Chapter 0081 – Transformation and Rise! Beyond human existence!!!!

The Great Emperor’s Mansion, deep in the office, Pu Luo summoned the five geniuses of the Military Academy and the Fulong Academy.

They’re all very nice.

In terms of theoretical results and performance alone, they are full scores, or close to full scores.

However, now, they were stunned when they listened to Puluo’s voice.

“Do you want to surpass the existing humans and become the new humans?”

These are the words of the general public.

Simple and straightforward.

But it made Liu Yaer and the others completely stunned.

“Beyond existing humans? What do you mean? ”

“Emperor, what are you talking about?”

“Yes, Great Emperor, how can existing human beings surpass?”

One after another, either stunned or exclaimed.

But they all expressed their disbelief.

“Great Emperor, it’s not that I don’t have much time, let alone surpass existing humans, and even now I’m not sure that I can see the sun tomorrow.”

Vic’s voice was a little helpless. More bitterness.

He is not afraid of death.

But he is afraid that his road to scientific research will stop there.

He has just entered the door of scientific research.

He set sail.

But now… Bitter, helpless.

It’s more of a dead face of despair.

“It’s just cancer.”

Pu Luo chuckled, not caring at all.

“I can cure your cancer at any time as long as you want.”


Silence, complete silence.

Liu Yaer, Vic and the others were stunned.

Looked at each other in disbelief.

Is this the emperor they worship as a ‘god’ in their hearts? How to say it, it is so exaggerated.

The preceding sentence: “Beyond existing humans”. And now, here’s a word: cancer.

People who don’t know, this is a madman who ran out of a mental hospital.

“The Emperor…”

Weber stepped forward and said, “That, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but what you said… There really is a passage…”

Webb pointed to his head… The rest of the words, he did not dare to say.

This is the Great.

If you are in a bad mood, his life will be 03.

So well…

He was just a friendly reminder.

In this regard, Pu Luo did not care much, but looked at Anna on the side.

“Got it, my lord.”

In response, Anna also raised her arm.

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone who dared not believe, Anna’s arm deformed little by little…

Yes, deformation.

It is constantly deforming like metal.

until it turns into an arm-thick muzzle.

“My God, what is this?”

“Oh my God… This is…”

“Great Emperor, Great Emperor, you are!”

“Hey, what’s the kidding?”

Or scream, or exclaim.

Liu Yaer, Weber and others are stupid.

But at this moment, Anna opened fire.


With a loud bang, the ground of the Great Emperor’s Mansion shook violently.

With the naked eye, a fist-sized hole appeared in front of Anna.

“This is?”

Liu Yaer covered her small mouth, until now she couldn’t believe it.

“Super soldiers.”

Pro’s calm voice sounded in the office.

Immediately, he took a deep look at everyone and reminded: “We hairy bears have reached a point unimaginable to ordinary people in the human body…”

“And now, I intend to train the five of you to the level of surpassing the existing humans…”

“As long as you nod your head, you swear allegiance to me…”

“Then believe me… You will receive more than you can imagine, with a sound of magic and magic. ”

Like the whisper of the devil, and like the demon seduction. A little, a little, seduces everyone. There was silence.

The audience fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t know what to say.

However, at this moment,

“Emperor, are your words serious? My cancer was really curable. Vic’s body trembled a little. ”

After seeing Anna’s horror, he believed Puluo’s words a little.

“I don’t lie.”

Prolo responded calmly.

Then, taking a deep look at Vic and said bluntly: “I know your past, and I know who you are, so I summoned you…”

“I hope that you can become my right hand, and for that, I don’t mind giving something to heal you.”

“So you’d like to?”


One after another, Prolo also raised his right hand and stretched out towards Vic.

He was after getting to know Vic in depth.

I just love this guy.

He didn’t mind spending a million reputation points to cure his cancer.

And all this because he really loves scientific research.

Moreover, he is also extremely talented.

To put it bluntly, given time, he will definitely be able to make new breakthroughs in the existing field of mankind.

So well… Prolo is willing to nurture him.

