Chapter 726 Material No. 342

"You still have time to reconsider it now." Yun Jin's expression was solemn.

The existence of these two stones indeed greatly hindered Di Xiao's cultivation.


The person who put these two stones into Di Xiao Diying's body was too powerful.

This person is probably an immortal from the immortal world. He used a secret method and used these two stones to control the yin and yang spiritual power cultivated by Di Xiao and Di Ying.

If it weren't for these two stones, as divine beasts, Di Xiao and Di Ying should have been stronger.

but now. Their spiritual power was used to nourish the stone.

These two stones were turned into peerless weapon-refining materials by Yun.

But this comes at the expense of the potential of Di Xiao and Di Ying.

This person's calculations can be called vicious.

But unfortunately, things were discovered too late.

These two stones were already too deeply involved with the two of them.

Emperor Ying almost died when he lost the Xuanyin Crystal.

Di Xiao's situation will only be more dangerous than that of Di Ying.

The higher his cultivation level, the longer he has been controlled by the stone.

This time, even Yun Jin was not completely sure that this matter would definitely come true.

Di Xiao understood Yun Jin's worries and said calmly: "If it were you, how would you choose?"

Yun Jin sighed.

If it were her.

Naturally, he would rather die than be used by others as a container for storing materials.

A hint of pride flashed in Di Xiao's eyes: "Yunjin, don't underestimate me. Although I am surpassed by you now, I have never given up pursuing the top."

Even if the future is uncertain.

But his desire to pursue the pinnacle of the avenue has never changed!

Regardless of whether he can reach that level in the end, in theory, every living being has the equal right to pursue the peak.

But the existence of these two stones directly cut off his path to the top.

His fate will always be pulled by a mysterious thread and sent to the hands of a certain mysterious person.

He didn't want that.

Would rather die free.

Live without being bound.


There is another way that is 100% possible for Di Xiao to survive.

That is.

After losing two stones, Yun Jin made a contract with Di Xiao.

Yunjin still has the last spiritual beast quota, which can be used.

But neither of them mentioned this method.

Di Xiao has his own pride, maybe he is stubborn, maybe he is pedantic, but in this life, he does not want to be shackled by anyone.

Yun Jin also knew this, so she didn’t even mention this method.

Di Xiao had already made up his mind, and Yun Jin stopped trying to persuade him.

Di Xiao closed his eyes and carefully wrote down the skills of the first five levels.

After a long time, he opened his eyes: "We can start now. When I force out the Amaterasu Xuanyin crystal, I will cut off the connection with these two stones. You quickly erase the traces of the avenue on the two stones."

Yun Jin nodded: "I understand."

Di Xiao no longer hesitated, he stretched out his hand, and his fingers suddenly became sharp.

The sharp claws pierced the Dantian without hesitation.


Di Xiao pulled out two **** stones with an expressionless expression.

Amaterasu Stone.

Xuanyin crystal.

Two stones, one red and one white, float quietly in the air.

The next moment, these two stones couldn't wait to get back into Di Xiao's body.

Di Xiao's face turned slightly pale, but there was no hesitation in his movements.

He used his hand as a knife and slashed viciously into the void between him and the stone.

It was as if there were some invisible shackles that were completely cut off at this moment. The two stones lost their purpose and were spinning in place in confusion.

At this moment, Yun Jin took action.

She took the two stones into her hands, and then, the laws of Yin and Yang Avenue enveloped her, and the original Tao Yun on the stones was instantly erased.

Two stones.

From then on, it was completely out of the control of the people behind the scenes.

Yun Jin looked at the two stones with a somewhat complicated expression.

She has completely given up.

Unexpectedly, these two stones ended up in her hands in a different way.


In a huge room.

This room is extremely huge, with a table in the center and a transparent crystal ball placed on the table.

There are countless threads on the crystal ball, and each thread is connected to a door.

Where this door leads, no one knows.


next moment.

A figure appeared in the room.

"There's something wrong with the No. 342 refining material? These two materials were originally supposed to wait ten thousand years before being recycled. Why did something go wrong so quickly?"

"Let me see what's going on."

The man wanted to follow the guidance of the thread and see the condition of the material.

But all he saw was nothingness.

The man's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

Not only was there something wrong with Material No. 342, but it was completely out of his control.

What happened in this small world?

"Damn it. We have to look for the next target again." The man murmured: "But there is no need to worry. Sun Zhuozhao and Taiyin Youying will always fly to the fairy world. When the time comes... they can always be found. of."

The secret room of the Temple of Heaven.

Yun Jin put away the two stones, and then looked at Di Xiao's condition intently.

Without the hindrance of two stones, Di Xiao is the best attribute for practicing the yang attribute path.

In just an instant, he had already started using the secret book given by him.

But this is not enough.

After losing two stones, his life breath was losing crazily in an instant.

Di Xiao started running his skills crazily. He prepared a lot of pills in advance, and when he swallowed them, spiritual power began to condense in his body.

The flow of life breath could not help but slow down a bit.

level one.

Second floor.

the third floor.

Di Xiao instantly reached the stage of forming pills.

Things got much better after that, and his pale face slowly gained a touch of rosiness.

Everything is going according to plan.

Yun Jin's heart, which had been hanging, slowly relaxed.

Without the two stones as an obstacle, Di Xiao's talent was stronger than she imagined.

This way.

His transfer to another major will be smoother than she imagined.


It only takes a hundred years for him to cultivate to his current level again.

Yun Jin has been waiting patiently.

Three days later.

Di Xiao successfully gave birth to a baby. At this point, the life force no longer flows and is all locked within the body.

Di Xiao's life is no longer in danger.

But he is obviously a bit advanced in his cultivation and has no intention of stopping for a while.

Yun Jin was a little funny, so she asked Di Ying to guard here, and she temporarily left the secret room.

She had been guarding Di Xiao for a few days. By this time, those new disciples had already come to the Temple of Heaven to play games, right?

Yunjin was quite interested in the game played by Zhuzhu and Yuanyuan, and she couldn't help but disappear in an instant.

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