Xuankong is indeed as Hongye said, his talent is quite astonishing.

He practiced with all his strength.

In just a quarter of an hour, he had already reached the second level of this yellow-level technique.

There was still no abnormal reaction on his body.

at this time.

Others also began to reach the first level of cultivation.

The difficulty of practicing this technique is not high in the first place, not to mention that these people in the square now should be the most talented people in the Qingxiao area.

The second person to reach the first level of cultivation was someone from Qingxiao Pavilion.

He was barely an acquaintance.

Astonishingly, it was the elder Jinguang.

The moment he reached the first level of cultivation, Jin Guang let out a painful roar, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Others were startled by the roar and looked over.

"Demon energy! It's demonic energy!"

Someone panicked.

Qingxiao Pavilion is a holy place, how can there be demonic energy in its elders?

After Lin Xiao's death, this golden light was almost the strongest person in Qingxiao Pavilion.

The strongest person in Qingxiao Pavilion... actually burst out with demonic energy!

Sure enough, the previous rumors are true?

Is it possible that Qingxiao Pavilion is related to the demon clan?

Jin Guang also didn't expect that his body would change like this the moment he reached the first level of cultivation. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously jumped into the air, trying to escape.

Yun Jin sat there, motionless.

She stretched out her hand expressionlessly, and a stream of spiritual power spread from her fingertips, instantly binding the golden light all over her body tightly.

Yun Jin instantly dragged the golden light back.

She looked at Jin Guang expressionlessly: "Continue to practice, or die, you can choose for yourself."

Jin Guang looked at Yun Jin with some horror: "Can I survive if I continue to practice?"

Yun raised his eyebrows: "You can die later."

The demonic shadow behind the golden light has almost become substantial. At this level, he is completely possessed and cannot be purified at all.

That will naturally lead to a dead end.

The demons in this world were born under the strange blood moon. Under the light of the blood moon, these demons completely became containers of negative emotions.






These demons have almost no positive emotions and cannot be reformed at all.

Not only are the demons themselves synonymous with evil, they also vigorously develop evil ways in the human race. These people who practice evil methods will gradually be affected by negative emotions and eventually become a knife that can only kill.

The Blood Art Technique that Gu Jinghong practiced at the beginning was a kind of evil technique. If he had not improved the flaws of the Blood Art Art in time, no one would be able to save Gu Jinghong by the time he was deeply possessed.

Today's golden light.

This is the state of being unable to save.

His body is not a demon.

But he already possesses the soul of a demon.

This kind of human race is no different from the demon race.

Jin Guang couldn't help but grit his teeth.

It's all death anyway, so what's the difference?

He looked at the people in the square and said loudly: "There is something wrong with this skill, there is something wrong with this skill! This demonic energy has nothing to do with me, it comes with this skill! Yun Jin spreads this skill just to find someone Just kill me for a reason! Don’t listen to her, we should unite and fight together. There are so many of us here, even Yun Jin may not be able to kill us all..."

Jin Guang shouted.

Yun Jin rubbed his ears, completely impatient.

She flicked her fingers lightly.

Jin Guang, who was still yelling, his eyes instantly became distracted.

A soul came out of the body.

The subconscious mind is to run away.

Yun Jin casually popped up a flame, golden light, and his body and soul were destroyed.

The fact that the golden light's demonic aura can be so strong proves that his own soul is very close to that of the demons. Otherwise, even if he is affected by demonic energy, it would not be possible to reach this level. If he were allowed to reincarnate, he would either be reincarnated as a demon, or be reincarnated as a treacherous and evil person. It would be better for such people to cut off the path of reincarnation.

The golden light was extinguished lightly.

Yun Jin continued to look at the others, and her voice was calm: "This technique can identify the evil spirit. The golden light has deeply infiltrated the evil spirit. This sect master personally eliminates him to eliminate a scourge for the common people."

"This technique itself does not produce demonic energy. For example, Master Xuankong has reached the second level of cultivation. Hasn't there been any change?"

Yun Jin gave Xuan Kong an example.


Xuan Kong practiced well without any changes.

Some people felt relieved.

Some people were even more panicked.

The disciples of Wushuang Sect have tacitly guarded various places to prevent anyone from trying to escape.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Everyone, continue to practice. If you don't reach the first level of practice in one day, you will die!"

Yun Jin unleashed all his pressure, and a terrifying aura shrouded everyone's head.

Everyone hesitated for a moment and sat down again.


People who have cultivated to the first level began to appear one after another.

Everything is normal.

There is also a faint black air.

A few of those with particularly strong demonic aura were circled in another place by the disciples of the Wushuang Sect, forcing them to continue practicing.

When you reach the third level of cultivation, the demonic energy will appear more clearly, and you can even see where it comes from.

Yun Jin is still somewhat interested in the source of demonic energy.

If these people practice honestly, they can live for a few more days and wait until they reach the third level before dying.

One day passed.

Everyone has cultivated to the first level.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows.

This situation was actually better than she imagined.

All the high-level officials in Qingxiao Pavilion, except Xuan Kong, have problems and have been moved to separate areas.

The probability of other disciples of Qingxiao Pavilion becoming possessed by demons is much higher than that of other sects. Almost everyone has some demonic aura in them.

But only those whose demonic energy was almost substantial were taken away alone.

Yun Jin continued to observe those with weak demonic aura.

These people who cultivated demonic energy were originally terrified.

But when they found out that Yun Jin didn't let anyone take them away, their hearts couldn't help but feel a little calmer.

Yun Jin's calm voice sounded.

"There are strong demonic auras, and there are also weak ones. The closer one's nature is to the demons, the easier it is to be influenced, and the more demonic aura will be. If one's character is temporarily unstable, a loophole is taken advantage of, and the demonic aura affects you accidentally. Qi has no nutrients and will not grow or grow.”

"Some demonic energy is not particularly strong. After practicing this technique, this sect leader will teach you how to purify it and give you another chance."

Yun Jin's words set the tone.

Someone couldn't help but want to ask.

So where is the line between giving opportunities and not giving opportunities?

But he didn't dare to ask.

Yun Jin didn't mean to explain anything.

She has a standard in her heart.

The most serious thing is that both body and soul are destroyed.

After that.

He should be killed, but his soul should be allowed to reincarnate.

You should be punished, but you should save your life.

Innocent, just accidentally contaminated.

She has her own judgment and standards for these.

Just like the evaluation given to her when I asked about her state of mind.

She lives her own way.

No need for others to say anything. (End of chapter)

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