When the time comes, the Australian Empire is willing to cooperate militarily, then they will have the power to fight a war.

The queen finally decided to stay, openly declaring like the people: “For the sake of our territory of Horan, we will fight against the army of the Germanic state.” ”

“I hope that all the people will give us confidence, and we He Lan will definitely not avoid it.”

No matter how the queen is also the lord of the country, if she has not fought and ran away a month in advance, she will lose her sense of recognition in the hearts of the people.

And maybe there will be a turning point until the end, they not only ask for help from the Australian Chinese Empire, but also British and French troops, they do not necessarily lose.

Of course, if Queen He Lan was unwilling to come to the Ohua Empire, Yuan Tian would force them, and what he could do had already been exhausted.

Besides, in history, He Lan was passive and avoided war, causing the Germanic state to invade them, and it only took seven days to occupy all their territory.

He Lan, the queen, fled that night, leaving with the royal family and cabinet members, including gold reserves, and only five years later did she regain her push.

Their forces are not enough to tickle the Germanic country, let alone a head-on confrontation, and then it can only be said that there is a dead end.

Obviously, the queen definitely wants to fight with the dignity of the royal family until the last moment, but in the face of absolute strength, this resistance seems ridiculous.

As for the Australian Chinese Empire, it will definitely not participate in it, and secondly, the Australian Chinese Empire has already given a warning, allowing this Queen Wilhelma to retreat in advance.

After all, Yuan Tian has his own plans at present, and taking this opportunity to develop the strength of their Aohua Empire can not be profitable.

They also learn that the Eagle Sauce Country does not participate in wars, but they can go to the battlefield to sell weapons and make a lot of money.

As for Ho Lan, even if they desperately resist the strength, the gap is there, and the army is only ten divisions, unless they can get the reverse form of modern weapons.

For example, the atomic bomb or something, the key is that without this technology, it is impossible to get it at all.

Otherwise, if you want to rebel against the Germanic country, the final end can naturally be imagined, anyway, with their current military strength, they will definitely not be able to defeat the Germanic country.

To let the soldiers go is to send them to death, it is better to be like Danguo, directly began to surrender, and can still save their own forces, and in the end only nine people were sacrificed.

Even the army of their Australasian Empire was not sure to fight against Mustache, and one can imagine how terrifying Mustache’s strategy was.

Now Queen Ho Lan went to fight an unprepared war with the Germanic Kingdom, and in the end, she just let these soldiers die in vain.

He Lan has never fought internally before, established as a neutral country, and does not even have much weapons and equipment, now let them go to fight with the Germanic country, how can they win?

Besides, how many troops are there in a place as small as Helan? Anyway, the Australian Chinese Empire will not go through this muddy water, as for their European war, it is their European affair, and it has nothing to do with the Australian Chinese Empire.

Even if they send troops to Europe, it will be when the mustache is defeated, and they can get a piece of the pie, after all, the West is the most advanced place in culture and the industrial revolution.

Otherwise, the scientists he excavated are all Western personnel, and it is difficult to have such high-end scientists in China, because of the blockade of technical barriers, there is no access to cutting-edge science and technology.

This is also a matter of no way, so they plan to create their own talents, anyway, if they can accept royals like William in the future, then their Australian Empire can also enter Europe.

It is possible to build military bases in Europe here under this pretext, and there are also ways to build economies with Western countries while watching their every move.

There is quite a feeling of holding the Son of Heaven hostage to the princes, of course, provided that this Queen Wilhelm will come to their Australasian Empire to take refuge at that time, and not be captured by the mustache at that time.

However, after a month’s time, He Lan would also fall, and then Yuan Tian thought about it, and then ordered the naval commander, Commander Liu Hsien Loong:

“Commander Liu, after that, our deal with the Helan Empire will not change, and you will send a fleet to deliver strategic materials at that time.”

“At the same time, pay attention to the naval movements of the mustache, do not be affected, and try not to quarrel with the Germanic state.”

It is certainly impossible for their Australian Empire to fight head-on with the Germanic state, and then maybe the Western countries will see the joke.

Now that Mustache’s military strength has reached its peak, he has not yet been defeated, and unless Mustache is later thwarted by Britain and the Soviet Union, it is impossible for them to make a move.

“At the same time, don’t attract the attention of the mustache when transporting supplies this time, lest he find trouble with us when he gets it, it’s better to be careful.”

As soon as these words came out, Commander Liu nodded with a smile: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, we will be careful not to clash with the army of the Germanic State.” ”

Yuan Tian waved his hand again: “If He Lan is occupied by the Germanic Kingdom, you will bring Queen He Lan and the royal family back, and we can also use their identities to go to Europe in the future.” ”

After all, their Australian Empire can be said to be outsiders to Europe, but the members of the royal family of He Lan are different, and they can take the opportunity to garrison troops here in Helan, which is also the implementation of their future plan.

