in this endless sea?

That leaves only the last possibility.

The old man's cultivation far surpassed him, and he even reached the state of returning to nature!

What a terrifying cultivation level that must be! (End of chapter)

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