Zhou Xin: "It's not impossible to solve this problem."

  Zhou Xin: "The first way is to develop armor that can be used without a small device, but as Tony said, this is too time-consuming."

  Zhou Xin: "The second way is to develop a set of armor that can be operated by unmanned people. If there is no one, then you can install small devices on the armor and operate the armor through remote control."

  This second type of armor will actually be mass-produced by Tony in the future.

  And like this small device and armor combined into one armor, which is represented by the war machine.

  Colonel Rhodes, the user of the war machine, does not have a small ark reactor device on his body, but he can still use the war machine armor.

  Tony: "But it takes time to study this kind of armor. I'm afraid Yingsen won't be able to last that long."

  Although the second type of armor will take significantly less research time than the first type of armor.

  But it still can't be done in a short time.

  And time is one of the most important things to rescue Ying Sen.

  Zhou Xin: "The third way is to get the things in the mall."

  Zhou Xin: "You don't need to get the Saiyan blood, even if you just get a Devil Fruit in the One Piece world, you can solve this crisis."

  Whitebeard: "The group leader is right, although my world is far inferior to the world where the group leader lives, but at present, some things in my world can still help you, especially the devil fruit. "

  Whitebeard: "By the way, if you want Devil Fruits, you'd better get the natural ones, so you don't have to be afraid of those hot weapons."

  Only natural fruits can ignore those hot weapons. .

Chapter 33

  Of course, if you have bullets made of sea tower stones, you can also deal with those who are capable of natural fruits.

  But the question is, how could there be sea towers in Tony's world?

  Therefore, once Tony obtains some kind of natural fruit, he should be an invincible existence in his world.

  Tony: "The problem is, although the natural fruit is not as expensive as the Saiyan blood, it is not something I can afford now, unless I draw a lottery."

  Tony: "Then the problem comes again. I don't have much confidence in my luck. I don't think I'll be able to draw Devil Fruits in the lottery."

  Tony was very depressed. In the past, he would buy whatever he wanted, never looking at the price.

  But in the chat group, he experienced the lives of ordinary people, even those with little money.

  What he can afford but he doesn't need, and what he needs, he can't afford!

  Seriously, if he could exchange his money for points, even if it was [-] yuan for one point, he would definitely be willing.

  If he can really do this, he will definitely give [-] points first.

  Anyway, even [-] points are only [-] million, not a lot.

  But no, this is a very depressing thing.

  Whitebeard: "@Tony, how about this, I can help you get a natural devil fruit, I don't need you to buy it at the original price, I only need half the price, how about it."

  In the world of pirates, Whitebeard thought of a way to get rich.

  He can collect Devil Fruits in his own world and sell them to others in need.

  And he doesn't need them to buy it at the original price. Like the group owner, it's not a loss to sell it to them at half price.

  Anyway, it is not difficult for him to get a few Devil Fruits.

  Tony: "Forget it. Even if you sell it to me at half price, I don't know how long it will take to pay off the points."

  After Tony looked at the price of Devil Fruits in the mall, he was a little moved, but he suddenly lost his mind.

  The items in the mall are priced according to their preciousness in their respective worlds.

  Devil fruit is already a very precious thing in the world of One Piece, especially natural fruit.

  A natural fruit, even the cheapest one, requires hundreds or thousands of points, and some are more expensive than fairy beans!

  After all, although fairy beans are very valuable in other worlds, even if they sell for a few thousand points, it is not too much.

  But in the Dragon Ball world, fairy beans are only a little rare, but they are not precious.

  Even if it's only half price, it needs a lot of points. Just by signing in, Tony doesn't know how long it will take him to pay off.

  And the point is, the Devil Fruit is not what he actually wants, what he wants is those things from the Dragon Ball World!

  Whitebeard: "Then I have nothing to do. You should hurry up and study the armor. In fact, if you are not caught, that Yingsen should not be killed so quickly."

  Hattori Heiji: "I think what Daddy Whitebeard said is quite right. After all, it should have been some time since Ying Sen was caught."

  Hattori Heiji: "As long as he is still useful, he is at least safe, and I don't think he will be in any danger in a short time."

  Whitebeard: "So, you should hurry up and study armor, or hurry up and accumulate points to buy what you want."

  Whitebeard: "Of course, you can also draw a prize once, maybe you will get something good?"

