Chapter 47

  Zhou Xin: "@megatron, you don't need to be so troublesome, I will send you a red envelope later, if you can accept my red envelope, then my group owner is yours."

  Zhou Xin also saw the news of Megatron. He thought before that whether Megatron would bring his villain's temperament to the chat group.

  It turned out to be true, Megatron wanted to be the group owner as soon as he came up, and he was fascinated and confident that he would definitely be able to be the group owner.

  Megatron's actions have already made others unhappy. As the group owner, he naturally has to express his position.

  Zhou Xin also wanted to teach Megatron a lesson by himself, but unfortunately, the chat group has not yet opened the world shuttle function, and there is no virtual fighting field or the like, so he cannot teach Megatron a lesson.

  But soon he thought again, could he send a red envelope to Megatron for him to accept.

  Of course, what is in the red envelope is definitely not what other people imagined.

  Tony: "The group leader sent a red envelope to this newcomer called Megatron? What's the situation?"

  Whitebeard: "I don't think the group owner's red envelope is so easy to accept. You said, after that Megatron accepts the red envelope, will something happen?"

  Hattori Heiji: "I think it's possible, anyway, I won't believe that the group owner will really honestly send a red envelope to Megatron."

  Yagami Taichi: "That man named Megatron is really annoying! He doesn't take the group owner seriously at all!"

  Tony: "Even Taiyi hates him so much. This Megatron is really not a good thing."

  Tony: "When he is in the group in the future, we can just ignore him and let him entertain himself."

  Hattori Heiji: "I agree, that guy is so arrogant, I guess we are despised in his heart. In that case, we don't need to pay attention to him."

  Yagami Taichi: "I will definitely ignore him anyway!"

  The old group members had already agreed to ignore Megatron in the future, while Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Jing did not speak.

  No way, they are new members and they are not familiar with each other at all, so when others speak, they are a little embarrassed to join in.

  Although they also felt that Megatron was a little too arrogant, the arrogance revealed between the lines made them a little uncomfortable.

  Megatron: "Humph! I didn't intend to let you guys take care of me. When I take the position of the group leader, the first thing I will do is to drive you all out!"

  Megatron: "I want to turn this chat group into something unique to our Decepticons!"

  After Megatron ordered Thunder Thunder, he returned to the chat group, and what caught his eye was Tony's chat record.

  Of course, he was not angry either, because Hattori Heiji said something right, in his heart, other people are just ants, and they are not qualified to be in a chat group with him!

  After he becomes the group owner, the first thing is to drive everyone else out, and then invite the entire Decepticon in!

  Therefore, he naturally won't be angry with the ants' words, and he doesn't put other people in his eyes at all!

  Later, Megatron saw the news of Zhou Xin again.

  What is the red envelope, Tony also talked about it before, you can send something to each other.

  Therefore, Megatron's first reaction was, is it because Zhou Xin, the group leader, is afraid of him, so he plans to send a red envelope to please him in advance?

  If this is the case, then he can keep Zhou Xin in the group.

  He still appreciates people who are knowledgeable about current affairs.

  As for the words of Whitebeard and the others, he didn't take it to heart at all, it was just a red envelope, what could he do to him?

  Megatron: "@周新, you are a guy who knows current affairs and is much better than others. Just for the sake of your red envelope, when I become the group owner, I can let you go and let you stay. group."

  Megatron: "By the way, since points are the most precious thing in the chat group, then you can give me all your points, and it can be regarded as your vote."

  Dragon Ball World.

  Zhou Xin smiled slightly when he saw the news of Megatron, and then put a trace of his strength in the red envelope and sent it to Megatron.

  Still want all his points?Megatron is just thinking about shit!

  Since Megatron started to provoke public anger, he has been sentenced to death in Zhou Xin's heart.

  Although Zhou Xin didn't know what would happen if he killed a group member, as the group owner, he shouldn't be punished.

  But it doesn't matter even if he is punished, Megatron is so arrogant, he will definitely die!

  Zhou Xin only released a little bit of his strength, because if there was more, he was worried that the entire planet of Cybertron, and even the entire galaxy would be destroyed.

  He was just unhappy with Megatron, there was no need to cause such a big disaster.

  Megatron: "The action is very fast, @周新, you have put all the points in, but you can't secretly keep some for yourself."

