That must be very interesting!deficit.

Chapter 82

  Because the sixth universe is the closest to the seventh universe, Xiangpa and Vados are also the first to arrive.

  Xiangpa didn't bother Zhou Xin right away. The other gods of destruction had not arrived yet. If he educated Zhou Xin now, only Beerus would know.

  That's no fun, he's going to embarrass Beerus in front of all the gods of destruction!

  Of course, even if he wanted to find Zhou Xin, Beerus would not allow it.

  Zhou Xin is today's protagonist!Of course to maintain a sense of mystery.

  If a God of Destruction could see Zhou Xin, then there would be no lineup.

  Beerus has already planned that after all the gods of destruction arrive, he will let Zhou Xin appear again, and pass the position of the god of destruction to him in front of all the gods of destruction.

  Of course, there is a high probability that this guy like Pa will do something.

  This is just right, Zhou Xin, a new god of destruction, should indeed be his stepping stone and stand up.

  Like Pa, the weakest old-fashioned God of Destruction, is the most suitable candidate.

  At this time, Zhou Xin was staying in his room, waiting for Beerus to call him to appear.

  It is impossible to say that you are not nervous.

  The emotion of nervousness has nothing to do with strength, unless it is a guy like Sun Wukong who lacks roots, or it is normal to be nervous.

  Zhou Xin used to be a person who was easily nervous, and there was no such thing as making him perform shows in front of many people.

  Now he wants to take over Beerus's position in front of all the gods of destruction and become the new seventh universe god of destruction.

  In fact, it is no different from performing talent in front of many people.

  In order to ease his tension, Zhou Xin opened a chat group, intending to chat with other people to calm down.

  A month has passed, and other people in the group have also undergone some changes.

  Whitebeard: "After a month of training, my qi martial arts strength has finally surpassed my peak! The shock fruit on my body, three-color domineering, etc., can finally be exchanged for points!"

  Hattori Heiji: "@Whitebeard, Whitebeard daddy, the natural fruit of your world can only be hit by armed arrogance? If you don't have three-color arrogance, will it be inconvenient to deal with? what."

  Whitebeard: "Of course not. In the face of absolute strength, any natural fruit is useless."

  Whitebeard: "I tried to find Ace before, as long as I have qi mixed in the attack, I can easily hit the elemental natural fruit ability."

  Whitebeard still remembers that in order to test the martial arts of Qi, whether he could deal with the natural fruit ability, he even asked Ace to try it.

  The result of the experiment is that as long as he covers his body with a layer of qi when he attacks, which is commonly known as explosive qi, it is not too simple to hit the elemental Ace!

  Even, Whitebeard accidentally used a little more power and almost killed Ace with one punch.

  Fortunately, Zhou Xin critly hit a hundred fairy beans when he drew fairy beans before, and Whitebeard bought one at a low price.

  Otherwise, Ace would take a lot of time just to recover from his injuries!

  Tony: "I'm almost there. Although my cultivation progress is not as good as Father Whitebeard, but now I have no problem dealing with those terrorists."

  Tony: "My Iron Man armor has been researched almost, and I have researched the small Ark reactor, it's time to deal with that guy Obadiah!"

  Hattori Heiji: "Envy! Both of you have already cultivated results, but I don't even have the points to purchase the Qi martial arts training method!"

  Tony: "You should be fast. The points you signed in this month, plus the points you solved the case, should be almost [-] points. At that time, you can make transactions with the group owner."

  Yagami Taichi: "@Hatto Heiji, brother Heiji, you can at least get points by solving cases, I can only get points by signing in every day."

  Taichi Yagami: "I'm going to summer camp soon. I'm still just an ordinary child. At that time, I can only rely on Agumon to deal with those Digimon!"

  Hattori Heiji: "But after you go to the Digimon world, you can get points very quickly. There are so many Digimon, and many of them have the intention to kill the chosen children like you, you can kill them completely. Die them to get more points!"

  Zhang Sanfeng: "I also got points by signing in this month, but fortunately, I prepared a copy of all the martial arts exercises in our Wudang, and then exchanged them for points, so my points are approaching [-]. …”

  Guo Jing: "I'm pretty much the same. I exchanged a copy of all the martial arts from Rong'er and I. You don't know, sometimes I look at Rong'er's dog-fighting stick and want to exchange it, but In the end, it still didn't work!"

  Tony: "By the way, I remember that the group leader said before that his incarnation ceremony will be in a month. It's almost time now. I don't know if the group leader has become a god."

  Zhou Xin: "It's a bit of a coincidence, the ceremony of my incarnation happened today."

  Whitebeard: "Today! That group leader, can you start a live broadcast, can you also let us watch your incarnation ceremony! It must be very spectacular!"

