Beard was completely panicked, he was in a panic, and hurriedly let others shoot! .

Chapter 96

  People are the most vulnerable in the face of death, facing death, they don't even know what they are doing.

  Just like the current bearded man, in a panic, he actually ordered others to shoot!

  To know that he is still in Tony's hands, if others shoot Tony, then he will definitely be affected!

  Therefore, his order is also equivalent to ruining his own life!

  Under normal circumstances, of course he would not issue such an order.

  But he is really panicked now, he feels the strength on his neck getting stronger and stronger, if he doesn't do anything, his neck will be twisted soon!

  So there is only one thought in his heart, and that is to do everything possible to get rid of Tony!

  Hearing what Big Beard said, the others looked at each other in dismay, and Big Beard's brain was short-circuited because of his panic.

  But they don't!

  If they attack Tony, the bearded man will definitely die too!

  But since the beards have ordered, they don't - so they don't implement it.

  What's more, when Tony kills their partner, they want to kill - Tony.

  Beard's status is relatively high, so he doesn't care about the lives of ordinary men at all, and he will die if he dies.

  But they are different. They usually stay together all the time, and they still have some feelings for each other.

  So, after some hesitation, everyone raised their guns and aimed them at Tony and Beard.

  Seeing the actions of those around him, Tony snapped the bearded neck without any hesitation.

  joke!He won't die if they shoot, but Beard will.

  In this case, he will lose one person's points.

  Tony moved quickly and took out the beard before anyone else could shoot.

  Soon after, a burst of sound rang out, and countless bullets flew towards Tony.

  Tony glanced at the bullets with some contempt, and then a layer of white arrogance appeared around him.

  With his current pure body, there is no problem in resisting these bullets.

  But his clothes couldn't do it. He didn't want his clothes to be smashed, and he would have no clothes to wear by then.

  Let him wear these guys' clothes, that's fine.

  Countless bullets hit Tony, but Tony still stood there unscathed!

  If you look at it slowly, you can clearly see that these bullets hit the arrogance around Tony, unable to move forward.

  Even the bullet was flattened, as if it had hit a diamond.

  Although Tony's explosive gas is still very weak, he still has no problem with resisting these bullets.

  There is no problem even resisting missiles!

  After a round of gunfire, Tony stood there unscathed, not even losing a single hair, and his hairstyle was still handsome.

  For Tony, this is a normal thing, but for others, it is shocking!

  Everyone stared at Tony in astonishment, as if they were looking at a monster.

  What did they see?So many people attacked Tony, fired so many shots, countless bullets, not to mention killing Tony, they couldn't even hurt Tony!

  what monster is this?How could someone not be afraid of bullets!

  The sound of gunfire also attracted other people in the cave. Almost everyone gathered outside the cave and surrounded Tony.

  Tony glanced at these people, and the people who appeared later had not drawn hatred, but those people had already drawn it before.

  Moreover, as long as he gets rid of those people before, the hatred of those who appeared after that will also be drawn.

  Action is worse than heartbeat, these people have become a lot of points in his opinion.

  As Tony started to do it, the people who appeared later finally realized that something was wrong.

  Neither Tony's performance nor the performance of their buddies was wrong.

  How could anyone break an adult's neck so easily?

  Even Hercules need a little time to do it!

  Moreover, why are their partners just standing and not shooting!

  If their buddies don't shoot, then they shoot!

  The people who came over after that raised their guns and started shooting Tony frantically.

  As for whether it will affect their partners, they can't control so much.

  Anyway, those partners have been almost solved by Tony.

  Soon, they will know why their partners don't shoot, because it's useless to shoot!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Monster! He's a monster!"

  "Hurry up and escape! There are people who are not afraid of bullets! He is a monster, everyone, hurry up and escape!"

  The rest of the people immediately panicked, and they started to run away one by one, and even threw away their equipment in order to run faster.

  Anyway, the gun is useless to Tony, and it doesn't make any sense to hold it!

  However, how could they escape as fast as Tony?

  Although they escaped separately, with Tony's speed, he could completely get rid of all these guys.

  It took a while, and finally, Tony got everyone out of the way.

  He also went into the cave to check to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net, but there were none.


  The grievances between him and these terrorists finally came to an end.

  Next, it's time to deal with Obadiah.

  "Tony, have you already invented a device that allows ordinary people to fly?"

  Seeing Tony returning unscathed, Ying Sen asked very curiously.

  He didn't believe that Tony could fly without using any device.

  "Almost, but this device can only be used by me, and this device is now in my body, so even if you want to see me, there is nothing you can do."

  About the matter of anger, even if it is said, Ying Sen will not understand.

  So, in order to prevent Yingsen from asking this question, Tony just made an excuse to perfunctory.

  "Tony, thank you for saving me, but why did you save me? You shouldn't know that I was caught by those people."

  "I've been here before, and I was almost caught by those guys."

  "So I checked those guys and found out they got you."

  "Because I almost had the same fate as you, I felt a little pity for each other, so I came to save you."

  "Of course, my main purpose is to get rid of those guys."

  Tony and Yingsen got on a plane while talking.

  This plane was prepared by him before, in order to take him and Yingsen back.

  Although he flew over before, he couldn't fly back with Ying Sen.

  On the plane, Tony opened the chat group.deficit.

Chapter 97

  Tony: "Everyone, my first and second plans have been successful!"

  Tony: "The Obadiah guy is now in disrepute, and the guys who kidnapped me and Ying Sen have also been dealt with by me, and Ying Sen has been rescued by me!"

  Tony was very happy to share his joy, and he was completely different from the ruthless killing Tony just now.

  In the chat group, he will always be the ordinary Tony.

  Whitebeard: "Congratulations! How is it, did you use the power of qi, how do you feel?"

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Whitebeard Dad, this feeling is really cool! Whether it's flying freely in the air, or being strong enough to resist bullets without damage, or even releasing simple energy balls, all It's a word, cool!"

  Although when watching the Dragon Ball copy, Tony expected that the power of Qi is very powerful, and it would be very cool if he could use it.

  But he didn't expect it to be so cool!

  This powerful force that can ignore everything is much stronger than his Iron Man armor.

  Although his Iron Man armor is very strong in the copy, the power of harmony is still incomparable.

  He is so cool now, I really don't know how happy the group owner, as well as the top masters in the Dragon Ball dungeons, will be!

  Whitebeard: "I haven't really used the power of qi yet, and I'm just using it casually to learn from my sons."

  Whitebeard: "But I've made up my mind, I'm going to do something big soon!"

  Tony: "A big deal? Are you trying to attack the Navy?"

  Whitebeard: "Smart! It's almost, I have almost finished the points of my sons, they will not become stronger in a short time, so I thought, come to an alternative top war! "

  Whitebeard: "In the copy, I went to attack the naval headquarters because Ace was caught by the navy and was about to be executed, so I wanted to save Ace."

  Whitebeard: "But now, in order to get more points, I'm going to attack the Admiralty!"

  Hattori Heiji: "I see! Once Whitebeard Daddy goes to attack the Naval Headquarters, the Navy will use most of its combat power to deal with you!"

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