The mall is full of things.

But Puluo did not dare to buy at will.

His prestige points are limited.

Every purchase needs to be arranged reasonably.

Just like before, buying robots large and small to control the sky carrier cost millions of reputation points.

Plus writing programs to robots, entering instructions, and hundreds of thousands of prestige points.

“There are still seven million prestige points today, so you must use them wisely.”

Prolo divides the use of prestige points into two parts.

One is for itself.

For example, gene-enhancing agents can increase physical strength and prolong life.

One is for the state.

For example, the Cheetah Flying Machine is used to build flying soldiers.

However, at present, it seems that the main direction of spending on prestige points is still for the state.

He is the Hairy Bear Emperor.

The whole hairy bear is his.

Now the hairy bear is in danger, and it is precisely when he needs to make a move.

It is not too late to wait until the hairy bear becomes the hegemon of the world and slowly strengthens itself.

Therefore, the current general purchase of things is all for the consideration of the country.

And for the country, it is certainly not to buy one or two.

That’s not to mention hundreds of starts.

Even thousands, tens of thousands.

This is also doomed to his current seven million prestige points, which is a drop in the bucket.

“Prosthetic bodies and mechanical creatures are good, and they can improve the strength of the army in a short time.”

Muttering in his heart, Pu Luo fell into hesitation.

These can indeed enhance the strength of the military.

But this is not a qualitative change.

Just because today’s war is no longer a war between people.

It’s more of an all-round confrontation.

From person to person, hairy bears are not much worse than eagle sauce.

The body armor, firearms, and the soldiers of the hairy bear owned by the Eagle Sauce soldiers also have them.

But Eagle Sauce is a real world hegemon.


It’s not because Eagle Sauce beats the bears in other ways.

“Military strength is roughly divided into three aspects, navy, air force and army.”

“In terms of the navy, Eagle Sauce has 13 aircraft carrier battle groups, and it is the only country in the world that has aircraft carriers of more than 80,000 tons, and the combat power of an aircraft carrier battle group is even more terrifying than the total naval and air strength of ordinary countries.”

“In terms of the Air Force, Eagle Sauce has less than 5,000 fighters, most of them are still the most advanced fighters, if they start a war, there is a steady stream of fighters, output…”

“And the last army, Eagle Sauce, is recognized in the world as the most advanced and powerful ground armed force…”

Those who know the enemy best will always be the enemy.

As an old rival of Eagle Sauce, Mao Xiong still knows Eagle Sauce very well.

Moreover, most of the people in Maoxiong also affirmed the strength of Eagle Sauce.

Head-on, unless nuclear weapons are sacrificed, the hairy bear has no chance of victory.

This is Eagle Sauce.

The absolute hegemon of this world.

The rest of the country is out of reach

The military forces on the surface alone are desperate.

However, now, Puluo wants to catch up with or even surpass them with the help of black technology.

“There is a gap in the strength of the army, but the gap is not large, and the air force can barely touch it, the most important thing is the navy.”

Whispering softly, Puluo also knew the next target.

That is to maximize the naval strength of the hairy bear.

Since Eagle Sauce has thirteen combat aircraft carrier groups, it is used as a benchmark.

So… A quick glance at the mall, Puluo looks for all the black technology that can improve the strength of the navy.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than half an hour had passed.

And at this moment, Puluo’s eyes lit up.

“Ship girl.”

Suddenly, Puluo discovered an extremely interesting black technology in the mall.

And this is the ship girl.

Super artificial intelligence, can be loaded on any battleship, improve the strength of the battleship in all directions.

Even, the ship girl will guide the world to upgrade the battleship.

Greatly increase the power of the battleship itself.

This is not only that, as a super artificial intelligence, the ship girl has no less intelligence than humans, and can form a corresponding virtual image on the battleship.

In other words, as long as Puluo installs super artificial intelligence such as ship girls on the battleship, he can see young girls standing on the top of the battleship.

Like soldiers, they stood quietly, waiting for Puluo’s call.

And this is black technology – ship girl.

A very interesting and practical black technology.

If Puluo really buys a ship, install it on one battleship after another.

Then these warships are equivalent to unlocking the ‘upgrade potential’.

Under the guidance of the ship girl, it can be strengthened in all aspects.

Of course, this also requires the cooperation of the hairy bear.

For example, what weapons the ship girl needs to load

What metal is needed, these need to be provided by the hairy bear.

And the ship girl, in addition to guiding the battleship to upgrade, can also control the battleship to fight.

As artificial intelligence.

Moreover, it is still the most top-level artificial intelligence, and the meaning of their existence is to fight.

Therefore, the same warship group, with a fleet controlled by the shipwright, can definitely unilaterally crush the rest of the warship group.

“This ship girl is very good, really good…”

“However, the price seems to be a bit expensive.”

Looking at the price of a ship girl, Pu Luo couldn’t help but gasp.

Good guys, that’s five million prestige points.


There was silence for a while, and Prolo intended to buy it later.

This thing, he bought now, is a little broken.

And, more crucially, the bears now have five major fleets.

He hadn’t even gone to see it for himself.

These need to be seen in person before a decision can be made.

“Wait a few days, let’s go to a fleet first.”

“Just the Black Ocean Fleet, this fleet has a long history and still has a good background.”

Muttering in his heart, Pu Luo had also made a decision.

If he wants to improve his naval strength, he definitely needs to get close to the Mao Bear Navy.

Only in this way can it be accurately improved.

ps: ******

Various military data benchmark reality Kazakhstan, the Black Ocean Fleet, also exists….

However, due to the overhead, the name has been changed slightly.

The words of the ship girl, currently presented in virtual technology… Similar to Hatsune Miku… There is a possibility at the moment, not too far ahead… Of course, real technology certainly transcends reality.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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