Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 216: The fifth holy place? Why not!

 But Ye Danxia still doesn't understand.

Since Yun Jin won and Lin Ya also won, it should be Tianjian Peak who has the upper hand now.

How come Master can release himself?

Also, what does the nine-ringed star mean that day?

But after she asked two questions in a row, the master's mood was obviously a little bad. Ye Danxia didn't dare to ask more questions for a while. She just thought that she would observe slowly later and she would always be able to see some clues.

After taking Ye Danxia down the mountain, Zhao Wuji made arrangements within the entire sect.

He avoided Tianjian Peak and gave orders to all other peaks.

Be sure to receive Lin Xiao with the highest standards.

The entire Tianxing Sect became busy instantly.

Tianjian Peak.

Lin Ya went out specifically to investigate, and when he came back, he looked a little shocked.

He hurriedly went to find Ji Wusi and others, "Several seniors, Zhao Wuji seemed to have given orders, saying that Lin Xiao, the head of Qingxiao Pavilion, was coming soon, and asked everyone to be prepared to welcome him. He did not inform us of Tianjian Peak. , let’s go and greet him later, shall we?”

Lin Ya felt a little uneasy now.

Logically speaking, he must go to greet such a big shot.

But Lin Ya was a bit naive and not really stupid.

Now for Tianjianfeng, these few people in front of them are the real thighs. Lin Xiao coming here is a good thing for Zhao Wuji, but it is definitely not for him!

Whether you want to talk to Lin Xiao or not depends on what these big guys say!

What they say, do what you do!

Lin Ya knew very well that when it comes to hugging someone's thigh, if you hold on to one side correctly, you must not let go easily. Otherwise, there will definitely be problems on both sides.

"You are quite clever." Qingyun smiled: "Lin Xiao is here as soon as he comes. We would be giving him too much face by going to greet him in person. Just wait here and he will come to us on his own."

Qingyun said calmly.

Ji Wusi, who was beside him, even snorted coldly.

Liuli sat at a certain distance from the two of them, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Lin Ya hadn't understood it yet. Yue Zhao was observing the words and expressions beside him, but he had already figured it out.

There seems to be a little bit of disagreement between Ji Wusi, the head of Kunlun Sword Sect, and Lin Xiao, the head of Qingxiao Pavilion.

As for Qingyun, he should be an old acquaintance of Ji Wusi. He and Lin Xiao don't seem to have any direct conflict, but personally, he should be biased towards Ji Wusi.

Liuli seemed to have no friendship with either of them and acted relatively neutral.

Among the grievances between these big figures, Yue Zhao seemed to be able to see a little bit of the situation between the four holy places.

The attitude of the leader of a religion, to a large extent, also represents the attitude of the Holy Land itself.

Kunlun Sword Sect and Qingxiao Pavilion are probably at odds for some reasons.

Qingyun's bias is more like a personal stance, and the Xuandan Sect itself should have no consequences.

Therefore, Xuan Dan Sect and Beast Control Sect should be relatively neutral in this conflict.

Yue Zhao suddenly showed a thoughtful expression.

Among the four holy places.

The area they were in was under the jurisdiction of Qingxiao Pavilion.

Whether the sects in this area want to upgrade or lower their level, the decision is made by Qingxiao Pavilion. Previously, the major peak masters did not dare to confront Zhao Wuji, mainly because of this.

With Zhao Wuji's background, no matter what he did, his position as head of the clan would be secure, because it was Qingxiao Pavilion that decided everything.

The arrival of Ji Wusi and others was an accident, not the norm.

Originally, after they left, Tianxing Sect was afraid that they would still suffer revenge from Qingxiao Pavilion.

But looking at Ji Wusi's attitude now, it seems that he already knew that Lin Xiao would come, and was waiting for him to come!

Ji Wusi must face Lin Xiao!

However, I don’t know what kind of impact the confrontation between these two people will have on Tianxing Sect!

These thoughts flashed through my mind.

