Otherwise, there would be no problem even destroying the galaxy where Cybertron is located!

  The reason why the group owner doesn't do that is definitely because he doesn't want to affect those innocent people.

  After all, no one knows how many lives there are in a galaxy, but it must be a terrifying astronomical number!

  The group leader has great power, but has a kind and benevolent heart.

  If such a person can't be the leader of the group, who else can!

  The distance from the earth to the Kaiwang God Realm is very long, but because the Kaiwang God Realm is where the Kaiwang God is, ordinary people cannot reach it at all.

  Or that it cannot be reached by ordinary methods.

  But if it is for some gods who are qualified to go to the realm of the realm of the kings, the realm of the realm of the kings is actually very easy to reach.

  Therefore, the time it took for Whis to come from the Earth to the Kaiwang Divine Realm was not as long as the time it took from Destroyer to the Earth.

  The Realm of the King of Gods is not in the seventh universe, it exists depending on the seventh universe.

  Moreover, the Realm of the Realm King is very large. Although it is a planet, it is one-tenth the size of the seventh universe! .

Chapter 63

  Because of this, if the King of Gods was in the seventh universe, it would be a bit too big.

  Although I have seen Jiewang Divine Realm in anime before, this is the first time Zhou Xin has seen it in real life.

  Even if you stand far away from the realm of the realm of the realm, it is difficult to see the complete realm of the realm of the realm of the realm.

  As expected of a place the size of one tenth of the seventh universe, no earth or any galaxy can be compared with it at all.

  Even if the super dragon is summoned in Kaiwang Divine Realm, the super dragon can be easily accommodated.

  Even Zhou Xin was amazed at the gigantic size of the Jiewang God Realm, not to mention the rest of the group.

  Even through the live broadcast, they can feel how huge this planet is!

  Tony: "What a big planet! This planet is bigger than the sun!"

  Hattori Heiji: "Why do I feel that the sun is as small in front of this planet as the earth is in front of the sun?"

  Whitebeard: "The universe is really a magical place! If there is a chance, I will go to the universe to see it too!"

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Dad, with the technology in your world, it's still a bit difficult to build a spaceship that can go to space."

  Tony: "But when my Iron Man armor is researched, I can sell you a set at a low price, and you can wear it to the universe."

  Whitebeard: "I don't think it's necessary. When I cultivate Qi to a stronger level, I can go to the universe just by flying."

  Whitebeard: "And I only need to buy a space suit to survive in the universe for a while, without your armor."

  Zhou Xin: "You misunderstood a little, this planet is not in the universe, but is attached to the universe."

  Zhou Xin: "Because it is so huge, it is one-tenth the size of a universe, so if it is placed in the universe, it will occupy a lot of space."

  Hattori Heiji: "One-tenth the size of the universe! And it's not even in the universe! My God, is there any other place outside the universe!"

  Tony: "With our current technology, even the complete universe has not been figured out yet, and even one-tenth of the universe has not yet been explored."

  Tony: "But this planet is actually one-tenth the size of the universe! @周新, the group leader, how big is the universe?"

  Zhou Xin: "The universe is indeed quite big. With your technology, it is impossible to explore the entire universe even in one direction."

  The universe is indeed very big. Don't see the level of God of Destruction. Even destroying the universe is very simple, but this does not prevent a universe from being really big.

  Even Whis, from Destruction God to Earth, is almost across the entire universe, and it takes an episode of anime to reach it.

  With the current technology of mankind, it is impossible to travel all over the universe.

  While Zhou Xin was chatting, Weiss took him into the realm of the King of Gods.

  As soon as they entered, they were attracted by a fierce battle not far away.

  In fact, they had known for a long time that someone was fighting Buu in Kaiwang Divine Realm.

  Soon, Weiss and Zhou Xin came to the vicinity of the battle between Sun Wukong and Buu, and stood on the top of a mountain to watch the battle.

  Beside them, Vegeta was also watching the battle.

  At this time, Sun Wukong has become a super three, and he is fighting fiercely with little Buu.

  Because of the chat group, other people in this battle group can also see clearly.

  Otherwise, at the current speed of Sun Wukong and Little Buu, it would be impossible for them to see.

  Whitebeard: "Fight to the flesh! This is the real battle! Now I understand why some people don't like to eat Devil Fruits, obviously after eating Devil Fruits, they can gain powerful strength."

  Whitebeard watched the battle between Sun Wukong and Little Buu, that punch, that kick, every time the two collided, Whitebeard felt his heart beat faster.

  And the blood in his body is boiling, he really wants to find someone to fight!

  Because of the shocking fruit, his battles rarely have such a fist-to-meat situation.

  Especially when he was young, as soon as the ability to shake the fruit is turned on, even if it is separated by a distance, he can knock the enemy flying, or even kill him!

