Chapter 530 Request

Yun Jin looked indifferent, but these disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the way Yun Jin killed Zhai Ge and Shi Li before, they thought they would not escape death.

Now I can just take away all my wealth and still be able to leave this Mingxintang. This is a huge gain.

Yun Jin looked at the happy expressions of these people and just sneered slightly.

They will soon know what an important opportunity they have lost by leaving Mingxintang.

These disciples almost couldn't wait to hand over all their wealth.

Yun Jin just said calmly: "You can leave. From now on, you are no longer members of Mingxin Hall, and you are not allowed to re-enter Mingxin Hall in the future."

Will you re-enter Mingxintang in the future?

Only fools do this kind of thing.

These people agreed one after another and left impatiently.

The three Mahayana men looked at Yun Jin with some fun.

"Palace Master Yun, we thought you were going to kill them too."

Yun Jin smiled: "It is human instinct to be greedy for life and afraid of death. If they did not take the initiative to collude with the evil spirits, then they would not be guilty of death. However, they made a choice, and I can also make a choice. My choice is not to be different from such people "

The three Mahayana men were stunned for a moment, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

No wonder the alliance leader attaches so much importance to Yun Jin.

People like Yun Jin already have a complete set of principles in their hearts, and she has been practicing this set of principles.

Everyone may have a different opinion on whether this set of guidelines is right or wrong.

But for Yun Jin, other people's evaluations cannot affect her in the slightest.

An idea suddenly flashed through the minds of the three of them.

Yun Jin already has her own way of practice.

The path of spiritual practice is different from the three thousand avenues that exist in the world.

The way of spiritual practice has nothing to do with strength, only the original intention.

If you have a rock-solid heart, you will not be easily confused by the turmoil in this world, and you will be able to reach the top step by step.

The three of them looked at each other and saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes.

Even though they have lived for thousands of years, they have not yet been able to possess such a heart that has been tempered for thousands of years.

But Yun Jin, a 16-year-old girl, already has it.

this world.

There really is such a monster!

The three people were marveling when Yun Jin took them to sit down and made tea for them. After they drank tea leisurely for a while, Yun Jin blinked and said, "Seniors, I have something to ask of you. "

Several people immediately put down their teacups.

"Is it something about those sects?" One person sneered and said, "Don't worry, this is not a place where he, Lin Xiao, does all the evil. He must give an explanation for such a big mess this time. There will be many people keeping an eye on this matter, and he won’t be able to cover it up easily.”

Yun Jin nodded: "With all the seniors watching, I naturally feel relieved."

Yun Jin said, showing an embarrassed look: "This is not what I want to ask for your help."

"That is?" Several people looked a little serious.

Such an important thing is not what Yun Jin wants to ask for.

Is there anything else that they haven't seen?

Then you must listen carefully.

Yun Jin chuckled and suddenly lowered his voice: "The thing is like this. This time, I fought alone in the middle stage of the Nine Mahayana. With this record, three seniors, I ask you, are you Juezi?"

Several people were silent for a while.

What does Jue Juezi mean...

But that's not important.

From Yun Jin's sullen expression, they could still guess some meaning.


Before, they thought that Yun Jin was the kind of top person who had clearly understood his true intentions and would not be shaken even if the mountain collapsed.

but now.

Seeing the unusual look on Yun Jin's face, they could only say that sixteen years old is sixteen years old. She is indeed a bit younger!

"It is indeed very impressive." "This achievement is unprecedented, and I'm afraid there will be no one in the future."

"It will definitely be recorded in the annals of history for future generations to admire."

Several people praised him.

A child. Just talk as much as you like, it doesn't take much effort.

"Okay, okay, well said!" Yun Jin's eyes lit up and he agreed without hesitation: "I have something to say, please listen to it. If Yun Jin was not born in the sky, cultivating Taoism will last forever."

Yun Jin said with a confused expression.

Several people:"…"

The sky does not produce clouds and brocade, and cultivating the Tao forever is like a long night.

How should I put's really domineering and shocking, but...don't you think it's a bit too shameful?

But Yun Jin looked at them expectantly, and they could only nod.

"It's really good."

"Very domineering."

"It sounds so exciting."

Yun Jin immediately slapped the table: "That's right! This is the effect we want! Seniors, this sentence is the opening line of the big movie I will make next, The Legend of Yun Jin 2! Don't you also think it's very good? ?”

Big movie…

Legend of Yunjin 2…

What the **** is this!

Yun Jin was already talking eloquently: "I plan to find someone to edit it, add some causes and consequences to this battle, and make it into a complete story. With a script written by me myself, this movie will definitely be a hit! I want to make it a complete story. My name, Yunjin, spreads throughout the world!”

Several people continued to be silent.

They vaguely understand what movies are.

However, the monks have been immersed in hard work. For thousands of years, they have never seen such a conspicuous package as Yunjin!

"As for the movie, I plan to reshoot some of the scenes before and after. Can some of my seniors be kind enough to star in it? By then, these seniors will be able to become famous all over the world with me!" Yun Jin looked at them expectantly.

This time's big movie doesn't have enough material. Just the fights will easily make the audience confused.

Yun Jin plans to reshoot some of the causes and consequences, and must complete the story line.

Yun Jin firmly believes that special effects are not the most important thing. The most important thing for a movie is to tell a good story.

This is Yun Jin, a filmmaker’s persistence.

Several people looked at each other.

Do you want them to help with the filming?

This memory stone can preserve the impact of events that occurred in reality.

Usually, it is used as evidence.

Playing like Yunjin, this is the first time in the world.

"Seniors, is this your acquiescence?" Yun Jin watched helplessly.

Several people found it difficult to refuse her, so they could only agree.

Seeing this, Yun Jin suddenly smiled brightly.

"Seniors, don't worry. Once this movie comes out, these seniors will definitely become famous! By the way, do you want me to help you think of some cool lines for your appearance?"

Several people shook their heads wildly.

"No, no need!!"

It's shameful enough for them to take pictures. If they still read such lines, it's better to let them die.

Yun Jin suddenly showed a regretful expression.

Why did you reject it so quickly?

There are actually quite a few of her classic lines here.

"Master Yun, how are you going to shoot We can't delay it too long." One person couldn't help but say.

"Someone will be here to help us shoot soon!" Yun Jin said quickly: "We can complete the shooting in one day at most, and we will not waste the time of the seniors."

Several people could only respond.

Yun Jin arranged for them to rest for a day at Mingxintang.

On the second day, as expected, someone came.

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