Chapter 534 Request

That day at Luoyun Mountain, the key point she realized was pity.

This is far away from her true heart.

She had some vague feelings that day.

That night, this feeling finally became clear.

It is also the path of the wood attribute. Some people understand the true meaning of protection, some people understand compassion, and some people even go in the direction of aggression and understand the true meaning of self-protection or counterattack.

But Yunjin knew herself.

It is impossible for her to protect all sentient beings and show compassion to all sentient beings without any regrets. She cannot have such a compassionate heart.

But completely focusing on self-protection or counterattack is not what she really wants.

What she wants is symbiosis.

I will treat others as others treat me.

Laoshu was slightly in a trance listening to Yun Jin's explanation.

The wood-attributed path can be used for good or evil.

Some clues can be seen from the true meaning comprehended by the master of the avenue.

Ke Yunjin.

She's certainly not evil, but she doesn't seem to be purely good either.

She falls into the...middle camp?

Laoshu looked at Yunjin quietly for a while, then suddenly smiled.

This little girl said that she would only pity all living beings if they wanted to pity her.

But in fact.

With great ability comes greater responsibility.

In many cases, she was the one who did it in advance and paid in advance.

If you show mercy to all living beings, all living beings will surely live up to your will.

The old tree said warmly: "You are better than I imagined."

Yun Jin nodded: "Of course."

Laoshu: "Can't you be a little more modest?"

Yun Jin was a little distressed: "An average genius can still be humble. For a genius of my level, if I were humble, you would think I was hypocritical."

The old tree was immediately choked.

When Yun Jin said this, he was speechless!

The old tree calmed down a bit and then said: "Now that you have taken control of the wood-attribute avenue, I have something to plead with you."

Yun Jin nodded: "Senior, just say it."

"That's it. I have a secret technique that can help you awaken the beast-controlling space and make you a beast-controller." After saying that, Laoshu paused for a moment, waiting for Yunjin to digest this huge surprise.

Yun Jin was really surprised.

She looked at the old tree and said nothing for a while.

The old tree was also very pleased for a moment.

Look, he was really shocked.

Yun Jin had shocked him for so long, and it was time to shock Yun Jin.

Yun Jin looked at him for a while with an expression that Lao Shu couldn't understand, and then she suddenly waved her hand.

On the lawn, an egg, a fox cat, and a panda suddenly appeared...

The old tree was confused.

His lips trembled slightly.

Yun Jin, she is already a beast master? !

Gungun and Huanhuan seldom came out to play, so they habitually rolled their **** and played with them.

"Eighty hits in a row..." Yun Jin muttered.

"What did you say?" Laoshu glanced at her subconsciously.

Yun Jin blinked: "I mean, thank you for your kindness, senior, but now I am a beast master." Laoshu said in a daze: "I can see it..."

"Does Senior have anything else to do?" Yun Jin asked.

The old tree struggled for a while and then suddenly said: "Girl, there is a strong fire attribute in your egg. The spiritual beast inside the egg is quite extraordinary."

"It's a super spiritual beast, a giant lava dragon." Yun Jin said.

The old tree said: "I also have a secret method that can use the breath of life to give birth to this giant lava dragon. Not only does this kind of birth have no harm, but it will allow him to have a majestic breath of life when he is born. With the blessing of the breath of life, Maybe it will allow him to evolve to a certain extent."

Breath of life?

Yun Jin's eyes suddenly moved.

The fighting power of this giant lava dragon clan is amazing. The only flaw is that they fall asleep at every turn.

In a sense, this is because their life energy is not enough to carry such a powerful force, so they need to rely on sleep to restore their strength.

If it can be replenished before hatching, the life breath will be replenished.

Is it possible that she hatched the first flawless lava dragon?

Dandan seemed to sense something, and jumped up to the old tree, bowing and babbling, as if he was pleading for something.

The old tree sighed with emotion: "This egg has amazing spirituality. If it has the addition of my secret method, it will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future."

The old tree's secret method is naturally a good thing for Dandan.

Yun Jin did not agree immediately. She just said sincerely: "Senior, I thought we were already friends."

The old tree was stunned for a moment, and its branches swayed: "Of course."

"Since we are friends, senior has something to ask for. As long as I can do it, I will not refuse." Yun Jin said: "The breath of life should be an extremely precious thing for senior. Senior does not need to exchange this. Senior has Whatever you tell me, just tell me."

The old tree hesitated.

Seeing Yun Jin's sincere expression, he said: "I have been rooted in Luoyun Mountain for ten thousand years. After practicing for ten thousand years, I could have cultivated a human body and left this place long ago. However, this Luoyun Mountain is a little special."

Yun Jin nodded, she was also a little curious.

The cultivation level of this old tree, converted into the cultivation level of an adult race, is already in the Mahayana stage.

Although the cultivation of vegetation and creatures is slow, at this point, they can transform into humans long ago.

But the old tree has always been rooted here and has never left for thousands of years. This is a very strange thing.

"Ten thousand years ago. I was just a sapling. I witnessed with my own eyes that a treasure fell here. This treasure looked very dim, no different from a stone, but its magical power was very amazing. Under the manifestation of this treasure, this The place also changed from a plain to a high mountain, and the treasure fell in the middle of the mountain, and no one could approach it."

The old tree sighed: "Because of the treasure, we creatures are imprisoned in this place. No matter how high our cultivation level is, we cannot transform into human form, let alone leave."

The old tree said with a somewhat painful expression.

If you have always been ignorant, that's okay.

But unfortunately, he developed spiritual intelligence early on and has been living here for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, we can only guard this small area.

He could only relieve such loneliness and pain by sleeping.

"Treasure..." Yun Jin's eyes moved.

This treasure can trap even ten-thousand-year-old trees like the old tree. The level of the treasure is probably beyond the extreme of the mortal world.

Could this be...

Yun Jin didn't say anything, but Laoshu nodded directly: "That's probably an immortal weapon."

Yun Jin's eyes moved slightly.

Thousands of years ago. The founders of the Four Holy Lands picked up the four Immortal Artifacts from the corpses of immortals, and that was how the current layout of the Four Holy Lands came into being.

But it turns out that the immortal weapon fell thousands of years ago and was buried silently in Luoyun Mountain.

"With your current level of cultivation, girl, I'm afraid it's not enough to get this immortal weapon. When you reach the Mahayana stage, maybe you can give it a try." The old tree said: "Now, I'm afraid even that No trace of the treasure can be found.”

Yun Jin nodded.

Before she came to Luoyun Mountain to slay demons, she had carefully explored Luoyun Mountain, but found nothing.

It can be seen that the treasure is indeed not within her control now.

Yun Jin couldn't help but ask: "Senior, do you hope to escape from Luoyun Mountain? However, now I can't even discover the location of the treasure, so I'm afraid I won't be able to break the shackles."

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