Chapter 55

  Before Tiki got the dark fruit, his strength was not very strong, so he didn't feel that there were many people squatting outside Saqi's room.

  So, seeing Whitebeard and Marco appear, Titch opened his mouth wide, his eyes wide, and he looked stunned.

  He is not a fool, the time from Saatchi's movement to Whitebeard's appearance is too short.

  That is to say, before that, Whitebeard and the others were already squatting outside Saatchi's room.

  But the question is, why?How did Whitebeard and the others know that they would come to steal the Dark Fruit?

  Tickey was puzzled, and just when he was stunned, Marco and the others had already arrested him.

  Surrounded by so many masters, even if Titch ate the dark fruit, he might not be able to escape.

  Not to mention that he hasn't obtained the Dark Fruit yet.

  Through the live broadcast, Titch's stunned and unbelievable expression was also seen by others.

  Tony: "This Titch will never know how he was exposed."

  Hattori Heiji: "Seeing his expression reminds me of the murderers I caught before. Their expressions are similar to his."

  Yagami Taichi: "So don't do bad things!"

  Whitebeard: "@八神太一, Taiyi, the world of adults is very complicated. You are still young, so you don't understand it yet. You will understand when you grow up."

  Hattori Heiji: "But then again, when Taichi grows up, it is estimated that no one in his world is his opponent, and he doesn't need to understand those things."

  Tony: "By the way, @whitebeard, daddy whitebeard, since you've caught Titch, what are you going to do with him?"

  Whitebeard: "Originally, I thought that if he just stole the dark fruit, he could let him go, but he did it to Saatchi. Although he didn't succeed, he did it after all, so I can only be ruthless. down."

  Titch was caught in a current situation, and it would be unfair to Sage if he just let him go.

  "Tiki, I have long known that you are interested in the dark fruit. I deliberately handed the dark fruit to Saqi in front of you, just to test you. In the end, you disappointed me!"

  "Saatchi, I'm sorry, Dad took advantage of you."

  Whitebeard said to Titch and Saatchi respectively, and the reactions of the two were also completely different.

  Titch's reaction was unbelievable. He didn't know how Whitebeard knew that he was interested in dark fruits.

  And Saatchi looked at Whitebeard gratefully.

  Of course he wouldn't blame Whitebeard for taking advantage of him, if it wasn't for that, he couldn't have caught Titch!

  Moreover, because Daddy Whitebeard appeared in time, he was not killed by Titch.

  He was grateful that the white-bearded father was too late, how could he possibly blame him!

  "Dad, what should Titch do!"

  Marko looked at Titch and asked very unhappy.

  The others were the same, looking at Titch viciously.

  For them, killing their partner is the most unacceptable thing to happen. Titch's approach undoubtedly touched their bottom line!

  "Dad, can you hand him over to me to deal with, he is my subordinate, and if he makes a mistake, I am also responsible!"

  Ace stood up and said.

  He never imagined that his subordinates would actually do such a thing!

  If it wasn't for Dad's wit, he knew about Titch's conspiracy in advance, the consequences would be unimaginable!

  "In that case, Titch will be handed over to you."

  Although Ace didn't say what to do with Tiki, from his expression, Whitebeard and the others could tell that Tiki couldn't live.

  But none of them feel sorry for Tiki, if Ace doesn't take action, Tiki will die at their hands!

  Ace walked in front of Tiki, and the fruit power was activated, directly burning Tiki's limbs to charcoal!

  He did this, naturally, to prevent Titch from escaping.

  Although Titch's screams sounded very miserable, no one showed a sympathetic expression to him, but instead looked relieved!

  "If you want to steal the devil fruit and kill your partner, you are unforgivable!"

  "Wait the next day, I will deal with you in front of everyone!"

  Ace did not kill Titch immediately, but chose to deal with him in front of everyone the next day.

  He did this partly to let others know what Titch had done wrong and that he needed to be executed.

  On the other hand, it is also to kill chickens and warn monkeys!

  Ace doesn't know if there are people like Titch in the pirate group. He did this to tell these people that it's best not to have those thoughts that shouldn't be there!

  Whitebeard and the others naturally have no opinion on Ace's handling.

  Whitebeard: "Hoo~ I finally solved Titch's matter, which is considered to have pulled out a thorn in my heart."

  Tony: "Okay, I thought you'd be soft-hearted and let him go."