Liu Hsien Loong also knew His Majesty’s strategy, and he definitely wanted to develop towards Western countries, so he said with a smile

“Your Majesty, rest assured, we will do our best to ensure the safety of Queen Helan and will not let them be captured by the Germanic Kingdom.”

After speaking, Liu Hsien Loong swore that he would definitely not let the queen fall into love for the Germanic country, and after speaking, he made preparations.

Soon, the Australasian Empire prepared a fleet escort, which included cruisers, supply ships, submarines, and Awa-class battleships.

In order to prevent being affected by the European war, and also to smoothly take back Queen Helan, such a position is needed.

And the time entered May, the 28th German division, 750,000 troops and thousands of fighters attacked Helan, and destroyed them in just one day.

He Lan was simply unable to resist, and the front line was urgent.

“Your Majesty, we, our army is powerless under the invasion of the Germanic state, and our front has been lost.”

“The subway, bridges, tracks were bombed by the Germanic state! Let’s retreat. ”

After Queen Wilhelma received the news, they were a little desperate, they only had ten divisions, and their weapons and equipment were really backward.

Even with the weapons support of the Australian Chinese Empire, there are not so many fighters.

She suddenly thought of what Yuan Tian had sent in telegram that they would definitely not be able to resist the attack of the Germanic state.

The subordinates around him also got the situation of the war and said with a wry smile:

“Your Majesty, the Germanic army is unstoppable, most of Europe has fallen, and we are not opponents at all.”

“Yes, while they have not yet arrived in our royal territory, we have to leave immediately, Mustache is a nightmare, he will kill us all.”

These ministers persuaded Wilhelma to abandon the country and avoid the limelight, and at the same time developed a deep fear of the mustache of the Germanic state.

“Yes, Your Majesty, as long as our royal family members stay, then there will be a chance to make a comeback, and Britain is not safe, the only safe thing now is the Australian Chinese Empire, far away from Europe, we can’t hesitate!”

Queen Wilhelm sighed, asking them to abandon the people and the land on which they depended, she really couldn’t bear it.

And they will have to leave their homeland in the future, but under the strong forces of the Germanic state, they have no chance of victory.

Even if they resisted in front of the Germanic army, they were probably not opponents, and in the end they sighed.

“Then we will withdraw from Helan and go to the Australian Chinese Empire, believing that the war in Europe will not spread to Oceania.”

Now they can only listen to Yuan Tian’s advice and go to the Australasian Empire in Oceania.

Although it is a helpless move, it can also save their lives, and at present, with the military quality and strength of He Lan, it is inevitable that the army of the Germanic country will be defeated.

Even a country like Gelan cannot resist, let alone them.

In the end, Williams still boarded the warships of the Australian Chinese Empire for transfer, and they also saw the strength of the Australian Chinese Imperial Navy, not to mention four Awa-class battleships, a Midway aircraft carrier, not counting other warships.

Such a powerful naval force is probably impossible for even the Germanic state to provoke such enemies, not to mention that their battlefield is mainly in Europe, and it does not involve the Australian Chinese Empire.

After some compromise, they can only go to the Australian Empire in order to protect themselves, which is also their final result, if they can deal with the mustache, then who will be willing to leave their homeland?

At this time, the warships of the Australian Chinese Empire were docked in their border ports, and the queen could only obediently cooperate with the actions of the Australian Chinese Empire to leave here, and could not delay.

Finally, the queen looked at their land affectionately, and said to the courtiers beside her: “This departure is only temporary, and in the future, we will gather our strength to return to Helan, the land on which we live.” ”

“Free our people from the oppression of the Germanic state.”

And many ministers also nodded, only this time they crossed the sea, left Great Europe, went to Oceania, did not know when they would return, only hoped that the Germanic country would be defeated as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you want to return to your homeland, you don’t know that it is the year of the monkey, and at the same time as receiving Queen Williamna.

Commander Liu Xianlong telegraphed the information to Yuan Tian, and Zhang Yihang, the intelligence minister in charge of receiving it, reported with a smile on his face:

“Your Majesty, our Australian Imperial Navy escort formation has already handed over to Queen Williamna, and did not exchange fire with the Germanic country on the way, successfully covering their safe evacuation.”

The reason why their Australasian Empire used so many warships was that they were worried that they would come into contact with the mustachioed navy at sea, and maybe they would be involved in this war.

In other words, they must not be willing to fight for no reason, but now it seems that the mustache does not care, it should be that they have also heard the news of the Australian Chinese Empire on the European battlefield.

They did not want to involve such a powerful country as the Australian Chinese Empire, so they did not pay attention to the actions of the Australian Chinese Empire, otherwise their warships would also notice the movements of the Australian Chinese Empire.