  Tony: "+1! I want to see it too!"

  Hattori Heiji: "+10086! Group owner, start the live broadcast! Let us witness the glorious moment of your becoming a god!"

  Zhou Xin: "Actually, there is nothing to see in the ceremony of becoming a god, but some other things may be interesting to you."

  Zhou Xin: "Also, since you want to see it, let you see it, although it may be a little too early for you now."

  He didn't even spread the Dragon Ball Super copy to the group, and now Tony and the others are about to see the gods of destruction.

  This step is a bit fast!

  But that's okay, let them see those Gods of Destruction in advance, and when they see the Dragon Ball Super copy, it will become easier to accept.

  Because the pass has not yet started, it is meaningless to start the live broadcast now. Zhou Xin plans to wait for Beerus to call him before starting it.

  As time passed, other gods of destruction also arrived one by one.

  Although they were curious about what the protagonist looked like today, Beerus kept it a secret, so they could only suppress their curiosity.

  Finally, with the arrival of the last God of Destruction, all the other eleven universes have arrived.

  Things like the gathering of the Twelve Gods of Destruction have not happened for a long, long time.

  Quanwang Palace, the Grand Priest and Quanwang looked at the scene on the screen in front of them, it was Beerus and the others!

  This time, even the King Quan and the Grand Priest are paying attention to the succession of the throne! .

Chapter 83

  Since this was the first time the throne was passed in this session of the God of Destruction, it was normal to attract the attention of the King of Quan and the Great Priest.

  Moreover, these two big brothers usually stay in the palace of the whole king, which is very boring.

  Taking a look at the succession ceremony is also a way for them to have fun.

  "Beerus! Now that all of our gods of destruction have arrived, you can call out today's protagonist now!"

  The Seventh Universe Destroyer Star, Beerus hadn't said anything yet, but Xiangpa couldn't wait to scream.

  His impatient look has completely exposed what he wants to do.

  "This guy like Pa is going to make trouble. It seems that he will not let Beerus' pass this time go smoothly."

  "But it's normal. Like Pa and Beerus, a happy foe, if you don't fight for a day, you'll feel uncomfortable."

  "Only a guy like Pa can make trouble so casually. If this is replaced by another God of Destruction, it is estimated that he will be beaten to death by Beerus."

  "There's no way, who makes this guy like Papa lucky. Although his strength is the weakest among us, he has the strongest brother!"

  The other Gods of Destruction talked a lot, and they were not surprised at all about Xiangpa's troubles.

  They are also clear about the fight between Birus and Changpa.

  Just what they know, it has been no less than five times, which is that they haven't seen Xiangpa and Beerus for a long time.

  Who knows how many times they don't know?

  However, only elephants have this kind of treatment, and even a God of Destruction would not have the courage!

  For example, Quatra, the God of Destruction in the fourth universe, who is in conflict with Beerus, is a natural enemy because one of them is a mouse and the other is a cat, and there are some contradictions between them.

  But he would never dare to make trouble on such an important day as Beerus passed the throne.

  Really, Beerus Twelve God of Destruction's strongest title is vegetarian!

  If Xiangpa made trouble, he would only be beaten to death by Beerus.

  But if it was replaced by another God of Destruction, it would definitely be beaten to the point of death, and it would not be over in one go.

  Beerus will definitely ask them to practice his skills every once in a while!

  When he was a God of Destruction before, there were still some restrictions, but now he is no longer a God of Destruction, those restrictions are no longer useful to him!

  But what made the other Gods of Destruction feel strange was that, in the face of Nuppa's troubles, Beerus' anger did not appear as they imagined.

  Originally, they thought that Beerus would get angry and stop Xiangpa from making trouble.

  But Beerus didn't have any angry expression at this time, but was very indifferent!

  Some keen gods of destruction have guessed something, but some of them can't believe it.

  Because their conjectures are really shocking!

  "Xiangpa, what are you anxious about, today's protagonist is not you."

  "Also, restrain yourself, it's really a shame in front of so many gods of destruction!"

  Beerus glanced at Xiangpa and said lightly.

  However, his heart was still very unhappy.

  Although he is very confident in Zhou Xin, it is too embarrassing to be like Pa.

  Seriously, he really didn't want to admit that Changpa was his brother.

  He is so strong and the most powerful God of Destruction, how could he have such a disgraceful brother.

  What a shame for him!

  But there is no way, he can only say that Xiangpa is lucky to have such an excellent brother!

  After Beerus reminded him like this, Xiangpa finally came to his senses.

  He restrained himself for a while, but his high-spirited look was still quite obvious.

  With a helpless sigh in his heart, Beerus shouted at Zhou Xin's room.

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