  Whitebeard: "If you let him go, it will be unfair to Saatchi, and it will also have a bad influence."

  Zhang Sanfeng: "Excuse me, what kind of martial arts is the way that person just cast flames?"

  He also thought that the fruit ability was a kind of martial arts. .

Chapter 56

  Flames can be emitted from his hands. Zhang Sanfeng has heard of such martial arts, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

  And even if it could emit flames, why did he see that Ace's entire hand turned into flames?

  The martial arts in other worlds are really amazing!

  Whitebeard: "Martial arts? What is that? Ace just used the fruit ability."

  Whitebeard didn't know what martial arts was, but he also knew that Zhang Sanfeng was a new recruit, so he explained to him what fruit ability was.

  After explaining, he also exchanged the dark fruit for points.

  Whitebeard: "Oops, I got another [-] points, so happy!"

  After redeeming the Dark Fruit, Whitebeard's points reached more than [-].

  Hattori Heiji: "I'm so envious! I don't even know what I can exchange in this world!"

  Tony: "Me too, when I'm done with Obadiah, I'll start researching the Iron Man armor, exchange one set, and keep one for myself!"

  Taichi Yagami: "I don't know if those Digimon can be exchanged. If so, I will exchange all Digimon! Including my future Agumon!"

  In the Digimon world, a certain Rollerbeast that was waiting for its master to arrive, couldn't help shivering.

  Zhang Sanfeng: "This exchange function can only exchange precious treasures. I don't know if my martial arts and martial arts count."

  Guo Jing: "Rong'er's dog-beating stick should be considered a precious treasure, but if I exchange it for it, Rong'er will probably kill me if she finds out!"

  Tony: "By the way, @周新, the group owner, since I've finished watching Whitebeard's live broadcast, shouldn't I upload a copy of the two newcomers, so that they can know their future destiny?"

  Whitebeard: "Yes, I can't wait to see the fate of these two newcomers."

  Because Whitebeard has a lot of points now, he spent a few hundred points to quickly read all the copies uploaded by Zhou Xin.

  It can be said that he is now the person in the group who knows the most about other worlds besides Zhou Xin.

  Zhou Xin: "Okay, I'll upload it now."

  "Ding! The group owner Zhou Xin uploaded the copy of Yitian and Dragon Slayer!"

  "Ding! Group owner Zhou Xin uploads a copy of the divine sculpture!"

  Because Guo Jing's timeline is already in the era of the eagles, there is no need to upload a copy of the era of the eagles.

  After uploading two copies, Zhou Xin got another [-] points. In addition to the points that Whitebeard gave him before, he now has more than [-] points.

  And he hasn't traded with Whitebeard yet. Once he trades, he can get another [-] points.

  The [-] points needed to break through can be collected immediately.

  Zhou Xin: "By the way, @张三峰, @GUO Jing, the two of you are in the same world, but the two of you are decades apart from each other."

  Zhou Xin: "@ZhangSanfeng, Guo Jing is the father of the woman you think about day and night."

  With a bit of bad taste in mind, Zhou Xin spoiled something in advance.

  Of course, it's not a spoiler, because Zhang Sanfeng must have guessed something.

  Whitebeard: "So it is, so it is! Interesting, really interesting!"

  Whitebeard also spent [-] points to read all the contents of the two copies, so he also knew what Zhou Xin meant.

  As for the others, if you want to know, you can only watch it slowly, who made them not have so many points!

  Heavenly world.

  When Zhang Sanfeng saw Zhou Xin's news, his heart, which had been silent for almost a hundred years, suddenly accelerated.

  Although he had guessed before, because he didn't know the magic of chat groups at that time, he couldn't guarantee it.

  But now, he already knew the magic of chat groups, plus the group owner said so.

  So he can already be [-]% sure that the Guo Jing who joined the chat group with him is the hero Guo Jing from decades ago.

  He is also the founder of the Emei School and the father of Guo Xiang!

  Thinking of the name Guo Xiang, Zhang Sanfeng thought of that quirky girl.

  This girl was sealed in the depths of his memory by him. He originally thought that there would be no chance to recall it, but now, he couldn't help being a little excited.

  Since Hero Guo Jing is in the group, does that mean that he still has a chance to see Guo Xiang?

  At this moment, in the minds of martial arts practitioners, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren are like immortals.

  Where is the demeanor of being the founder of the Wudang School and the number one martial arts master?

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