  Whitebeard still didn't give up on instigating other people to draw the lottery. Of course, he only instigated it for a while. If Tony refused, he would not continue to instigate it.

  Tony: "Let me think about it first, wait until I finish watching the plot of this one, maybe there is a way to make me research the armor sooner."

  Hattori Heiji: "But then again, Uncle Tony, you can actually create such high-tech armor. The level of technology in your world is obviously higher than mine."

  Tony: "No, it's just that my technology is ahead of the world for decades. Other technologies should be similar to your world."

  Hattori Heiji: "I still feel that something is wrong. Why do I think that among the few of us, only my world is the most ordinary."

  Tony: "Ordinary? It can make medicines that rejuvenate people, so it's called ordinary? The technology in your world is not bad, okay! Even I can't make such medicines!"

  Of course, this is also because drug making is not Tony's area of ​​expertise.

  If Tony had learned knowledge in the biological field, with his IQ and hands-on ability, maybe he could really make something similar.

  Whitebeard: "Besides, Taiyi hasn't said anything yet, so how do you know that your world is the most ordinary."

  Digimon World.

  When Taichi saw the news of Whitebeard, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face. .

Chapter 34

  If it was before, Taiyi really felt that his world was an ordinary world.

  But after reading the copy about him, he realized that he was too naive.

  Maybe his world is indeed an ordinary world, but soon he will become unusual.

  He would go to a summer camp, and then at summer camp, he would travel with six other kids to a world called Digimon.

  There are all kinds of monsters in that world!

  Although he hasn't seen what will happen later, the content at the beginning is enough for him to digest it for a long time.

  He lived a very ordinary life for about ten years, and the result told him that in fact, there is another world outside the world he lives in, and in that world, there are all kinds of monsters!

  For a child like Taiyi, he was really a little unacceptable for a while!

  Taichi: "Actually, I don't know if I should say something."

  Tony: "Of course, what happened to you?"

  Taichi: "Actually, after reading the copy of my world, I found that my world seems to be a little unusual."

  Then, Tai handed some screenshots to the group.

  Hattori Heiji: "Look, my world is the most ordinary! Even Taichi's world is not ordinary at all!"

  Tony: "Insects bigger than people, and small dinosaurs that can breathe fire, yes Taichi, I didn't expect you to be hidden all the time!"

  Tony: "I always thought you were just an ordinary child, but you are not!"

  Taichi: "I'm really just an ordinary kid, except that something will happen to me at summer camp soon, and then I'll go to that world with Digimon!"

  Looking at Taiyi's news, Zhou Xin was also a little emotional.

  In fact, Taiyi's situation is somewhat similar to his own, and they all travel to another world.

  But the difference is that Taiyi can still go back to his own world, but he probably won't be able to go back.

  Of course, even if he can go back, there is a high probability that he does not want to go back.

  The Dragon Ball world is much more interesting than his previous world, especially since he has now reached the level of God of Destruction and is barely a master, at least he can survive in the Dragon Ball world.

  But if he is still just an ordinary person, there is a high probability that he still wants to return to his previous world.

  After all, the world used to be much safer.

  Tony: "Then your situation is a bit similar to mine. I went to a product demo shortly after and was blown up and caught."

  Tony: "I'm not going to go, what about you, are you going to that summer camp?"

  Hattori Heiji: "Actually, I think Taichi's situation is a bit different from yours. You will be in danger if you go, but after Taichi goes, although he will go to that world full of monsters, he still has his own friends. "

  Hattori Heiji: "And he still has the orange, fire-breathing little dinosaur to protect him. He is much safer than you."

  Tony: "That's true. If there's no danger, then I think you can go. After all, children, there's no harm in having more experience."

  Tony: "What's more, it's a unique experience that will definitely make you unforgettable."

  Taichi: "I'll decide whether to go or not after I finish reading the dungeon. If I don't have anything to do in the end, if I survive and don't get hurt, then I'll go."

  To be honest, the couple was still a little excited about going to the Digimon world.

  He is only a child after all, and he still has a desire to explore some unknown things.

  In particular, he also knew that most of the worlds in the group were very unusual.

  So he wanted to go to that magical world even more.

  Of course, the most important thing is that he can know what will happen after he goes.

  If it's safe for him to go, it's okay to go there and gain knowledge and experience.

  But if there is danger, and if he encounters danger and hadn't avoided it, then he would definitely not go.

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