Chapter 233 Three Directions

“Medium Xuan level skill: Blood Qi Jue. Simplification direction 1: Taking blood can further increase the speed of practice. Side effects: Taking too much blood will lead to bloodlust.”

Yun Jin frowned.

This simplification direction 1 is to transform Blood Qi Jue from an ordinary evil practice into a more evil evil practice.

The original technique only had a side effect of sucking blood. After being simplified, sucking blood can directly increase the cultivation level. And if you **** too much blood, you will become a bloodthirsty demon. Those in the evil way must be very interested in this simplified direction, but Yun Jin immediately ruled out this direction.

"Simplified direction 2: Use your own blood as the basis of cultivation, your body as a furnace, and blood as medicine. To refine the blood, all the blood in your body can be used for your own use. Side effects: The cultivation method requires frequent use of your own blood for attacks. The practitioner It is necessary to replenish blood all year round, otherwise, it is easy to become anemic.”

Yun Jin was stunned for a moment when he saw the word "prone to anemia".

This system has suddenly become a bit skinny?

In this simplified direction, Gu Jinghong himself would be the one having the trouble. This blood method should be very powerful, but all skills require blood. If Gu Jinghong practices this method, he may have to take various blood-enhancing medicinal materials all year round.

A bit of a waste of spirit stones!


With Ye Cheng here, it is not impossible to grow a batch of blood-enhancing medicinal materials.

This direction, spare.

Yun Jin looked in the simplified direction 3.

"Simplified direction 3: The method of **** battle. Turn the desire for blood into the desire to fight. You need to be in the battle frequently and keep fighting to keep your mind clear. Note: The blood state and combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. "

This direction…

Yun Jin couldn't help but think.

Since she accepted Gu Jinghong, she would definitely use it.

In the future, she will build Tianxing Sect into a holy place, but she doesn't know how much emotional value it will cost.

Gu Jinghong is her servant, and Yun Jin can also get the emotional points he earns.

If Gu Jinghong is allowed to go out to fight all the time, it should be able to provide her with a lot of emotional value.

But here's the thing.

Once there is a thirst for blood, fight immediately.

Although it is said that it can keep one's mind clear.

But after years of fighting, even if there are no side effects of blood energy, the excitement and passion brought by the fighting itself will turn a normal person into a victorious person.

If you have a very good character and strong control, this **** battle method is quite good.

But if it was Gu Jinghong...

Yun Jin couldn't rest assured for the time being.

on the ground.

Gu Jinghong bit his lip and dug into the ground to prevent himself from making any sound.

Yun Jin glanced down at him and said slowly: "I have made some changes based on the Blood Qi Art. You can learn this modified technique."

Yun Jin did not hesitate and chose the second direction of simplification.

She could afford the blood-replenishing medicinal materials. This blood method seemed to have low combat effectiveness, so it should be of some use to Gu Jinghong.

Moreover, choosing the second simplification direction does not mean that you cannot take the third simplification direction.

It's just a matter of spending some more simplified values.

She needed to observe Gu Jinghong for a longer period of time first. If she was sure that he could control his desire to fight, she might not be able to pass on this **** battle method to him.

"Yes." Gu Jinghong sat up with some difficulty.

Yun Jin stretched out her finger and tapped Gu Jinghong's forehead casually.

The blood method suddenly turned into a huge flow of information and entered Gu Jinghong's mind.

Gu Jinghong couldn't help but trembled.

This method...

Born out of the Blood and Qi Art, it completely avoids the original flaws of the Blood and Qi Art.

He actually improved this evil technique into an upright blood training method.

Gu Jinghong's body was shaking uncontrollably.

This method must have been customized by the master for him.

He knew that his master had the ability to improve and create techniques on his own, but it would not be easy to change an evil technique like this!

Master, I am afraid he has been pondering this set of exercises over the past few months.

To know. The master had to prepare for the whole sect meeting before, but she was actually willing to waste time on a slave like herself.

Gu Jinghong's eyes filled with tears for a moment.

Yun Jin looked at Gu Jinghong who suddenly burst into tears: "???"

Gu Jinghong opened his eyes, his eyes red: "Master, please worry. I...I am not worthy of Master's worry."

Gu Jinghong was so moved that he looked like this.

Yun Jin reacted, feeling slightly guilty.


In terms of effort, just pressing a button and choosing a direction doesn't seem to be that troublesome.

Moreover, Gu Jinghong also earned her a lot of emotional points. It is not an exaggeration to say that these simplification times were earned by Gu Jinghong himself.


Yun Jin quickly calmed down.

Are you grateful?


That's right!

"Just remember." Yun Jin said lightly.

Gu Jinghong said with great solemnity: "Life and death, I will never forget it."

Yun Jinyun waved his hand lightly: "Okay, go and practice it yourself. After I improve this blood energy technique, although it won't be a waste of energy, it will take a certain amount of time to convert the spiritual power. I'll give it to you On the 10th, all conversions are completed.”

"Yes!" Gu Jinghong stood up with strength.

He stumbled back to his room and began practicing in seclusion.

The master worked so hard for him.

He must not let his master down.

When the transformation is completed, Gu Jinghong will definitely become the sharpest knife in his master's hand.

In the future, anyone who wants to harm the master will have to step over his body!

Yun Jin casually added a barrier to Gu Jinghong's room, and then slowly returned to the room.

"Master, is the bad guy okay?" Gungun couldn't help but ask.

It was said to be a bad guy, but there was a slightly tangled look of concern on its face.

After all, it has been spending time with Gu Jinghong day and night during this period, and it has some feelings for it.

Yun Jin touched Gungun's head: "Nothing happened. Gungun, he has been in seclusion for a few days. After he comes out, his strength should be greatly increased."

Upon hearing this, Gungun became anxious again: "Master is partial! I just saw that the master secretly taught him some method, why didn't he teach Gungun!"

Gungun said, howling and rolling on the ground.

"Master doesn't like me anymore, I'm an unwanted child."

"Gun Gun's life is so miserable, he might as well go back to the Spirit Beast Pavilion."

"I can't live this life anymore, I can't live anymore."

Gungun was crying like a wolf, and Huanhuan was looking at it with a confused look on his face.

Previously, when the owner went out, Gungun patted his chest and said that he was the most favored in front of his owner. From now on, when he came to protect him, Gungun also taught him a lot of tricks to manipulate his owner in a serious manner.



The phantom fox cat looked at Gungun rolling around and realized.

It turns out that this is the legendary skill of controlling the master.

Yun Jin looked at Gun Gun rolling around and took a sip of tea. "Originally, I have a beast master skill that I wanted to test. I should have started with Dabao, since Dabao seemed very dissatisfied. Second treasure, come on. , let’s try it first.”


Second treasure?

A strange title, but very vivid.

The phantom fox cat understood instantly. It nodded obediently and jumped into Yun Jin's arms.


Master’s beastmaster skills?

Gungun jumped up and rushed to Yun Jin with a flattering look on his face: "Master, I, I, I, I am your favorite Dabao, start with me, start with me."

(End of chapter)

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