Chapter 602 Junior sister?


Yunjin really didn't have any clues.

But someone remotely controlled the curse and killed a person in front of her eyes.

Then, the clues are delivered to your door.

This is enough for the system to locate the person!

No matter who these predators were, she wanted to go and meet them for a while.

The system quickly completed the positioning.

Yun Jin narrowed his eyes.

This man is actually in the spirit beast forest! Moreover, it's not too far away from her.

"Let's go." Yun Jin took back a few spirit beasts and disappeared instantly.

"Wait..." Phantom Leopard was about to say something when Yun Jin disappeared.

"Brother, this sister is really a good person." Jingjiulu looked innocent.

Phantom Leopard nodded, but still warned: "This human being is a good person, but it does not mean that all human beings are good people. We still need to be careful about humans, do you understand?"

Many little beasts nodded.

"Let's go and find a private place to heal our wounds." Phantom Leopard said.

Many small beasts soon left.

Only flesh and blood were left on the ground.

With systematic positioning, Yunjin moved quickly along the way.

The man behind the curse could not have imagined that Yun Jin would follow the curse and find his way to the door. He did not move for half a day.

Yun Jin followed the system's guidance and when he arrived, he saw a small mountain.

Yun Jin sneered and pulled out the Tai'a sword.

She leaped into the air, then slashed with her sword!

The Tai'a sword fell, and the entire mountain split into two halves from the middle.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

It was chaos down there.

There is a hidden building inside this hill. Now, a group of people are looking towards the sky in panic.

Yun Jin stood on the top of the mountain, with a sneer on his lips: "Oh? It's quite impressive. There are actually many people hiding in this spirit beast forest."

The expressions of these people changed, and without saying a word, they started to attack Yun Jin.

"The smell of blood is so strong. Master, they are all stained with the blood of spiritual beasts." Xuan Mu's voice rang out.

Yun Jin nodded: "I know."

She looked at the map.

Interestingly, the person who cast the curse is not here yet.

See the map display.

He was actually underground.

Now, the red dot on the map has started to run away like crazy, trying to escape.

but. Yun Jin was not in a hurry. With the system in place, this person couldn't escape.

She waved her hand casually, and vines stretched out from the ground, and then strangled all these people in an instant.

Yun Jin directly drew his sword and broke the ground.

There is really an entrance underneath the ground.

Yun Jin went all the way down the entrance and found that a passage had been created underground at some point.

There are secret rooms on both sides of the passage.

Yun Jin entered and took a look.

Many of these secret rooms have the corpses of spiritual beasts hanging there.

Some have been dead for a long time, while others have just died.

Yunjin has come all the way. Of all the spiritual beasts in the secret room, not a single one was left alive.

Yun Jin's fists clenched slightly. What these people want is the bones and blood of spiritual beasts, so naturally they won't leave them alive.

Judging from the condition of these secret rooms, this passage has existed for a long time.

Such a long time.

No one discovered anything fishy about it!


These people's previous behavior should have been more cautious. This forest of spirit beasts is located in the Qingxiao area.

If Lin Xiao was helping to cover up, it would be reasonable for these people to be able to hide.


Lin Xiao clearly knew that he had entered the spirit beast forest in the past few days, but these people suddenly became more active!

Is this intentional to let yourself discover this?

What's his idea?

Anyway, Yun Jin doesn't believe it at all if this matter has nothing to do with Lin Xiao!

Yun Jin continued to pursue him as fast as he could.

The underground passages are so intricate that if you don’t know them, you can easily get lost in them.

But Yunjin has systematic guidance, so he will not be confused.


She arrived in front of a secret room.

system shows.

That person is hiding in this secret room.

Yun Jin drew his sword and opened the door of the secret room.

In the secret room.

A man in red was sitting there. He glanced at Yun Jin and had a smile on his face.

"Sect Master Yun." The man said, "Sect Master Yun's deeds are famous all over the world. Now that we meet him, he is indeed well-deserved."

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "You're not afraid."

The man said warmly: "Why should you be afraid? Those people don't matter, they will die if they die. Master Yun, do you know that I have to call you...Junior Sister?"

Junior sister!

Yun Jin's pupils suddenly condensed.

The next moment, a bead that was exactly the same as the one hanging on Yun Jin's waist appeared on the man's hand.

This is the bead given by Master Liuli!

"Junior sister, I think you have recognized it? The king of the spirit beast forest has an agreement with the Beast Control Sect. In order to express his goodwill, he gave ten beads to the Beast Control Sect as a token. Only with these beads can you go to the core area. This Ten beads can only be owned by the best disciples of the Beast Control Sect. Master Liuli worked hard to get one of the beads to be given to you before the sect’s senior officials agreed.”

The man chuckled.

Yun Jin drew his sword and pointed it directly at him: "Since you are a beast master, why did you do such a crazy thing? Since the master is not here, today, I just clean up the house for the master."

The coldness in Yun Jin's eyes did not waver at all.

But the man was very calm: "Junior sister, you are still too naive. Have you ever thought that everything here is exactly what Master means, what the Beast Control Sect and the world's Beast Masters mean?"

"Using the blood and bones of spiritual beasts to refine the body, do you think this is what the world's beast masters mean?" Yun Jin sneered.

She never believed that this matter would be related to Master Liuli.

The man sighed and said: "Junior sister, it's too late for you to improve the secret method of body refining. You also know that the biggest weakness of the beast master is the body. In order to make up for this weakness, the beast master has done a lot Work hard. This is the most effective method to cultivate with the blood and bones of spiritual beasts. The Beast Control Sect has been planning for this for many years and has even trained a group of body-refining masters. Of course, junior sister, don't worry, we will use it. The spirit beasts that come to practice are all low-level spirit beasts. It would be too wasteful to use the powerful spirit beasts directly for body training. There are so many spirit beasts in the spirit beast forest. Our strategy is to use the powerful spirit beasts. Keep the contracts with the spiritual beasts, and use them to refine the bodies of those who are weak and useless.”

The man's voice was full of bewilderment: "Junior sister, think about it for yourself. People who are not from my race must have different minds. When we deal with the demons, we kill them all. Why should we be merciful when dealing with these spiritual beasts? They are also not Human race. They are just a tool to improve our strength. It doesn’t matter what method we use. Junior sister, what do you think?”

"Master, he is talking nonsense!"

"This person is shameless!"

"Master, let me out, I will kill him."

In Yun Jin's mind, the spirit beasts had begun to become angry.

"Junior sister, have you figured it out? If you have figured it out, we can work together and we can do a lot in this spiritual beast forest." The man said bewitchingly.

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