Chapter 553: The other way

 “Giant Spirit Sect, come on!”

"Giant Spirit Sect, come on!"

As soon as the two sides stood still, the sound of cheering could be heard from below.

Disciples of Wushuang Sect: "???"

How about being so loud and engaging in sonic attacks?

They were quite calm.

The disciples of other sects in the audience were stunned for a moment when they saw Gao Jingxuan and others shouting "Come on, Giant Spirit Sect".

Shouting cheers to the opponent, is this the friendship between Wushuang Sect disciples?

However, the disciples on the stage were not angry at all, and one of them seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Are the disciples of the Wushuang Sect all suffering from serious illnesses?

This made them not know for a while whether they should continue to shout for the Giant Spirit Sect to come on.

They wanted to embarrass the Wushuang Sect.

Unable to stand up to the other side, he actually felt proud instead of being ashamed.

The sound of cheering gradually became quieter.

Disciples of Wushuang Sect: "???"

No, where is your resentment, where is your anger? This disappears.

One disciple couldn't help but said: "Don't stop, you keep shouting!"

"It's just that, with you guys like this, we are not in the mood to compete."

"That's too much. Brothers and sisters of the Giant Spirit Sect, if I were you, I would be **** to death by them. How can anyone fill up the gas halfway and the oil leaks?"

Disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect: "..."

The referee looked at the Wushuang Sect members jumping around and said with a dark face: "It seems that both sides are ready. After ten breaths, the game will officially begin."

The referee got off the ring directly.

After ten breaths. A barrier was raised on the arena, and the battle began immediately.

This time before the start of the game, Lin Xiao announced a new rule. Within one stick of incense, both sects must launch an attack.

Those who do not attack will be directly judged as losers.

When it was announced, everyone thought Yun Jin would come out to cause trouble.

After all, they can defeat Ziyun Sect because of this turtle formation.

This new rule directly erased their biggest advantage.

Yun Jin is an unreasonable person who wants to fight for three points, not to mention that she actually has a reason to fight for Lin Xiao's temporary change of the system.

Many sects are also well prepared and will definitely work together to implement this measure.

otherwise. Not only the foundation building period, but also the subsequent team battles will be impossible to fight!

Even Lin Xiao glanced at Yun Jin warily after announcing the rules.

But this time, Yun Jin had no intention of resisting.

She was even the first to applaud, saying that Lin Xiao's new rule was good, wonderful, and awesome. She, Yun Jin, was the first to support it.

This reaction made others a little surprised.

Did Yun Jin know that he couldn't fight against the general trend, so he simply chose to lie down, or... what else could this Wushuang Sect do?

This time the battle begins.

It was obviously just a battle between the foundation building stages that they had never cared about before, but this time, all the big guys were very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, everyone, relax." Yun Jin chuckled: "Friendship comes first, competition comes second."

No one paid attention to her, everyone was looking at the ring intently.

Yun Jin immediately went to complain to Lin Xiao: "Look, Boss Lin, they are working together to isolate me. This is bullying! Boss Lin, you have to make the decision for me!"

Lin Xiao's face was expressionless.

Is it possible that you alone are bullying everyone?

No matter who she bullied, Yun Jin grabbed Lin Xiao and started talking about it. Even if Lin Xiao deliberately didn't respond, she could still talk happily alone.

It wasn't until the battle officially started that Yun Jin paused for a while and followed everyone to look at the ring.

The disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect had a smile on their faces, and one disciple said provocatively: "Didn't you have fun being a turtle yesterday? Don't fight back today if you have the ability."

If you don't launch an attack today, you will be directly defeated.

"If you don't attack, of course we won't fight back." A disciple of the Wushuang Sect immediately said: "How about this, let's discuss it, and both parties sit down together, chat, and play poker. Didn't you say that if you don't attack, you will lose? ? Let’s try it. If we don’t attack, who will lose?”

"This is a good idea. The brothers and sisters on the opposite side should think about it carefully." "I agree. At worst, we will lose together. Isn't this still a draw?"

"This is true friendship first and competition second."

The disciples of Wushuang Sect started talking one after another.

Yun Jin couldn't help but show a satisfied smile.

Very good, these disciples have been developed.

It's more or less one percent of her style.

Others couldn't stand hearing such shameless remarks.

"The Giant Spirit Sect is going to attack directly! What are you doing with them?"

"Just a bunch of trash!"

"What else can they do besides being turtles?"

The audience started cheering loudly, and the ones who shouted loudest were even a few disciples from the Wushuang Sect who did not participate in the competition.

The disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect couldn't bear it anymore and launched an attack brazenly.

The Wushuang Sect has also used the Chaotic Source Secret Technique, and the shield has been raised again.

Even the Ziyun Sect couldn't break the shield, and neither could the Giant Spirit Sect.

But this time, the disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect were not anxious at all.


It's just a turtle formation. When the time comes and the Wushuang Sect has no choice but to start attacking, their formation will naturally show flaws. When the time comes, it will be their chance to win!

The disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect felt that they would win, and regarded this competition as a show of skills, using various combinations of skills to hit the shield one after another.

"Well done!"

"This move is so beautiful."

"Brothers and sisters, keep up the good work!"

Here, the disciples of Wushuang Sect are still encouraging.

The disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect just thought that they had surrendered in advance, and their skills became more and more cool.

Under the unilateral performance of the disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect, the incense stick was finally about to burn out. If the disciples of the Wushuang Sect did not fight back, they would lose the game directly.

Everyone couldn't help but glance at Yun Jin.

Yun Jin still had the expression of an old god. Seeing everyone looking over, she said casually: "What are you looking at me for? Watching the game. Is there anything wrong with my face?"

Everyone was too lazy to argue with her and continued to watch with a dark face.

When the last bit of incense ash is about to fall.

The Wushuang Sect finally reacted.

The ten disciples used the secret technique again, and then, the shield seemed to have undergone some changes.

next moment.

A fierce attack went directly towards the disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect.

This attack doesn't seem to be very powerful.

The disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect took it easily and couldn't help but mocked: "Is this your attack? Is it enough to just tickle us?"


When it comes to scratching an itch, there is no way it can only be scratched once.

As soon as the Giant Spirit Sect disciples finished speaking, a series of attacks rushed towards them.

Although not very powerful.

However, this is a bit too dense.

And, for some reason, these attacks always give them a very familiar feeling...

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "This is the previous attack from the Giant Spirit Sect."

Now, they were returned one by one. But in terms of power, it seems to be weaker than the original version.

"Repay the other person with his own way." Yun Jin chuckled, "Do you like it?"

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