Yue Zhao lowered his head and did not show it.

Liuli, who had the strongest mental power, glanced vaguely at Yue Zhao.

This seems to be the top disciple of Tianjian Peak, right?

Are the mental fluctuations very active?

But Liuli just glanced at it casually and had no intention of going into details.

In this world of immortality, no one has a few secrets. If she had to explore every one of them, she would be too tired.

Just when a few people were chatting.


A deep voice sounded in the sky.

"The head of Qingxiao Pavilion has arrived, where are the people from Tianxing Sect?"

Ji Wusi sneered and said sarcastically: "I'm not very capable, but my ostentation is quite big."

Qingyun and Liuli just smiled and said nothing.

The sound just sounded.

A bell rang. This is the sound of the Tianxing Bell.

At first, Lin Ya just listened casually.

After all, it was a distinguished guest arriving, so it was normal for the Tianxing Bell to be dispatched.

Soon, the Tianxing bell had rang six times. Basically, it should stop here.

But soon.

The Star Bell rang its seventh tone.

Lin Ya's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

For the three Supreme Elders, the six rings of the stars were completely within their tolerance and would not have much impact on them.

But the seven rings...even though it was just one more ring, they had to pay some price.

Then, there were eight rings.

Lin Ya stood up suddenly.

After the eight stars rang, greenery began to spread, and many spiritual plants suddenly grew on Tianjian Peak.

Some trees even produced centuries-old spiritual fruits in an instant.

But it's not over yet.

next moment.

Nine stars ring!

The whole world seemed to be shaken.

Then, the spiritual power became turbulent, the flowers began to bloom, and the mysterious fragrance filled the entire Tianxing Sect.

Lin Ya's face suddenly became very ugly.

Nine stars ring!

In the next few years, the three supreme elders may have to retreat to practice in order to regain some vitality!

The price was so high, Lin Ya would never believe that they voluntarily rang the Star Bell.

Zhao Wuji!

It must be him!

And the reason why he was so confident this time was because of the people coming from Qingxiao Pavilion!

Lin Ya couldn't help but clenched his fist.

Holy place!

Holy place!

For ordinary sects, these four holy places are nothing more than dimensionality reduction strikes.

The head of Qingxiao Pavilion only needs one word, let alone the Nine Rings of Heavenly Stars, even if they want to die, they have to die.

at the moment.

He and Tianjianfeng were only able to be so stable because of the protection of Ji Wusi and others.

But what if they weren't there?

The four holy places.

The people of the Holy Land, really only the people of the Holy Land can deal with it.

Those people outside are just ants.

Lin Ya felt a hint of unwillingness in his heart, but it could only be that he was unwilling.

What can he do?

Yun Jin was quietly listening to the nine rings of stars in the sky. She suddenly looked at the sky where colorful clouds were condensed, and a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

The head of Qingxiao Pavilion only came here once, and that was to give Tianxing Sect great face, so they would do everything they could to welcome him.


This is Tianxing Sect.

It’s not Zhao Wuji’s Tianxing Sect, it’s not Qingxiao Pavilion’s Tianxing Sect, this is just the Tianxing Sect.

Can the Four Holy Lands really be so aloof forever?

Yunjin dares to think more than Linya.

At this moment, she had an ambition.

Who said there can only be four holy places?

Maybe in the future, a fifth holy land will appear!

If this holy land is called Tianxing Sect, it should be pretty good, right?

High in the sky, Lin Xiao stepped on the colorful clouds and slowly landed. Behind him, Zhao Ling followed like a dog. In addition to the two of them, there were actually more than a dozen people following them. Judging from the costumes, they were not from Qingxiao Pavilion. It seemed that Lin Xiao had specially called people from other sects.

My dear friends, this chapter determines the next route of the female goose. She will stay in the Tianxing Sect, and will take over as the leader in the future, and then lead the Tianxing Sect to become the fifth Holy Land.

Naturally, we will not join any of the four holy places. We have to build a holy place ourselves!

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