"Sect Master, you..." Elder Jin Guang looked at Xuan Kong with some shock and anger.

"Do you have any other opinions?" An ice pick suddenly reached his neck, and Bai Yiran looked at Jin Guang coldly.

Such a small person cannot be left to the Sect Master to do it himself.

Elder Jin Guang swallowed.

The ice pick between his neck was still exuding a biting chill, and he had a terrible premonition that if he really dared to say anything again, this ice pick would pierce his neck this time, and the next step would be to pierce his Dantian.

Jin Guang's face was extremely ugly. After a long time, he said slowly: "No...I don't have any objections."

Compared with Qingxiao Pavilion's face and his own life, his own life is more important.

"That's good." Bai Yiran responded, but the ice pick showed no intention of moving away.

Jin Guang groaned secretly in his heart, standing still and not daring to move.

Yun Jin smiled: "Since Sect Leader Xuan strongly invited me, no one at the scene objected..."

As Yun Jin spoke, his eyes swept over the people on the field.

Some of the people who came into contact with her gaze were happy, some were looking forward to it, some were afraid, and some lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

As for speaking out against it.

Who has the guts?

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Then this time the points competition will be hosted by this sect leader."

"In this points competition, I will not repeat the same things as usual."

"A new rule is added this time."

“When the outcome is no longer in suspense, the points race ends.”

Yun Jin glanced at everyone again: "Does anyone have any opinions on this?"

Liu Hua and others were hesitant to speak, they just didn't dare to speak.

Finally, Hua Ran asked: "Sect Master Yun, the outcome is no longer in suspense. What is the standard for judging this?"

Yun Jin showed a mysterious smile: "Don't worry, when the time comes, you will definitely not have any doubts."

"Sect Master Yun's new rules are very good." Xuankong said quickly.

Liu Hua and others looked at Xuan Kong with some heartache.

Lin Xiao died.

The dignified head of Qingxiao Pavilion has become like this?

If Xuan Kong is like this, what should they do?

"As long as Master Xuan has no objection." Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Get ready to start the points competition. This time, we will fight quickly."

At this moment, no one knew what Yun Jin meant by a quick victory.

In front of the statue, a red magic circle lit up.

In the center of the square, a huge water curtain also appeared.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Yun Jin walking into the Wushuang Sect's team.

"Yun... Sect Leader Yun... you want to participate in person?" Liu Hua's voice stuttered.

Yun Jin chuckled: "I haven't played a points match yet, so I'll just have fun. Sect Master Liu, why don't you also play together?"

Liu Hua's face turned pale and he shook his head like a drum.

Even if he had the intention to participate in person before, he would never do so now.

Seeing that he was being tortured by Yun Jin when he entered, he was not a masochist!

"This is so regrettable." Yun Jin looked disappointed.

Liu Hua looked at Yun Jin's expression and could only feel happy! Otherwise, he couldn't even imagine how many horrific things Yun Jin would do to him.

"Everyone, see you on the field." Yun Jin waved to the others and entered the teleportation array directly.

The people from Wushuang Sect also quickly followed.

People from other sects were a little nervous, but they couldn't hide. They could only enter the teleportation array tremblingly.

Dangerous zone.

As soon as Yun Jin arrived, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

It is indeed a dangerous area.

As soon as she arrived, she vaguely felt several powerful auras.

In the area, there are many ferocious beasts from the Mahayana stage of transcending tribulations, moving in groups.


Once you encounter such a horde of ferocious beasts, it will most likely mean a long escape.

"System, where are the most ferocious beasts?" Yun Jin asked the system directly.

The system immediately gave a map. A certain place on the map was densely packed with red dots.

"Okay, this is it." Yun Jin chuckled and hurried over.

This is a fairly vast mountain range.

One of the mountains has the most abundant spiritual power, and naturally has the largest number of ferocious beasts. And occupying the best position on the top of the mountain is the strongest man in the eastern region, a terrifying beast at the peak of Mahayana.


On top of the mountain.

The nine golden lions at the pinnacle of Mahayana are leisurely basking in the sun.


Its brow wrinkled slightly.

what happened?

Why is this mountain suddenly so quiet?

Forget it, it's not important, let's continue to bask in the sun.

The nine golden lions are squinting their eyes in enjoyment.


A white-haired woman walked towards it with a smile on her face along the mountain road.

Behind her were densely packed ferocious beasts.

The hundreds at the head are the little leaders of this group of ferocious beasts.

Each of these little leaders looked dazed, acted stiffly, and completely lost their natural ferocity. The army of ferocious beasts behind them, under the intimidation of these little leaders, followed obediently.

The woman raised her hand.

Hundreds of small leader ferocious beasts stopped neatly, and their movements were quite unified.

Then, they turned around and roared at the other ferocious beasts, and the other ferocious beasts stopped instantly.

The nine-headed golden lion suddenly roared at the woman.

This is my territory!

This is my little brother!

Do you want to grab territory from me?

Get out of here!

The woman had no intention of leaving.

So, it opened its **** mouth towards Yun Jin without hesitation.

The nine-headed lion was very fast and arrived in front of Yunjin in an instant.

Yun Jin stretched out his hand.

The movements of the nine-headed lion suddenly slowed down.

next moment.

Yun Jin's hand gently placed on the head of the nine-headed lion.

The nine-headed lion did not resist at all, and its eyes slowly became dull.

"Be good. You are the most obedient little baby in the world." Yun Jin's voice was soft.

The eyes of the nine-headed lion completely lost focus.

"Go ahead. Lead these ferocious beasts to destroy other ferocious beasts. If you see humans, destroy the jade pendants around their waists." Yun Jin gave the order and showed these ferocious beasts what the jade pendants looked like.

The nine-headed lion nodded and took the lead to rush down the mountain, followed by many ferocious beasts.

Yun Jin couldn't help but smile as he looked at this scene of ferocious beasts.

"The soul power of these ferocious beasts is indeed their biggest weakness. I only used the soul-catching technique taught by Master Liuli to successfully control them."

The ferocious beast is a very strange species.

In terms of spirituality, this species is incomparable to spiritual beasts.

The ferocious beast will always maintain its beast form and its nature, no matter how powerful it is.

For example, just now.

If it were an intelligent spiritual beast, seeing that it was controlling so many ferocious beasts, it would be somewhat wary and would not choose to attack immediately.

The nine lions still charged forward fearlessly.

When it comes to wisdom, it is probably not as good as the spiritual beasts in the foundation-building stage.

As a race of ferocious beasts, they do not need to cultivate their soul power. As long as they continue to absorb spiritual power, their strength can be steadily improved.

The spiritual power of the ferocious beast can break through the shackles of the soul realm. I don't know whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage.

Just like the nine-headed lion just now, in terms of spiritual power, it is already at the peak of Mahayana.

But the power of the soul...

I'm afraid it's only the period of tribulation.

This race, to a certain extent, is a beast with power.

Without the bonus of wisdom, you will eventually end up at the bottom.

Yun Jin continued to ask the system: "Where is the second largest gathering place of ferocious beasts?" (End of Chapter)

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