Even, willing to take him to heights that ordinary people cannot understand.

But all this presupposes that he swears allegiance.

It is not the woolly bear that pledges allegiance.

Rather, he – Pro.

Not only him, but the rest of the people.

“If the Great Emperor can really give me a new life, then this life of mine will definitely belong to you…”

“It will also be loyal to you.”

Vic dragged his heavy body and slowly fell to his knees. His face showed an indescribable madness.

As mentioned before, he is not afraid of death, he is afraid that he will not be able to continue his scientific research path.

And now, the Great Emperor not only wants to give him a new life, but also intends to focus on cultivating him.

In this case, what about his allegiance? This is the Great.

It is the emperor of the hairy bear.

He should have been allegious.

Now, it’s just more loyal.

“Haha, I didn’t misread you.”

Proo laughed.

He liked Vic’s statement.

At this time, his gaze was on the rest of the people. Especially the two women behind Liu Yaer and Webb.

This is a pair of sister flowers.

It looks exactly the same.

They are rumored to have telepathy.

He is also a very talented person.

However, their talent is not military or even scientific research.

It’s about fighting.

They are extremely sensitive to guns.

Good at using a variety of firearms.

Moreover, their archery is also extremely superb.

At the age of 21, their marksmanship is enough to compare with some special forces, and even surpass them, so Puluo also intends to focus on training them.

“Beth, Beya, I plan to arrange for you to be my personal bodyguard, are you willing?”

Bodyguards, Prolo has a lot.

The entire team of Cangya is his bodyguard.

Anna is also his bodyguard.

But now, the Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San of the Cangya team all have tasks.

In terms of the safety of the Great Emperor, there were finally some flaws.

So, someone needs to fill their gaps. And this pair of sister flowers is a good choice.

As for why sister flowers?

Do you need to ask that? Promo is a man.

Men know everything.

If you have a choice, who wants to choose rough masters as bodyguards? Sister flowers like this, aren’t they fragrant?

As for what to say, women’s combat power is not as good as that of men, although this is true.

But in front of Prolo, it’s a little funny.

In the face of his black technology, this pair of sister flowers, whether physical, strength, or otherwise, will inevitably far surpass humans.

In this way, the gap between men and women is enough to completely equalize.

Looking at each other, Beth and Beya also showed determination. They originally had the idea of developing in the direction of ‘bodyguards’. And this time, the one who initiated the invitation to them was the current emperor of Mao Xiong.

Naturally, they will not refuse.

“I, Beth, I, Beya, will definitely protect the safety of the Great Emperor.”

In unison, both silhouettes knelt on one knee and achieved loyalty to the watch.

However, I have to say that the vision of the general is really good. At only 21 years old, they are the age to be released.

White skin, delicate facial features.

And that exact same face.

Just a glance is to accelerate the secretion of hormones.

“My safety will depend on you in the future.”

With a chuckle, Pu Luo already had some arrangements for them.


Proper transformation.

Advanced prosthetic subcutaneous armor, they must be transplanted.

This subcutaneous armor is enough to make their bodies resist bullets.

Even ordinary sharp weapons cannot tear their bodies apart.

This is one of the top technologies of the future.

Installed in the brain nerves, when activated, it can slow down the time by 30%.

Although the cooldown time is somewhat long.

But also enough.

And this is also the god-level prosthetic reality distortion low-end version installed by Protle.

However, even if it is low-firing, it is worth a lot.

It is rumored that this high-level prosthetic body will only be installed for the most elite soldiers.

Nowadays, to give these two sisters flowers, transplantation must be good…

Only, that’s not all.

When it comes to real transformation, Puluo will respect their opinions, and then transform them to the fullest.

In turn, they gain power far beyond humans.

Compared to others, the cultivation of this pair of sister flowers is the most convenient.

Because they are simply a boost in strength.

There are a thousand ways to improve this.

Whether it is prosthetic transplantation or gene enhancement, it can be directly improved.

But Wei Bo, Liu Yaer, their cultivation, there is some trouble.

They are not simply a boost in strength.