Now that they can receive this queen, their task has indeed been completed, and Zhang Yihang said with a smile: “Now Queen Wilhelma is on her way back, and it won’t be long before she arrives in our Australian Empire.” ”

When Yuan Tian heard this, he was relieved in his heart, but he was unwilling to fight with the army of the mustache.

Although the mustachioed navy cannot be as powerful as their army, their Australian Empire advocates making a fortune with a muffled voice, and it will definitely not be involved in the battlefields of Europe.

On the whole, the operation was smooth, as long as it did not attract the attention of this mustache, their Australian Chinese Empire, although they had other means to deal with it, could not participate in the battlefield of Europe.

Then Yuan Tian waved his hand: “Then arrange for them to come to the Aohua Empire as soon as possible.” ”

However, Yuan Tian does not know where this Queen Wilhelma will eventually choose, according to history, they will go to the British Ball to shelter.

But now that the Australian Chinese Empire is stepping in, maybe they will also come to their Australasian Empire to take refuge.

After all, this place is located in Oceania, far away from the European war, I am afraid that it will not affect here at all for a while, plus the strength shown to them by the Australian Chinese Empire.

This Queen Wilhelma should have had her own ideas, but historically they chose Britain.

But since they took the warship of the Australasian Empire, presumably they should also plan to stay here in the Australasian Empire, which is also good for the Australasian Empire.

In the future, you can use the identity of Queen He Lan to return to European territory, and when the time comes, you can ask for a garrison, of course, this is also a way to blackmail the Son of Heaven to order the princes.

For the future profits of the Australasian Empire, Yuan Tian also had his own ideas and plans, and on the way here, there were frequent wars in Europe, and Mustache launched a large-scale attack on He Lan soon after.

The crushing battle caused them to surrender completely in less than four days, and the country quickly fell, and when Queen Williamna received the news, she couldn’t believe it.

Even if they left Helan, their army in Poland was at least ten divisions or more, although it was only half of the German army, but it was not so weak.

But the reality is that they are surrounded by the Germanic army, and they do not have the ability to resist at all, and the ministers here are a little palpitating, and they can’t help but laugh bitterly:

“Your Majesty, it seems that we have chosen correctly, the attack of the Germanic country can only be resisted by the armies of Britain and France, and the other countries are vulnerable to him.”

“Yes, we were lucky to escape, otherwise we would have been played with by this barbaric and brutal mustache.”

Today, these ministers are still worried, and the Germanic attack is like a tidal wave, causing their land to fall rapidly.

Fortunately, they chose the Australian Empire instead of Britain, and even if the coalition of Britain and France were combined, it would not necessarily stop the Germanic state.

The speed of Ho Lan’s fall had indeed exceeded their expectations, and Queen Williamna sighed, unable to believe that they were also once famous commercial and colonial powers.

They could even go head-to-head with Britain, even during World War I, they avoided the war, and they used the wealth gained from trade to even become the beneficiaries of World War I.

They were both of the Aryan race, and they used to have very good relations with the royal family of the Germanic Kingdom, but they still took the initiative to attack Helan.

All this made the Horans think that the Germanic Congress looked at them differently, or at least would not attack.

Who would have thought that all these calculations would be deflated in the face of reality.

After the Germanic people had divided up the countrymen, they began to turn their guns and point their attack at France.

But attacking France has a relatively big trouble, that is, France spent a lot of money to build, known as the impregnable Maginot Line!

If the Germanic state wants to attack France, a direct attack on the Maginot line is undoubtedly iron, and the only way is to bypass the line and attack from the flank.

Then of course, He Lan bypassed, He Lan and the Billy country were in the line of defense, and the neutral country He Lan would not allow the army of the Germanic country to cross the border, if he crossed the border, how could he remain neutral?

But during World War II, due to the impact of the Great Depression, He Lan suffered a serious economic crisis, and the economic crisis was transmitted to the military.

When World War II broke out, He Lan only had ten divisions in the country, and in the face of the huge military strength of the Germanic army, ten divisions had no chance of victory at all.

The strategic need made the Germanic state have to attack Helan, and Helan’s strength was weak, which also made the Germanic country full of confidence.

So Yuan Tian had long expected such a result.

At this time, Queen Williams was still a little unbelievable, and finally took the initiative to contact Yuan Tian by telegram, and smiled bitterly:

“Your Majesty, you also know the battle situation of He Lan, in just four days, one of our He Lan’s sentences was raided by the Germanic Kingdom.”

“Now Her Majesty has also had to go into exile in other countries to seek your asylum.”

Queen Wilhelm smiled bitterly, the current situation of their royal family is indeed ugly.

Queen Ho Lan fled to the Australian Empire with her royal family, cabinet ministers and government, leaving her general Winckelmann to guard Ho Lan’s last line of defense, Rotter.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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