“With the industrial support of the Australian Chinese Empire, agriculture in Siam, Indian mud and Dayue has ushered in explosive growth.”

“They’ve cleared the land to grow crops, and they expect to harvest a lot of food next year, and our areas will change poverty, be self-sufficient, and have some cash crops to grow.”

Chen Chen, the chief executive of the Executive Yuan and minister of economy, reported to Yuan Tian:

After all, the technology of their Australasian Empire is quite developed, and other places are only traditional farming societies, and now after industrialization has entered, some machines that can be engaged in production and cultivation have also been manufactured.

“And according to your nonsense, Your Majesty, distribute the land to the peasants, and the harvest of the five major regions, it is expected that in the future, the people of these areas – will not starve.”

“And there is surplus food to sell to the outside world to ensure their livelihood.”

You must know that the five major regions before this are all colonies and are managed by Western countries, and Western countries will only plunder resources unscrupulously, and will not let your local economy develop at all.

In case of development, it may also cause a rebellion, so Western countries are only plundering here, and the life or death of the people has nothing to do with them.

As long as they can get benefits, but Yuan Tian is different, they do not belong to the management of the colony, but are part of the Australian Empire and become true citizens of their Australasian Empire.

At the same time, Yuan Tian also understood a truth, as long as there was food to eat, the people would not really rebel

And this is also related to the leadership of their Australian Empire, and it is impossible to solve everything by relying on everything, if the people really rebel, it is a problem to rule you.

At this time, Yuan Tian nodded with satisfaction: “In the future, Southeast Asia will be the granary of our Australasian Empire and the production base of ordinary manufacturing, we must make maximum use of the local environment and labor, strive to build factories, increase jobs, and let the people live a good life.” ”

Subsequently, Yuan Tian continued to arrange: “In the future, the agriculture in this Southeast Asian region must accelerate its development and some low-end manufacturing industries must meet the basic requirements. ”

“At the same time, we must disseminate farming technology, increase the degree of mechanization and replace manpower with machinery, and ensure that farmers harvest in time.”

The harvest is only a few days, and if they meet together, it is likely that a year’s planting will be wasted, and their harvesting of these grains is also a vital matter.

Secondly, because Southeast Asia has a large population and labor is also cheap, it can produce more products and things for them to ensure that they save some costs.

Of course, even if it is the lowest, it is much higher than the price set by the local government before the government, and some military materials can be mass-produced, such as some bullets and special firearms can be assembled.

In this era, when the assembly line has not yet become popular, manpower is still more important, labor development just provides them with jobs, in the future, most occupations will be replaced by machines, which is also a normal thing.

After speaking, Yuan Tian waved his hand to Zhang Yihang and said: “Now we have to vigorously inquire about the intelligence of the Soviet State, especially if the Soviet State needs weapons orders.” ”

“We continue to produce weapons and equipment, transport them to the Soviet Union and make a big profit.”

This is also Yuan Tian’s idea, after all, in terms of weapons, the original industrial strength of the Soviet Union is relatively strong, and the production of weapons is actually quite powerful.

Of course, their basic operations are not good, such as some manufacturing industries are also like daily necessities, this aspect of things is that they lack a lot.

The Australian Empire could then be allowed to provide them with cheap and cheap products and increase trade between the two countries.

After all, now that they are already cooperating with countries, it is impossible to do it behind closed doors, and the Soviet Union is still at war, and the price of these ordinary items will be higher.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I will contact the Su side and promise to accept their order.”

Now including Europe, they also have a lot of business to do, and in the future, the Australian Chinese Empire can directly send them the materials they need.

Whether it is weapons, clothes, food or basic supplies in all aspects, Southeast Asia can be produced, and the Australian Chinese Empire is not lacking now.

As for weapons, they have piled up warehouses, which they produced before the war, because they have not yet been involved in the Second World War, so they have the opportunity to produce so many products.

Subsequently, it can also promote the economic development of their Australian Empire, which is a situation that everyone is happy to see.

Time flew by, and soon it was the end of the month.

And most of Zhang Yihang came, and Yuan Tian opened his mouth in front of him and said: “Your Majesty, according to the current intensity of the Japanese army’s attack, the British army of the Eagle Sauce Country will not be able to bear it as soon as possible.” ”

“They will surrender to the Japanese, and this is also our opportunity to attack in the future.”

Zhang Yihang can be said to have a good understanding of the situation on the battlefield, and has arranged various special personnel to spy on intelligence to ensure that their Australasian Empire can receive news as soon as possible.

Once the British army was retired, it would be time for them to attack, and even if the Japanese were prepared, their weapons and consumption, as well as supplies including personnel, were not fully prepared.

For the Australian Chinese Empire, an opportunity to attack They have been waiting for the Japanese army to invade the current Burmese country, and when the time comes, they can also take advantage of the void to enter and take this part of the territory, which is definitely a golden opportunity for their Australasian Empire.