  Megatron is still there fantasizing, not knowing that he has been sentenced to death! .

Chapter 48

  On Planet Cybertron, Megatron nodded with satisfaction when he saw the red envelope sent by Zhou Xin.

  He also looked at the things in the mall before, and many of them made his heart beat!

  But the only way to get these things is to buy them with points.

  And these things require a lot of points. He just signed in, only a few dozen points, which is not enough.

  If Zhou Xin can send all his points, then his points should be a lot more.

  Since Zhou Xin is the group owner, his points should still be quite high.

  Megatron: "By the way, I remember that the chat group also has a live broadcast function, right, I am in a good mood now, so let you see the power of my world."

  With that said, Megatron opened the group live broadcast, and soon, his image appeared in front of all the group members.

  When they saw Megatron, everyone except Zhou Xin was stunned.

  Megatron is very different from what they imagined, and they originally thought that Megatron was also a person.

  But when they saw what Megatron looked like, they realized that he didn't look like a person at all!

  It's a bit like some kind of transportation has become refined.

  Megatron: "This is the world I live in! It's not at the same level as yours!"

  Megatron started to visit the Decepticon base while streaming live.

  Megatron: "These are the members of the Decepticons, and I am the founder and leader of the Decepticons! So you know what I am, and you know the universe, even if I am in the universe. Survival is no problem, can you?"

  Megatron was showing off while broadcasting live, since he wanted to sit in the position of the group owner, he had to wait for other functions of the chat group to be activated.

  Then he still needs to stay in the group with other people for a while.

  In that case, he doesn't mind showing his strength and the strength of the Decepticons.

  Let other people know how stupid their previous words really were, and let them be in awe of themselves!

  The reverence of ants is sometimes necessary.

  To be honest, others were a little surprised when they saw Megatron's world.

  If nothing else, it was enough to surprise them that all kinds of vehicles and machines were perfect.

  It's just that, although they haven't seen the world where Zhou Xin lives.

  But from the things in the mall, it can be judged that the Dragon Ball world where Zhou Xin is located is very unusual.

  If it was an ordinary world, how could there be so many powerful things!

  So in Tony's opinion, Zhou Xin is better.

  No, it should be a lot of wins.

  Of course, Tony and the others can easily accept Megatron's world, but Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Jing, two ancient people, have a hard time accepting it.

  It was really hard for them to imagine what Megatron was, and he didn't look like a human at all.

  They don't even know what Megatron looks like!

  Megatron: "Okay, after showing you my base, you should know how small you are."

  Megatron: "Let me see now, how many points are in the red envelopes that the current group owner has sent me."

  With that said, Megatron opened the red envelope.

  However, the points he imagined did not appear. Instead, there was a very small trace of purple-black energy filaments that could not be clearly seen if you didn't look carefully!

  Megatron: "This is not a point! @周新, you guy, how dare you lie to me!"

  Tony: "It seems that the group owner has never said that they will give points, but the group owner is the group owner, and he actually sent a hair to Megatron, which is really high!"

  Hattori Heiji: "I think the group owner wants to tell Megatron that he's a jerk."

  Whitebeard: "Do you think we should follow the example of the group leader and give Megatron a hair too?"

  However, just after the news of Whitebeard was sent, everyone could clearly see that in their eyes, the energy threads of hair exploded suddenly.

  Then, a very huge burst of energy burst out, which devoured Megatron in an instant.

  The live broadcast continues, but now Tony and the others are watching from a third perspective.

  They were surprised to see that Megatron had completely disappeared in the explosion.

  Not only that, the entire Decepticon base has been wiped out, and even, I don't know if the chat group wants to let other people know the fate of offending the group owner.

  The perspective of the live broadcast was actually pulled into the universe, and a huge planet appeared in front of everyone.

  However, after a while, half of the planet exploded and became dust in the universe!

  A trace of Zhou Xin's energy not only wiped out Megatron and the entire Decepticon, but even destroyed half of the planet Cybertron!

  "Fortunately, if there is more energy, the entire Cybertron planet will be destroyed, and Optimus Prime will also be affected."

  Zhou Xin was very fortunate to see the half-destroyed planet Cybertron.

  The energy he put into the red envelope is just right! .

Chapter 49

  Zhou Xin is glad that his energy is just right, but the other people in the group have been completely stupid.

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