He finally admitted that Sun Wukong is the number one in the universe, surpassing him.

  As a result, an existence far surpassing little Buu appeared.

  Since Zhou Xin can ignore Little Buu's attack and easily hold Little Buu in his hands, it means that his strength is much stronger than that of Sun Wukong.

  He just admitted that Sun Wukong is the number one in the universe, just like a joke!

  "It's amazing! His strength is definitely much stronger than Little Buu! With him around, Little Buu is no longer a threat!"

  Compared to Vegeta, Sun Wukong's situation is much better.

  He was just surprised, originally he thought that Little Buu was already a very powerful existence, and even he couldn't deal with it.

  But now, there is an existence stronger than little Buu!

  Does that mean that there are still many strong people in the universe?

  Thinking of this, Sun Wukong was very excited.

  Although his current strength is not even a match for Little Buu, but he knows that there is a stronger existence, which gives him the motivation to continue to practice!

  "Useless attacks will only raise some dust."

  "Forget it, don't waste any time, get rid of you as soon as possible, and go back with the food as soon as possible."

  Zhou Xin looked at Little Buu and said lightly.

  Although the earth is now destroyed, but with the Dragon Ball of Namek, it can still be restored.

  So Beerus can still eat delicious food.

  Zhou Xin flicked his fingers, and a light spot the size of a grain of rice flew towards Little Buu.

  The blip was so small that it didn't look like the slightest threat.

  But everyone knows that this is not an ordinary spot of light, and there is great power in it!

  Zhou Xin shot, Little Buu couldn't dodge at all, the light spot hit Little Buu, and Little Buu was instantly swallowed by the explosion.

  in the chat group.

  Tony: "The group leader's shot this time is much more powerful than the trace of energy that dealt with Megatron before."

  Whitebeard: "That's for sure, Megatron and Little Buu are not at the same level. If the group leader uses this small light spot to deal with Megatron, it will not only destroy half of Megatron's planet. Simple."

  Hattori Heiji: "Yes, the galaxy where that planet is located will be destroyed!"

  Iori Taichi: "The group master brother is amazing!"

  Zhang Sanfeng: "It's not that this little Buu is not strong, but the group leader is really too strong!"

  Guo Jing: "Even if I only have one-tenth of the power of Little Buu, the Mongolian army is not enough!"

  Tony: "@Guo Jing, Guo Daxia, it's not just that the Mongolian army is not enough, if you can really have one ten thousandth of the power of the little Buu, even the earth and the solar system where the earth is located will be easy to destroy!"

  Little Buu's power can destroy the galaxy without any problem.

  So even if it is one ten thousandth of its power, it is more than enough to destroy the solar system! .

Chapter 69

  Everyone in the group thought that Little Buu was dead. After all, the whole person had been swallowed up by the explosion. If it didn't die, then its vitality was too strong.

  However, Sun Wukong and others at the scene knew that little Buu was not dead yet!

  Because they didn't feel the little Buu's qi disappear, they can still feel the little Buu's qi!

  "Could it be that even this mysterious powerhouse can't deal with little Buu?"

  A look of shock appeared on Sun Wukong's face.

  Zhou Xin was already a powerhouse beyond him in his heart, but he couldn't kill Little Buu.

  Then in this universe, who else can deal with little Buu?

  "Kakarot, although your strength is indeed very strong, when can you be smarter!"

  Vegeta glared at Sun Wukong and said a little unhappy.

  Although he admitted that Kakarot's strength was stronger than him, he did not admit that the other party's IQ surpassed him!

  Among the remaining Saiyans, it is estimated that Kakarot has the lowest IQ!

  The IQ of these two boys, Ranks and Sun Wutian, is even worse!

  "Vegeta, what do you mean!"

  Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta, he didn't know why Vegeta said that.

  "Don't you see that that mysterious guy is just a random move, stronger than your full attack!"

  "Even if you gather Qi for a minute, you can completely eliminate Little Buu. Do you think that if he wants to solve Little Buu, he can't do it?"

  "Then why did he deliberately let little Buu go?"

  "Who knows, but since he stood up to Buu, it should be resolved in the end."

  Vegeta looked at Zhou Xin's back, and even he didn't know what Zhou Xin wanted to do.

