Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 468: The new Tiandao protagonist?

However, Yunjin is not in a hurry. She has a single spiritual root with water attributes and an amazing affinity for water attributes. Su Lingling will soon find out which area she is more suitable for.

The people around him were also idle and bored, and Yun Jin continued to watch Su Lingling's actions.

As soon as she reached the Fire Stone area, Su Lingling tilted her head, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes.

Yun Jin guessed that she probably didn't sense anything.

This is completely normal.


She quickly went to the next area.

Yun Jin watched as Su Lingling changed areas in three seconds.

Visited five areas.

Yun Jin kindly reminded: "You can choose an area you like the most, and then you can follow the example of others in the area, sit down cross-legged, and feel it carefully."

I feel that these four words are a bit general, but other than that, there is nothing else to say.

Enlightenment depends on oneself.

At most, the sect can only provide some assistance.

Su Lingling originally looked a little confused, but when Yun Jin said her favorite element, her eyes immediately lit up.

She said crisply: "I understand."

Yun Jin couldn't help but smile.

With a single water attribute spiritual root, Su Lingling had no doubt that she could only choose...


In Yun Jin's shocked eyes.

Su Lingling walked directly to the Fire Stone area, and then sat down happily.

Yun Jin: "???????"

What's going on!

Although the relationship between enlightenment and root-bone qualifications is not particularly great, if you want to enlighten this path, you must at least be able to sense elements of this attribute!

Su Lingling, a water attribute person, wants to understand the great laws of the fire attribute?

What a shame!

Although it was a little against the rules, Yun Jin couldn't help but reach Su Lingling's ears: "Lingling, are you sure your favorite element is the element of fire?"


Someone was talking in her ear?

Su Lingling quickly recognized that it was Yun Jin's voice.

She didn't know how to respond to Yun Jin, so she could only whisper: "My sister is best at fire-attribute spells. Lingling also likes the fire element the most. It is the fire element that saves everyone."

Yun Jin: "..."

She was silent for a while and said, "That's what I said, but when you went to the other four areas, you didn't feel anything?"

Su Lingling said angrily: "The other elements are very good, but the water element is the worst, always trying to get into Lingling's body. Water and fire are incompatible. If I choose the water element, the fire element will hate me. "

Yun Jin was silent again.

As we all know, five-year-old children...are pure-bred stubborn ones.

Yun Jin wanted to try harder: "The water element keeps looking for you to play with. If you ignore it, it will be sad. How about you go to the water stone area to play?"

Su Lingling shook her head firmly: "Sister Yun, you said you should choose the element you like best. My favorite is the element of fire."

She will never forget. That day, the overwhelming redness saved everyone.

She, Su Lingling, must become such a powerful person.

Yun Jin's whole person was in bad shape.

She was wrong, really. She shouldn't have said whether she liked it or not, and she shouldn't have let Su Lingling make her own choice and just throw it to the area where the water stone was.

The current situation... can only be said to have basically announced Su Lingling's elimination.

Yun Jin sighed.

That’s all.

This child is still a little too young.

You can ask the system to leave a coordinate on her body, and then invite her to take part in the test when she grows older.

Su Lingling didn't know what Yun Jin was thinking. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate on understanding.

Someone had told him before he came.

The rule here is that everyone only has five hours of enlightenment time. After five hours, if nothing is sensed, you will be eliminated.

Although she didn't know what enlightenment meant, Su Lingling knew that she didn't want to be eliminated.

She wants to join the Wushuang Sect and become as powerful as her sister.

She can definitely do it.

Su Lingling now thinks that only the fire element is the most powerful element.

The other elements...are just bad guys who want to shake her.

Su Lingling closed her eyes tightly and felt honestly.


Let alone the great road, she couldn't even sense any elemental fluctuations.

Under normal circumstances, with the addition of the Fire Stone, even a mortal with a fire attribute spiritual root can more or less detect something.


In Su Lingling's world, there was nothing, only emptiness.

Su Lingling was very obedient. She kept her eyes closed and did not open them.

But she was also at a loss. What was she going to do now?

When Su Lingling was trying to understand, Yun Jin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

She vaguely felt the changes in the elements of the scene.

The water element that existed in the dark was working hard towards Su Lingling.

However, the existence of the Fire Stone isolates all other elements.

These water elements that wanted to get close to Su Lingling were also isolated from the outside.

But they did not give up and continued to work hard.

Yun Jin looked at it and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It is true that Su Lingling has a single water attribute spiritual root, but this only means that she can absorb the water element very quickly.

But this kind of water element actively approaching her...

Yun Jin could only think of the day when she broke through the Avenue of Fire and the Yuan elements came to pay homage to her.


Su Lingling's influence was very limited, and those who tried to get closer were only water elements in a small area nearby.

But she is still just a mortal, and can she cause such elemental fluctuations?

Yun Jin was really curious.

This little girl probably has some strange background.

She couldn't help but use her Wisdom Eyes skill.


She was almost blinded by what she saw.

Purple luck, all purple luck, even purple luck that soars to the sky.

Question marks slowly appeared next to Yun Jin's head!

Gao Jingxuan has golden luck with a little purple. This is already because he is the reincarnation of a powerful being.

But what about Su Lingling?

With all the purple luck, how unnatural should she be?

Is this another reincarnation of a powerful person?

Yun Jin thought about what happened before, and suddenly realized that Su Lingling's luck was indeed a bit too good.

When the earth shook? As soon as she was in danger, he noticed it immediately and rescued her immediately.

Later, she was trapped in the blood net, and was immediately noticed by Gao Jingxuan. Gao Jingxuan sacrificed his life to delay time, and finally she was saved.

These seem to be coincidences.

But in fact, Su Lingling's terrible luck is probably not much worse than that of the male protagonist and the female protagonist. This kind of character is similar to the protagonist of Heaven. When in danger, someone will come to rescue him. This is standard!

At this moment, Yun Jin suddenly thought of Ye Danxia's luck that had almost disappeared.

Today, Ye Danxia is no longer the protagonist of Tiandao. This identity seems to have shifted.

The current protagonist of Heavenly Dao is probably Su Lingling in front of me! (End of chapter)

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