We left from my cousin's house and went first to her dorm to change and shower before we grabbed something to eat. I already took a shower in my cousin's house and even changed my clothes. I took one of his clothes since we are just the same size.

I waited for Shayla to finish her doings. I could not believe I met her again for how many years. Scanning my eyes around the room there were two double size beds two tables and I sat on the right side bed. I know it was Shay because there was a purple stuff toy I gave her that night on the mountain. My heart was tickling knowing that she still have it and keep it always with her.

She said she had a roommate and it is a girl and they have been close since day one after she came here. It was good to hear that she found someone that won't change her into something she is not. Most of the college students he knows changed just to fit in.

Shay has unique personalities that no need to change for who she is. I heard the shower stopped and the bathroom door opened and saw her already changed with clothes not wrapped in towel. I closed my eyes, 'What am I thinking just now? Last night was just an accident that we slept together. I should not think of anything about her and the sex.'

"Hey, you alright?" she asked.

"Hmmm, yes I'm good." I smiled.

"Okay, if you say so." She continued fixing herself like putting moisturizer on her face, lotion on her arms, splashed some perfumed of course it must be sweet pea scent then lip gloss. Observing her in every move she makes until she called my name.

"Are we going or staying here Finn?" she asked putting her arms crossing in her chest. "Are you really okay? You seems like you soul was roaming around. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Yeah I am okay it just that I could not believe I see you again and ..."


I parked my car in Burger and Fries House. I let her in first and she goes to the end of the table with window on the side. 

I sat down across the table and the server came with the menu standing waiting for our orders. "What would like to have?" I asked Shay. "Cheesy Burger and Extra Large Fries then ice tea please." I heard her say. "Make it two orders thanks. She takes down note our orders and left. 

I looked at her. "So tell me more about your school? What more that I miss about you Sweet Pea?"

"Wow, well, I am in 4th year but irregular I still have to obtain school requirements I am sure I am getting there."

"That's good! That's good."

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