  With Zhou Xin's hearing, he naturally heard the conversation between Sun Wukong and Vegeta, but he didn't explain anything to them.

  He looked at the position where little Buu was just now, still so indifferent.

  Soon, little Buu recovered, but its face was full of anger.

  Of course, in addition to anger, there is also a trace of fear!

  It has been in the universe for so long, and this is the first time it has encountered an opponent like Zhou Xin!

  It felt a strong threat from Zhou Xin, a threat that could completely end its life!

  in the chat group.

  Tony: "No way! I just saw that this little Buu was bombed with no slag left, so he didn't die!"

  Whitebeard: "Yeah, it just appeared out of thin air. Could it be that it is immortal!"

  Because Little Buu was blown into a cell shape just now, Whitebeard and the others couldn't see it with the naked eye, and thought that Little Buu appeared out of thin air.

  Hattori Heiji: "If it's really immortal, how did the main group kill this little Buu!"

  Zhou Xin: "Actually, Little Buu is not immortal, but his recovery ability is a bit strong."

  Zhou Xin: "As long as there is one cell left, it can continue to regenerate."

  Tony: "Any remaining cell can regenerate! That's horrible too!"

  Hattori Heiji: "Doesn't that mean that if Little Buu scatters a part of his body elsewhere, it can regenerate infinitely and cannot kill it?"

  Others don't know what cells are, but Tony and Hattori Heiji do.

  Even an ordinary person has an astronomical number of cells, let alone an alien like Little Buu.

  As long as there is one cell, it can be regenerated. In fact, for them, it is no different from the immortal body.

  Zhou Xin: "So it needs a huge amount of energy, enough to completely destroy Little Buu, so that it can't even save a single cell."

  Another spot of light appeared in Zhou Xin's hand, the size of which was similar to the previous one.

  Sun Wukong and the others don't know the difference between these two light spots, but Weiss knows that the energy contained in this light spot is stronger than the previous one!

  In the previous light spot, Zhou Xin deliberately let little Buu go, in order to fulfill Beerus' request.

  Now that Beerus' request has been fulfilled, Zhou Xin has already taught little Buu a hard lesson, so he doesn't intend to waste time and just kill Little Buu!

  Seeing the light spot on Zhou Xin's hand, a trace of fear flashed in Little Buu's eyes.

  It was this thing just now, and it almost killed it completely, leaving only a few cells behind.

  If the energy of the light spot was a little bigger, it would be completely wiped out!

  Little Buu roared, raised his hands high, and a very huge energy ball appeared, almost the size of half a basketball court.

  It needs to solve Zhou Xin before Zhou Xin takes action!

  Little Buu threw the huge energy ball at Zhou Xin, and Zhou Xinye threw the light spot out.

  The contrast between the two's attacks is huge. The light spot the size of a grain of rice is very small in front of an energy ball the size of half a basketball court.

  However, it was such a small point of light that Buu's attack was easily disintegrated.

  Then, the spot of light flew towards Little Buu with unabated power. .

Chapter 70

  Looking at the small spot of light flying over, Little Buu wanted to hide, but found that the speed of this spot of light was not fast, but it couldn't dodge!

  In Little Buu's desperate eyes, the spot of light hit it, causing a more violent explosion.

  Under this violent explosion, Little Buu completely disappeared, not even a single cell was left behind!

  Although Zhou Xin's attack is small in size, in terms of power, it is stronger than the vitality bomb that Sun Wukong finally gathered the vitality of all the people of the earth in the original book!

  "Can, gone! Majin Buu's qi has completely disappeared!"

  Sun Wukong felt it, and found that he couldn't feel the anger of the devil Buu at all.

  In other words, Majin Buu has been completely wiped out, not even a single cell is left, and can no longer be regenerated.

  "Who is he! How could such a powerful person exist!"

  Vegeta was completely shocked by Zhou Xin's strength.

  Although he has never fought against the opponent, Little Buu is strong, but since even the Super Three Sun Wukong can't deal with it, its strength is evident.

  But such a powerful existence was instantly killed by a mysterious young man who suddenly appeared!

  How strong does it take to be able to do this!

  In the chat group, no one was surprised.

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