Instead, in their respective fields, they achieve new breakthroughs.

It’s like Vic doing science.

Then he is going to become the chief scientist of the hairy bear.

I heard that there was a rumor over there in Eagle Sauce: “We hairy bears have scientists who have been leading the world for five hundred years. ”

“If there really is, it must be Vic.”

His eyes froze slightly, and Pu Luo also made arrangements.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, in the middle of the night, Puluo and these five geniuses talked smoothly.

Even the most mischievous, missile Weber swore allegiance to Pro.

His gaze was extremely determined.

The gaze that looked at Pu Luo was more fanatical.

“Emperor, I know you are very powerful, but I didn’t expect you to be like this. The words are not finished, but everything is silent. ”

This yellow-haired young man was completely shocked by Puluo. It was an indescribable shock that surged from the heart.


“Trust me, I will take you beyond existing humans.”

Saying this, Pu Luo also arranged for these five young men and women to board the sky mothership suspended above the nine heavens, Cangqiao Ten.

There, Prolo had already prepared five laboratories.

“Webb, I know you like to invent… I have prepared a technology for you here for Hex, and you try to study. ”

With that, Proo arranged Webb to a laboratory.

There, there are various theoretical basics about Hex, and some finished products are displayed.

“Vic, you are not in good health now, I will arrange surgery for you to heal in a few days, and you are in these days, look at the various books I prepared for you.”

Prou looked at Vic, who was not in good health, and said bluntly.

These books were all prepared by Anna for Vic.

She knows where Vic is headed.

Focusing on the human body…

To put it bluntly, it is mechanical transformation…

And this is the reason why Puluo wants to cultivate him the most.

Don’t forget, Puluo’s dream is ‘flesh and blood, mechanical ascension’.

But all this time, he did not carry out the transformation.

The reason for this, the technology of mechanical transformation, is not mature and stable.

A top scientist is needed to specialize in this area… to get the way.

If Vic can really grow, it will be able to make new breakthroughs in the field of mechanical transformation.

Then the dream of a mechanical ascension is no longer far away.

As for the sister flowers, the arrangement is simple.

In addition to two separate rooms, a training ground was prepared for them.

There, Anna would teach them as a mentor.

At the same time, according to their needs, give them targeted transformation.

These are all controlled by Anna.

Prolo does not participate.

However, Prolo has one request.

That is, all transformations cannot affect Besbea’s exterior and interior.

Outside, nature is the face, the figure.

The reason why Puluo makes them his bodyguards is because they are extremely eye-catching.

All of them are white-skinned, beautiful and long-legged.

Proper big beauty.

If because of the transformation, the appearance has undergone an inexplicable change.

That’s not good.

As for the inside, it is even more direct, that is, what they should have as women, they need to keep.

Including that aspect of life also needs to be preserved.

Proco didn’t want the two of them to lose some of the things that women should have because of various transformations.

This is also one of the bottom lines of Pro.

“The so-called transformation must have a bottom line… If there is no bottom line, then the so-called transformation will definitely cause irreversible consequences. ”

With a sigh, Puluo also had great expectations for this pair of sister flowers.

He believes that this pair of sisters will not let her down.

As for the end… It’s Liu Yaer.

A rare mixed-race child.

It also has the temperament of oriental classical beauty.

Military talent is outstanding.

In the activities of various military competitions, they are the first.

He also published several bold theories that shocked the military.

“Liu Yaer, which aspect do you want to improve?”

Pu Luo turned and looked at the last girl. Now Liu Yaer is wearing a long black dress.

His black hair poured down like a waterfall.

Her beautiful eyes flashed, and she seemed to see a ghostly light… That’s the light of contemplation.

“Emperor, which aspect do you want me to improve?”

“Bodyguard, you have Bailey, Beya, in terms of scientific research, you have Webb, Vic…”

“So what else do you need now?”

Liu Yaer did not directly answer Puluo’s question.

Instead, it was difficult to hide the curiosity in his heart, and asked Pu Luo a question.

“What do I need…”

There was a rare silence, and Prolo did not give an answer at the first time…

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