Yuan Tian squinted his eyes when he heard this: “After that, this Burmese country will soon be lost, as for Britain, it has already been pinned down by the British country in the European battlefield, and there is no strength at all to send troops to support.” ”

As for the previous when they asked the Australian Empire for help, Yuan Tian would not pay any attention to it now, because they would not be the first bird of Britain.

Now that the British army could no longer bear it, it would be an opportunity for their Australian Empire to provide direct support before Britain surrendered.

Yuan Tian then ordered Zhang Yihang: “Call the commanders of the three armies, we will plan to attack the Burma.” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Zhang Yihang’s face was excited, and they waited for this opportunity, and the entire territory of Southeast Asia would be under the administration of their Australasian Empire in the future.

As for the little devils who want to get involved, they are simply dreaming, waiting for the territory of the British Kingdom to fall, and their Australian Empire also openly continues to attack.

Soon, the commander of the three armies strode to Yuan Tian, and also received the latest news from Zhang Yihang that the Burmese country was about to be unable to hold on, and the British army over there would soon surrender.

At this time, Yuan Tian did not talk nonsense, after all, they have been fully prepared for this period of time, whether it is weapons or equipment, they have crushed the Japanese country, and now it is time for them to attack.

As for the matter of Japan’s previous peace with them, it was completely a delaying measure, and if it were not for a fool, he would not have missed this opportunity to attack.

The Australian Chinese Empire definitely wants to take this part of Myanmar and complete the platter of Southeast Asia.

Subsequently, Yuan Tian ordered Huang Xitian, commander-in-chief of the Air Force: “Now the Air Force will immediately arrange 500 fighters to bomb and plow the land in all directions, mainly bombers, and form a flight formation to occupy air supremacy in Burma.” ”

“Secondly, Commander Liu, the commander of the Navy, you arranged for the naval fleet to rush to Burma immediately, and secondly, to block the support and assistance of the Japanese naval fleet in the port, so that they could restrict the port and cut off their reserve support capability.”

“We have to close the door and fight dogs, and we can’t let their navy interfere with our combat behavior.”

“And the army entered the Japanese army from the territory of Siam and Vietnam, and this time the three armies worked together to sweep these little devils in Burma.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Now the commander of the three armies has an excited face, this group of little devils they have long seen that it is not good, but they have not moved before, waiting for the opportunity.

It is because after the fall of Britain, they also had a legitimate reason to enter the Burmese country and take this piece of territory.

As for the territory after they take it, it will definitely not be handed over to Europe, which also belongs to the territory of their Australian Empire.

Now Yuan Tian waved his hand again: “You have to be careful, this time the Japanese army attacked the 15th Army in the direction of Burma, but they had just destroyed three divisions by us, and lost more than 20,000 people.” ”

“But they still have more than 100,000 troops in Myanmar, about ten divisions, you must be careful and not be careless.”

“We must attach importance to the enemy tactically, and even if the Japanese troops are inferior, we must beware of their imminent counterattack.”

Yuan Tian could understand that the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and even if they had an absolute advantage, they could not be careless.

In the event that the Japanese Jedi counterattacked, it would be a loss for their Australian Empire, and he did not want his people to die in vain, and they planned to use weapons to sell the living number of the little devils first.

Zhang Yihang smiled: “Yes, Your Majesty, everything is according to your orders.” ”

Now they intend to directly destroy the Japanese army first, occupy air supremacy, and bombard these Japanese troops with a crushing trend.

After cutting off their reserve support with naval forces, the Imperial Australian Army would send six divisions to annihilate them, attacking from different directions, flanking them.

It can be said that this move is also a typical closing of the door and fighting dogs, when the time comes, the Japanese army’s back road is completely cut off, and they are not allowed to have any resources, ensuring that the Australian Chinese Empire can gain a tactical advantage.

Now the commanders of the three armies have been instructed.

After all, they also understand that this time the battlefield is to fight for the country of Myanmar, in order to take the country of Myanmar, they have been preparing for nearly a month, and everyone is full of confidence.

And His Majesty has been quite perfect in tactics, as long as he wins air supremacy, the Japanese fighters have no chance to play at all, and with the current tank strength of their army units, they will push all the way.

As for the navy, they will also send ships to intercept to ensure that the support of the Japanese army will not quickly reach the harbor, and they are not weak in naval battles.

After Yuan Tian finished his order, the operational command began to plan this operation, and began to launch an attack on the Burmese army early tomorrow morning, first eliminating most of their living forces and weakening their strength.

I believe that after a wave of bombardment, even if they can’t lose half of the troops on the opposite side, they can suffer heavy losses.

This attack was definitely a surprise attack, and its 500 fighters would also form a formation to bombard indiscriminately.

Secondly, their army will also cross the border and start ploughing with Katyusha rocket launchers, first destroying the living forces on the opposite side, and finally using the army of the six corps of the army for the final annihilation.

