"You are very smart." The man praised, but his expression was solemn: "However, it is a fact that my people have suffered for hundreds of years. It is also a fact that Tongtianjian's cubs have been harmed. If you humans can't give an explanation, then I will You have to ask for it yourself, do you understand?”

Yun Jin looked stern.

This has been said very clearly. He also knew that there was something fishy going on, but if the truth could not be found out, then the anger of many spirit beasts would not be quelled, and spirit beasts and humans would inevitably have to confront each other.

"Immediately, I will execute Chengfeng and the others in public." The spirit beast king looked at Yun Jin indifferently: "Something happened to Xiaobao, and all the spirit beasts are angry. I have received news that you claim to be able to rescue Xiaobao. "

"Yunjin, if you can terminate the contract between Xiaobao and that human being and rescue him." The voice of the Spirit Beast King paused: "I will give you time to investigate the truth."

"If something happens to Xiaobao, then you, Master Chengfeng, and the entire Beast Control Sect should be prepared to bear the wrath of the Spiritual Beast Forest."

Yun Jin didn't hesitate at all, she responded directly: "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely be able to save Xiaobao. I will also find out the truth about everything that has happened to the spirit beasts in the past few hundred years. Give it to senior, and give it to all the beasts." Explain.”

The Spiritual Beast King calmly nodded: "It's best this way. Yunjin, this is the last chance I give you and the human race. In order to control the temple, I can't leave here. This seems to give you human race some strange confidence." , I thought I wouldn't be angry. This time, if something happens to Xiaobao, if you can't give me an explanation, I will pay the price and be labeled as the Master of the Beast. You keep saying that there is someone instigating this, but these disciples are indeed. They are members of the Beast Control Sect. No matter what, the Beast Control Sect will have to be accused of lax discipline! Even if we kill the Beast Control Sect, it will not be regarded as an injustice to them!"

Yun Jin sighed.

This is the plan.

Even she and this senior knew there was a problem.


There has been a deadly feud between the two sides.

If the person behind the scenes cannot be found out, the pain that the spirit beasts have suffered over the past few hundred years will always need an outlet.

A war between the two sides became inevitable.

To solve this matter, Yun Jin must first rescue the cub of Tongtianhu, so as to buy time for investigation. After that, we must investigate the truth as soon as possible and bring justice to the spirit beast that died tragically.

Only in this way can we have a chance to eliminate this struggle.

It's hard.

But Yun Jin thought she could give it a try.

The next moment, the temple was calm and they returned to the pavilion.

The tea on the table was still smoking.

The man looked at Yun Jin: "You should have understood what I mean. It's almost time. I will open the temple door and announce the execution of Chengfeng and others according to the plan. Whether you can buy time depends on your ability."

The man stood up.

Yun Jin also stood up.

"My name is Emperor Xiao." The man looked at Yun Jin calmly: "In case you die in my hands later, I can know who killed you. Wan Dao is the only human being who makes me willing to be inferior. As his heir, I I hope I don’t have to kill you.”

Yun Jin just smiled slightly and retreated behind Di Xiao.

Di Xiao said no more.

He waved his hand, and the scene in the temple changed again.

In an instant, it turned into a huge square.

The door of the temple also completely disappeared at this moment.

Yun Jin raised his eyes and saw Rong Zhou who was sitting quietly at the door.

"The temple is open!"

"It's the king!"

All the spirit beasts looked over and bowed respectfully to the man in the center of the square.

Di Xiao raised his hand, and many spiritual beasts were helped up by Xu.

Di Xiao spoke calmly, and his voice echoed over the entire spirit beast forest.

"After a stick of incense, the traitor of the Beast Control Sect will be executed. All spirit beasts can go to the temple to witness together."

The spirit beasts near the temple suddenly accelerated their running speed!

The spirit beasts that could not catch up were still running towards the temple with persistence. The spirit beast forest is very hierarchical.

Only when summoning the beasts can the level be ignored. All spiritual beasts can go to the core area to meet their king.

"The temple appears." Di Xiao softly spat out these words.

A huge temple suddenly appeared above the spirit beast forest. This temple is very mysterious. As long as you are in the spirit beast forest, no matter where you are, you can see the scene of the temple when you look up.

Many spiritual beasts have arrived at the temple, densely crowding the square.

Yun Jin glanced at it.

Super spiritual beast.

Superior spiritual beast.

These top spiritual beasts, which are usually rare to see, are now gathered like cabbage.

The middle spirit beasts and the lower spirit beasts are even more densely packed. These spirit beasts are only a small part of the spirit beasts in the spirit beast forest.

More spirit beasts on the road are looking up at the temple's appearance.

It’s time for a stick of incense.

Di Xiao said indifferently: "Bring the person up."

Chengfeng and others were squeezed out.

There are seven people in this group.

All seven people were **** with spider silk, and there was no trace of spiritual energy coming from their bodies. Obviously, their spiritual power has been sealed, and now they have no ability to resist. They are just fish on the chopping board.

The seven people were escorted to the execution platform in the center. Master Chengfeng's face was pale, and his lips were trembling: "Senior Emperor! Life and death are minor matters to us, but the Beast Control Sect and I did not know about what happened today. Kill. After you have spared me, I also ask Senior Emperor not to vent your anger on the Beast Control Sect."

"Master, what are you talking nonsense to him?" One of the seven men said with disdain: "I signed a master-servant contract. If I die, the Tongtianhu cub will also die! They don't dare to kill me!"

"If you ask me, the best way is to simply let me take the Tongtian Hu away. It is better to be a slave than to die. Senior Emperor, don't you think so?"

The man actually looked directly at Di Xiao provocatively.

"Yes, senior brother is right. Isn't it just a contract with a Tongtianhu? Is there any need to make such a fuss?"

"Dare to kill us? Aren't you afraid that senior brother will directly use the master-servant contract to kill the Tongtianhu?"

Four of the seven people actually started provoking arrogantly.

Master Chengfeng's face became increasingly pale.

If he hadn't been **** and unable to move, he would have sewn this man's mouth himself!

"Shut up!" Master Chengfeng shouted with all his strength. He glared at his former proud disciple: "Bai Dongchuan, shut up!"

Bai Dongchuan looked nonchalant: "Master, it's now time, so you don't have to pretend, right? Don't worry, they don't dare to kill us."

Bai Dongchuan's face immediately aroused the anger of the beasts!

on the square.

The roar of the beast was earth-shattering.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Despicable humans!"

"Peel down the Beast Control Sect!"

Yun Jin fell silent slightly after listening to these voices.

"Did you see it? Did you hear it?" Di Xiao's voice rang in Yun Jin's mind: "If the injustice of the beasts cannot be resolved, the only way to pay tribute is with blood."

Even if you know someone is instigating it.

Even if you know this is a trap.

However, the blood shed by the spirit beast must be repaid with blood. (End of chapter)

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