The two of them were so busy that they were almost dead.

Gu Changsheng felt a sharp pain in his calf.

A few sharp teeth pierced his skin.

This was actually a centipede as long as his forearm.


It was completely different from ordinary centipedes.

Its head was particularly large, especially its mouth, which was much larger than the ordinary size.

The silver teeth in its mouth even reflected a dazzling cold light under the moonlight.

"What the hell is this?"

Gu Changsheng frowned and tried to crush it with one foot.

But it reacted very quickly.

It jumped up from the ground and jumped into a wide black cuff not far away.

A man in a black robe walked into the alley.

Seeing this, the monk who broke the precepts was overjoyed.

"Sanque, why did you come just now!"

The black-robed man called Sanque lifted his hood and revealed his appearance underneath.

This turned out to be a Taoist priest about fifty years old.

His face was thin and his expression was cold.

"Hmph, you were caught by an unknown young man and became a prisoner, and you still have the nerve to question me?"


"If I don't wait for the opportunity and wait for his innate golden light spell to retreat, I can't do anything to him."

After a pause, Taoist Sanque smiled coldly.

"It's a pity that no matter how powerful your Taoism is, you still got caught by my Tao."

"If you get bit by my little baby, you're already dead."

Gu Changsheng frowned.

"Is that centipede the poisonous insect you raised?"

Taoist Sanque nodded.

He waved his sleeves, and a palm-sized transparent box appeared in his hand.

The centipede that bit Gu Changsheng before was hovering inside.

"This is the centipede poison."

"One hundred giant centipedes fought each other, leaving the last one, feeding it with various rare toxins, and carefully cultivated it."

"If you are bitten by it, you will feel like you are electrocuted, your whole body will be numb, and you can't move at all."

"You are already my fish on the chopping block."

The Taoist Sanque sneered.

Gu Changsheng frowned a little deeper.

He didn't expect that the other party had the poisonous insect trick, he was careless.

Just when Gu Changsheng was about to use the palm thunder to force the Taoist Sanque to hand over the antidote.


He discovered unexpectedly.

He seemed to be able to move?

He raised his hands and moved his feet.

Facing the astonished eyes of the Taoist Sanque, he almost gave him a set of radio gymnastics.

"Your centipede poison seems to have no power."

Gu Changsheng said suspiciously.

The Taoist Sanque was stunned.


Absolutely impossible.

Is there anyone in this world who can be alive and kicking after being poisoned by his own Gu?

"Could it be that the little baby is not in good condition today?"

The Taoist Sanque let it crawl over and bite the monk Pojie.

Before it could even last three seconds, the monk Pojie began to roll his eyes and foam at the mouth.

"Sanque, I'll fuck your mother!"

The monk Pojie was twitching and cursing.

This bastard actually experimented on himself!

The Taoist Sanque was even more puzzled.

What's going on? Does this kid happen to have the antidote for the centipede Gu?

Gu Changsheng was also full of doubts.

The monk Pojie was in so much pain.

Why didn't he react at all?

However, now was not the time to think about this.

Gu Changsheng directly slapped a golden light spell on his body.

"What else can you bite me with now?"

After saying that, Gu Changsheng raised his right hand and prepared to give him a palm thunder.


The Taoist's face darkened a little.

Indeed, it was just as Gu Changsheng said.

If the defense cannot be broken, his poisonous insect will be useless no matter how powerful it is.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

A sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, and the Taoist said faintly.

"Do you think my poisonous insect only has the means of biting?"

"You are wrong."

As he spoke, a butterfly flew out from the darkness with its wings flapping.

"Smell can sometimes be a killing weapon."

"You have been caught without knowing it."

The Taoist said, and stretched out a finger lovingly.

The black and orange butterfly landed on his index finger.

"Let me introduce you. This is the Black Butterfly Gu. It kills enemies with its scent."

"The toxin released in just ten seconds can kill an elephant."

"Guess how long it has been since we met."

"Let's start the countdown to your death."

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one."

The Taoist Sanque snapped his fingers, a smug smile flashed across his lips.



He was stunned.

Gu Changsheng was also stunned.

Ten seconds had already passed, but Gu Changsheng was still like nothing had happened.

"How about you try ten more seconds?"

Gu Changsheng said.

Taoist Sanque was completely dumbfounded.

Today was really a ghost.

Black butterfly Gu is also ineffective against him?

How is this possible!

Gu Changsheng was getting more and more confused.

Could he be immune to Gu?


He remembered something.

The black lotus mark on his wrist.

"Could it be that this thing is playing tricks?"

He didn't know what this black lotus mark was.



In short, it was like a maggot attached to the bone, and it couldn't be removed no matter how it was washed.

However, no matter what, this Taoist Sanque seemed to be completely suppressed by himself.

"It seems that your poisonous insects are ineffective against me."

Gu Changsheng took a step forward, grabbed the neck of Taoist Sanque and lifted him up.

"Let go... let go!"

Taoist Sanque's legs were constantly tossing in the air.

He would never have thought that the poisonous insects he was so proud of were completely useless to Gu Changsheng.

As a poison master, he had no other options.

It was like he had met his natural enemy.

What can I do? I am also desperate.

"Mercy... spare my life..."

"You... don't you want to know our next... next target..."

Taoist Sanque almost used up all his strength to barely say a complete sentence.


"Next target?"

Gu Changsheng glanced at the monk who had fallen to the ground.

"It seems that some people are not very honest."

The monk who had broken the precepts was swept by this look and felt like sitting on pins and needles.

He cursed in his heart.

Fuck your mother, and you said that I was caught by an unknown person and became a prisoner.

Aren't you the same?


You have even less moral integrity than me.

At least I kept the secret until you came.

"Sanque, if you tell, you know what will happen to you!"

The monk who broke the precepts glared fiercely.

Gu Changsheng let go, and the Taoist Sanque fell to the ground, his face was red, and he coughed loudly.

"Hehe, I don't know what will happen to him."

"But you dare to threaten others in front of me."

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Gu Changsheng directly sent the monk who broke the precepts a palm thunder.


The monk who broke the precepts screamed in horror.

He wanted to bargain.

He didn't expect Gu Changsheng to be so decisive.

Almost in an instant, he turned into a piece of charcoal, deader than dead.

"Okay, let's talk about it."

"Where is your next target?"

Gu Changsheng looked down at the fallen Taoist Sanque.

At this moment.

Taoist Sanque was trembling all over, and there was only fear in his eyes when he looked at Gu Changsheng.

"I'll tell you... I'll tell you everything."

"Our next target is Jiangzhou..."

"Jiangzhou University!"

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