  Therefore, he has not experienced the fun of this kind of battle!

  He now finally understands why Garp doesn't eat Devil Fruits, but fights the world with a pair of iron fists.

  Because the feeling of hitting your opponent with your fist is really cool!

  He looks cool, let alone what Karp has experienced!

  He didn't know it before, but now, Karp's happiness, he finally knows now!

  Whitebeard decided that when his cultivation in the martial arts of Qi surpassed his strength at his peak, he would exchange the shocking fruit.

  He will fight like this in the future.

  This kind of bloody battle is the romance of a man! .

Chapter 64

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Whitebeard Dad, will our future battles be like this? If we can, it's really cool!"

  Tony now feels that the fun of wearing Iron Man's armor is no longer at all, how can there be such a joy in fighting!

  Thankfully, he might be able to do the same in the future!

  Whitebeard: "Yeah, we have the cultivation method of Qi martial arts, these two fighting people should also use the martial arts of Qi, so it is really possible for us to do this."

  Zhou Xin: "Although I don't want to pour cold water on you, I can tell you clearly that you can't fight like this."

  Just when Whitebeard and Tony were excited, Zhou Xin's news calmed them down.

  Zhou Xin: "@Whitebeard, it's okay if Tony doesn't know, but you've already seen the complete copy of Dragon Ball Z, don't you know?"

  Zhou Xin: "When you saw this battle, didn't you think of something?"

  After Zhou Xin's reminder, Whitebeard finally remembered that the battle in front of him was the battle between Sun Wukong and Little Buu in the Dragon Ball Z copy!

  Whitebeard, who has seen the complete copy of Dragon Ball Z, naturally knows what level of strength is needed to achieve such a battle!

  Whitebeard: "@Tony, we were both too excited just now, let's calm down now. The group leader is right, with our Qi martial arts cultivation method, it is impossible to do such a battle."

  According to the plot of the copy of Dragon Ball Z, the way he and Tony get to practice the martial arts of Qi, the ultimate limit that can be reached, that is, like the last Krillin.

  There is no problem with starburst power and destroying the earth, but in the face of opponents like Little Buu and Super Three Sun Wukong, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder power!

  Sun Wukong has Saiyan blood!

  If they want to go further, they must also acquire Saiyan blood!

  Whitebeard didn't post these ideas to the group, otherwise Zhou Xin would definitely tell him that he didn't need it.

  Gaining Saiyan blood is just one way to get stronger, but it's not the only way.

  Relying on the cultivation method of Qi martial arts, one can also cultivate the strength to a very strong level, even surpassing the Saiyan bloodline.

  But then you have to get a more advanced cultivation method, such as the cultivation method of the strongest killer in the sixth universe, Hitt.

  Even the strongest human being in the eleventh universe, even more powerful than the eleventh universe's god of destruction, Yumei, Jiren's cultivation method!

  However, these cultivation methods are ridiculously expensive, and the Saiyan bloodline does not even have a fraction of them.

  Hattori Heiji: "By the way, this person who fought with little Buu looks like the Monkey King in the Dragon Ball copy!"

  Whitebeard: "Of course they are, because they are the same person at all!"

  Tony: "The same person? But isn't Sun Wukong black? And this guy has blond hair, and his hair is so long!"

  Whitebeard: "That's because Sun Wukong is a Saiyan, he has Saiyan blood, and his current form is the advanced form developed by Saiyan blood, and it is also the strongest form!"

  Whitebeard: "@周新, group owner, I'm right."

  Zhou Xin: "As far as the Dragon Ball Z dungeon is concerned, yes, this form is called Super Saiyan III. Once you become this form, your strength will be directly increased by [-] times!"

  Super one is fifty times the normal level, super two is twice that of super one, and super three is four times that of super two.

  Therefore, the super three is [-] times the normal, there is no problem!

  Hattori Heiji: "My God, four hundred times! Even if the normal state is just an ordinary person, if you become a Super Saiyan III, you can become a Superman!"

  Whitebeard: "This is only the weakest situation. With Saiyan bloodline and normal strength, how could he be just an ordinary person!"

  After knowing the power of the Saiyan bloodline, Whitebeard and the others want to get the Saiyan bloodline even more!

  However, Saiyan bloodline is too expensive, and it takes tens of thousands of points!

  Tony: "If I get Saiyan blood, I'm willing to turn me into this blond hair and long hair!"

  Hattori Heiji: "I would too! And this hairstyle looks very handsome to me!"

  Zhou Xin: "You think too much. Getting Saiyan blood doesn't mean you can become that way."

  Zhou Xin: "First of all, your strength must reach the standard, and secondly, you must know the correct transformation method."

  Think about how much Sun Wukong and the others suffered in order to become Super Saiyans?

  Of course, things like Trunks and Sun Wutian who can transform at such a young age don't count.

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