"You people, thinking about it, you are not convinced." Yun Jin looked at these sect disciples one by one.

Some people looked directly at Yun Jin defiantly.

Some people lowered their heads to avoid it.

Only a very small number of people have a hint of guilt in their eyebrows.

Yun Jin knows.

Under the strange routine of Qingxiao Pavilion, most of the sect disciples here have become useless.

Especially the disciples of superior sects and super sects, they vaguely regard themselves as privileged disciples and feel that whatever they do is right.

This phenomenon is not serious among middle-level sects and low-level sects. This is probably because the disciples of sects with too low a level do not yet enjoy such treatment.

But in this Mingxin Hall, for hundreds of years, the flesh and blood of countless casual cultivators have been used to support these sect disciples.

They received great benefits, but what about their efforts?

There is only zero.

Perhaps they feel that they can receive such treatment because their talents are strong enough, so they should enjoy these offerings as a matter of course.

But the stronger the person, the more responsibility he should take.

these people. They only enjoyed their offerings, but there was no feedback.

Today, under the suppression of Qingxiao Pavilion, no one dares to question this phenomenon.

But if one day. Qingxiao Pavilion can no longer suppress it, or Qingxiao Pavilion can no longer suppress it?

These questions will burst out in one breath. Although these sect disciples are strong and talented, they are in the minority after all.

When the other monks can no longer tolerate this kind of treatment, this area will definitely become a **** mess.

Yun Jin suspected that all this was what Qingxiao Pavilion and Lin Xiao wanted to see.

In Yun Jin's heart, Qingxiao Pavilion and Lin Xiao were no different from the demon clan. The things they did must have been to alienate the human race.

In this regard, the sects in the Qingxiao area are particularly vulnerable.

But Yunjin still wanted to have a word with these people in the end.

If they still persist in their obsession, any consequences they may encounter in the future will be their own fault.

Yun Jin said slowly: "You people are more or less talented, so you can enter the superior sects, super sects, and even holy places. But you still feel that you are superior to others and should be supported by the people of the world."

Yun Jin said slowly.

A man with a proud look couldn't help but said: "Isn't it supposed to be like this? People with stronger talents should enjoy better treatment! In this world, the law of the jungle is inherently strong."

As soon as this man spoke, the other sect disciples couldn't help but raise their heads, a little worried and a little expectant.

Worry is. Will Yun Jin be angry with them because of this person?

What I'm looking forward to is what kind of answer Yunjin will give.

after all.

Isn't it because they work so hard to join the superior sect and super sect for this superior treatment?

Yun Jin said calmly: "So, which talent is better called talent? Thousands of years ago, the Wushuang Sect was so prosperous, but the disciples of the Wushuang Sect are not the people with amazing talents that you call them now. There are many of them, with basic qualifications, They are all just mediocre. But at that time, who dared to say that Wushuang Sect disciples were inferior to other sect disciples?

The disciple of the sect was choked, but at first the man was still dissatisfied. He couldn't help but said: "But, how many examples can there be of Wushuang Sect?"

Yun Jin looked at him steadily, with a sneer on her lips: "Okay, let's ignore the past and only talk about the present. You said that if you have a good talent, you should be supported by the whole world, because this world is a world of the jungle and the strong. .According to what you said, this Hall Master believes that all the resources in the world should be tilted towards me."

Yun Jin paused for a moment and said with a sarcastic face: "Because you so-called geniuses are also... **** in the eyes of this Hall Master."

"What do you think?" Yun Jin looked at these people with an expression that was half-smiling.

The sect disciples who were filled with indignation before were suddenly speechless.

Come to think of it, who dares to mention talent in front of Yun Jin.

Not to mention, she has actually been practicing for less than a year. Even if you include the previous 15 years, even if she started practicing in her mother's womb.

A 16-year-old in the combined stage can understand a whole avenue in one combined stage, and in one combined stage can chase the monsters killed in the Mahayana stage!

Who dares to mention talent in front of her.

Yun Jin played with a small cluster of flames on her fingertips: "If the jungle is really the strongest, can I kill you now without restraint? Huh?"

The unruly sect disciple bit his lower lip. He was still dissatisfied, but he didn't know what to say.

Yun Jin snorted coldly: "I am not telling you these things to convince you. On the contrary, I am giving you one last chance. If you want resources, you can rely on your own ability to fight and grab them, but lying down Sitting on other people's flesh and blood, that's not allowed here! It's just not allowed! The current resource allocation system is originally biased towards you sect disciples. ”

Yun Jin paused, and looked at these people meaningfully: "If you are supported by the people of the world, you must feed back to the people of the world. But what about you people? You have received all the benefits of course, and you need to eliminate demons, defend the way, and protect the common people. When I was young, I never saw your shadow. What's the use of the world's support for you? Then what's the use of your talents? In my opinion, your contribution to this world is not as good as that of others. A most ordinary mortal."

"They are living a good life with their own hands, but as for you, you are just like worms! You are worms who only take, but don't know how to give!"

Yun Jinfang didn't curse at all.

But the disdain and contempt in her tone were clearly noticed by every sect disciple.

Some of them don't care.

Some people's faces have turned red.

From the moment they join the sect, they are told that they are the proud ones of heaven and should receive the best treatment.

But now.

Yun Jin said that their contribution was not as good as that of a mortal.

They are just a bunch of worms.

They want a rebuttal.

Want to prove that they have also paid.

But after thinking about it, they couldn't think of anything at all.

Some people started to feel confused.


What have they done for this world?

It seems... nothing.

The leader, the unruly disciple, gritted his teeth and asked, "But Hall Master, our main task now is to practice, isn't it? Only by cultivating to a higher level can we better protect the common people."

Yun Jin glanced at this disciple and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

The disciple was stunned for a moment, then raised his head: "Disciple Kong Huai."

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Okay, Kong Huai, in your mind, what kind of cultivation level can you achieve to protect the common people? If your cultivation level is not high enough, what about the elders of your sect? The elders of your sect? Where are the elders? They are all in the Mahayana period, right? Have they done anything?"

Kong Huai was stunned.

in his memory.

The elders of the sect also practiced in seclusion day and night. They just consumed more resources.

As for protecting the common people...

You can tell something about the raging evil spirits in this area.

Kong Huai's face suddenly turned ugly.

Realization dawned on him.

These sect disciples... no matter what level of cultivation they have reached... it seems that they have never made any contribution to this world. (End of chapter)

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