This is the very center of the capital.

Originally, there was an exquisite bronze statue standing here.

That is the statue of Master Yunxiao, the founder of Qingxiao Pavilion.

Now, the statue has been toppled.

In its place is a plaque with the names of those who died this time.

On the plaque, names are engraved densely.

these names.

The name engraved coldly on the tombstone probably didn't have any strange phenomena when he was born, and he didn't encounter any strange encounters when he grew up.

God never seems to show mercy. They need to work very hard to live the most ordinary life.


They died quietly in one night.

These people are dead and have no impact on the world.

The blood Taoist even asked her in shock, "Just for these mortals, do you want to chase him for three thousand miles?"

These are the most ordinary beings in this world. At this moment, they can no longer speak for themselves and have become a line of small black characters on their tombstones.

Yun Jin didn't speak. She started reading from the beginning, one name after another.

She reads quickly and remembers things well.

This time the turmoil.

A total of 124,523 people were killed or wounded. Everyone's names are engraved on it, and they are all engraved in Yun Jin's heart.

These names will remind her constantly.

She is far from strong enough.

Even though everyone is amazed by her, she should know that she is not strong enough.

The 16-year-old combined stage, the 16-year-old master of the avenue, sounds very powerful indeed.


No enemy will show mercy to you just because you are young.

Now, she is still far, far away from that peak position.

When traveling through countless small worlds.

Almost every world in Yunjin is struggling between life and death.

At that time.

she told herself.

When she finally breaks away from her status as a missionary, she wants to live freely.

But these four words are easy to say, but how difficult to do them.

Without the unrivaled strength in the world, there is no freedom or comfort.

To achieve great freedom, you must first become the most powerful person.

Only in this way can regrets be prevented from happening again.

Yun Jin calmly placed the blood Taoist's head in front of the tombstone.

This time, that's all she can do.

She couldn't change the regret that had happened, so she could only use the culprit's head as a memorial.

The moment when the head is lowered.

In the capital, everyone sang an elegy softly.

Sad music is flowing gently in the capital.

Yun Jin sang along softly, with a calm face and she didn't know what she was thinking.

End of elegy.

The blood Taoist's head suffered the most painful torture.

Some people burned them with fire, while others stepped on them with their feet. Qin Ping allowed everyone to vent their anger.

Yun Jin just watched quietly without any obstruction.

The anger of these people needs an outlet.

The head of a blood Taoist is the best tool.

"Sect Master Yun." Among the angry crowd, Gao Jingxuan walked to Yun Jin's side with some difficulty.

Yun Jin looked at him and showed a long-lost smile: "Your injury looks almost healed."

Gao Jingxuan scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "The elixir left by the sect master is very useful. Now he is indeed recovering."

Yun Jin also nodded.

Gao Jingxuan looked at Yun Jin and hesitated to speak.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Gao Jingxuan was a little confused, and after a long while he whispered: "Sect Master Yun, you said that when you come back, you have something to ask me about."

Gao Jingxuan had been excited for a while because of Yun Jin's words. Now, Yun Jin is finally back.

He wanted to ask, but was also afraid.

What if Sect Leader Yun just said it casually, but he was the only one who took it seriously?

Yun Jin looked at Gao Jingxuan's nervous look, with a smile on her face. She looked at Gao Jingxuan: "I do have something to ask you. But are you sure you want me to tell you here?"

Gao Jingxuan's eyes lit up. He seemed to be afraid that Yun Jin would run away, so he hurriedly said: "Jingxuan has nothing to say to others. Sect master, feel free to speak out."

Gao Jingxuan felt that he was aboveboard and there was nothing that others could not know.

Yun Jin nodded and said, "Okay. Although I am young, I have a big disciple under my name."

Gao Jingxuan looked envious when he heard this.

Sect Leader Yun’s eldest disciple...

How amazing and stunning that is.

Yun Jin continued: "So, I plan to accept a second disciple now."

Second disciple…

Gao Jingxuan frowned and started thinking.

Sect Leader Yun is so amazing and talented, and her disciples must not be inferior.

Who could it be?

"Do you know what I want to tell you?" Yun Jin asked.

Gao Jingxuan nodded: "I know."

Yun Jin was a little surprised: "Oh?"

Gao Jingxuan smiled slightly: "Since the sect master wants to accept disciples, then what the sect master wants to say is ready to come out."

Yun Jin looked at him expectantly.

If Gao Jingxuan could understand it by himself, there would be no need for her to say this.

Gao Jingxuan said seriously: "The sect leader must want to ask me to help you find a suitable disciple! Don't worry, sect leader Yun, I still have some connections in Canglan Kingdom. I will try my best to help you find whatever disciple the sect leader wants." The master found it.”

Gao Jingxuan said, his back straightened a little.

It was his greatest honor to be able to help Sect Master Yun.

Yun Jin looked at him speechlessly for a while, and said expressionlessly: "If I want to ask someone to help me find a disciple, why don't I ask Qin Ping? His network should be wider than yours."

Gao Jingxuan was stunned.



Yun Jin could only say: "If you are willing, you can be my second disciple. If you are not willing, just pretend that I have never said this."

Innate five spiritual roots.

The character is not bad either.

It seems that he is still the reincarnation of some powerful person from his previous life.

The luck is quite amazing.

This disciple.

You will definitely not lose money if you take it.


Gao Jingxuan burned his soul this time, revealing his identity as the reincarnation of a great power. The image must have been spread out now. Anyone who sees this scene should be able to guess that Gao Jingxuan has extraordinary potential.

Gao Jingxuan might be able to join a good sect.

If he didn't want to be his apprentice, Yun Jin wouldn't force him.

It was difficult to find a suitable disciple, but she was actually not in a hurry.

After hearing this, Gao Jingxuan just stood there and looked at Yun Jin blankly.

Yun Jin wasn't sure what he meant, so he said patiently: "You don't have to answer me right away, you can..."

next moment.

Gao Jingxuan seemed worried that Yun Jin would regret it.

He knelt down as soon as he hit the ground and kowtowed three times to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin: "????"

"Master!" Gao Jingxuan shouted directly.

No need to answer right away?


If it drags on for a while, what will happen if Sect Leader Yun regrets it?

He had always dreamed of joining the Wushuang Sect, and now he could be directly accepted as a disciple by Yun Jin.

Whoever hesitates is a fool.

Anyway, Gao Jingxuan is a smart man.

"You..." Yun Jin was a little confused.

"Master, you can't regret it so quickly, can you?" Gao Jingxuan was a little nervous.

Yun Jin was helpless: "No. From now on, you will be my second disciple. Get up." (End of Chapter)

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