0 ask for flowers

After Yuan Tian’s order was issued, the commanders of the three armies began to implement it, and they would launch attacks on the Japanese army in the future, and they had to decide on the territory of Burma.

Moreover, for the Australian Chinese Empire, the territory that dominates Southeast Asia is a few pieces, and the Japanese army wants to dominate Southeast Asia, first ask them whether the Australasian Empire agrees or not.

Yuan Tian did not intend to give these little devils a chance to negotiate peace, taking advantage of your illness and killing you, especially since the Japanese army had just finished fighting with the British Kingdom, it was their opportunity to attack.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Japanese army did not react and was tired of fighting, the Australian Empire was able to raid the opportunity.

Early the next morning, there was a buzzing sound of takeoff, mixed with the sound of propellers.

Today, 500 Mustang Hellcat fighters and B29 bombers take off from Siamese and Lao airfields, as well as their aircraft carriers, and directly attack the Japanese.

This is also their tactical advantage, so that before the Japanese army reacted, it was attacked by their fighters and directly occupied air supremacy.

As for the Zero fighters of the devils on the opposite side, they did not pay attention at all, came to a fighter group, and destroyed one, because their fighters had fire control radar devices on them.

If they dare to stop the so-called Zero fighters, they will at most add merit to these air forces.

What’s more, their fighters also have fire control radars, which directly lock on the opposite fighters, and the little devils, as long as they are not stupid, will not send fighters to intercept, that is, from the very beginning.

Soon, after the Mustang fighters took off, they went straight to the front line, and these fighter groups would first occupy air supremacy, then bomb the Japanese, followed by B29 bombers, which would drop bombs on the Japanese forces in Burma.

After the modification, the Mustang fighter, as well as the B29 bomber, all have radars, and they can quickly detect the opponent’s enemy aircraft, and they are not afraid of countermeasures by the opposing fighters.

In the early morning, the Japanese army units had penetrated deep into Burma, and they knew that within three days, they would completely destroy the British army, take Burma, and win the war.

Many Japanese soldiers even indulged in the joy of victory, talking and laughing among the marching troops.

“Goto-san, this time our troops have won a big victory, the troops of the British Kingdom are not as invincible as we imagined, and they are vulnerable in the face of our Great Japanese Empire.”

“Miyamoto Army, we have captured nearly 10,000 of these foreigners, and we will soon be able to win this victory, and we have not lost many people.”

This Burmese battle made the Japanese army very excited, saved their fifteenth army’s defeat, and the Japanese army defeated the British army at only 9,000 casualties and set a brilliant record.

Just when they thought that as long as they defeated the British army, they could occupy Burma, suddenly, there was a buzz in the position!

They saw countless small black dots coming towards them in the sky, and immediately after, they heard the piercing air defense siren.

“It’s a fighter plane of the Australasian Empire! We were attacked! ”

Just before the entire Japanese position could react, these fighters had already flown over them and dropped bombs directly!


The melody of death sounded, followed by a dense bomb dropped from above, bombarding their positions as dense as raindrops.

The entire position was instantly bombed beyond recognition, and the Japanese troops who were still talking and laughing here just now were directly blown up into the wreckage of severed limbs, and there was no chance for them to react at all.

At this time, the Japanese positions were in chaos, and here they quickly shouted: “Run, run to the bomb shelter immediately!” ”

These Japanese troops panicked, in the face of air force attacks, only felt that death was coming, just a wave of attacks down, their position has at least hundreds of casualties, the main thing is that they are too concentrated, giving the Australian Chinese Empire a chance.

The four divisions of the Japanese Fifteenth Army in Burma were directly bombarded by Mustang fighters, and the Australian Chinese Empire had long known their bases, and after the Japanese army fought with Britain, the physical strength and weapons of these soldiers were almost consumed, facing the surprise attack prepared by the Australian Empire in advance.

Even if they knew in advance, they did not expect that the fighters of the Australian Chinese Empire would completely become their nightmare, and the gap between the two sides was too big.

The current commanders do not dare to let their fighters take off, because there is a qualitative difference between the two fighters, and their Zero fighters are originally invincible on the battlefield.

But in the face of the fighters of the Australian Chinese Empire, there is a weak heart, unable to fight with the opposite side, the opposite fighter is obviously more advanced than them, and also equipped with fire control radar, if the fighter takes off rashly.

If you fight with five hundred fighters, let’s not talk about the number, the key is the performance problem, and their ten fighters say that gathering fire on one Hellcat fighter can destroy a Mustang or Hellcat fighter on the opposite side. ,

It can be said that the gap between the two sides is quite large, and if their Zero fighters are allowed to take off rashly at this time, it is likely to be completely destroyed.

When the attack on the anti-harbor of the Australian Empire was launched, the Zero fighter damaged more than a hundred inches.

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